730 lines
24 KiB
730 lines
24 KiB
- sections:
- local: index
title: 🤗 Transformers
- local: quicktour
title: 둘러보기
- local: installation
title: 설치방법
title: 시작하기
- sections:
- local: pipeline_tutorial
title: Pipeline으로 추론하기
- local: autoclass_tutorial
title: AutoClass로 사전 학습된 인스턴스 로드하기
- local: preprocessing
title: 데이터 전처리하기
- local: training
title: 사전 학습된 모델 미세 조정하기
- local: run_scripts
title: 스크립트로 학습하기
- local: accelerate
title: 🤗 Accelerate로 분산 학습 구성하기
- local: peft
title: 🤗 PEFT로 어댑터 로드 및 학습하기
- local: model_sharing
title: 만든 모델 공유하기
- local: transformers_agents
title: 에이전트
- local: llm_tutorial
title: 대규모 언어 모델로 생성하기
title: 튜토리얼
- sections:
- isExpanded: false
- local: tasks/sequence_classification
title: 텍스트 분류
- local: tasks/token_classification
title: 토큰 분류
- local: tasks/question_answering
title: 질의 응답(Question Answering)
- local: tasks/language_modeling
title: 인과적 언어 모델링(Causal language modeling)
- local: tasks/masked_language_modeling
title: 마스킹된 언어 모델링(Masked language modeling)
- local: tasks/translation
title: 번역
- local: tasks/summarization
title: 요약
- local: tasks/multiple_choice
title: 객관식 문제(Multiple Choice)
title: 자연어처리
- isExpanded: false
- local: tasks/audio_classification
title: 오디오 분류
- local: tasks/asr
title: 자동 음성 인식
title: 오디오
- isExpanded: false
- local: tasks/image_classification
title: 이미지 분류
- local: tasks/semantic_segmentation
title: 의미적 분할(Semantic segmentation)
- local: tasks/video_classification
title: 영상 분류
- local: tasks/object_detection
title: 객체 탐지
- local: tasks/zero_shot_object_detection
title: 제로샷(zero-shot) 객체 탐지
- local: tasks/zero_shot_image_classification
title: 제로샷(zero-shot) 이미지 분류
- local: tasks/monocular_depth_estimation
title: 단일 영상 기반 깊이 추정
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Image-to-Image
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Image Feature Extraction
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Mask Generation
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Knowledge Distillation for Computer Vision
title: 컴퓨터 비전
- isExpanded: false
- local: tasks/image_captioning
title: 이미지 캡셔닝
- local: tasks/document_question_answering
title: 문서 질의 응답(Document Question Answering)
- local: tasks/visual_question_answering
title: 시각적 질의응답 (Visual Question Answering)
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Text to speech
title: 멀티모달
- isExpanded: false
- local: generation_strategies
title: 텍스트 생성 전략 사용자 정의
title: 생성
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Image tasks with IDEFICS
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LLM prompting guide
title: (번역중) 프롬프팅
title: 태스크 가이드
- sections:
- local: fast_tokenizers
title: 🤗 Tokenizers 라이브러리에서 토크나이저 사용하기
- local: multilingual
title: 다국어 모델 추론하기
- local: create_a_model
title: 모델별 API 사용하기
- local: custom_models
title: 사용자 정의 모델 공유하기
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Templates for chat models
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Trainer
- local: sagemaker
title: Amazon SageMaker에서 학습 실행하기
- local: serialization
title: ONNX로 내보내기
- local: tflite
title: TFLite로 내보내기
- local: torchscript
title: TorchScript로 내보내기
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Benchmarks
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Notebooks with examples
- local: community
title: 커뮤니티 리소스
- local: custom_tools
title: 사용자 정의 도구와 프롬프트
- local: troubleshooting
title: 문제 해결
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Contribute new quantization method
title: (번역중) 개발자 가이드
- sections:
- local: performance
title: 성능 및 확장성
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Quantization
- sections:
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Training on one GPU
- local: perf_train_gpu_many
title: 다중 GPU에서 훈련 진행하기
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Fully Sharded Data Parallel
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DeepSpeed
- local: perf_train_cpu
title: CPU에서 훈련
- local: perf_train_cpu_many
title: 다중 CPU에서 훈련하기
- local: perf_train_tpu_tf
title: TensorFlow로 TPU에서 훈련하기
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) PyTorch training on Apple silicon
- local: perf_hardware
title: 훈련용 사용자 맞춤형 하드웨어
- local: hpo_train
title: Trainer API를 사용한 하이퍼파라미터 탐색
title: (번역중) 효율적인 학습 기술들
- sections:
- local: perf_infer_cpu
title: CPU로 추론하기
- local: perf_infer_gpu_one
title: 하나의 GPU를 활용한 추론
title: 추론 최적화하기
- local: big_models
title: 대형 모델을 인스턴스화
- local: debugging
title: 디버깅
- local: tf_xla
title: TensorFlow 모델을 위한 XLA 통합
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Optimize inference using `torch.compile()`
title: (번역중) 성능 및 확장성
- sections:
- local: contributing
title: 🤗 Transformers에 기여하는 방법
- local: add_new_model
title: 🤗 Transformers에 새로운 모델을 추가하는 방법
- local: add_tensorflow_model
title: 어떻게 🤗 Transformers 모델을 TensorFlow로 변환하나요?
- local: add_new_pipeline
title: 어떻게 🤗 Transformers에 파이프라인을 추가하나요?
