import CustomDump import SwiftUI /// An equatable description of SwiftUI `Text`. Useful for storing rich text in feature models /// that can still be tested for equality. /// /// Although `SwiftUI.Text` and `SwiftUI.LocalizedStringKey` are value types that conform to /// `Equatable`, their `==` do not return `true` when used with seemingly equal values. If we were /// to naively store these values in state, our tests may begin to fail. /// /// ``TextState`` solves this problem by providing an interface similar to `SwiftUI.Text` that can /// be held in state and asserted against. /// /// Let's say you wanted to hold some dynamic, styled text content in your app state. You could use /// ``TextState``: /// /// ```swift /// class Model: Equatable { /// @Published var label = TextState("") /// } /// ``` /// /// Your model can then assign a value to this state using an API similar to that of `SwiftUI.Text`. /// /// ```swift /// self.label = TextState("Hello, ") + TextState(name).bold() + TextState("!") /// ``` /// /// And your view can render it by passing it to a `SwiftUI.Text` initializer: /// /// ```swift /// var body: some View { /// Text(self.model.label) /// } /// ``` /// /// SwiftUI Navigation comes with a few convenience APIs for alerts and dialogs that wrap /// ``TextState`` under the hood. See ``AlertState`` and ``ConfirmationDialogState`` accordingly. /// /// In the future, should `SwiftUI.Text` and `SwiftUI.LocalizedStringKey` reliably conform to /// `Equatable`, ``TextState`` may be deprecated. /// /// - Note: ``TextState`` does not support _all_ `LocalizedStringKey` permutations at this time /// (interpolated `SwiftUI.Image`s, for example). ``TextState`` also uses reflection to determine /// `LocalizedStringKey` equatability, so be mindful of edge cases. public struct TextState: Equatable, Hashable { fileprivate var modifiers: [Modifier] = [] fileprivate let storage: Storage fileprivate enum Modifier: Equatable, Hashable { case accessibilityHeading(AccessibilityHeadingLevel) case accessibilityLabel(TextState) case accessibilityTextContentType(AccessibilityTextContentType) case baselineOffset(CGFloat) case bold(isActive: Bool) case font(Font?) case fontDesign(Font.Design?) case fontWeight(Font.Weight?) case fontWidth(FontWidth?) case foregroundColor(Color?) case italic(isActive: Bool) case kerning(CGFloat) case monospacedDigit case speechAdjustedPitch(Double) case speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(Bool) case speechAnnouncementsQueued(Bool) case speechSpellsOutCharacters(Bool) case strikethrough(isActive: Bool, pattern: LineStylePattern?, color: Color?) case tracking(CGFloat) case underline(isActive: Bool, pattern: LineStylePattern?, color: Color?) } public enum FontWidth: String, Equatable, Hashable { case compressed case condensed case expanded case standard #if swift(>=5.7.1) @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) var toSwiftUI: SwiftUI.Font.Width { switch self { case .compressed: return .compressed case .condensed: return .condensed case .expanded: return .expanded case .standard: return .standard } } #endif } public enum LineStylePattern: String, Equatable, Hashable { case dash case dashDot case dashDotDot case dot case solid @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) var toSwiftUI: SwiftUI.Text.LineStyle.Pattern { switch self { case .dash: return .dash case .dashDot: return .dashDot case .dashDotDot: return .dashDotDot case .dot: return .dot case .solid: return .solid } } } fileprivate enum Storage: Equatable, Hashable { indirect case concatenated(TextState, TextState) case localized(LocalizedStringKey, tableName: String?, bundle: Bundle?, comment: StaticString?) case verbatim(String) static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case let (.concatenated(l1, l2), .concatenated(r1, r2)): return l1 == r1 && l2 == r2 case let (.localized(lk, lt, lb, lc), .localized(rk, rt, rb, rc)): return lk.formatted(tableName: lt, bundle: lb, comment: lc) == rk.formatted(tableName: rt, bundle: rb, comment: rc) case let (.verbatim(lhs), .verbatim(rhs)): return lhs == rhs case let (.localized(key, tableName, bundle, comment), .verbatim(string)), let (.verbatim(string), .localized(key, tableName, bundle, comment)): return key.formatted(tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment) == string // NB: We do not attempt to equate concatenated cases. default: return false } } func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { enum Key { case concatenated case localized case verbatim } switch self { case let (.concatenated(first, second)): hasher.combine(Key.concatenated) hasher.combine(first) hasher.combine(second) case let .localized(key, tableName, bundle, comment): hasher.combine(Key.localized) hasher.combine(key.formatted(tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment)) case let .verbatim(string): hasher.combine(Key.verbatim) hasher.combine(string) } } } } // MARK: - API extension TextState { public init(verbatim content: String) { = .verbatim(content) } @_disfavoredOverload public init(_ content: S) { self.init(verbatim: