358 lines
12 KiB
358 lines
12 KiB
Script which deprecates a list of given models
Example usage:
python utils/deprecate_models.py --models bert distilbert
import argparse
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import requests
from custom_init_isort import sort_imports_in_all_inits
from git import Repo
from packaging import version
from transformers import CONFIG_MAPPING, logging
from transformers import __version__ as current_version
REPO_PATH = Path(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))))
repo = Repo(REPO_PATH)
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
def get_last_stable_minor_release():
# Get the last stable release of transformers
url = "https://pypi.org/pypi/transformers/json"
release_data = requests.get(url).json()
# Find the last stable release of of transformers (version below current version)
major_version, minor_version, patch_version, _ = current_version.split(".")
last_major_minor = f"{major_version}.{int(minor_version) - 1}"
last_stable_minor_releases = [
release for release in release_data["releases"] if release.startswith(last_major_minor)
last_stable_release = sorted(last_stable_minor_releases, key=version.parse)[-1]
return last_stable_release
def build_tip_message(last_stable_release):
return (
<Tip warning={true}>
This model is in maintenance mode only, we don't accept any new PRs changing its code.
+ f"""If you run into any issues running this model, please reinstall the last version that supported this model: v{last_stable_release}.
You can do so by running the following command: `pip install -U transformers=={last_stable_release}`.
def insert_tip_to_model_doc(model_doc_path, tip_message):
tip_message_lines = tip_message.split("\n")
with open(model_doc_path, "r") as f:
model_doc = f.read()
# Add the tip message to the model doc page directly underneath the title
lines = model_doc.split("\n")
new_model_lines = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("# "):
with open(model_doc_path, "w") as f:
def get_model_doc_path(model: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
# Possible variants of the model name in the model doc path
model_doc_paths = [
REPO_PATH / f"docs/source/en/model_doc/{model}.md",
# Try replacing _ with - in the model name
REPO_PATH / f"docs/source/en/model_doc/{model.replace('_', '-')}.md",
# Try replacing _ with "" in the model name
REPO_PATH / f"docs/source/en/model_doc/{model.replace('_', '')}.md",
for model_doc_path in model_doc_paths:
if os.path.exists(model_doc_path):
return model_doc_path, model
return None, None
def extract_model_info(model):
model_info = {}
model_doc_path, model_doc_name = get_model_doc_path(model)
model_path = REPO_PATH / f"src/transformers/models/{model}"
if model_doc_path is None:
print(f"Model doc path does not exist for {model}")
return None
model_info["model_doc_path"] = model_doc_path
model_info["model_doc_name"] = model_doc_name
if not os.path.exists(model_path):
print(f"Model path does not exist for {model}")
return None
model_info["model_path"] = model_path
return model_info
def update_relative_imports(filename, model):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
filelines = f.read()
new_file_lines = []
for line in filelines.split("\n"):
if line.startswith("from .."):
new_file_lines.append(line.replace("from ..", "from ..."))
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def move_model_files_to_deprecated(model):
model_path = REPO_PATH / f"src/transformers/models/{model}"
deprecated_model_path = REPO_PATH / f"src/transformers/models/deprecated/{model}"
if not os.path.exists(deprecated_model_path):
for file in os.listdir(model_path):
if file == "__pycache__":
repo.git.mv(f"{model_path}/{file}", f"{deprecated_model_path}/{file}")
# For deprecated files, we then need to update the relative imports
update_relative_imports(f"{deprecated_model_path}/{file}", model)
def delete_model_tests(model):
tests_path = REPO_PATH / f"tests/models/{model}"
if os.path.exists(tests_path):
repo.git.rm("-r", tests_path)
def get_line_indent(s):
return len(s) - len(s.lstrip())
def update_main_init_file(models):
Replace all instances of model.model_name with model.deprecated.model_name in the __init__.py file
models (List[str]): The models to mark as deprecated
filename = REPO_PATH / "src/transformers/__init__.py"
with open(filename, "r") as f:
init_file = f.read()
# 1. For each model, find all the instances of model.model_name and replace with model.deprecated.model_name
for model in models:
init_file = init_file.replace(f"models.{model}", f"models.deprecated.{model}")
with open(filename, "w") as f:
# 2. Resort the imports
def remove_model_references_from_file(filename, models, condition):
Remove all references to the given models from the given file
filename (str): The file to remove the references from
models (List[str]): The models to remove
