updated model cards for both models at aubmindlab (#4604)

* updated aubmindlab/bert-base-arabert/ Model card

* updated aubmindlab/bert-base-arabertv01 model card
This commit is contained in:
Wissam Antoun 2020-05-26 23:52:43 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent ea4e7a53fa
commit 6458c0e268
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 162 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ language: arabic
# AraBERT : Pre-training BERT for Arabic Language Understanding
<img src="https://github.com/aub-mind/arabert/blob/master/arabert_logo.png" width="100" align="left"/>
**AraBERT** is an Arabic pretrained lanaguage model based on [Google's BERT architechture](https://github.com/google-research/bert). AraBERT uses the same BERT-Base config.
**AraBERT** is an Arabic pretrained lanaguage model based on [Google's BERT architechture](https://github.com/google-research/bert). AraBERT uses the same BERT-Base config. More details are available in the [AraBERT PAPER](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00104v2) and in the [AraBERT Meetup](https://github.com/WissamAntoun/pydata_khobar_meetup)
There are two version off the model AraBERTv0.1 and AraBERTv1, with the difference being that AraBERTv1 uses pre-segmented text where prefixes and suffixes were splitted using the [Farasa Segmenter](http://alt.qcri.org/farasa/segmenter.html).
@ -12,28 +13,34 @@ The model was trained on ~70M sentences or ~23GB of Arabic text with ~3B words.
We evalaute both AraBERT models on different downstream tasks and compare it to [mBERT]((https://github.com/google-research/bert/blob/master/multilingual.md)), and other state of the art models (*To the extent of our knowledge*). The Tasks were Sentiment Analysis on 6 different datasets ([HARD](https://github.com/elnagara/HARD-Arabic-Dataset), [ASTD-Balanced](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D15-1299), [ArsenTD-Lev](https://staff.aub.edu.lb/~we07/Publications/ArSentD-LEV_Sentiment_Corpus.pdf), [LABR](https://github.com/mohamedadaly/LABR), [ArSaS](http://lrec-conf.org/workshops/lrec2018/W30/pdf/22_W30.pdf)), Named Entity Recognition with the [ANERcorp](http://curtis.ml.cmu.edu/w/courses/index.php/ANERcorp), and Arabic Question Answering on [Arabic-SQuAD and ARCD](https://github.com/husseinmozannar/SOQAL)
**Update 2 (21/5/2020) :**
Added support for the farasapy segmenter https://github.com/MagedSaeed/farasapy in the ``preprocess_arabert.py`` which is ~6x faster than the ``py4j.java_gateway``, consider setting ``use_farasapy=True`` when calling preprocess and pass it an instance of ``FarasaSegmenter(interactive=True)`` with interactive set to ``True`` for faster segmentation.
**Update 1 (21/4/2020) :**
Fixed an issue with ARCD fine-tuning which drastically improved performance. Initially we didn't account for the change of the ```answer_start``` during preprocessing.
## Results (Acc.)
Task | prev. SOTA | mBERT | AraBERTv0.1 | AraBERTv1
HARD |95.7 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|95.7|96.2|96.1
ASTD |86.5 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)| 80.1|92.2|92.6
ArsenTD-Lev|52.4 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|51|58.9|59.4
AJGT|93 [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)| 83.6|94.1|93.8
LABR|87.5 [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)|83|85.9|86.7
ANERcorp|81.7 (BiLSTM-CRF)|78.4|84.2|81.9
ARCD|mBERT|EM:34.2 F1: 61.3|EM:30.1 F1:61.2|EM:30.6 F1: 62.7
HARD |95.7 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|95.7|**96.2**|96.1
ASTD |86.5 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)| 80.1|92.2|**92.6**
ArsenTD-Lev|52.4 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|51|58.9|**59.4**
AJGT|93 [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)| 83.6|93.1|**93.8**
LABR|**87.5** [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)|83|85.9|86.7
ANERcorp|81.7 (BiLSTM-CRF)|78.4|**84.2**|81.9
ARCD|mBERT|EM:34.2 F1: 61.3|EM:51.14 F1:82.13|**EM:54.84 F1: 82.15**
*We would be extremly thankful if everyone can contibute to the Results table by adding more scores on different datasets*