String(content)) } public init( _ key: LocalizedStringKey, tableName: String? = nil, bundle: Bundle? = nil, comment: StaticString? = nil ) { = .localized(key, tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment) } public static func + (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self { .init(storage: .concatenated(lhs, rhs)) } public func baselineOffset(_ baselineOffset: CGFloat) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.baselineOffset(baselineOffset)) return `self` } public func bold() -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.bold(isActive: true)) return `self` } @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) public func bold(isActive: Bool) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.bold(isActive: isActive)) return `self` } public func font(_ font: Font?) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.font(font)) return `self` } public func fontDesign(_ design: Font.Design?) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.fontDesign(design)) return `self` } public func fontWeight(_ weight: Font.Weight?) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.fontWeight(weight)) return `self` } @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) public func fontWidth(_ width: FontWidth?) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.fontWidth(width)) return `self` } public func foregroundColor(_ color: Color?) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.foregroundColor(color)) return `self` } public func italic() -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.italic(isActive: true)) return `self` } @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) public func italic(isActive: Bool) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.italic(isActive: isActive)) return `self` } public func kerning(_ kerning: CGFloat) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.kerning(kerning)) return `self` } @available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) public func monospacedDigit() -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.monospacedDigit) return `self` } public func strikethrough(_ isActive: Bool = true, color: Color? = nil) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.strikethrough(isActive: isActive, pattern: .solid, color: color)) return `self` } @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) public func strikethrough( _ isActive: Bool = true, pattern: LineStylePattern, color: Color? = nil ) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.strikethrough(isActive: isActive, pattern: pattern, color: color)) return `self` } public func tracking(_ tracking: CGFloat) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.tracking(tracking)) return `self` } public func underline(_ isActive: Bool = true, color: Color? = nil) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.underline(isActive: isActive, pattern: .solid, color: color)) return `self` } @available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) public func underline( _ isActive: Bool = true, pattern: LineStylePattern, color: Color? = nil ) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.underline(isActive: isActive, pattern: pattern, color: color)) return `self` } } // MARK: Accessibility extension TextState { public enum AccessibilityTextContentType: String, Equatable, Hashable { case console, fileSystem, messaging, narrative, plain, sourceCode, spreadsheet, wordProcessing #if compiler(>=5.5.1) @available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) var toSwiftUI: SwiftUI.AccessibilityTextContentType { switch self { case .console: return .console case .fileSystem: return .fileSystem case .messaging: return .messaging case .narrative: return .narrative case .plain: return .plain case .sourceCode: return .sourceCode case .spreadsheet: return .spreadsheet case .wordProcessing: return .wordProcessing } } #endif } public enum AccessibilityHeadingLevel: String, Equatable, Hashable { case h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, unspecified #if compiler(>=5.5.1) @available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) var toSwiftUI: SwiftUI.AccessibilityHeadingLevel { switch self { case .h1: return .h1 case .h2: return .h2 case .h3: return .h3 case .h4: return .h4 case .h5: return .h5 case .h6: return .h6 case .unspecified: return .unspecified } } #endif } } @available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) extension TextState { public func accessibilityHeading(_ headingLevel: AccessibilityHeadingLevel) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.accessibilityHeading(headingLevel)) return `self` } public func accessibilityLabel(_ label: Self) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.accessibilityLabel(label)) return `self` } public func accessibilityLabel(_ string: String) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.accessibilityLabel(.init(string))) return `self` } public func accessibilityLabel(_ string: S) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.accessibilityLabel(.init(string))) return `self` } public func