condition (Callable): A function that takes the line and model and returns True if the line should be removed
with open(filename, "r") as f:
init_file = f.read()
new_file_lines = []
for i, line in enumerate(init_file.split("\n")):
if any(condition(line, model) for model in models):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def remove_model_config_classes_from_config_check(model_config_classes):
Remove the deprecated model config classes from the check_config_attributes.py file
model_config_classes (List[str]): The model config classes to remove e.g. ["BertConfig", "DistilBertConfig"]
filename = REPO_PATH / "utils/check_config_attributes.py"
with open(filename, "r") as f:
check_config_attributes = f.read()
# Keep track as we have to delete comment above too
in_special_cases_to_allow = False
in_indent = False
new_file_lines = []
for line in check_config_attributes.split("\n"):
indent = get_line_indent(line)
if (line.strip() == "SPECIAL_CASES_TO_ALLOW = {") or (line.strip() == "SPECIAL_CASES_TO_ALLOW.update("):
in_special_cases_to_allow = True
elif in_special_cases_to_allow and indent == 0 and line.strip() in ("}", ")"):
in_special_cases_to_allow = False
if in_indent:
if line.strip().endswith(("]", "],")):
in_indent = False
if in_special_cases_to_allow and any(
model_config_class in line for model_config_class in model_config_classes
# Remove comments above the model config class to remove
while new_file_lines[-1].strip().startswith("#"):
if line.strip().endswith("["):
in_indent = True
elif any(model_config_class in line for model_config_class in model_config_classes):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def add_models_to_deprecated_models_in_config_auto(models):
Add the models to the DEPRECATED_MODELS list in configuration_auto.py and sorts the list
to be in alphabetical order.
filepath = REPO_PATH / "src/transformers/models/auto/configuration_auto.py"
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
config_auto = f.read()
new_file_lines = []
deprecated_models_list = []
in_deprecated_models = False
for line in config_auto.split("\n"):
if line.strip() == "DEPRECATED_MODELS = [":
in_deprecated_models = True
elif in_deprecated_models and line.strip() == "]":
in_deprecated_models = False
# Add the new models to deprecated models list
deprecated_models_list.extend([f'"{model},"' for model in models])
# Sort so they're in alphabetical order in the file
deprecated_models_list = sorted(deprecated_models_list)
# Make sure we still have the closing bracket
elif in_deprecated_models:
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
def deprecate_models(models):
# Get model info
skipped_models = []
models_info = defaultdict(dict)
for model in models:
single_model_info = extract_model_info(model)
if single_model_info is None:
models_info[model] = single_model_info
model_config_classes = []
for model, model_info in models_info.items():
if model in CONFIG_MAPPING:
elif model_info["model_doc_name"] in CONFIG_MAPPING:
print(f"Model config class not found for model: {model}")
# Filter out skipped models
models = [model for model in models if model not in skipped_models]
if skipped_models:
print(f"Skipped models: {skipped_models} as the model doc or model path could not be found.")
print(f"Models to deprecate: {models}")
# Remove model config classes from config check
print("Removing model config classes from config checks")
tip_message = build_tip_message(get_last_stable_minor_release())
for model, model_info in models_info.items():
print(f"Processing model: {model}")
# Add the tip message to the model doc page directly underneath the title
print("Adding tip message to model doc page")
insert_tip_to_model_doc(model_info["model_doc_path"], tip_message)
# Move the model file to deprecated: src/transfomers/models/model -> src/transformers/models/deprecated/model
print("Moving model files to deprecated for model")
# Delete the model tests: tests/models/model
print("Deleting model tests")
# # We do the following with all models passed at once to avoid having to re-write the file multiple times
print("Updating __init__.py file to point to the deprecated models")
# Remove model references from other files
print("Removing model references from other files")
"src/transformers/models/__init__.py", models, lambda line, model: model == line.strip().strip(",")
"utils/slow_documentation_tests.txt", models, lambda line, model: "/" + model + "/" in line
remove_model_references_from_file("utils/not_doctested.txt", models, lambda line, model: "/" + model + "/" in line)
# Add models to DEPRECATED_MODELS in the configuration_auto.py
print("Adding models to DEPRECATED_MODELS in configuration_auto.py")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--models", nargs="+", help="List of models to deprecate")
args = parser.parse_args()