
71 lines
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Feature: Generate a new project using Tuist (suite 3)
Scenario: The project is an iOS application with frameworks and tests (ios_app_with_framework_linking_static_framework)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_framework_linking_static_framework into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphoneos' contains resource 'Frameworks/Framework1.framework/Framework1'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphoneos' does not contain resource 'Frameworks/Framework2.framework/Framework2'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphoneos' does not contain resource 'Frameworks/Framework3.framework/Framework3'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphoneos' does not contain resource 'Frameworks/Framework4.framework/Framework4'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphoneos' does not contain headers
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme AppTests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Framework1
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Framework1Tests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Framework2
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Framework2Tests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Framework3
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Framework3Tests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Framework4
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Framework4Tests
Scenario: The project is an iOS application that has resources (ios_app_with_custom_scheme)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_custom_scheme into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App-Debug
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App-Release
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App-Local
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme AppTests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Framework1
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Framework1Tests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Framework2
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Framework2Tests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Workspace-App
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Workspace-App
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme Workspace-Framework
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme Workspace-Framework
Scenario: The project is an iOS application with local Swift package (ios_app_with_local_swift_package)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_local_swift_package into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme AppTests
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme LibraryA
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme LibraryB
Scenario: The project is an iOS application with multiple configurations (ios_app_with_multi_configs)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_multi_configs into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then the scheme App has a build setting CUSTOM_FLAG with value "Debug" for the configuration Debug
Then the scheme App has a build setting CUSTOM_FLAG with value "Beta" for the configuration Beta
Then the scheme App has a build setting CUSTOM_FLAG with value "Release" for the configuration Release
Then the scheme Framework2 has a build setting CUSTOM_FLAG with value "Debug" for the configuration Debug
Then the scheme Framework2 has a build setting CUSTOM_FLAG with value "Target.Beta" for the configuration Beta
Then the scheme Framework2 has a build setting CUSTOM_FLAG with value "Release" for the configuration Release
Then I should be able to archive for iOS the scheme App
Then I should be able to analyze for iOS the scheme App
Scenario: The project is an iOS application with CocoaPods dependencies (ios_app_with_pods)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_pods into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App