*If you tested AraBERT on a public dataset and you want to add your results to the table above, open a pull request or contact us. Also make sure to have your code available online so we can add it as a reference*
## How to use
You can easily use AraBERT since it is almost fully compatible with existing codebases (You can use this repo instead of the official BERT one, the only difference is in the ```tokenization.py``` file where we modify the _is_punctuation function to make it compatible with the "+" symbol and the "[" and "]" characters)
To use HuggingFace's Transformer repository you only need to provide a lost of token that forces the model to not split them, also make sure that the text is pre-segmented:
You can easily use AraBERT since it is almost fully compatible with existing codebases (Use this repo instead of the official BERT one, the only difference is in the ```tokenization.py``` file where we modify the _is_punctuation function to make it compatible with the "+" symbol and the "[" and "]" characters)
To use HuggingFace's Transformer repository you only need to provide a list of token that forces the model to not split them, also make sure that the text is pre-segmented:
**Not all libraries built on top of transformers support the `never_split` argument**
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from preprocess_arabert import never_split_tokens
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from arabert.preprocess_arabert import never_split_tokens, preprocess
from farasa.segmenter import FarasaSegmenter
arabert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
@ -42,27 +49,75 @@ arabert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
arabert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabert")
arabert_tokenizer.tokenize("و+ لن نبالغ إذا قل +نا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر ال+ مكتب في زمن +نا هذا ضروري")
#Preprocess the text to make it compatible with AraBERT using farasapy
farasa_segmenter = FarasaSegmenter(interactive=True)
#or you can use a py4j JavaGateway to the farasa Segmneter .jar but it's slower
#(see update 2)
#from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
#gateway = JavaGateway.launch_gateway(classpath='./PATH_TO_FARASA/FarasaSegmenterJar.jar')
#farasa = gateway.jvm.com.qcri.farasa.segmenter.Farasa()
text = "ولن نبالغ إذا قلنا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر المكتب في زمننا هذا ضروري"
text_preprocessed = preprocess( text,
do_farasa_tokenization = True,
farasa = farasa_segmenter,
use_farasapy = True)
>>>text_preprocessed: "و+ لن نبالغ إذا قل +نا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر ال+ مكتب في زمن +نا هذا ضروري"
>>> ['و+', 'لن', 'نبال', '##غ', 'إذا', 'قل', '+نا', 'إن', 'هاتف', 'أو', 'كمبيوتر', 'ال+', 'مكتب', 'في', 'زمن', '+نا', 'هذا', 'ضروري']
**AraBERTv0.1 is compatible with all existing libraries, since it needs no pre-segmentation.**
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from preprocess_arabert import never_split_tokens
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
arabert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabertv01",do_lower_case=False)
arabert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabertv01")
arabert_tokenizer.tokenize("ولن نبالغ إذا قلنا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر المكتب في زمننا هذا ضروري")
text = "ولن نبالغ إذا قلنا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر المكتب في زمننا هذا ضروري"
>>> ['ولن', 'ن', '##بالغ', 'إذا', 'قلنا', 'إن', 'هاتف', 'أو', 'كمبيوتر', 'المكتب', 'في', 'زمن', '##ن', '##ا', 'هذا', 'ضروري']
The ```araBERT_(initial_Demo_TF)_.ipynb``` Notebook is a small demo using the AJGT dataset using TensorFlow (GPU and TPU compatible).
The ```araBERT_(Updated_Demo_TF).ipynb``` Notebook is a small demo using the AJGT dataset using TensorFlow (GPU and TPU compatible).
**Coming Soon :** Fine-tunning demo using HuggingFace's Trainer API
**AraBERT on ARCD**
During the preprocessing step the ```answer_start``` character position needs to be recalculated. You can use the file ```arcd_preprocessing.py``` as shown below to clean, preprocess the ARCD dataset before running ```run_squad.py```. More detailed Colab notebook is available in the [SOQAL repo](https://github.com/husseinmozannar/SOQAL).