- local: testing
title: 테스트
- local: pr_checks
title: Pull Request에 대한 검사
title: (번역중) 기여하기
- sections:
- local: philosophy
title: 이념과 목표
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Glossary
- local: task_summary
title: 🤗 Transformers로 할 수 있는 작업
- local: tasks_explained
title: 🤗 Transformers로 작업을 해결하는 방법
- local: model_summary
title: Transformer 모델군
- local: tokenizer_summary
title: 토크나이저 요약
- local: attention
title: 어텐션 매커니즘
- local: pad_truncation
title: 패딩과 잘라내기
- local: bertology
title: BERTology
- local: perplexity
title: 고정 길이 모델의 펄플렉서티(Perplexity)
- local: pipeline_webserver
title: 추론 웹 서버를 위한 파이프라인
- local: model_memory_anatomy
title: 모델 학습 해부하기
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Getting the most out of LLMs
title: (번역중) 개념 가이드
- sections:
- sections:
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Agents and Tools
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Auto Classes
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Backbones
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Callbacks
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Configuration
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Data Collator
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Keras callbacks
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Logging
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Models
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Text Generation
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ONNX
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Optimization
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Model outputs
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Pipelines
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Processors
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Quantization
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Tokenizer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Trainer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DeepSpeed
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Feature Extractor
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Image Processor
title: (번역중) 메인 클래스
- sections:
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ALBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BART
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BARThez
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BARTpho
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BertGeneration
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BertJapanese
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Bertweet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BigBird
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BigBirdPegasus
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BioGpt
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Blenderbot
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Blenderbot Small
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BLOOM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BORT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ByT5
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CamemBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CANINE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CodeGen
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ConvBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CPM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CPMANT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CTRL
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DeBERTa
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DeBERTa-v2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DialoGPT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DistilBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DPR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ELECTRA
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Encoder Decoder Models
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ERNIE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ErnieM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ESM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FLAN-T5
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FLAN-UL2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FlauBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FSMT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Funnel Transformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPT Neo
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPT NeoX
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPT NeoX Japanese
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPT-J
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPT2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPTBigCode
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPTSAN Japanese
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GPTSw3
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) HerBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) I-BERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Jukebox
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LED
- local: model_doc/llama
title: LLaMA
- local: model_doc/llama2
title: LLaMA2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Longformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LongT5
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LUKE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) M2M100
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MarianMT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MarkupLM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MBart and MBart-50
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MEGA
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MegatronBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MegatronGPT2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) mLUKE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MobileBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MPNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MT5
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MVP
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) NEZHA
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) NLLB
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) NLLB-MoE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Nyströmformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Open-Llama
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) OPT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Pegasus
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) PEGASUS-X
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) PhoBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) PLBart
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ProphetNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) QDQBert
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RAG
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) REALM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Reformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RemBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RetriBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RoBERTa
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RoBERTa-PreLayerNorm
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RoCBert
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RoFormer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Splinter
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) SqueezeBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) SwitchTransformers
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) T5
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) T5v1.1
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) TAPEX
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Transformer XL
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) UL2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) X-MOD
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XGLM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLM-ProphetNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLM-RoBERTa
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLM-RoBERTa-XL
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLM-V
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) YOSO
title: (번역중) 텍스트 모델
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BEiT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BiT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Conditional DETR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ConvNeXT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ConvNeXTV2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CvT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Deformable DETR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DeiT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DETA
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DETR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DiNAT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DiT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DPT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) EfficientFormer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) EfficientNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FocalNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GLPN
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ImageGPT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LeViT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Mask2Former
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MaskFormer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MobileNetV1
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MobileNetV2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MobileViT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) NAT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) PoolFormer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) RegNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ResNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) SegFormer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Swin Transformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Swin Transformer V2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Swin2SR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Table Transformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) TimeSformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) UperNet
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) VAN
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) VideoMAE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Vision Transformer (ViT)
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ViT Hybrid
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ViTMAE
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ViTMSN
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) YOLOS
title: (번역중) 비전 모델
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Audio Spectrogram Transformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CLAP
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Hubert
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MCTCT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) SEW
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) SEW-D
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Speech2Text
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Speech2Text2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) SpeechT5
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) UniSpeech
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) UniSpeech-SAT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Wav2Vec2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Wav2Vec2-Conformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Wav2Vec2Phoneme
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) WavLM
- local: model_doc/whisper
title: Whisper
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLS-R
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) XLSR-Wav2Vec2
title: (번역중) 오디오 모델
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ALIGN
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) AltCLIP
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BLIP
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BLIP-2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) BridgeTower
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Chinese-CLIP
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CLIP
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) CLIPSeg
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Data2Vec
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) DePlot
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Donut
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) FLAVA
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GIT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) GroupViT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LayoutLM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LayoutLMV2
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LayoutLMV3
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LayoutXLM
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LiLT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) LXMERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MatCha
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) MGP-STR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) OneFormer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) OWL-ViT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Perceiver
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Pix2Struct
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Segment Anything
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Speech Encoder Decoder Models
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) TAPAS
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) TrOCR
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) TVLT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) ViLT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Vision Encoder Decoder Models
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Vision Text Dual Encoder
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) VisualBERT
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) X-CLIP
title: (번역중) 멀티모달 모델
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Decision Transformer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Trajectory Transformer
title: (번역중) 강화학습 모델
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Informer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Time Series Transformer
title: (번역중) 시계열 모델
- isExpanded: false
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Graphormer
title: (번역중) Graph models
title: (번역중) 모델
- sections:
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Custom Layers and Utilities
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for pipelines
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for Tokenizers
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for Trainer
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for Generation
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for Image Processors
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for Audio processing
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) General Utilities
- local: in_translation
title: (번역중) Utilities for Time Series
title: (번역중) Internal Helpers
title: (번역중) API