
644 lines
26 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
// This module implements Happy Eyeballs 2 (RFC 8305). A few notes should be made about the design.
// The natural implementation of RFC 8305 is to use an explicit FSM, and this module does so. However,
// it doesn't use the natural Swift idiom for an FSM of using an enum with mutating methods. The reason
// for this is that the RFC 8305 FSM here needs to trigger a number of concurrent asynchronous operations,
// each of which will register callbacks that attempt to mutate `self`. This gets tricky fast, because enums
// are value types, while all of these callbacks need to trigger state transitions on the same underlying
// state machine.
// For this reason, we fall back to the less Swifty but more clear approach of embedding the FSM in a class.
// We naturally still use an enum to hold our state, but the FSM is now inside a class, which makes the shared
// state nature of this FSM a bit clearer.
private extension Array where Element == EventLoopFuture<Channel> {
mutating func remove(element: Element) {
guard let channelIndex = self.firstIndex(where: { $0 === element }) else {
remove(at: channelIndex)
/// An error that occurred during connection to a given target.
public struct SingleConnectionFailure: NIOSendable {
/// The target we were trying to connect to when we encountered the error.
public let target: SocketAddress
/// The error we encountered.
public let error: Error
/// A representation of all the errors that happened during an attempt to connect
/// to a given host and port.
public struct NIOConnectionError: Error {
/// The hostname SwiftNIO was trying to connect to.
public let host: String
/// The port SwiftNIO was trying to connect to.
public let port: Int
/// The error we encountered doing the DNS A lookup, if any.
public fileprivate(set) var dnsAError: Error? = nil
/// The error we encountered doing the DNS AAAA lookup, if any.
public fileprivate(set) var dnsAAAAError: Error? = nil
/// The errors we encountered during the connection attempts.
public fileprivate(set) var connectionErrors: [SingleConnectionFailure] = []
fileprivate init(host: String, port: Int) {
self.host = host
self.port = port
/// A simple iterator that manages iterating over the possible targets.
/// This iterator knows how to merge together the A and AAAA records in a sensible way:
/// specifically, it keeps track of what the last address family it emitted was, and emits the
/// address of the opposite family next.
private struct TargetIterator: IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = SocketAddress
private enum AddressFamily {
case v4
case v6
private var previousAddressFamily: AddressFamily = .v4
private var aQueryResults: [SocketAddress] = []
private var aaaaQueryResults: [SocketAddress] = []
mutating func aResultsAvailable(_ results: [SocketAddress]) {
aQueryResults.append(contentsOf: results)
mutating func aaaaResultsAvailable(_ results: [SocketAddress]) {
aaaaQueryResults.append(contentsOf: results)
mutating func next() -> Element? {
switch previousAddressFamily {
case .v4:
return popAAAA() ?? popA()
case .v6:
return popA() ?? popAAAA()
private mutating func popA() -> SocketAddress? {
if aQueryResults.count > 0 {
previousAddressFamily = .v4
return aQueryResults.removeFirst()
return nil
private mutating func popAAAA() -> SocketAddress? {
if aaaaQueryResults.count > 0 {
previousAddressFamily = .v6
return aaaaQueryResults.removeFirst()
return nil
/// Given a DNS resolver and an event loop, attempts to establish a connection to
/// the target host over both IPv4 and IPv6.
/// This class provides the code that implements RFC 8305: Happy Eyeballs 2. This
/// is a connection establishment strategy that attempts to efficiently and quickly
/// establish connections to a host that has multiple IP addresses available to it,
/// potentially over two different IP protocol versions (4 and 6).
/// This class should be created when a connection attempt is made and will remain
/// active until a connection is established. It is responsible for actually creating
/// connections and managing timeouts.
/// This class's public API is thread-safe: the constructor and `resolveAndConnect` can
/// be called from any thread. `resolveAndConnect` will dispatch itself to the event
/// loop to force serialization.
/// This class's private API is *not* thread-safe, and expects to be called from the
/// event loop thread of the `loop` it is passed.
internal class HappyEyeballsConnector {
/// An enum for keeping track of connection state.
private enum ConnectionState {
/// Initial state. No work outstanding.
case idle
/// All name queries are currently outstanding.
case resolving
/// The A query has resolved, but the AAAA query is outstanding and the
/// resolution delay has not yet elapsed.
case aResolvedWaiting
/// The A query has resolved and the resolution delay has elapsed. We can
/// begin connecting immediately, but should not give up if we run out of
/// targets until the AAAA result returns.
case aResolvedConnecting
/// The AAAA query has resolved. We can begin connecting immediately, but
/// should not give up if we run out of targets until the AAAA result returns.
case aaaaResolved
/// All DNS results are in. We can make connection attempts until we run out
/// of targets.
case allResolved
/// The connection attempt is complete.
case complete
/// An enum of inputs for the connector state machine.
private enum ConnectorInput {
/// Begin DNS resolution.
case resolve
/// The A record lookup completed.
case resolverACompleted
/// The AAAA record lookup completed.
case resolverAAAACompleted
/// The delay between the A result and the AAAA result has elapsed.
case resolutionDelayElapsed
/// The delay between starting one connection and the next has elapsed.
case connectDelayElapsed
/// The overall connect timeout has elapsed.
case connectTimeoutElapsed
/// A connection attempt has succeeded.
case connectSuccess
/// A connection attempt has failed.
case connectFailed
/// There are no connect targets remaining: all have been connected to and
/// failed.
case noTargetsRemaining
/// The DNS resolver provided by the user.
private let resolver: Resolver
/// The event loop this connector will run on.
private let loop: EventLoop
/// The host name we're connecting to.
private let host: String
/// The port we're connecting to.
private let port: Int
/// A callback, provided by the user, that is used to build a channel.