python arcd_preprocessing.py \
--input_file="/PATH_TO/arcd-test.json" \
--output_file="arcd-test-pre.json" \
--do_farasa_tokenization=True \
--use_farasapy=True \
python SOQAL/bert/run_squad.py \
--vocab_file="/PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_TF_CKPT/vocab.txt" \
--bert_config_file="/PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_TF_CKPT/config.json" \
--init_checkpoint="/PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_TF_CKPT/" \
--do_train=True \
--train_file=turk_combined_all_pre.json \
--do_predict=True \
--predict_file=arcd-test-pre.json \
--train_batch_size=32 \
--predict_batch_size=24 \
--learning_rate=3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs=4 \
--max_seq_length=384 \
--doc_stride=128 \
--output_dir="/PATH_TO/OUTPUT_PATH"/ \
--use_tpu=True \
--tpu_name=$TPU_ADDRESS \
## Model Weights and Vocab Download
Models | AraBERTv0.1 | AraBERTv1
@ -73,21 +128,17 @@ PyTorch| [Drive_Link](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-_3te42mQCPD8SxwZ3l-VBL7
## If you used this model please cite us as:
title={AraBERT: Transformer-based Model for Arabic Language Understanding},
author={Wissam Antoun and Fady Baly and Hazem Hajj},
title={AraBERT: Transformer-based Model for Arabic Language Understanding},
author={Antoun, Wissam and Baly, Fady and Hajj, Hazem},
booktitle={LREC 2020 Workshop Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 11--16 May 2020},
## Acknowledgments
Thanks to TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC) for the free access to Cloud TPUs, couldn't have done it without this program, and to the [AUB MIND Lab](https://sites.aub.edu.lb/mindlab/) Members for the continous support. Also thanks to [Yakshof](https://www.yakshof.com/#/) and Assafir for data and storage access.
Thanks to TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC) for the free access to Cloud TPUs, couldn't have done it without this program, and to the [AUB MIND Lab](https://sites.aub.edu.lb/mindlab/) Members for the continous support. Also thanks to [Yakshof](https://www.yakshof.com/#/) and Assafir for data and storage access. Another thanks for Habib Rahal (https://www.behance.net/rahalhabib), for putting a face to AraBERT.
## Contacts
**Wissam Antoun**: [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/giulio-ravasio-3a81a9110/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/wissam_antoun) | [Github](https://github.com/WissamAntoun) | <wfa07@mail.aub.edu> | <wissam.antoun@gmail.com>
**Fady Baly**: [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadybaly/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/BalyFady) | [Github](https://github.com/fadybaly) | <fgb06@mail.aub.edu> | <baly.fady@gmail.com>
***We are looking for sponsors to train BERT-Large and other Transformer models, the sponsor only needs to cover to data storage and compute cost of the generating the pretraining data***
**Fady Baly**: [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadybaly/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fadybaly) | [Github](https://github.com/fadybaly) | <fgb06@mail.aub.edu> | <baly.fady@gmail.com>

View File

@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ language: arabic
# AraBERT : Pre-training BERT for Arabic Language Understanding
<img src="https://github.com/aub-mind/arabert/blob/master/arabert_logo.png" width="100" align="left"/>
**AraBERT** is an Arabic pretrained lanaguage model based on [Google's BERT architechture](https://github.com/google-research/bert). AraBERT uses the same BERT-Base config.
**AraBERT** is an Arabic pretrained lanaguage model based on [Google's BERT architechture](https://github.com/google-research/bert). AraBERT uses the same BERT-Base config. More details are available in the [AraBERT PAPER](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00104v2) and in the [AraBERT Meetup](https://github.com/WissamAntoun/pydata_khobar_meetup)
There are two version off the model AraBERTv0.1 and AraBERTv1, with the difference being that AraBERTv1 uses pre-segmented text where prefixes and suffixes were splitted using the [Farasa Segmenter](http://alt.qcri.org/farasa/segmenter.html).
@ -12,28 +13,34 @@ The model was trained on ~70M sentences or ~23GB of Arabic text with ~3B words.
We evalaute both AraBERT models on different downstream tasks and compare it to [mBERT]((https://github.com/google-research/bert/blob/master/multilingual.md)), and other state of the art models (*To the extent of our knowledge*). The Tasks were Sentiment Analysis on 6 different datasets ([HARD](https://github.com/elnagara/HARD-Arabic-Dataset), [ASTD-Balanced](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D15-1299), [ArsenTD-Lev](https://staff.aub.edu.lb/~we07/Publications/ArSentD-LEV_Sentiment_Corpus.pdf), [LABR](https://github.com/mohamedadaly/LABR), [ArSaS](http://lrec-conf.org/workshops/lrec2018/W30/pdf/22_W30.pdf)), Named Entity Recognition with the [ANERcorp](http://curtis.ml.cmu.edu/w/courses/index.php/ANERcorp), and Arabic Question Answering on [Arabic-SQuAD and ARCD](https://github.com/husseinmozannar/SOQAL)
**Update 2 (21/5/2020) :**
Added support for the farasapy segmenter https://github.com/MagedSaeed/farasapy in the ``preprocess_arabert.py`` which is ~6x faster than the ``py4j.java_gateway``, consider setting ``use_farasapy=True`` when calling preprocess and pass it an instance of ``FarasaSegmenter(interactive=True)`` with interactive set to ``True`` for faster segmentation.
