
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Lochner 2023-12-04 20:54:30 +02:00
parent 1136fc0045
commit 4cabee6ed8
3 changed files with 154 additions and 171 deletions

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@ -500,53 +500,49 @@ export function spectrogram(
// Buffers for FFT computation
const fft = new FFT(fft_length, !onesided);
const buffer = new Float64Array(fft_length);
const outputBuffer = new Float64Array(2 * fft_length);
// NOTE: Unlike the original implementation, we do not
// transpose since we perform matrix multiplication later.
// Also, we only need to store real numbers now (402 -> 201)
// Preallocate arrays to store output.
const fft = new FFT(fft_length);
const inputBuffer = new Float64Array(fft_length);
const outputBuffer = new Float64Array(fft.outputBufferSize);
const magnitudes = new Array(d1);
for (let i = 0; i < d1; ++i) {
// Populate buffer with waveform data
const offset = i * hop_length;
for (let j = 0; j < frame_length; ++j) {
buffer[j] = waveform[i * hop_length + j];
inputBuffer[j] = waveform[offset + j];
if (remove_dc_offset) {
let sum = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < frame_length; ++j) {
sum += buffer[j];
sum += inputBuffer[j];
const mean = sum / frame_length;
for (let j = 0; j < frame_length; ++j) {
buffer[j] -= mean;
inputBuffer[j] -= mean;
if (preemphasis !== null) {
// Done in reverse to avoid copies and distructive modification
for (let j = frame_length - 1; j >= 1; --j) {
buffer[j] -= preemphasis * buffer[j - 1];
inputBuffer[j] -= preemphasis * inputBuffer[j - 1];
buffer[0] *= 1 - preemphasis;
inputBuffer[0] *= 1 - preemphasis;
for (let j = 0; j < frame_length; ++j) {
buffer[j] *= window[j];
for (let j = 0; j < window.length; ++j) {
inputBuffer[j] *= window[j];
fft.transform(buffer, outputBuffer); // Most time is spent here
fft.realTransform(outputBuffer, inputBuffer);
// compute magnitudes
const row = new Array(num_frequency_bins);
for (let j = 0; j < num_frequency_bins; ++j) {
const inOffset = j << 1; // * 2 since complex
row[j] = outputBuffer[inOffset] ** 2 + outputBuffer[inOffset + 1] ** 2;
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; ++j) {
const j2 = j << 1;
row[j] = outputBuffer[j2] ** 2 + outputBuffer[j2 + 1] ** 2;
magnitudes[i] = row;
@ -571,8 +567,8 @@ export function spectrogram(
const mel_spec = new Float32Array(num_mel_filters * d1Max);
// Perform matrix muliplication:
// mel_spec = mel_filters.T @ magnitudes.T
// - mel_filters.shape=(201, 80) => mel_filters.T.shape=(80, 201)
// mel_spec = mel_filters @ magnitudes.T
// - mel_filters.shape=(80, 201)
// - magnitudes.shape=(3000, 201) => - magnitudes.T.shape=(201, 3000)
// - mel_spec.shape=(80, 3000)
const dims = transpose ? [d1Max, num_mel_filters] : [num_mel_filters, d1Max];

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@ -276,11 +276,12 @@ function isPowerOfTwo(number) {
* Implementation of Radix-4 FFT.
* R4FFT class provides functionality for performing Fast Fourier Transform on arrays.
* P2FFT class provides functionality for performing Fast Fourier Transform on arrays
* which are a power of two in length.
* Code adapted from https://www.npmjs.com/package/fft.js
class R4FFT {
class P2FFT {
* @param {number} size The size of the input array. Must be a power of two larger than 1.
* @throws {Error} FFT size must be a power of two larger than 1.
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ class R4FFT {
this._csize = size << 1;
this.table = new Float32Array(this.size * 2);
this.table = new Float64Array(this.size * 2);
for (let i = 0; i < this.table.length; i += 2) {
const angle = Math.PI * i / this.size;
this.table[i] = Math.cos(angle);
@ -759,169 +760,143 @@ class R4FFT {
* Helper class to support FFT with non-power-of-two sizes.
* NP2FFT class provides functionality for performing Fast Fourier Transform on arrays
* which are not a power of two in length. In such cases, the chirp-z transform is used.
* For more information, see: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/77118/non-power-of-2-ffts/77156#77156
export class FFT {
class NP2FFT {
* @param {number} size The size of the input array.
* @param {boolean} complex Whether the input array is complex or real.
* Constructs a new NP2FFT object.