accessibilityLabel( _ key: LocalizedStringKey, tableName: String? = nil, bundle: Bundle? = nil, comment: StaticString? = nil ) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append( .accessibilityLabel(.init(key, tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment))) return `self` } public func accessibilityTextContentType(_ type: AccessibilityTextContentType) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.accessibilityTextContentType(type)) return `self` } public func speechAdjustedPitch(_ value: Double) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.speechAdjustedPitch(value)) return `self` } public func speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(_ value: Bool = true) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(value)) return `self` } public func speechAnnouncementsQueued(_ value: Bool = true) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.speechAnnouncementsQueued(value)) return `self` } public func speechSpellsOutCharacters(_ value: Bool = true) -> Self { var `self` = self `self`.modifiers.append(.speechSpellsOutCharacters(value)) return `self` } } extension Text { public init(_ state: TextState) { let text: Text switch { case let .concatenated(first, second): text = Text(first) + Text(second) case let .localized(content, tableName, bundle, comment): text = .init(content, tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment) case let .verbatim(content): text = .init(verbatim: content) } self = state.modifiers.reduce(text) { text, modifier in switch modifier { #if compiler(>=5.5.1) case let .accessibilityHeading(level): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.accessibilityHeading(level.toSwiftUI) } else { return text } case let .accessibilityLabel(value): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { switch { case let .verbatim(string): return text.accessibilityLabel(string) case let .localized(key, tableName, bundle, comment): return text.accessibilityLabel( Text(key, tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment)) case .concatenated(_, _): assertionFailure("`.accessibilityLabel` does not support concatenated `TextState`") return text } } else { return text } case let .accessibilityTextContentType(type): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.accessibilityTextContentType(type.toSwiftUI) } else { return text } #else case .accessibilityHeading, .accessibilityLabel, .accessibilityTextContentType: return text #endif case let .baselineOffset(baselineOffset): return text.baselineOffset(baselineOffset) case let .bold(isActive): #if swift(>=5.7.1) if #available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) { return text.bold(isActive) } else { return text.bold() } #else _ = isActive return text.bold() #endif case let .font(font): return text.font(font) case let .fontDesign(design): #if swift(>=5.7.1) if #available(iOS 16.1, macOS 13, tvOS 16.1, watchOS 9.1, *) { return text.fontDesign(design) } else { return text } #else _ = design return text #endif case let .fontWeight(weight): return text.fontWeight(weight) case let .fontWidth(width): #if swift(>=5.7.1) if #available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) { return text.fontWidth(width?.toSwiftUI) } else { return text } #else _ = width return text #endif case let .foregroundColor(color): return text.foregroundColor(color) case let .italic(isActive): #if swift(>=5.7.1) if #available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *) { return text.italic(isActive) } else { return text.italic() } #else _ = isActive return text.italic() #endif case let .kerning(kerning): return text.kerning(kerning) case .monospacedDigit: if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.monospacedDigit() } else { return text } case let .speechAdjustedPitch(value): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.speechAdjustedPitch(value) } else { return text } case let .speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(value): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(value) } else { return text } case let .speechAnnouncementsQueued(value): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.speechAnnouncementsQueued(value) } else { return text } case let .speechSpellsOutCharacters(value): if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *) { return text.speechSpellsOutCharacters(value) } else { return text } case let .strikethrough(isActive, pattern, color): #if swift(>=5.7.1) if #available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *), let pattern = pattern { return text.strikethrough(isActive, pattern: pattern.toSwiftUI, color: color) } else { return text.strikethrough(isActive, color: color) } #else _ = pattern return text.strikethrough(isActive, color: color) #endif case let .tracking(tracking): return text.tracking(tracking) case let .underline(isActive, pattern, color): #if swift(>=5.7.1) if #available(iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS 9, *), let pattern = pattern { return text.underline(isActive, pattern: pattern.toSwiftUI, color: color) } else { return text.underline(isActive, color: