remove derived classes for now

This commit is contained in:
thomwolf 2019-08-05 19:08:19 +02:00
parent 13936a9621
commit 0b524b0848
4 changed files with 4 additions and 295 deletions

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@ -3,12 +3,9 @@ AutoModels
In many cases, the architecture you want to use can be guessed from the name or the path of the pretrained model you are supplying to the ``from_pretrained`` method.
AutoClasses are here to do this job for you so that you automatically retreive the relevant model given the name/path to the pretrained weights/config/vocabulary.
AutoClasses are here to do this job for you so that you automatically retreive the relevant model given the name/path to the pretrained weights/config/vocabulary:
There are two types of AutoClasses:
- ``AutoModel``, ``AutoConfig`` and ``AutoTokenizer``: instantiating these ones will directly create a class of the relevant architecture (ex: ``model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased')`` will create a instance of ``BertModel``)
- All the others (``AutoModelWithLMHead``, ``AutoModelForSequenceClassification``...) are standardized Auto classes for finetuning. Instantiating these will create instance of the same class (``AutoModelWithLMHead``, ``AutoModelForSequenceClassification``...) comprising (i) the relevant base model class (as mentioned just above) and (ii) a standard fine-tuning head on top, convenient for the task.
Instantiating one of ``AutoModel``, ``AutoConfig`` and ``AutoTokenizer`` will directly create a class of the relevant architecture (ex: ``model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased')`` will create a instance of ``BertModel``).
@ -25,20 +22,6 @@ There are two types of AutoClasses:
.. autoclass:: pytorch_transformers.AutoModelWithLMHead
.. autoclass:: pytorch_transformers.AutoModelForSequenceClassification

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from .tokenization_xlnet import XLNetTokenizer, SPIECE_UNDERLINE
from .tokenization_xlm import XLMTokenizer
from .tokenization_utils import (PreTrainedTokenizer)
from .modeling_auto import (AutoConfig, AutoModel, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoModelWithLMHead)
from .modeling_auto import (AutoConfig, AutoModel)
from .modeling_bert import (BertConfig, BertModel, BertForPreTraining,
BertForMaskedLM, BertForNextSentencePrediction,

