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86 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors and The HuggingFace Team All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Utilities for constructing PyTrees of PartitionSpecs."""
# utils adapted from https://github.com/google-research/google-research/blob/master/flax_models/t5x/partitions.py
import re
from flax.core.frozen_dict import freeze
from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict
from jax.experimental import PartitionSpec as P
# Sentinels
_unmatched = object()
# For specifying empty leaf dict `{}`
empty_dict = object()
def _match(qs, ks):
"""Return True if regexes in qs match any window of strings in tuple ks."""
# compile regexes and force complete match
qts = tuple((re.compile(x + "$") for x in qs))
for i in range(len(ks) - len(qs) + 1):
matches = [x.match(y) for x, y in zip(qts, ks[i:])]
if matches and all(matches):
return True
return False
def _replacement_rules(rules):
def replace(key, val):
for rule, replacement in rules:
if _match(rule, key):
return replacement
return val
return replace
# PartitionSpec for GPTNeo
# replicate the hidden dim and shard feed-forward and head dim
def _get_partition_rules():
return [
# embeddings
(("transformer", "wpe", "embedding"), P("mp", None)),
(("transformer", "wte", "embedding"), P("mp", None)),
# atention
(("attention", "(q_proj|k_proj|v_proj)", "kernel"), P(None, "mp")),
(("attention", "out_proj", "kernel"), P("mp", None)),
(("attention", "out_proj", "bias"), None),
# mlp
(("mlp", "c_fc", "kernel"), P(None, "mp")),
(("mlp", "c_fc", "bias"), P("mp")),
(("mlp", "c_proj", "kernel"), P("mp", None)),
(("mlp", "c_proj", "bias"), None),
# layer norms
((r"ln_\d+", "bias"), None),
((r"\d+", r"ln_\d+", "scale"), None),
(("ln_f", "bias"), None),
(("ln_f", "scale"), None),
def set_partitions(in_dict):
rules = _get_partition_rules()
replace = _replacement_rules(rules)
initd = {k: _unmatched for k in flatten_dict(in_dict)}
result = {k: replace(k, v) for k, v in initd.items()}
assert _unmatched not in result.values(), "Incomplete partition spec."
return freeze(unflatten_dict(result))