* @param {number} fft_length The length of the FFT
constructor(size, complex = false) {
this.complex = complex;
const fftSize = complex ? size / 2 : size;
this._isPowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo(fftSize);
constructor(fft_length) {
// Helper variables
const a = 2 * (fft_length - 1);
const b = 2 * (2 * fft_length - 1);
const nextP2 = 2 ** (Math.ceil(Math.log2(b)))
this.bufferSize = nextP2;
this._a = a;
// If is power of two, use R4FFT. Otherwise, we must perform
// FFT with chirp-z transform. For more information, see
// https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/77118/non-power-of-2-ffts/77156#77156
// Define buffers
// Compute chirp for transform
const chirp = new Float64Array(b);
const ichirp = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._chirpBuffer = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._buffer1 = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._buffer2 = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._outBuffer1 = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._outBuffer2 = new Float64Array(nextP2);
if (this._isPowerOfTwo) {
this.f = new R4FFT(fftSize);
} else {
// Helper variables
const a = 2 * (fftSize - 1);
const b = 2 * (2 * fftSize - 1);
const nextP2 = 2 ** (Math.ceil(Math.log2(b))); // Next power of two
// Compute complex exponentiation
const theta = -2 * Math.PI / fft_length;
const baseR = Math.cos(theta);
const baseI = Math.sin(theta);
// Define buffers
// Compute chirp for transform
const chirp = new Float64Array(b);
const ichirp = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._chirpBuffer = new Float64Array(nextP2);
// Precompute helper for chirp-z transform
for (let i = 0; i < b >> 1; ++i) {
// Compute complex power:
const e = (i + 1 - fft_length) ** 2 / 2.0;
// Compute complex exponentiation
const theta = -2 * Math.PI / fftSize;
const baseR = Math.cos(theta);
const baseI = Math.sin(theta);
// Compute the modulus and argument of the result
const result_mod = Math.sqrt(baseR ** 2 + baseI ** 2) ** e;
const result_arg = e * Math.atan2(baseI, baseR);
// Precompute helper for chirp-z transform
for (let i = 0; i < chirp.length >> 1; ++i) {
// Compute complex power:
const e = (i + 1 - fftSize) ** 2 / 2.0;
// Convert the result back to rectangular form
// and assign to chirp and ichirp
const i2 = 2 * i;
chirp[i2] = result_mod * Math.cos(result_arg);
chirp[i2 + 1] = result_mod * Math.sin(result_arg);
// Compute the modulus and argument of the result
const result_mod = Math.sqrt(baseR ** 2 + baseI ** 2) ** e;
const result_arg = e * Math.atan2(baseI, baseR);
// conjugate
ichirp[i2] = chirp[i2];
ichirp[i2 + 1] = - chirp[i2 + 1];
this._slicedChirpBuffer = chirp.subarray(a, b);
// Convert the result back to rectangular form
// and assign to chirp and ichirp
const i2 = 2 * i;
chirp[i2] = result_mod * Math.cos(result_arg);
chirp[i2 + 1] = result_mod * Math.sin(result_arg);
// create object to perform Fast Fourier Transforms
// with `nextP2` complex numbers
this._f = new P2FFT(nextP2 >> 1);
this._f.transform(this._chirpBuffer, ichirp);
// conjugate
ichirp[i2] = chirp[i2];
ichirp[i2 + 1] = - chirp[i2 + 1];
_transform(output, input, real) {
const ib1 = this._buffer1;
const ib2 = this._buffer2;
const ob2 = this._outBuffer1;
const ob3 = this._outBuffer2;
const cb = this._chirpBuffer;
const sb = this._slicedChirpBuffer;
const a = this._a;
if (real) {
// Real multiplication
for (let j = 0; j < sb.length; j += 2) {
const j2 = j + 1
const j3 = j >> 1;
const a_real = input[j3];
ib1[j] = a_real * sb[j];
ib1[j2] = a_real * sb[j2];
} else {
// Complex multiplication
for (let j = 0; j < sb.length; j += 2) {
const j2 = j + 1
ib1[j] = input[j] * sb[j] - input[j2] * sb[j2];
ib1[j2] = input[j] * sb[j2] + input[j2] * sb[j];
this._f.transform(ob2, ib1);
// create object to perform Fast Fourier Transforms
// with `nextP2` complex numbers
this.f = new R4FFT(nextP2 >> 1);
this.f.transform(this._chirpBuffer, ichirp);
for (let j = 0; j < cb.length; j += 2) {
const j2 = j + 1;
this._slicedChirpBuffer = chirp.subarray(a, b);
ib2[j] = ob2[j] * cb[j] - ob2[j2] * cb[j2];
ib2[j2] = ob2[j] * cb[j2] + ob2[j2] * cb[j];
this._f.inverseTransform(ob3, ib2);
// Allocate two buffers
this._inBuffer = new Float64Array(nextP2);
this._outBuffer = new Float64Array(nextP2);
for (let j = 0; j < ob3.length; j += 2) {
const a_real = ob3[j + a];
const a_imag = ob3[j + a + 1];
const b_real = sb[j];
const b_imag = sb[j + 1];
output[j] = a_real * b_real - a_imag * b_imag;
output[j + 1] = a_real * b_imag + a_imag * b_real;
* Compute the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.
