
328 lines
13 KiB

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import importlib
import inspect
import os
import re
# All paths are set with the intent you should run this script from the root of the repo with the command
# python utils/
PATH_TO_TRANSFORMERS = "src/transformers"
PATH_TO_TESTS = "tests"
PATH_TO_DOC = "docs/source/model_doc"
# Update this list for models that are not tested with a comment explaining the reason it should not be.
# Being in this list is an exception and should **not** be the rule.
"BertLMHeadModel", # Needs to be setup as decoder.
"DPREncoder", # Building part of bigger (tested) model.
"DPRSpanPredictor", # Building part of bigger (tested) model.
"ReformerForMaskedLM", # Needs to be setup as decoder.
"T5Stack", # Building part of bigger (tested) model.
"TFElectraMainLayer", # Building part of bigger (tested) model (should it be a TFPreTrainedModel ?)
"TFRobertaForMultipleChoice", # TODO: fix
# Update this list with test files that don't have a tester with a `all_model_classes` variable and which don't
# trigger the common tests.
# Update this list for models that are not documented with a comment explaining the reason it should not be.
# Being in this list is an exception and should **not** be the rule.
"DPREncoder", # Building part of bigger (documented) model.
"DPRSpanPredictor", # Building part of bigger (documented) model.
"T5Stack", # Building part of bigger (tested) model.
"TFElectraMainLayer", # Building part of bigger (documented) model (should it be a TFPreTrainedModel ?)
# Update this dict with any special correspondance model name (used in to doc file.
"openai": "gpt.rst",
"transfo_xl": "transformerxl.rst",
"xlm_prophetnet": "xlmprophetnet.rst",
"xlm_roberta": "xlmroberta.rst",
"bert_generation": "bertgeneration.rst",
# This is to make sure the transformers module imported is the one in the repo.
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
os.path.join(PATH_TO_TRANSFORMERS, ""),
transformers = spec.loader.load_module()
# If some modeling modules should be ignored for all checks, they should be added in the nested list
# _ignore_modules of this function.
def get_model_modules():
""" Get the model modules inside the transformers library. """
_ignore_modules = [
modules = []
for attr_name in dir(transformers):
if attr_name.startswith("modeling") and attr_name not in _ignore_modules:
module = getattr(transformers, attr_name)
if inspect.ismodule(module):
return modules
def get_models(module):
""" Get the objects in module that are models."""
models = []
model_classes = (transformers.PreTrainedModel, transformers.TFPreTrainedModel)
for attr_name in dir(module):
if "Pretrained" in attr_name or "PreTrained" in attr_name:
attr = getattr(module, attr_name)
if isinstance(attr, type) and issubclass(attr, model_classes) and attr.__module__ == module.__name__:
models.append((attr_name, attr))
return models
# If some test_modeling files should be ignored when checking models are all tested, they should be added in the
# nested list _ignore_files of this function.
def get_model_test_files():
""" Get the model test files."""
_ignore_files = [
test_files = []
for filename in os.listdir(PATH_TO_TESTS):
if (
and filename.startswith("test_modeling")
and not os.path.splitext(filename)[0] in _ignore_files
return test_files
# If some doc source files should be ignored when checking models are all documented, they should be added in the
# nested list _ignore_modules of this function.
def get_model_doc_files():
""" Get the model doc files."""
_ignore_modules = [
doc_files = []
for filename in os.listdir(PATH_TO_DOC):
if os.path.isfile(f"{PATH_TO_DOC}/{filename}") and not os.path.splitext(filename)[0] in _ignore_modules:
return doc_files
# This is a bit hacky but I didn't find a way to import the test_file as a module and read inside the tester class
# for the all_model_classes variable.
def find_tested_models(test_file):
""" Parse the content of test_file to detect what's in all_model_classes"""
# This is a bit hacky but I didn't find a way to import the test_file as a module and read inside the class
with open(os.path.join(PATH_TO_TESTS, test_file)) as f:
content =
all_models = re.findall(r"all_model_classes\s+=\s+\(\s*\(([^\)]*)\)", content)
# Check with one less parenthesis
if len(all_models) == 0:
all_models = re.findall(r"all_model_classes\s+=\s+\(([^\)]*)\)", content)
if len(all_models) > 0:
model_tested = []
for entry in all_models:
for line in entry.split(","):
name = line.strip()
if len(name) > 0:
return model_tested
def check_models_are_tested(module, test_file):
""" Check models defined in module are tested in test_file."""
defined_models = get_models(module)
tested_models = find_tested_models(test_file)
if tested_models is None:
return [
f"{test_file} should define `all_model_classes` to apply common tests to the models it tests. "
+ "If this intentional, add the test filename to `TEST_FILES_WITH_NO_COMMON_TESTS` in the file "
+ "`utils/`."
failures = []
for model_name, _ in defined_models:
if model_name not in tested_models and model_name not in IGNORE_NON_TESTED:
f"{model_name} is defined in {module.__name__} but is not tested in "
+ f"{os.path.join(PATH_TO_TESTS, test_file)}. Add it to the all_model_classes in that file."
