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Changes in the Public API from NIO 1 to NIO 2

  • renamed all instances of ctx to context. Your ChannelHandler methods now need to take a context parameter and no longer ctx. Example: func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny)
  • HTTPResponseCompressor moved to swift-nio-extras.
  • removed all previously deprecated functions, types and modules.
  • renamed SniResult to SNIResult
  • renamed SniHandler to SNIHandler
  • made EventLoopGroup.makeIterator() a required method
  • Channel._unsafe is now Channel._channelCore
  • TimeAmount.Value is now Int64 (from Int on 64 bit platforms, no change for 32 bit platforms)
  • ByteToMessageDecoders now need to be wrapped in ByteToMessageHandler before they can be added to the pipeline. before: pipeline.add(MyDecoder()), after: pipeline.add(ByteToMessageHandler(MyDecoder()))
  • MessageToByteEncoders now need to be wrapped in MessageToByteHandler before they can be added to the pipeline. before: pipeline.add(MyEncoder()), after: pipeline.add(MessageToByteHandler(MyEncoder()))
  • BlockingIOThreadPool has been renamed to NIOThreadPool
  • ByteToMessageDecoder now requires the implementation of decodeLast
  • MessageToByteEncoder now requires the implementation of encode
  • MessageToByteEncoder.allocateOutBuffer was removed without replacement
  • MessageToByteEncoder.encode no longer gets access to the ChannelHandlerContext
  • ByteToMessageDecoder.decodeLast has a new parameter seenEOF: Bool
  • EventLoop.makePromise/makeSucceededFuture/makeFailedFuture instead of new*, also result:/error: labels dropped
  • SocketAddress.makeAddressResolvingHost(:port:) instead of SocketAddress.newAddressResolving(host:port:)
  • changed all ports to Int (from UInt16)
  • changed HTTPVersion's major and minor properties to Int (from UInt16)
  • NIOWebSocketUpgradeError is now a struct rather than an enum
  • renamed the generic parameter name to Bytes where we're talking about a generic collection of bytes
  • Moved error ChannelLifecycleError.inappropriateOperationForState to ChannelError.inappropriateOperationForState.
  • Moved all errors in MulticastError enum into ChannelError.
  • Removed ChannelError.connectFailed. All errors that triggered this now throw NIOConnectError directly.
  • Made WebSocketOpcode a struct. Removed WebSocketOpcode.unknownControl and WebSocketOpcode.unknownNonControl values: these should be replaced by simply instantiating WebSocketOpcode with the value.
  • ThreadSpecificVariable is now a class instead of a struct
  • Channel.setOption(option:value:) has been renamed Channel.setOption(_:value:)
  • Channel.getOption(option:value:) has been renamed Channel.getOption(_:value:)
  • ChannelOption.AssociatedValueType has been removed
  • ChannelOption.OptionType has been renamed ChannelOption.Value
  • the default ChannelOptions have been switched changed from case FooOption { case const } to a struct FooOption { public init() {} }
  • markedElementIndex(), markedElement() and hasMark() are now computed variables instead of functions.
  • ByteBuffer.setString(_:at:) (used to be set(string:at:)) no longer returns an Int?, instead it returns Int and has had its return value made discardable.
  • ByteBuffer.write(string:) (now named ByteBuffer.writeString(_:)) no longer returns an Int?, instead it returns Int and has had its return value made discardable.
  • removed ContiguousCollection
  • CircularBuffer(initialRingCapacity:) is now CircularBuffer(initialCapacity:)
  • MarkedCircularBuffer(initialRingCapacity:) is now MarkedCircularBuffer(initialCapacity:)
  • EventLoopFuture.whenComplete now provides Result<T, Error>
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.then to EventLoopFuture.flatMap
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.thenIfError to EventLoopFuture.flatMapError
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.mapIfError to EventLoopFuture.recover
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.thenThrowing to EventLoopFuture.flatMapThrowing
  • renamed EventLoopFuture's generic parameter from T to Value
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.and(result:) to EventLoopFuture.and(value:)
  • the asynchronous task version of EventLoop.scheduleRepeatedTask has been renamed to scheduleRepeatedAsyncTask
  • EventLoopPromise.succeed(result: Value) lost its label so is now EventLoopPromise.succeed(Value)
  • EventLoopPromise.fail(error: Error) lost its label so is now EventLoopPromise.fail(Error)
  • renamed HTTPProtocolUpgrader to HTTPServerProtocolUpgrader
  • ByteToMessageDecoders no longer automatically close the connection on error.
  • EventLoopFuture.cascade(promise: EventLoopPromise) had its label changed to EventLoopFuture.cascade(to: EventLoopPromise)
  • EventLoopFuture.cascadeFailure(promise: EventLoopPromise) had its label changed to EventLoopFuture.cascade(to: EventLoopPromise)
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.andAll(_:eventLoop:) to EventLoopFuture.andAllSucceed(_:on:)
  • all ChannelPipeline.remove(...) now return EventLoopFuture<Void> instead of EventLoopFuture<Bool>
  • ByteBuffer.set(<type>, ...) is now ByteBuffer.set<Type>
  • ByteBuffer.write(<type>, ...) is now ByteBuffer.write<Type>
  • renamed EventLoopFuture.hopTo(eventLoop:) to EventLoopFuture.hop(to:)
  • EventLoopFuture.reduce(into:_:eventLoop:_:) had its label signature changed to EventLoopFuture.reduce(into:_:on:_:)
  • EventLoopFuture.reduce(_:_:eventLoop:_: had its label signature changed to EventLoopFuture.reduce(_:_:on:_:)
  • CircularBuffer and MarkedCircularBuffer's indices are now opaque and no longer Strideable, use CircularBuffer.index(...) for index calculations
  • all ChannelOptions are now required to be Equatable
  • HTTPHeaderIndex has been removed, without replacement
  • HTTPHeader has been removed, without replacement
  • HTTPHeaders[canonicalForm:] now returns [Substring] instead of [String]
  • HTTPListHeaderIterator has been removed, without replacement
  • WebSocketFrameDecoder's automaticErrorHandling: parameter has been deprecated. Remove if false, add WebSocketProtocolErrorHandler to your pipeline instead if true
  • rename FileHandle to NIOFileHandle
  • rename all ChannelPipeline.add(name:handler:...)s to ChannelPipeline.addHandler(_:name:...)
  • rename all ChannelPipeline.remove(...)s to ChannelPipeline.removeHandler(...)
  • change ChannelPipeline.addHandler[s](_:first:) to ChannelPipeline.addHandler(_:postion:) where position can be .first, .last, .before(ChannelHandler), and .after(ChannelHandler)
  • change ChannelPipeline.addHandler(_:before:) to ChannelPipeline.addHandler(_:postion:) where position can be .first, .last, .before(ChannelHandler), and .after(ChannelHandler)
  • change ChannelPipeline.addHandler(_:after:) to ChannelPipeline.addHandler(_:postion:) where position can be .first, .last, .before(ChannelHandler), and .after(ChannelHandler)
  • Change HTTPServerProtocolUpgrader protocol to require buildUpgradeResponse to take a channel and return an EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders>.
  • EmbeddedChannel.writeInbound/Outbound are now throwing
  • EmbeddedChannel.finish/writeInbound/writeOutbound now return an enum representation of their effects rather than mystery bools.
  • HTTPMethod.hasRequestBody and the HTTPMethod.HasBody type have been removed from the public API