import os import zipfile import requests from get_ci_error_statistics import download_artifact, get_artifacts_links def get_daily_ci_runs(token, num_runs=7): """Get the workflow runs of the scheduled (daily) CI. This only selects the runs triggered by the `schedule` event on the `main` branch. """ headers = None if token is not None: headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} # The id of a workflow (not of a workflow run). # From a given workflow run (where we have workflow run id), we can get the workflow id by going to #{workflow_run_id} # and check the `workflow_id` key. workflow_id = "90575235" url = f"{workflow_id}/runs" # On `main` branch + event being `schedule` + not returning PRs + only `num_runs` results url += f"?branch=main&event=schedule&exclude_pull_requests=true&per_page={num_runs}" result = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() return result["workflow_runs"] def get_last_daily_ci_runs(token): """Get the last completed workflow run id of the scheduled (daily) CI.""" workflow_runs = get_daily_ci_runs(token) workflow_run_id = None for workflow_run in workflow_runs: if workflow_run["status"] == "completed": workflow_run_id = workflow_run["id"] break return workflow_run_id def get_last_daily_ci_artifacts(artifact_names, output_dir, token): """Get the artifacts of last completed workflow run id of the scheduled (daily) CI.""" workflow_run_id = get_last_daily_ci_runs(token) if workflow_run_id is not None: artifacts_links = get_artifacts_links(worflow_run_id=workflow_run_id, token=token) for artifact_name in artifact_names: if artifact_name in artifacts_links: artifact_url = artifacts_links[artifact_name] download_artifact( artifact_name=artifact_name, artifact_url=artifact_url, output_dir=output_dir, token=token ) def get_last_daily_ci_reports(artifact_names, output_dir, token): """Get the artifacts' content of the last completed workflow run id of the scheduled (daily) CI.""" get_last_daily_ci_artifacts(artifact_names, output_dir, token) results = {} for artifact_name in artifact_names: artifact_zip_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{artifact_name}.zip") if os.path.isfile(artifact_zip_path): results[artifact_name] = {} with zipfile.ZipFile(artifact_zip_path) as z: for filename in z.namelist(): if not os.path.isdir(filename): # read the file with as f: results[artifact_name][filename] ="UTF-8") return results