color) } #else _ = pattern return text.strikethrough(isActive, color: color) #endif } } } } extension String { public init(state: TextState, locale: Locale? = nil) { switch { case let .concatenated(lhs, rhs): self = String(state: lhs, locale: locale) + String(state: rhs, locale: locale) case let .localized(key, tableName, bundle, comment): self = key.formatted( locale: locale, tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment ) case let .verbatim(string): self = string } } } extension LocalizedStringKey { // NB: `LocalizedStringKey` conforms to `Equatable` but returns false for equivalent format // strings. To account for this we reflect on it to extract and string-format its storage. fileprivate func formatted( locale: Locale? = nil, tableName: String? = nil, bundle: Bundle? = nil, comment: StaticString? = nil ) -> String { let children = Array(Mirror(reflecting: self).children) let key = children[0].value as! String let arguments: [CVarArg] = Array(Mirror(reflecting: children[2].value).children) .compactMap { let children = Array(Mirror(reflecting: $0.value).children) let value: Any let formatter: Formatter? // `LocalizedStringKey.FormatArgument` differs depending on OS/platform. if children[0].label == "storage" { (value, formatter) = Array(Mirror(reflecting: children[0].value).children)[0].value as! (Any, Formatter?) } else { value = children[0].value formatter = children[1].value as? Formatter } return formatter?.string(for: value) ?? value as! CVarArg } let format = NSLocalizedString( key, tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle ?? .main, value: "", comment: ?? "" ) return String(format: format, locale: locale, arguments: arguments) } } // MARK: - CustomDumpRepresentable extension TextState: CustomDumpRepresentable { public var customDumpValue: Any { func dumpHelp(_ textState: Self) -> String { var output: String switch { case let .concatenated(lhs, rhs): output = dumpHelp(lhs) + dumpHelp(rhs) case let .localized(key, tableName, bundle, comment): output = key.formatted(tableName: tableName, bundle: bundle, comment: comment) case let .verbatim(string): output = string } func tag(_ name: String, attribute: String? = nil, _ value: String? = nil) { output = """ <\(name)\( { " \($0)" } ?? "")\( { "=\($0)" } ?? "")>\ \(output)\ """ } for modifier in textState.modifiers { switch modifier { case let .accessibilityHeading(headingLevel): tag("accessibility-heading-level", headingLevel.rawValue) case let .accessibilityLabel(value): tag("accessibility-label", dumpHelp(value)) case let .accessibilityTextContentType(type): tag("accessibility-text-content-type", type.rawValue) case let .baselineOffset(baselineOffset): tag("baseline-offset", "\(baselineOffset)") case .bold(isActive: true), .fontWeight(.some(.bold)): output = "**\(output)**" case .font(.some): break // TODO: capture Font description using DSL similar to TextState and print here case let .fontDesign(.some(design)): func describe(design: Font.Design) -> String { switch design { case .default: return "default" case .serif: return "serif" case .rounded: return "rounded" case .monospaced: return "monospaced" @unknown default: return "\(design)" } } tag("font-design", describe(design: design)) case let .fontWeight(.some(weight)): func describe(weight: Font.Weight) -> String { switch weight { case .black: return "black" case .bold: return "bold" case .heavy: return "heavy" case .light: return "light" case .medium: return "medium" case .regular: return "regular" case .semibold: return "semibold" case .thin: return "thin" default: return "\(weight)" } } tag("font-weight", describe(weight: weight)) case let .fontWidth(.some(width)): tag("font-width", width.rawValue) case let .foregroundColor(.some(color)): tag("foreground-color", "\(color)") case .italic(isActive: true): output = "_\(output)_" case let .kerning(kerning): tag("kerning", "\(kerning)") case let .speechAdjustedPitch(value): tag("speech-adjusted-pitch", "\(value)") case .speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(true): tag("speech-always-includes-punctuation") case .speechAnnouncementsQueued(true): tag("speech-announcements-queued") case .speechSpellsOutCharacters(true): tag("speech-spells-out-characters") case let .strikethrough(isActive: true, pattern: _, color: .some(color)): tag("s", attribute: "color", "\(color)") case .strikethrough(isActive: true, pattern: _, color: .none): output = "~~\(output)~~" case let .tracking(tracking): tag("tracking", "\(tracking)") case let .underline(isActive: true, pattern: _, .some(color)): tag("u", attribute: "color", "\(color)") case .underline(isActive: true, pattern: _, color: .none): tag("u") case .bold(isActive: false), .font(.none), .fontDesign(.none), .fontWeight(.none), .fontWidth(.none), .foregroundColor(.none), .italic(isActive: false), .monospacedDigit, .speechAlwaysIncludesPunctuation(false), .speechAnnouncementsQueued(false), .speechSpellsOutCharacters(false), .strikethrough(isActive: false, pattern: _, color: _), .underline(isActive: false, pattern: _, color: _): break } } return output } return dumpHelp(self) } }