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Matthew Carrigan 2019-03-20 17:31:49 +00:00
parent 934d3f4d2f
commit 832b2b0058
1 changed files with 91 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#Language Model Finetuning
The three example scripts in this folder are used to **fine-tune** a pre-trained BERT language model. In general, the
way language models like BERT are used is that they are first trained with a language modelling objective on a large,
general language corpus, and then a classifier head is added and the model is quickly fine-tuned on a target task,
while still (hopefully) retaining its general language understanding. This greatly reduces overfitting and yields
state-of-the-art results, especially when training data for the target task are limited.
The [ULMFiT paper]( took a slightly different approach, however, and added an
intermediate step in which the language model was fine-tuned on text **from the same domain as the target task** before
the final stage when the classifier was added and the model was trained on the target task itself. The paper reported
significantly improved results from this step, and found that they could get high-quality classifications even with
only tiny numbers (<1000) of labelled training examples, as long as they had a lot of unlabelled data from the target
The BERT language model is significantly stronger than ULMFiT, but the [BERT paper](
did not test language model fine-tuning, and in general there aren't many examples of this approach being used for
Transformer-based language models. As such, it's hard to predict what effect this step will have on final model
performance, but it's reasonable to conjecture that it will improve the final classification performance, especially
when a large unlabelled corpus from the target domain is available, labelled data is limited, or the target domain is
very unusual and different from 'normal' English text. If you are aware of any literature on this subject, please feel
free to add it in here, or open an issue and tag me (@Rocketknight1) and I'll include it.
###Input format
The scripts in this folder expect a single file as input, consisting of untokenized text, with one **sentence** per
line, and one blank line between documents. The reason for the sentence splitting is that part of BERT's training
involves a 'next sentence' objective in which the model must predict whether two sequences of text are contiguous text
from the same document or not, and to avoid making the task 'too easy', the split point between the sequences is
always at the end of a sentence. The linebreaks in the file are therefore necessary to mark the points where the text
can be split.
There are two ways to fine-tune a language model using these scripts. The first 'quick' approach is to use
``. This script does everything for you in a single script, but generates training instances
that consist of just two sentences. This is very different from the BERT paper, where (confusingly) the NextSentence
task concatenated sentences together from each document to form two long multi-sentences, which the paper just
referred to as 'sentences'. The difference between the 'simple' approach and the original paper approach becomes very
pronounced at long sequence lengths because two sentences will be much shorter than the max sequence length,
and so most of each training example will just consist of blank padding characters, which wastes a lot of computation
and results in a model that isn't really training on long sequences.
As such, the preferred approach (assuming you have documents containing multiple contiguous sentences from your
target domain) is to use `` to pre-process your data into training examples following the
methodology used for LM training in the original BERT paper and repo. Because there is a significant random component
to training data generation for BERT, this script has the option to generate multiple 'epochs' of pre-processed data,
to avoid training on the same random splits each epoch. Generating an epoch of data for each training epoch should
result a better final model, and so we recommend doing so.
You can then train on the pregenerated data using ``, and pointing it to the folder created
by ``. Note that you should use the same bert_model and case options for both!
Also note that max_seq_len does not need to be specified for the `` script,
as it is inferred from the training examples.
There are various options that can be tweaked, but the most important ones are probably `max_seq_len`, which controls
the length of training examples (in wordpiece tokens) seen by the model, and `--fp16`, which enables fast half-precision
training on recent GPUs. `max_seq_len` defaults to 128 but can be set as high as 512.
Higher values may yield stronger language models at the cost of slower and more memory-intensive training
In addition, if memory usage is an issue, especially when training on a single GPU, reducing `--train_batch_size` from
the default 32 to a lower number (4-16) can be helpful.
#####Simple fine-tuning
--train_corpus my_corpus.txt
--bert_model bert-base-uncased
--output_dir finetuned_lm/
#####Pregenerating training data
--train_corpus my_corpus.txt
--bert_model bert-base-uncased
--output_dir training/
--epochs_to_generate 3
--max_seq_len 256
#####Training on pregenerated data
--pregenerated_data training/
--bert_model bert-base-uncased
--output_dir finetuned_lm/
--epochs 3