* @param {Float64Array} arr Input array, can be complex.
* @param {Float64Array} [output] The output array. If specified, this array will be overwritten with the result.
* @returns {Float64Array} The output array.
transform(arr, output = undefined) {
if (output) {
// User provided an output array. Ensure that the size is correct
if (this.complex) {
if (output.length !== arr.length) {
throw new Error(`Output array must be the same size as the (complex) input array: ${output.length} !== ${arr.length}`);
} else {
if (output.length !== 2 * arr.length) {
throw new Error(`Output array must be double the size of the (real) input array: ${output.length} !== 2 * ${arr.length}`);
transform(output, input) {
this._transform(output, input, false);
if (this._isPowerOfTwo) {
// Create output buffer if user did not provide one
output ??= this.f.createComplexArray();
if (this.complex) {
this.f.transform(output, arr);
} else {
this.f.realTransform(output, arr);
realTransform(output, input) {
this._transform(output, input, true);
export class FFT {
constructor(fft_length) {
this.fft_length = fft_length;
this.isPowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo(fft_length);
if (this.isPowerOfTwo) {
this.fft = new P2FFT(fft_length);
this.outputBufferSize = 2 * fft_length;
} else {
// Reuse buffers
const ib = this._inBuffer.fill(0); // Reset input buffer
const cb = this._chirpBuffer;
const ob = this._outBuffer;
const sb = this._slicedChirpBuffer;
if (this.complex) {
for (let j = 0; j < sb.length; j += 2) {
const j2 = j + 1;
// Complex multiplication
ib[j] = arr[j] * sb[j] - arr[j2] * sb[j2];
ib[j2] = arr[j] * sb[j2] + arr[j2] * sb[j];
} else {
for (let j = 0; j < sb.length; j += 2) {
const j2 = j + 1;
const a_real = arr[j >> 1];
ib[j] = a_real * sb[j];
ib[j2] = a_real * sb[j2];
this.f.transform(ob, ib);
for (let j = 0; j < cb.length; j += 2) {
const j2 = j + 1;
// Complex multiplication
ib[j] = ob[j] * cb[j] - ob[j2] * cb[j2];
ib[j2] = ob[j] * cb[j2] + ob[j2] * cb[j];
this.f.inverseTransform(ob, ib);
if (this.complex) {
output ??= new Float64Array(arr.length);
const offset = arr.length - 2;
for (let j = 0; j < output.length; j += 2) {
const o = j + offset;
const a_real = ob[o];
const a_imag = ob[o + 1];
const b_real = sb[j];
const b_imag = sb[j + 1];
output[j] = a_real * b_real - a_imag * b_imag;
output[j + 1] = a_real * b_imag + a_imag * b_real;
} else {
output ??= new Float64Array(arr.length * 2);
const offset = 2 * (arr.length - 1);
for (let j = 0; j < output.length; j += 2) {
const a_real = ob[j + offset];
const a_imag = ob[j + offset + 1];
const b_real = sb[j];
const b_imag = sb[j + 1];
output[j] = a_real * b_real - a_imag * b_imag;
output[j + 1] = a_real * b_imag + a_imag * b_real;
this.fft = new NP2FFT(fft_length);
this.outputBufferSize = this.fft.bufferSize;
return output;
realTransform(out, input) {
this.fft.realTransform(out, input);
transform(out, input) {
this.fft.transform(out, input);

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@ -6,9 +6,21 @@ import { FFT, medianFilter } from '../src/utils/maths.js';
const fft = (arr, complex = false) => {
const fft = new FFT(arr.length, complex);
const out = fft.transform(arr);
return out;
let output;
let fft;
if (complex) {
fft = new FFT(arr.length / 2);
output = new Float64Array(fft.outputBufferSize);
fft.transform(output, arr);
} else {
fft = new FFT(arr.length);
output = new Float64Array(fft.outputBufferSize);
fft.realTransform(output, arr);
if (!fft.isPowerOfTwo) {
output = output.slice(0, complex ? arr.length : 2 * arr.length);
return output;
const fftTestsData = await (await getFile('./tests/data/fft_tests.json')).json()