+ "If common tests should not applied to that model, add its name to `IGNORE_NON_TESTED`"
+ "in the file `utils/`."
return failures
def check_all_models_are_tested():
""" Check all models are properly tested."""
modules = get_model_modules()
test_files = get_model_test_files()
failures = []
for module in modules:
test_file = f"test_{module.__name__.split('.')[1]}.py"
if test_file not in test_files:
failures.append(f"{module.__name__} does not have its corresponding test file {test_file}.")
new_failures = check_models_are_tested(module, test_file)
if new_failures is not None:
failures += new_failures
if len(failures) > 0:
raise Exception(f"There were {len(failures)} failures:\n" + "\n".join(failures))
def find_documented_classes(doc_file):
""" Parse the content of doc_file to detect which classes it documents"""
with open(os.path.join(PATH_TO_DOC, doc_file)) as f:
content =
return re.findall(r"autoclass:: transformers.(\S+)\s+", content)
def check_models_are_documented(module, doc_file):
""" Check models defined in module are documented in doc_file."""
defined_models = get_models(module)
documented_classes = find_documented_classes(doc_file)
failures = []
for model_name, _ in defined_models:
if model_name not in documented_classes and model_name not in IGNORE_NON_DOCUMENTED:
f"{model_name} is defined in {module.__name__} but is not documented in "
+ f"{os.path.join(PATH_TO_DOC, doc_file)}. Add it to that file."
+ "If this model should not be documented, add its name to `IGNORE_NON_DOCUMENTED`"
+ "in the file `utils/`."
return failures
def _get_model_name(module):
""" Get the model name for the module defining it."""
splits = module.__name__.split("_")
# Secial case for transfo_xl
if splits[-1] == "xl":
return "_".join(splits[-2:])
# Special case for xlm_prophetnet
if splits[-1] == "prophetnet" and splits[-2] == "xlm":
return "_".join(splits[-2:])
# Secial case for xlm_roberta
if splits[-1] == "roberta" and splits[-2] == "xlm":
return "_".join(splits[-2:])
# Special case for bert_generation
if splits[-1] == "generation" and splits[-2] == "bert":
return "_".join(splits[-2:])
return splits[-1]
def check_all_models_are_documented():
""" Check all models are properly documented."""
modules = get_model_modules()
doc_files = get_model_doc_files()
failures = []
for module in modules:
model_name = _get_model_name(module)
doc_file = MODEL_NAME_TO_DOC_FILE.get(model_name, f"{model_name}.rst")
if doc_file not in doc_files:
f"{module.__name__} does not have its corresponding doc file {doc_file}. "
+ f"If the doc file exists but isn't named {doc_file}, update `MODEL_NAME_TO_DOC_FILE` "
+ "in the file `utils/`."
new_failures = check_models_are_documented(module, doc_file)
if new_failures is not None:
failures += new_failures
if len(failures) > 0:
raise Exception(f"There were {len(failures)} failures:\n" + "\n".join(failures))
_re_decorator = re.compile(r"^\s*@(\S+)\s+$")
def check_decorator_order(filename):
""" Check that in the test file `filename` the slow decorator is always last."""
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
decorator_before = None
errors = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
search =
if search is not None:
decorator_name = search.groups()[0]
if decorator_before is not None and decorator_name.startswith("parameterized"):
decorator_before = decorator_name
elif decorator_before is not None:
decorator_before = None
return errors
def check_all_decorator_order():
""" Check that in all test files, the slow decorator is always last."""
errors = []
for fname in os.listdir(PATH_TO_TESTS):
if fname.endswith(".py"):
filename = os.path.join(PATH_TO_TESTS, fname)
new_errors = check_decorator_order(filename)
errors += [f"- {filename}, line {i}" for i in new_errors]
if len(errors) > 0:
msg = "\n".join(errors)
raise ValueError(
f"The parameterized decorator (and its variants) should always be first, but this is not the case in the following files:\n{msg}"
def check_repo_quality():
""" Check all models are properly tested and documented."""
print("Checking all models are properly tested.")
print("Checking all models are properly documented.")
if __name__ == "__main__":