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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(Android)
import CNIOLinux
enum LowLevelThreadOperations {
protocol ThreadOps {
associatedtype ThreadHandle
associatedtype ThreadSpecificKey
associatedtype ThreadSpecificKeyDestructor
static func threadName(_ thread: ThreadHandle) -> String?
static func run(handle: inout ThreadHandle?, args: Box<NIOThread.ThreadBoxValue>, detachThread: Bool)
static func isCurrentThread(_ thread: ThreadHandle) -> Bool
static func compareThreads(_ lhs: ThreadHandle, _ rhs: ThreadHandle) -> Bool
static var currentThread: ThreadHandle { get }
static func joinThread(_ thread: ThreadHandle)
static func allocateThreadSpecificValue(destructor: ThreadSpecificKeyDestructor) -> ThreadSpecificKey
static func deallocateThreadSpecificValue(_ key: ThreadSpecificKey)
static func getThreadSpecificValue(_ key: ThreadSpecificKey) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
static func setThreadSpecificValue(key: ThreadSpecificKey, value: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)
/// A Thread that executes some runnable block.
/// All methods exposed are thread-safe.
final class NIOThread {
internal typealias ThreadBoxValue = (body: (NIOThread) -> Void, name: String?)
internal typealias ThreadBox = Box<ThreadBoxValue>
private let desiredName: String?
/// The thread handle used by this instance.
private let handle: ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadHandle
/// Create a new instance
/// - arguments:
/// - handle: The `ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadHandle` that is wrapped and used by the `NIOThread`.
internal init(handle: ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadHandle, desiredName: String?) {
self.handle = handle
self.desiredName = desiredName
/// Execute the given body with the `pthread_t` that is used by this `NIOThread` as argument.
/// - warning: Do not escape `pthread_t` from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The closure that will accept the `pthread_t`.
/// - returns: The value returned by `body`.
internal func withUnsafeThreadHandle<T>(_ body: (ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadHandle) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
return try body(self.handle)
/// Get current name of the `NIOThread` or `nil` if not set.
var currentName: String? {
return ThreadOpsSystem.threadName(self.handle)
func join() {
/// Spawns and runs some task in a `NIOThread`.
/// - arguments:
/// - name: The name of the `NIOThread` or `nil` if no specific name should be set.
/// - body: The function to execute within the spawned `NIOThread`.
/// - detach: Whether to detach the thread. If the thread is not detached it must be `join`ed.
static func spawnAndRun(name: String? = nil, detachThread: Bool = true,
body: @escaping (NIOThread) -> Void) {
var handle: ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadHandle? = nil
// Store everything we want to pass into the c function in a Box so we
// can hand-over the reference.
let tuple: ThreadBoxValue = (body: body, name: name)
let box = ThreadBox(tuple)
ThreadOpsSystem.run(handle: &handle, args: box, detachThread: detachThread)
/// Returns `true` if the calling thread is the same as this one.
var isCurrent: Bool {
return ThreadOpsSystem.isCurrentThread(self.handle)
/// Returns the current running `NIOThread`.
static var current: NIOThread {
let handle = ThreadOpsSystem.currentThread
return NIOThread(handle: handle, desiredName: nil)
extension NIOThread: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
let desiredName = self.desiredName
let actualName = self.currentName
switch (desiredName, actualName) {
case (.some(let desiredName), .some(desiredName)):
// We know the current, actual name and the desired name and they match. This is hopefully the most common
// situation.
return "NIOThread(name = \(desiredName))"
case (.some(let desiredName), .some(let actualName)):
// We know both names but they're not equal. That's odd but not impossible, some misbehaved library might
// have changed the name.
return "NIOThread(desiredName = \(desiredName), actualName = \(actualName))"
case (.some(let desiredName), .none):
// We only know the desired name and can't get the actual thread name. The OS might not be able to provide
// the name to us.
return "NIOThread(desiredName = \(desiredName))"
case (.none, .some(let actualName)):
// We only know the actual name. This can happen when we don't have a reference to the actually spawned
// thread but rather ask for the current thread and then print it.
return "NIOThread(actualName = \(actualName))"
case (.none, .none):
// We know nothing, sorry.
return "NIOThread(n/a)"
/// A `ThreadSpecificVariable` is a variable that can be read and set like a normal variable except that it holds
/// different variables per thread.
/// `ThreadSpecificVariable` is thread-safe so it can be used with multiple threads at the same time but the value
/// returned by `currentValue` is defined per thread.
public final class ThreadSpecificVariable<Value: AnyObject> {
/* the actual type in there is `Box<(ThreadSpecificVariable<T>, T)>` but we can't use that as C functions can't capture (even types) */
private typealias BoxedType = Box<(AnyObject, AnyObject)>
internal class Key {
private var underlyingKey: ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadSpecificKey
internal init(destructor: @escaping ThreadOpsSystem.ThreadSpecificKeyDestructor) {
self.underlyingKey = ThreadOpsSystem.allocateThreadSpecificValue(destructor: destructor)
deinit {
public func get() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer? {
return ThreadOpsSystem.getThreadSpecificValue(self.underlyingKey)
public func set(value: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
ThreadOpsSystem.setThreadSpecificValue(key: self.underlyingKey, value: value)
private let key: Key
/// Initialize a new `ThreadSpecificVariable` without a current value (`currentValue == nil`).
public init() {
self.key = Key(destructor: {
Unmanaged<BoxedType>.fromOpaque(($0 as UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)!).release()
/// Initialize a new `ThreadSpecificVariable` with `value` for the calling thread. After calling this, the calling
/// thread will see `currentValue == value` but on all other threads `currentValue` will be `nil` until changed.
/// - parameters:
/// - value: The value to set for the calling thread.
public convenience init(value: Value) {
self.currentValue = value
#if swift(>=5.7)
/// The value for the current thread.
@available(*, noasync, message: "threads can change between suspension points and therefore the thread specific value too")
public var currentValue: Value? {
get {
set {
/// The value for the current thread.
public var currentValue: Value? {
get {
set {
/// Get the current value for the calling thread.
func get() -> Value? {
guard let raw = self.key.get() else { return nil }
// parenthesize the return value to silence the cast warning
return (Unmanaged<BoxedType>
.value.1 as! Value)
/// Set the current value for the calling threads. The `currentValue` for all other threads remains unchanged.
func set(_ newValue: Value?) {
if let raw = self.key.get() {
self.key.set(value: newValue.map { Unmanaged.passRetained(Box((self, $0))).toOpaque() })
extension ThreadSpecificVariable: @unchecked Sendable where Value: Sendable {}
extension NIOThread: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: NIOThread, rhs: NIOThread) -> Bool {
return lhs.withUnsafeThreadHandle { lhs in
rhs.withUnsafeThreadHandle { rhs in
ThreadOpsSystem.compareThreads(lhs, rhs)