
207 lines
8.6 KiB

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import os
import re
PATH_TO_TRANSFORMERS = "src/transformers"
# Matches is_xxx_available()
_re_backend = re.compile(r"is\_([a-z]*)_available()")
# Catches a line with a key-values pattern: "bla": ["foo", "bar"]
_re_import_struct_key_value = re.compile(r'\s+"\S*":\s+\[([^\]]*)\]')
# Catches a line if is_foo_available
_re_test_backend = re.compile(r"^\s*if\s+is\_[a-z]*\_available\(\)")
# Catches a line _import_struct["bla"].append("foo")
_re_import_struct_add_one = re.compile(r'^\s*_import_structure\["\S*"\]\.append\("(\S*)"\)')
# Catches a line _import_struct["bla"].extend(["foo", "bar"]) or _import_struct["bla"] = ["foo", "bar"]
_re_import_struct_add_many = re.compile(r"^\s*_import_structure\[\S*\](?:\.extend\(|\s*=\s+)\[([^\]]*)\]")
# Catches a line with an object between quotes and a comma: "MyModel",
_re_quote_object = re.compile('^\s+"([^"]+)",')
# Catches a line with objects between brackets only: ["foo", "bar"],
_re_between_brackets = re.compile("^\s+\[([^\]]+)\]")
# Catches a line with from foo import bar, bla, boo
_re_import = re.compile(r"\s+from\s+\S*\s+import\s+([^\(\s].*)\n")
def find_backend(line):
"""Find one (or multiple) backend in a code line of the init."""
if is None:
return None
backends = [b[0] for b in _re_backend.findall(line)]
return "_and_".join(backends)
def parse_init(init_file):
Read an init_file and parse (per backend) the _import_structure objects defined and the TYPE_CHECKING objects
with open(init_file, "r", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
line_index = 0
while line_index < len(lines) and not lines[line_index].startswith("_import_structure = {"):
line_index += 1
# If this is a traditional init, just return.
if line_index >= len(lines):
return None
# First grab the objects without a specific backend in _import_structure
objects = []
while not lines[line_index].startswith("if TYPE_CHECKING") and find_backend(lines[line_index]) is None:
line = lines[line_index]
single_line_import_search =
if single_line_import_search is not None:
imports = [obj[1:-1] for obj in single_line_import_search.groups()[0].split(", ") if len(obj) > 0]
elif line.startswith(" " * 8 + '"'):
line_index += 1
import_dict_objects = {"none": objects}
# Let's continue with backend-specific objects in _import_structure
while not lines[line_index].startswith("if TYPE_CHECKING"):
# If the line is an if is_backend_available, we grab all objects associated.
backend = find_backend(lines[line_index])
if backend is not None:
line_index += 1
objects = []
# Until we unindent, add backend objects to the list
while len(lines[line_index]) <= 1 or lines[line_index].startswith(" " * 4):
line = lines[line_index]
if is not None:
elif is not None:
imports =[0].split(", ")
imports = [obj[1:-1] for obj in imports if len(obj) > 0]
elif is not None:
imports =[0].split(", ")
imports = [obj[1:-1] for obj in imports if len(obj) > 0]
elif is not None:
elif line.startswith(" " * 8 + '"'):
elif line.startswith(" " * 12 + '"'):
line_index += 1
import_dict_objects[backend] = objects
line_index += 1
# At this stage we are in the TYPE_CHECKING part, first grab the objects without a specific backend
objects = []
while (
line_index < len(lines)
and find_backend(lines[line_index]) is None
and not lines[line_index].startswith("else")
line = lines[line_index]
single_line_import_search =
if single_line_import_search is not None:
objects.extend(single_line_import_search.groups()[0].split(", "))
elif line.startswith(" " * 8):
line_index += 1
type_hint_objects = {"none": objects}
# Let's continue with backend-specific objects
while line_index < len(lines):
# If the line is an if is_backemd_available, we grab all objects associated.
backend = find_backend(lines[line_index])
if backend is not None:
line_index += 1
objects = []
# Until we unindent, add backend objects to the list
while len(lines[line_index]) <= 1 or lines[line_index].startswith(" " * 8):
line = lines[line_index]
single_line_import_search =
if single_line_import_search is not None:
objects.extend(single_line_import_search.groups()[0].split(", "))
elif line.startswith(" " * 12):
line_index += 1
type_hint_objects[backend] = objects
line_index += 1
return import_dict_objects, type_hint_objects
def analyze_results(import_dict_objects, type_hint_objects):
Analyze the differences between _import_structure objects and TYPE_CHECKING objects found in an init.
def find_duplicates(seq):
return [k for k, v in collections.Counter(seq).items() if v > 1]
if list(import_dict_objects.keys()) != list(type_hint_objects.keys()):
return ["Both sides of the init do not have the same backends!"]
errors = []
for key in import_dict_objects.keys():
duplicate_imports = find_duplicates(import_dict_objects[key])
if duplicate_imports:
errors.append(f"Duplicate _import_structure definitions for: {duplicate_imports}")
duplicate_type_hints = find_duplicates(type_hint_objects[key])
if duplicate_type_hints:
errors.append(f"Duplicate TYPE_CHECKING objects for: {duplicate_type_hints}")
if sorted(set(import_dict_objects[key])) != sorted(set(type_hint_objects[key])):
name = "base imports" if key == "none" else f"{key} backend"
errors.append(f"Differences for {name}:")
for a in type_hint_objects[key]:
if a not in import_dict_objects[key]:
errors.append(f" {a} in TYPE_HINT but not in _import_structure.")
for a in import_dict_objects[key]:
if a not in type_hint_objects[key]:
errors.append(f" {a} in _import_structure but not in TYPE_HINT.")
return errors
def check_all_inits():
Check all inits in the transformers repo and raise an error if at least one does not define the same objects in
both halves.
failures = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(PATH_TO_TRANSFORMERS):
if "" in files:
fname = os.path.join(root, "")
objects = parse_init(fname)
if objects is not None:
errors = analyze_results(*objects)
if len(errors) > 0:
errors[0] = f"Problem in {fname}, both halves do not define the same objects.\n{errors[0]}"
if len(failures) > 0:
raise ValueError("\n\n".join(failures))
if __name__ == "__main__":