
71 lines
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import Foundation
import GraphViz
import TSCBasic
import TuistCore
import TuistSupport
public protocol GraphVizGenerating {
/// Generates the dot graph from the project in the current directory and returns it.
/// - Parameter path: Path to the folder that contains the project.
/// - Returns: Dot graph representation.
/// - Throws: An error if the project can't be loaded.
func generateProject(at path: AbsolutePath, skipTestTargets: Bool, skipExternalDependencies: Bool) throws -> GraphViz.Graph
/// Generates the dot graph from the workspace in the current directory and returns it.
/// - Parameter path: Path to the folder that contains the workspace.
/// - Returns: Dot graph representation.
/// - Throws: An error if the workspace can't be loaded.
func generateWorkspace(at path: AbsolutePath, skipTestTargets: Bool, skipExternalDependencies: Bool) throws -> GraphViz.Graph
public final class GraphVizGenerator: GraphVizGenerating {
/// Graph loader.
private let graphLoader: GraphLoading
/// Mapper to map graphs into a GraphViz.Graph.
private let graphToGraphVizMapper: GraphToGraphVizMapping
/// Initializes the dot graph generator by taking its dependencies.
/// - Parameters:
/// - modelLoader: Instance to load the models.
public convenience init(modelLoader: GeneratorModelLoading) {
let graphLoader = GraphLoader(modelLoader: modelLoader)
self.init(graphLoader: graphLoader, graphToGraphVizMapper: GraphToGraphVizMapper())
/// Initializes the generator with an instance to load the graph.
/// - Parameters:
/// - graphLoader: Graph loader instance.
/// - graphToDotGraphMapper: Mapper to map the graph into a dot graph.
init(graphLoader: GraphLoading,
graphToGraphVizMapper: GraphToGraphVizMapping)
self.graphLoader = graphLoader
self.graphToGraphVizMapper = graphToGraphVizMapper
/// Generates the GraphViz.Graph from the project in the current directory and returns it.
/// - Parameter path: Path to the folder that contains the project.
/// - Returns: GraphViz graph representation.
/// - Throws: An error if the project can't be loaded.
public func generateProject(at path: AbsolutePath, skipTestTargets: Bool, skipExternalDependencies: Bool) throws -> GraphViz.Graph {
let (graph, _) = try graphLoader.loadProject(path: path)
return graph, skipTestTargets: skipTestTargets, skipExternalDependencies: skipExternalDependencies)
/// Generates the dot graph from the workspace in the current directory and returns it.
/// - Parameter path: Path to the folder that contains the workspace.
/// - Returns: Dot graph representation.
/// - Throws: An error if the workspace can't be loaded.
public func generateWorkspace(at path: AbsolutePath, skipTestTargets: Bool, skipExternalDependencies: Bool) throws -> GraphViz.Graph {
let graph = try graphLoader.loadWorkspace(path: path)
return graph, skipTestTargets: skipTestTargets, skipExternalDependencies: skipExternalDependencies)