**Update 1 (21/4/2020) :**
Fixed an issue with ARCD fine-tuning which drastically improved performance. Initially we didn't account for the change of the ```answer_start``` during preprocessing.
## Results (Acc.)
Task | prev. SOTA | mBERT | AraBERTv0.1 | AraBERTv1
HARD |95.7 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|95.7|96.2|96.1
ASTD |86.5 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)| 80.1|92.2|92.6
ArsenTD-Lev|52.4 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|51|58.9|59.4
AJGT|93 [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)| 83.6|94.1|93.8
LABR|87.5 [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)|83|85.9|86.7
ANERcorp|81.7 (BiLSTM-CRF)|78.4|84.2|81.9
ARCD|mBERT|EM:34.2 F1: 61.3|EM:30.1 F1:61.2|EM:30.6 F1: 62.7
HARD |95.7 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|95.7|**96.2**|96.1
ASTD |86.5 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)| 80.1|92.2|**92.6**
ArsenTD-Lev|52.4 [ElJundi et.al.](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4608/)|51|58.9|**59.4**
AJGT|93 [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)| 83.6|93.1|**93.8**
LABR|**87.5** [Dahou et.al.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3314941)|83|85.9|86.7
ANERcorp|81.7 (BiLSTM-CRF)|78.4|**84.2**|81.9
ARCD|mBERT|EM:34.2 F1: 61.3|EM:51.14 F1:82.13|**EM:54.84 F1: 82.15**
*We would be extremly thankful if everyone can contibute to the Results table by adding more scores on different datasets*
*If you tested AraBERT on a public dataset and you want to add your results to the table above, open a pull request or contact us. Also make sure to have your code available online so we can add it as a reference*
## How to use
You can easily use AraBERT since it is almost fully compatible with existing codebases (You can use this repo instead of the official BERT one, the only difference is in the ```tokenization.py``` file where we modify the _is_punctuation function to make it compatible with the "+" symbol and the "[" and "]" characters)
To use HuggingFace's Transformer repository you only need to provide a lost of token that forces the model to not split them, also make sure that the text is pre-segmented:
You can easily use AraBERT since it is almost fully compatible with existing codebases (Use this repo instead of the official BERT one, the only difference is in the ```tokenization.py``` file where we modify the _is_punctuation function to make it compatible with the "+" symbol and the "[" and "]" characters)
To use HuggingFace's Transformer repository you only need to provide a list of token that forces the model to not split them, also make sure that the text is pre-segmented:
**Not all libraries built on top of transformers support the `never_split` argument**
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from preprocess_arabert import never_split_tokens
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from arabert.preprocess_arabert import never_split_tokens, preprocess
from farasa.segmenter import FarasaSegmenter
arabert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
@ -42,27 +49,75 @@ arabert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
arabert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabert")
arabert_tokenizer.tokenize("و+ لن نبالغ إذا قل +نا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر ال+ مكتب في زمن +نا هذا ضروري")
#Preprocess the text to make it compatible with AraBERT using farasapy
farasa_segmenter = FarasaSegmenter(interactive=True)
#or you can use a py4j JavaGateway to the farasa Segmneter .jar but it's slower
#(see update 2)
#from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
#gateway = JavaGateway.launch_gateway(classpath='./PATH_TO_FARASA/FarasaSegmenterJar.jar')
#farasa = gateway.jvm.com.qcri.farasa.segmenter.Farasa()
text = "ولن نبالغ إذا قلنا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر المكتب في زمننا هذا ضروري"
text_preprocessed = preprocess( text,
do_farasa_tokenization = True,
farasa = farasa_segmenter,
use_farasapy = True)
>>>text_preprocessed: "و+ لن نبالغ إذا قل +نا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر ال+ مكتب في زمن +نا هذا ضروري"
>>> ['و+', 'لن', 'نبال', '##غ', 'إذا', 'قل', '+نا', 'إن', 'هاتف', 'أو', 'كمبيوتر', 'ال+', 'مكتب', 'في', 'زمن', '+نا', 'هذا', 'ضروري']
**AraBERTv0.1 is compatible with all existing libraries, since it needs no pre-segmentation.**
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from preprocess_arabert import never_split_tokens
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
arabert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabertv01",do_lower_case=False)
arabert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabertv01")
arabert_tokenizer.tokenize("ولن نبالغ إذا قلنا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر المكتب في زمننا هذا ضروري")
text = "ولن نبالغ إذا قلنا إن هاتف أو كمبيوتر المكتب في زمننا هذا ضروري"
>>> ['ولن', 'ن', '##بالغ', 'إذا', 'قلنا', 'إن', 'هاتف', 'أو', 'كمبيوتر', 'المكتب', 'في', 'زمن', '##ن', '##ا', 'هذا', 'ضروري']
The ```araBERT_(initial_Demo_TF)_.ipynb``` Notebook is a small demo using the AJGT dataset using TensorFlow (GPU and TPU compatible).
