[precompiled-methods] Add convenience methods to the precompiled nodes

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Pedro Piñera 2018-04-25 10:30:50 +02:00
parent 5820febdbf
commit 1794712466
1 changed files with 152 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import Foundation
class GraphNode: Equatable {
/// Node path.
let path: AbsolutePath
/// Initializes the node with its path.
/// - Parameter path: path to the node.
init(path: AbsolutePath) {
self.path = path
static func == (lhs: GraphNode, rhs: GraphNode) -> Bool {
return lhs.path == rhs.path
@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ class GraphNode: Equatable {
class TargetNode: GraphNode {
/// Project that contains the target definition.
let project: Project
/// Target definition.
let target: Target
/// Node dependencies.
var dependencies: [GraphNode]
/// Initializes the target node with its attribute.
/// - Parameters:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class TargetNode: GraphNode {
self.dependencies = dependencies
super.init(path: project.path)
static func read(name: String, path: AbsolutePath, context: GraphLoaderContexting) throws -> TargetNode {
if let targetNode = context.cache.targetNode(path, name: name) { return targetNode }
let project = try Project.at(path, context: context)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class TargetNode: GraphNode {
context.cache.add(targetNode: targetNode)
return targetNode
static func readDependency(path: AbsolutePath, name: String, context: GraphLoaderContexting) -> (_ dictionary: JSON) throws -> GraphNode {
return { json in
let type: String = try json.get("type")
@ -77,16 +77,15 @@ class TargetNode: GraphNode {
return try TargetNode.read(name: name, path: projectPath, context: context)
} else if type == "framework" {
let frameworkPath: RelativePath = try RelativePath(json.get("path"))
return try FrameworkNode.read(json: json,
projectPath: path,
path: frameworkPath,
context: context)
return try FrameworkNode.parse(projectPath: path,
path: frameworkPath,
context: context)
} else if type == "library" {
let libraryPath: RelativePath = try RelativePath(json.get("path"))
return try LibraryNode.read(json: json,
projectPath: path,
path: libraryPath,
context: context)
return try LibraryNode.parse(json: json,
projectPath: path,
path: libraryPath,
context: context)
} else {
fatalError("Invalid dependency type: \(type)")
@ -94,15 +93,106 @@ class TargetNode: GraphNode {
/// Precompiled node errors.
/// - architecturesNotFound: thrown when the architectures cannot be found.
enum PrecompiledNodeError: Error, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
case architecturesNotFound(AbsolutePath)
/// Error description.
var description: String {
switch self {
case .architecturesNotFound(let path):
return "Couldn't find architectures for binary at path \(path.asString)"
/// Compares two errors.
/// - Parameters:
/// - lhs: first error to be compared.
/// - rhs: second error to be compared.
/// - Returns: true if the two errors are the same.
static func ==(lhs: PrecompiledNodeError, rhs: PrecompiledNodeError) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.architecturesNotFound(let lhsPath), .architecturesNotFound(let rhsPath)):
return lhsPath == rhsPath
return false
/// Precompiled node.
class PrecompiledNode: GraphNode {}
class PrecompiledNode: GraphNode {
/// Binary linking type.
/// - `static`: static linking.
/// - dynamic: dynamic linking.
enum Linking {
case `static`, dynamic
/// Valid binary architectures.
/// - x86_64: x86 64 bits.
/// - i386: i386 (for the simulators)
/// - armv7: armv7 (OS device)
/// - armv7s: armv7s (OS device)
enum Architecture: String {
case x86_64 = "x86_64"
case i386 = "i386"
case armv7 = "armv7"
case armv7s = "armv7s"
/// Returns the path to the precompiled binary.
var binaryPath: AbsolutePath {
fatalError("This method should be overriden by the subclasses")
/// Returns the supported architectures of the precompiled framework/library.
/// - Parameter shell: shell needed to execute some commands.
/// - Returns: list of architectures.
