
45 lines
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Feature: Generate a new project using Tuist (suite 2)
Scenario: The project is an iOS application with SDK dependencies (ios_app_with_sdk)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_sdk into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme AppTests
Then I should be able to build for macOS the scheme MacFramework
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme StaticFramework
Then I should be able to test for iOS the scheme StaticFrameworkTests
Then I should be able to build for tvOS the scheme TVFramework
Scenario: The project is an iOS application that has resources (ios_app_with_framework_and_resources)
Given that tuist is available
And I have a working directory
Then I copy the fixture ios_app_with_framework_and_resources into the working directory
Then tuist generates the project
Then I should be able to build for iOS the scheme App
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'tuist.png'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'Examples/item.json'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'Examples/list.json'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource ''
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'resource.txt'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'en.lproj/Greetings.strings'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'fr.lproj/Greetings.strings'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'resource_without_extension'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' does not contain resource 'do_not_include.dat'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFrameworkResources.bundle'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFramework2Resources.bundle'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFramework3Resources.bundle'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFramework4Resources.bundle'
Then the product '' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' does not contain headers
Then the product 'StaticFrameworkResources.bundle' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'tuist-bundle.png'
Then the product 'StaticFramework2Resources.bundle' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFramework2Resources-tuist.png'
Then the product 'StaticFramework3Resources.bundle' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFramework3Resources-tuist.png'
Then the product 'StaticFramework4Resources.bundle' with destination 'Debug-iphonesimulator' contains resource 'StaticFramework4Resources-tuist.png'
Then a file App/Derived/Sources/Bundle+App.swift exists
Then a file App/Derived/Sources/Strings+App.swift exists
Then a file App/Derived/Sources/Assets+App.swift exists
Then a file App/Derived/Sources/Fonts+App.swift exists
Then a file App/Derived/Sources/Environment.swift exists
Then a file StaticFramework3/Derived/Sources/Assets+StaticFramework3.swift exists