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@ -234,269 +234,3 @@ class AutoModel(object):
raise ValueError("Unrecognized model identifier in {}. Should contains one of "
"'bert', 'openai-gpt', 'gpt2', 'transfo-xl', 'xlnet', "
class DerivedAutoModel(PreTrainedModel):
:class:`~pytorch_transformers.DerivedAutoModel` is a base class for building
standardized derived models on top of :class:`~pytorch_transformers.AutoModel` by adding heads
The `from_pretrained()` method take care of using the correct base model class instance
using pattern matching on the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string.
The base model class to instantiate is selected as the first pattern matching
in the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string (in the following order):
- contains `bert`: BertConfig (Bert model)
- contains `openai-gpt`: OpenAIGPTConfig (OpenAI GPT model)
- contains `gpt2`: GPT2Config (OpenAI GPT-2 model)
- contains `transfo-xl`: TransfoXLConfig (Transformer-XL model)
- contains `xlnet`: XLNetConfig (XLNet model)
- contains `xlm`: XLMConfig (XLM model)
This class should usually not be instantiated using `__init__()` but `from_pretrained()`.
config_class = None
pretrained_model_archive_map = {}
load_tf_weights = lambda model, config, path: None
base_model_prefix = "transformer"
def __init__(self, base_model):
super(DerivedAutoModel, self).__init__(base_model.config)
self.transformer = base_model
def init_weights(self, module):
""" Initialize the weights. Use the base model initialization function.
def from_pretrained(cls, pretrained_model_name_or_path, *model_args, **kwargs):
r""" Instantiate a :class:`~pytorch_transformers.DerivedAutoModel` with one of the base model classes of the library
from a pre-trained model configuration.
The base model class to instantiate is selected as the first pattern matching
in the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string (in the following order):
- contains `bert`: BertConfig (Bert model)
- contains `openai-gpt`: OpenAIGPTConfig (OpenAI GPT model)
- contains `gpt2`: GPT2Config (OpenAI GPT-2 model)
- contains `transfo-xl`: TransfoXLConfig (Transformer-XL model)
- contains `xlnet`: XLNetConfig (XLNet model)
- contains `xlm`: XLMConfig (XLM model)
The model is set in evaluation mode by default using `model.eval()` (Dropout modules are deactivated)
To train the model, you should first set it back in training mode with `model.train()`
**pretrained_model_name_or_path**: either:
- a string with the `shortcut name` of a pre-trained model to load from cache
or download and cache if not already stored in cache (e.g. 'bert-base-uncased').
- a path to a `directory` containing a configuration file saved
using the `save_pretrained(save_directory)` method.
- a path or url to a tensorflow index checkpoint `file` (e.g. `./tf_model/model.ckpt.index`).
In this case, ``from_tf`` should be set to True and a configuration object should be
provided as `config` argument. This loading option is slower than converting the TensorFlow
checkpoint in a PyTorch model using the provided conversion scripts and loading
the PyTorch model afterwards.
**model_args**: (`optional`) Sequence:
All remaning positional arguments will be passed to the underlying model's __init__ function
**config**: an optional configuration for the model to use instead of an automatically loaded configuation.
Configuration can be automatically loaded when:
- the model is a model provided by the library (loaded with a `shortcut name` of a pre-trained model), or
- the model was saved using the `save_pretrained(save_directory)` (loaded by suppling the save directory).
**state_dict**: an optional state dictionnary for the model to use instead of a state dictionary loaded
from saved weights file.
This option can be used if you want to create a model from a pretrained configuration but load your own weights.
In this case though, you should check if using `save_pretrained(dir)` and `from_pretrained(save_directory)` is not
a simpler option.
**cache_dir**: (`optional`) string:
Path to a directory in which a downloaded pre-trained model
configuration should be cached if the standard cache should not be used.
**output_loading_info**: (`optional`) boolean:
Set to ``True`` to also return a dictionnary containing missing keys, unexpected keys and error messages.
**kwargs**: (`optional`) dict:
Dictionary of key, values to update the configuration object after loading.
Can be used to override selected configuration parameters. E.g. ``output_attention=True``.
- If a configuration is provided with `config`, **kwargs will be directly passed
to the underlying model's __init__ method.
- If a configuration is not provided, **kwargs will be first passed to the pretrained
model configuration class loading function (`PretrainedConfig.from_pretrained`).
Each key of **kwargs that corresponds to a configuration attribute
will be used to override said attribute with the supplied **kwargs value.
Remaining keys that do not correspond to any configuration attribute will
be passed to the underlying model's __init__ function.
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') # Download model and configuration from S3 and cache.
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('./test/bert_model/') # E.g. model was saved using `save_pretrained('./test/saved_model/')`
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased', output_attention=True) # Update configuration during loading
assert model.config.output_attention == True
# Loading from a TF checkpoint file instead of a PyTorch model (slower)
config = AutoConfig.from_json_file('./tf_model/bert_tf_model_config.json')
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('./tf_model/bert_tf_checkpoint.ckpt.index', from_tf=True, config=config)
if 'bert' in pretrained_model_name_or_path:
base_model_class = BertModel
elif 'openai-gpt' in pretrained_model_name_or_path:
base_model_class = OpenAIGPTModel
elif 'gpt2' in pretrained_model_name_or_path:
base_model_class = GPT2Model
elif 'transfo-xl' in pretrained_model_name_or_path:
base_model_class = TransfoXLModel
elif 'xlnet' in pretrained_model_name_or_path:
base_model_class = XLNetModel
elif 'xlm' in pretrained_model_name_or_path:
