.PHONY: modified_only_fixup extra_quality_checks quality style fixup fix-copies test test-examples docs check_dirs := examples tests src utils modified_only_fixup: $(eval modified_py_files := $(shell python utils/get_modified_files.py $(check_dirs))) @if test -n "$(modified_py_files)"; then \ echo "Checking/fixing $(modified_py_files)"; \ black $(modified_py_files); \ isort $(modified_py_files); \ flake8 $(modified_py_files); \ else \ echo "No library .py files were modified"; \ fi # Check that source code meets quality standards extra_quality_checks: python utils/check_copies.py python utils/check_dummies.py python utils/check_repo.py python utils/style_doc.py src/transformers docs/source --max_len 119 # this target runs checks on all files quality: black --check $(check_dirs) isort --check-only $(check_dirs) flake8 $(check_dirs) python utils/style_doc.py src/transformers docs/source --max_len 119 --check_only ${MAKE} extra_quality_checks # Format source code automatically and check is there are any problems left that need manual fixing style: black $(check_dirs) isort $(check_dirs) python utils/style_doc.py src/transformers docs/source --max_len 119 # Super fast fix and check target that only works on relevant modified files since the branch was made fixup: modified_only_fixup extra_quality_checks # Make marked copies of snippets of codes conform to the original fix-copies: python utils/check_copies.py --fix_and_overwrite python utils/check_dummies.py --fix_and_overwrite # Run tests for the library test: python -m pytest -n auto --dist=loadfile -s -v ./tests/ # Run tests for examples test-examples: python -m pytest -n auto --dist=loadfile -s -v ./examples/ # Check that docs can build docs: cd docs && make html SPHINXOPTS="-W"