The ```araBERT_(Updated_Demo_TF).ipynb``` Notebook is a small demo using the AJGT dataset using TensorFlow (GPU and TPU compatible).
**Coming Soon :** Fine-tunning demo using HuggingFace's Trainer API
**AraBERT on ARCD**
During the preprocessing step the ```answer_start``` character position needs to be recalculated. You can use the file ```arcd_preprocessing.py``` as shown below to clean, preprocess the ARCD dataset before running ```run_squad.py```. More detailed Colab notebook is available in the [SOQAL repo](https://github.com/husseinmozannar/SOQAL).
python arcd_preprocessing.py \
--input_file="/PATH_TO/arcd-test.json" \
--output_file="arcd-test-pre.json" \
--do_farasa_tokenization=True \
--use_farasapy=True \
python SOQAL/bert/run_squad.py \
--vocab_file="/PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_TF_CKPT/vocab.txt" \
--bert_config_file="/PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_TF_CKPT/config.json" \
--init_checkpoint="/PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_TF_CKPT/" \
--do_train=True \
--train_file=turk_combined_all_pre.json \
--do_predict=True \
--predict_file=arcd-test-pre.json \
--train_batch_size=32 \
--predict_batch_size=24 \
--learning_rate=3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs=4 \
--max_seq_length=384 \
--doc_stride=128 \
--output_dir="/PATH_TO/OUTPUT_PATH"/ \
--use_tpu=True \
--tpu_name=$TPU_ADDRESS \
## Model Weights and Vocab Download
Models | AraBERTv0.1 | AraBERTv1
@ -73,21 +128,17 @@ PyTorch| [Drive_Link](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-_3te42mQCPD8SxwZ3l-VBL7
## If you used this model please cite us as:
title={AraBERT: Transformer-based Model for Arabic Language Understanding},
author={Wissam Antoun and Fady Baly and Hazem Hajj},
title={AraBERT: Transformer-based Model for Arabic Language Understanding},
author={Antoun, Wissam and Baly, Fady and Hajj, Hazem},
booktitle={LREC 2020 Workshop Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 11--16 May 2020},
## Acknowledgments
Thanks to TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC) for the free access to Cloud TPUs, couldn't have done it without this program, and to the [AUB MIND Lab](https://sites.aub.edu.lb/mindlab/) Members for the continous support. Also thanks to [Yakshof](https://www.yakshof.com/#/) and Assafir for data and storage access.
Thanks to TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC) for the free access to Cloud TPUs, couldn't have done it without this program, and to the [AUB MIND Lab](https://sites.aub.edu.lb/mindlab/) Members for the continous support. Also thanks to [Yakshof](https://www.yakshof.com/#/) and Assafir for data and storage access. Another thanks for Habib Rahal (https://www.behance.net/rahalhabib), for putting a face to AraBERT.
## Contacts
**Wissam Antoun**: [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/giulio-ravasio-3a81a9110/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/wissam_antoun) | [Github](https://github.com/WissamAntoun) | <wfa07@mail.aub.edu> | <wissam.antoun@gmail.com>
**Fady Baly**: [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadybaly/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/BalyFady) | [Github](https://github.com/fadybaly) | <fgb06@mail.aub.edu> | <baly.fady@gmail.com>
***We are looking for sponsors to train BERT-Large and other Transformer models, the sponsor only needs to cover to data storage and compute cost of the generating the pretraining data***
**Fady Baly**: [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadybaly/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fadybaly) | [Github](https://github.com/fadybaly) | <fgb06@mail.aub.edu> | <baly.fady@gmail.com>