base_model_class = XLMModel
raise ValueError("Unrecognized model identifier in {}. Should contains one of "
"'bert', 'openai-gpt', 'gpt2', 'transfo-xl', 'xlnet', "
# Get a pretrained base_model
base_model = base_model_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path, *model_args, **kwargs)
# Create our derived model
model = cls(base_model)
# Setup class attribute from the base model class
model.config_class = base_model.config_class
model.pretrained_model_archive_map = base_model.pretrained_model_archive_map
model.load_tf_weights = base_model.load_tf_weights
return model
class AutoModelWithLMHead(DerivedAutoModel):
:class:`~pytorch_transformers.AutoModelWithLMHead` is a base class for language modeling
that contains
- a base model instantiated as one of the base model classes of the library when created with the `AutoModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path)` class method, and .
- a language modeling head on top of the base model.
The `from_pretrained()` method take care of using the correct base model class instance
using pattern matching on the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string.
The base model class to instantiate is selected as the first pattern matching
in the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string (in the following order):
- contains `bert`: BertConfig (Bert model)
- contains `openai-gpt`: OpenAIGPTConfig (OpenAI GPT model)
- contains `gpt2`: GPT2Config (OpenAI GPT-2 model)
- contains `transfo-xl`: TransfoXLConfig (Transformer-XL model)
- contains `xlnet`: XLNetConfig (XLNet model)
- contains `xlm`: XLMConfig (XLM model)
This class should usually not be instantiated using `__init__()` but `from_pretrained()`.
def __init__(self, base_model):
super(AutoModelWithLMHead, self).__init__(base_model)
config = base_model.config
self.lm_head = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.vocab_size, bias=False)
def tie_weights(self):
""" Make sure we are sharing the input and output embeddings.
Export to TorchScript can't handle parameter sharing so we are cloning them instead.
# get input embeddings - whatever the model is
input_embeddings = self.transformer.resize_token_embeddings(new_num_tokens=None)
# tie of clone (torchscript) embeddings
self._tie_or_clone_weights(self.lm_head, input_embeddings)
def forward(self, input_ids, **kwargs):
labels = kwargs.pop('labels', None) # Python 2 compatibility...
transformer_outputs = self.transformer(input_ids, **kwargs)
hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0]
lm_logits = self.lm_head(hidden_states)
outputs = (lm_logits,) + transformer_outputs[1:]
if labels is not None:
loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1)
loss = loss_fct(lm_logits.view(-1, lm_logits.size(-1)),
outputs = (loss,) + outputs
return outputs # (loss), lm_logits, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions)
'num_labels': 2,
'summary_type': 'first',
'summary_use_proj': True,
'summary_activation': None,
'summary_proj_to_labels': True,
'summary_first_dropout': 0.1
class AutoModelForSequenceClassification(DerivedAutoModel):
:class:`~pytorch_transformers.AutoModelForSequenceClassification` is a class for sequence classification
that contains
- a base model instantiated as one of the base model classes of the library when created with the `AutoModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path)` class method, and .
- a classification head on top of the base model.
The `from_pretrained()` method take care of using the correct base model class instance
using pattern matching on the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string.
The base model class to instantiate is selected as the first pattern matching
in the `pretrained_model_name_or_path` string (in the following order):
- contains `bert`: BertConfig (Bert model)
- contains `openai-gpt`: OpenAIGPTConfig (OpenAI GPT model)
- contains `gpt2`: GPT2Config (OpenAI GPT-2 model)
- contains `transfo-xl`: TransfoXLConfig (Transformer-XL model)
- contains `xlnet`: XLNetConfig (XLNet model)
- contains `xlm`: XLMConfig (XLM model)
This class should usually not be instantiated using `__init__()` but `from_pretrained()`.
def __init__(self, base_model):
super(AutoModelForSequenceClassification, self).__init__(base_model)
# Complete configuration with defaults if necessary
config = base_model.config
if not hasattr(config, key):
setattr(config, key, value)
# Update base model and derived model config
self.transformer.config = config
self.config = config
self.num_labels = config.num_labels
self.sequence_summary = SequenceSummary(config)
def forward(self, input_ids, cls_index, **kwargs):
labels = kwargs.pop('labels', None) # Python 2 compatibility...
transformer_outputs = self.transformer(input_ids, **kwargs)
output = transformer_outputs[0]
logits = self.sequence_summary(output, cls_index=cls_index)
outputs = (logits,) + transformer_outputs[1:] # Keep new_mems and attention/hidden states if they are here
if labels is not None:
if self.num_labels == 1:
# We are doing regression
loss_fct = MSELoss()
loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1), labels.view(-1))
loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.num_labels), labels.view(-1))
outputs = (loss,) + outputs
return outputs

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import shutil
import pytest
import logging
from pytorch_transformers import AutoConfig, BertConfig, AutoModel, BertModel, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoModelWithLMHead
from pytorch_transformers import AutoConfig, BertConfig, AutoModel, BertModel
from pytorch_transformers.modeling_bert import BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_MAP
from .modeling_common_test import (CommonTestCases, ConfigTester, ids_tensor)
@ -42,14 +42,6 @@ class AutoModelTest(unittest.TestCase):
for value in loading_info.values():
self.assertEqual(len(value), 0)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
self.assertIsInstance(getattr(model, model.base_model_prefix), BertModel)
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained(model_name)
self.assertIsInstance(getattr(model, model.base_model_prefix), BertModel)
if __name__ == "__main__":