
59 lines
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import Basic
import Foundation
import SPMUtility
import TuistSupport
/// Protocol that represents an entity that knows how to get the environment status
/// for a given project and configure it.
public protocol SetupLoading {
/// It runs meet on each command if it is not met.
/// - Parameter path: Path to the project.
/// - Throws: An error if any of the commands exit unsuccessfully.
func meet(at path: AbsolutePath) throws
public class SetupLoader: SetupLoading {
/// Linter for up commands.
private let upLinter: UpLinting
/// Manifset loader instance to load the setup.
private let manifestLoader: ManifestLoading
/// Default constructor.
public convenience init() {
let upLinter = UpLinter()
let manifestLoader = ManifestLoader()
self.init(upLinter: upLinter, manifestLoader: manifestLoader)
/// Initializes the command with its arguments.
/// - Parameters:
/// - upLinter: Linter for up commands.
/// - manifestLoader: Manifset loader instance to load the setup.
init(upLinter: UpLinting,
manifestLoader: ManifestLoading) {
self.upLinter = upLinter
self.manifestLoader = manifestLoader
/// It runs meet on each command if it is not met.
/// - Parameter path: Path to the project.
/// - Throws: An error if any of the commands exit unsuccessfully
/// or if there isn't a `Setup.swift` file within the project path.
public func meet(at path: AbsolutePath) throws {
let setup = try manifestLoader.loadSetup(at: path)
try { command in upLinter.lint(up: command) }
.flatMap { $0 }
try setup.forEach { command in
if try !command.isMet(projectPath: path) {
logger.notice("Configuring \(", metadata: .subsection)
try path)