[tool.ruff] # Never enforce `E501` (line length violations). ignore = ["C901", "E501", "E741", "F402", "F823" ] select = ["C", "E", "F", "I", "W"] line-length = 119 # Ignore import violations in all `__init__.py` files. [tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "__init__.py" = ["E402", "F401", "F403", "F811"] "src/transformers/file_utils.py" = ["F401"] "src/transformers/utils/dummy_*.py" = ["F401"] [tool.ruff.isort] lines-after-imports = 2 known-first-party = ["transformers"] [tool.ruff.format] # Like Black, use double quotes for strings. quote-style = "double" # Like Black, indent with spaces, rather than tabs. indent-style = "space" # Like Black, respect magic trailing commas. skip-magic-trailing-comma = false # Like Black, automatically detect the appropriate line ending. line-ending = "auto" [tool.pytest.ini_options] doctest_optionflags="NUMBER NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ELLIPSIS" doctest_glob="**/*.md" markers = [ "flash_attn_test: marks tests related to flash attention (deselect with '-m \"not flash_attn_test\"')", "bitsandbytes: select (or deselect with `not`) bitsandbytes integration tests", ]