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@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ The sun.</s>
From here, just continue training like you would with a standard language modelling task, using the `formatted_chat` column.
## Can I pass other arguments to the chat template?
## Advanced: Extra inputs to chat templates
Yes, you can! The only argument that `apply_chat_template` requires is `messages`. However, you can pass any keyword
The only argument that `apply_chat_template` requires is `messages`. However, you can pass any keyword
argument to `apply_chat_template` and it will be accessible inside the template. This gives you a lot of freedom to use
chat templates for many things. There are no restrictions on the names or the format of these arguments - you can pass
strings, lists, dicts or whatever else you want.
@ -244,57 +244,57 @@ That said, there are some common use-cases for these extra arguments,
such as passing tools for function calling, or documents for retrieval-augmented generation. In these common cases,
we have some opinionated recommendations about what the names and formats of these arguments should be.
### Arguments for tool use
### Tool use / function calling
"Tool use" LLMs can choose to call functions as external tools before generating an answer. Our recommendation for
tool use models is that their template
should accept a `tools` argument. This should be a list of tools, defined via [JSON Schema]( Each "tool"
is a single function that the model can choose to call, and the schema should include the function name, its description
and the expected spec for its arguments.
#### Example
"Tool use" LLMs can choose to call functions as external tools before generating an answer. When passing tools
to a tool-use model, you can simply pass a list of functions to the `tools` argument:
# A simple function that takes no arguments
current_time = {
"name": "current_time",
"description": "Get the current local time as a string.",
"parameters": {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {}
import datetime
# A more complete function that takes two numerical arguments
multiply = {
"name": "multiply",
"description": "Multiply two numbers together.",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"a": {"type": "number", "description": "The first number to multiply."},
"b": {"type": "number", "description": "The second number to multiply."},
"required": ["a", "b"],
def current_time():
"""Get the current local time as a string."""
return str(
def multiply(a: float, b: float):
A function that multiplies two numbers
a: The first number to multiply
b: The second number to multiply
return a * b
tools = [current_time, multiply]
model_input = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
tools = [current_time, multiply]
JSON schemas permit highly detailed parameter specifications, so you can pass in functions with very complex, nested
arguments. Be careful, however - we find that in practice this can degrade performance, even for state-of-the-art
models. We recommend trying to keep your tool schemas simple and flat where possible.
In order for this to work correctly, you should use the following conventions, so that the functions can be parsed
correctly as tools:
### Automated function conversion for tool use
- Each function should have a descriptive name
- Every argument should have a type hint
- The function should have a docstring in the standard Google style (in other words, an initial function description
followed by an `Args:` block that describes the arguments. It is not necessary to include types in the `Args:` block.
- The function can have a return type and a `Returns:` block in the docstring. However, these are optional
because most tool-use models ignore them.
Although JSON schemas are precise, widely-supported and language-agnostic, they can be a bit verbose, which means
that writing them can be annoying. Don't panic, though, we have a solution! You can simply define Python functions
as tools, and use the [`get_json_schema`] function. This function will automatically generate a JSON schema for any
function that has a valid docstring with parameter annotations and valid type hints. Let's see it in action!
### Understanding tool schemas
Each function you pass to the `tools` argument of `apply_chat_template` is converted into a
[JSON schema]( These schemas
are then passed to the model chat template. In other words, tool-use models do not see your functions directly, and they
never see the actual code inside them. What they care about is the function **definitions** and the **arguments** they
need to pass to them - they care about what the tools do and how to use them, not how they work!
Generating JSON schemas to pass to the template should be automatic and invisible as long as your functions
follow the specification above, but if you encounter problems, or you simply want more control over the conversion,
you can handle the conversion manually. Here is an example of a manual schema conversion.
from transformers.utils import get_json_schema
@ -336,45 +336,47 @@ This will yield:
We can use this function to avoid the need to manually write JSON schemas when passing tools to the chat template.
In addition, if you pass functions in the `tools` argument, they will automatically be converted with this function:
If you wish, you can edit these schemas, or even write them from scratch yourself without using `get_json_schema` at
all. JSON schemas can be passed directly to the `tools` argument of
`apply_chat_template` - this gives you a lot of power to define precise schemas for more complex functions. Be careful,
though - the more complex your schemas, the more likely the model is to get confused when dealing with them! We
recommend simple function signatures where possible, keeping arguments (and especially complex, nested arguments)
to a minimum.
Here is an example of defining schemas by hand, and passing them directly to `apply_chat_template`:
import datetime
# A simple function that takes no arguments
current_time = {
"name": "current_time",
"description": "Get the current local time as a string.",
"parameters": {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {}
def current_time():
"""Get the current local time as a string."""
return str(
def multiply(a: float, b: float):
A function that multiplies two numbers
a: The first number to multiply
b: The second number to multiply
return a * b
tools = [current_time, multiply]
# A more complete function that takes two numerical arguments
multiply = {
"name": "multiply",
"description": "Multiply two numbers together.",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"a": {"type": "number", "description": "The first number to multiply."},
"b": {"type": "number", "description": "The second number to multiply."},
"required": ["a", "b"],
model_input = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
tools = [current_time, multiply]
#### Notes on automatic conversion
`get_json_schema` expects a specific docstring format. The docstring should
begin with a description of the function, followed by an `Args:` block that describes each argument. It can also
optionally include a `Returns:` block that describes the value(s) returned by the function. Many templates ignore this,
because the model will see the return format after calling the function anyway, but some require it.
Argument descriptions in the docstring should not include the argument types - these are read from the type hints
in the function signature instead.
### Arguments for RAG
### Retrieval-augmented generation
"Retrieval-augmented generation" or "RAG" LLMs can search a corpus of documents for information before responding
to a query. This allows models to vastly expand their knowledge base beyond their limited context size. Our
@ -383,7 +385,7 @@ should accept a `documents` argument. This should be a list of documents, where
is a single dict with `title` and `contents` keys, both of which are strings. Because this format is much simpler
than the JSON schemas used for tools, no helper functions are necessary.
#### Example
Here's an example of a RAG template in action:
document1 = {