/// - Throws: an error if architectures cannot be obtained for the framework/library.
func architectures(shell: Shelling) throws -> [Architecture] {
let output = try shell.run("lipo -info \(self.binaryPath)")
let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: ".+:\\s.+\\sis\\sarchitecture:\\s(.+)", options: [])
guard let match = regex.firstMatch(in: output, options: [], range: NSRange(location:0, length: output.count)) else {
throw PrecompiledNodeError.architecturesNotFound(binaryPath)
let architecturesString = (output as NSString).substring(with: match.range(at: 1))
return architecturesString.split(separator: " ").map(String.init).compactMap(Architecture.init)
/// Returns the whether the framework/library should be linked dynamic or statically.
/// - Parameter shell: shell util necessary to run some commands to get the linking information.
/// - Returns: linking type.
/// - Throws: throws an error if the linking cannot be obtained for the framework/library.
func linking(shell: Shelling) throws -> Linking {
let output = try shell.run("file \(self.binaryPath.asString)")
return output.contains("dynamically linked") ? .static : .dynamic
/// Graph node that represents a framework.
class FrameworkNode: PrecompiledNode {
static func read(json _: JSON,
projectPath: AbsolutePath,
path: RelativePath,
context: GraphLoaderContexting) throws -> FrameworkNode {
/// Parses a framework node.
/// - Parameters:
/// - projectPath: path to the folder that contains the Project.swift which has a reference to this framework.
/// - path: path relative path to the framework.
/// - context: graph loader context.
/// - Returns: framework node.
/// - Throws: an error if the framework cannot be parsed.
static func parse(projectPath: AbsolutePath,
path: RelativePath,
context: GraphLoaderContexting) throws -> FrameworkNode {
let absolutePath = projectPath.appending(path)
if !context.fileHandler.exists(absolutePath) {
throw GraphLoadingError.missingFile(absolutePath)
@ -112,24 +202,51 @@ class FrameworkNode: PrecompiledNode {
context.cache.add(precompiledNode: framewokNode)
return framewokNode
/// Returns the path to the framework binary.
override var binaryPath: AbsolutePath {
let frameworkName = path.components.last!.replacingOccurrences(of: ".framework", with: "")
return path.appending(component: frameworkName)
/// Library precompiled node.
class LibraryNode: PrecompiledNode {
let publicHeader: AbsolutePath
/// Path to the public headers folder.
let publicHeaders: AbsolutePath
/// Path to the Swift modulemap file.
let swiftModuleMap: AbsolutePath?
/// Initializes the library node with its attributes.
/// - Parameters:
/// - path: path to the library binary.
/// - publicHeaders: path to the public headers folder.
/// - swiftModuleMap: path to the swift modulemap file.
init(path: AbsolutePath,
publicHeader: AbsolutePath,
publicHeaders: AbsolutePath,
swiftModuleMap: AbsolutePath? = nil) {
self.publicHeader = publicHeader
self.publicHeaders = publicHeaders
self.swiftModuleMap = swiftModuleMap
super.init(path: path)
static func read(json: JSON,
projectPath: AbsolutePath,
path: RelativePath,
context: GraphLoaderContexting) throws -> LibraryNode {
/// Parses the library node from its JSON representation.
/// - Parameters:
/// - json: JSON representation of the node.
/// - projectPath: path to the folder where the Project.swift that references the node is.
/// - path: relative path to the library.
/// - context: graph loader context.
/// - Returns: the library node.
/// - Throws: throws an error if it cannot be parsed.
static func parse(json: JSON,
projectPath: AbsolutePath,
path: RelativePath,
context: GraphLoaderContexting) throws -> LibraryNode {
let libraryAbsolutePath = projectPath.appending(path)
if !context.fileHandler.exists(libraryAbsolutePath) {
throw GraphLoadingError.missingFile(libraryAbsolutePath)
@ -149,9 +266,14 @@ class LibraryNode: PrecompiledNode {
let libraryNode = LibraryNode(path: libraryAbsolutePath,
publicHeader: publicHeadersPath,
publicHeaders: publicHeadersPath,
swiftModuleMap: swiftModuleMapPath)
context.cache.add(precompiledNode: libraryNode)
return libraryNode
/// Returns the library binary path.
override var binaryPath: AbsolutePath {
return path