# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest import pytest from transformers import DetrConfig, MaskFormerConfig, ResNetBackbone, ResNetConfig, TimmBackbone from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow from transformers.utils.backbone_utils import ( BackboneMixin, get_aligned_output_features_output_indices, load_backbone, verify_out_features_out_indices, ) from transformers.utils.import_utils import is_torch_available if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import BertPreTrainedModel class BackboneUtilsTester(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(self): stage_names = ["a", "b", "c"] # Defaults to last layer if both are None out_features, out_indices = get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(None, None, stage_names) self.assertEqual(out_features, ["c"]) self.assertEqual(out_indices, [2]) # Out indices set to match out features out_features, out_indices = get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(["a", "c"], None, stage_names) self.assertEqual(out_features, ["a", "c"]) self.assertEqual(out_indices, [0, 2]) # Out features set to match out indices out_features, out_indices = get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(None, [0, 2], stage_names) self.assertEqual(out_features, ["a", "c"]) self.assertEqual(out_indices, [0, 2]) # Out features selected from negative indices out_features, out_indices = get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(None, [-3, -1], stage_names) self.assertEqual(out_features, ["a", "c"]) self.assertEqual(out_indices, [-3, -1]) def test_verify_out_features_out_indices(self): # Stage names must be set with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Stage_names must be set for transformers backbones"): verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "b"], (0, 1), None) # Out features must be a list with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="out_features must be a list got "): verify_out_features_out_indices(("a", "b"), (0, 1), ["a", "b"]) # Out features must be a subset of stage names with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"out_features must be a subset of stage_names: \['a'\] got \['a', 'b'\]" ): verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "b"], [0, 1], ["a"]) # Out features must contain no duplicates with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"out_features must not contain any duplicates, got \['a', 'a'\]"): verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "a"], None, ["a"]) # Out indices must be a list with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="out_indices must be a list, got "): verify_out_features_out_indices(None, 0, ["a", "b"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="out_indices must be a list, got "): verify_out_features_out_indices(None, (0, 1), ["a", "b"]) # Out indices must be a subset of stage names with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"out_indices must be valid indices for stage_names \['a'\], got \[0, 1\]" ): verify_out_features_out_indices(None, [0, 1], ["a"]) # Out indices must contain no duplicates with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"out_indices must not contain any duplicates, got \[0, 0\]"): verify_out_features_out_indices(None, [0, 0], ["a"]) # Out features and out indices must be the same length with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="out_features and out_indices should have the same length if both are set" ): verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "b"], [0], ["a", "b", "c"]) # Out features should match out indices with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="out_features and out_indices should correspond to the same stages if both are set" ): verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "b"], [0, 2], ["a", "b", "c"]) # Out features and out indices should be in order with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"out_features must be in the same order as stage_names, expected \['a', 'b'\] got \['b', 'a'\]", ): verify_out_features_out_indices(["b", "a"], [0, 1], ["a", "b"]) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=r"out_indices must be in the same order as stage_names, expected \[-2, 1\] got \[1, -2\]" ): verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "b"], [1, -2], ["a", "b"]) # Check passes with valid inputs verify_out_features_out_indices(["a", "b", "d"], [0, 1, -1], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]) def test_backbone_mixin(self): backbone = BackboneMixin() backbone.stage_names = ["a", "b", "c"] backbone._out_features = ["a", "c"] backbone._out_indices = [0, 2] # Check that the output features and indices are set correctly self.assertEqual(backbone.out_features, ["a", "c"]) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, [0, 2]) # Check out features and indices are updated correctly backbone.out_features = ["a", "b"] self.assertEqual(backbone.out_features, ["a", "b"]) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, [0, 1]) backbone.out_indices = [-3, -1] self.assertEqual(backbone.out_features, ["a", "c"]) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, [-3, -1]) @slow @require_torch def test_load_backbone_from_config(self): """ Test that load_backbone correctly loads a backbone from a backbone config. """ config = MaskFormerConfig(backbone_config=ResNetConfig(out_indices=(0, 2))) backbone = load_backbone(config) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_features, ["stem", "stage2"]) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, (0, 2)) self.assertIsInstance(backbone, ResNetBackbone) @slow @require_torch def test_load_backbone_from_checkpoint(self): """ Test that load_backbone correctly loads a backbone from a checkpoint. """ config = MaskFormerConfig(backbone="microsoft/resnet-18", backbone_config=None) backbone = load_backbone(config) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, [4]) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_features, ["stage4"]) self.assertIsInstance(backbone, ResNetBackbone) config = MaskFormerConfig( backbone="resnet18", use_timm_backbone=True, ) backbone = load_backbone(config) # We can't know ahead of time the exact output features and indices, or the layer names before # creating the timm model, so it defaults to the last layer (-1,) and has a different layer name self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, (-1,)) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_features, ["layer4"]) self.assertIsInstance(backbone, TimmBackbone) @slow @require_torch def test_load_backbone_backbone_kwargs(self): """ Test that load_backbone correctly configures the loaded backbone with the provided kwargs. """ config = MaskFormerConfig(backbone="resnet18", use_timm_backbone=True, backbone_kwargs={"out_indices": (0, 1)}) backbone = load_backbone(config) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, (0, 1)) self.assertIsInstance(backbone, TimmBackbone) config = MaskFormerConfig(backbone="microsoft/resnet-18", backbone_kwargs={"out_indices": (0, 2)}) backbone = load_backbone(config) self.assertEqual(backbone.out_indices, (0, 2)) self.assertIsInstance(backbone, ResNetBackbone) # Check can't be passed with a backone config with pytest.raises(ValueError): config = MaskFormerConfig( backbone="microsoft/resnet-18", backbone_config=ResNetConfig(out_indices=(0, 2)), backbone_kwargs={"out_indices": (0, 1)}, ) @slow @require_torch def test_load_backbone_in_new_model(self): """ Tests that new model can be created, with its weights instantiated and pretrained backbone weights loaded. """ # Inherit from PreTrainedModel to ensure that the weights are initialized class NewModel(BertPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.backbone = load_backbone(config) self.layer_0 = torch.nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) self.layer_1 = torch.nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) def get_equal_not_equal_weights(model_0, model_1): equal_weights = [] not_equal_weights = [] for (k0, v0), (k1, v1) in zip(model_0.named_parameters(), model_1.named_parameters()): self.assertEqual(k0, k1) weights_are_equal = torch.allclose(v0, v1) if weights_are_equal: equal_weights.append(k0) else: not_equal_weights.append(k0) return equal_weights, not_equal_weights config = MaskFormerConfig(use_pretrained_backbone=False, backbone="microsoft/resnet-18") model_0 = NewModel(config) model_1 = NewModel(config) equal_weights, not_equal_weights = get_equal_not_equal_weights(model_0, model_1) # Norm layers are always initialized with the same weights equal_weights = [w for w in equal_weights if "normalization" not in w] self.assertEqual(len(equal_weights), 0) self.assertEqual(len(not_equal_weights), 24) # Now we create a new model with backbone weights that are pretrained config.use_pretrained_backbone = True model_0 = NewModel(config) model_1 = NewModel(config) equal_weights, not_equal_weights = get_equal_not_equal_weights(model_0, model_1) # Norm layers are always initialized with the same weights equal_weights = [w for w in equal_weights if "normalization" not in w] self.assertEqual(len(equal_weights), 20) # Linear layers are still initialized randomly self.assertEqual(len(not_equal_weights), 4) # Check loading in timm backbone config = DetrConfig(use_pretrained_backbone=False, backbone="resnet18", use_timm_backbone=True) model_0 = NewModel(config) model_1 = NewModel(config) equal_weights, not_equal_weights = get_equal_not_equal_weights(model_0, model_1) # Norm layers are always initialized with the same weights equal_weights = [w for w in equal_weights if "bn" not in w and "downsample.1" not in w] self.assertEqual(len(equal_weights), 0) self.assertEqual(len(not_equal_weights), 24) # Now we create a new model with backbone weights that are pretrained config.use_pretrained_backbone = True model_0 = NewModel(config) model_1 = NewModel(config) equal_weights, not_equal_weights = get_equal_not_equal_weights(model_0, model_1) # Norm layers are always initialized with the same weights equal_weights = [w for w in equal_weights if "bn" not in w and "downsample.1" not in w] self.assertEqual(len(equal_weights), 20) # Linear layers are still initialized randomly self.assertEqual(len(not_equal_weights), 4)