/// This callback is expected to build *and register* a channel with the event loop that
/// was used with this resolver. It is free to set up the channel asynchronously, but note
/// that the time taken to set the channel up will be counted against the connection delay,
/// meaning that long channel setup times may cause more connections to be outstanding
/// than intended.
/// The channel builder callback takes an event loop and a protocol family as arguments.
private let channelBuilderCallback: (EventLoop, NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily) -> EventLoopFuture<Channel>
/// The amount of time to wait for an AAAA response to come in after a A response is
/// received. By default this is 50ms.
private let resolutionDelay: TimeAmount
/// A reference to the task that will execute after the resolution delay expires, if
/// one is scheduled. This is held to ensure that we can cancel this task if the AAAA
/// response comes in before the resolution delay expires.
private var resolutionTask: Optional<Scheduled<Void>>
/// The amount of time to wait for a connection to succeed before beginning a new connection
/// attempt. By default this is 250ms.
private let connectionDelay: TimeAmount
/// A reference to the task that will execute after the connection delay expires, if one
/// is scheduled. This is held to ensure that we can cancel this task if a connection
/// succeeds before the connection delay expires.
private var connectionTask: Optional<Scheduled<Void>>
/// The amount of time to allow for the overall connection process before timing it out.
private let connectTimeout: TimeAmount
/// A reference to the task that will time us out.
private var timeoutTask: Optional<Scheduled<Void>>
/// The promise that will hold the final connected channel.
private let resolutionPromise: EventLoopPromise<Channel>
/// Our state machine state.
private var state: ConnectionState
/// Our iterator of resolved targets. This keeps track of what targets are left to have
/// connection attempts made to them, and emits them in the appropriate order as needed.
private var targets: TargetIterator = TargetIterator()
/// An array of futures of channels that are currently attempting to connect.
/// This is kept to ensure that we can clean up after ourselves once a connection succeeds,
/// and throw away all pending connection attempts that are no longer needed.
private var pendingConnections: [EventLoopFuture<Channel>] = []
/// The number of DNS resolutions that have returned.
/// This is used to keep track of whether we need to cancel the outstanding resolutions
/// during cleanup.
private var dnsResolutions: Int = 0
/// An object that holds any errors we encountered.
private var error: NIOConnectionError
init(resolver: Resolver,
loop: EventLoop,
host: String,
port: Int,
connectTimeout: TimeAmount,
resolutionDelay: TimeAmount = .milliseconds(50),
connectionDelay: TimeAmount = .milliseconds(250),
channelBuilderCallback: @escaping (EventLoop, NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily) -> EventLoopFuture<Channel>) {
self.resolver = resolver
self.loop = loop
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.connectTimeout = connectTimeout
self.channelBuilderCallback = channelBuilderCallback
self.resolutionTask = nil
self.connectionTask = nil
self.timeoutTask = nil
self.state = .idle
self.resolutionPromise = self.loop.makePromise()
self.error = NIOConnectionError(host: host, port: port)
precondition(resolutionDelay.nanoseconds > 0, "Resolution delay must be greater than zero, got \(resolutionDelay).")
self.resolutionDelay = resolutionDelay
precondition(connectionDelay >= .milliseconds(100) && connectionDelay <= .milliseconds(2000), "Connection delay must be between 100 and 2000 ms, got \(connectionDelay)")
self.connectionDelay = connectionDelay
/// Initiate a DNS resolution attempt using Happy Eyeballs 2.
/// returns: An `EventLoopFuture` that fires with a connected `Channel`.
public func resolveAndConnect() -> EventLoopFuture<Channel> {
// We dispatch ourselves onto the event loop, rather than do all the rest of our processing from outside it.
self.loop.execute {
self.timeoutTask = self.loop.scheduleTask(in: self.connectTimeout) { self.processInput(.connectTimeoutElapsed) }
return resolutionPromise.futureResult
/// Spin the state machine.
/// - parameters:
/// - input: The input to the state machine.
private func processInput(_ input: ConnectorInput) {
switch (state, input) {
// Only one valid transition from idle: to start resolving.
case (.idle, .resolve):
state = .resolving
// In the resolving state, we can exit three ways: either the A query returns,
// the AAAA does, or the overall connect timeout fires.
case (.resolving, .resolverACompleted):
state = .aResolvedWaiting
case (.resolving, .resolverAAAACompleted):
state = .aaaaResolved
case (.resolving, .connectTimeoutElapsed):
state = .complete
// In the aResolvedWaiting state, we can exit three ways: the AAAA query returns,
// the resolution delay elapses, or the overall connect timeout fires.
case (.aResolvedWaiting, .resolverAAAACompleted):
state = .allResolved
case (.aResolvedWaiting, .resolutionDelayElapsed):
state = .aResolvedConnecting
case (.aResolvedWaiting, .connectTimeoutElapsed):
state = .complete
// In the aResolvedConnecting state, a number of inputs are valid: the AAAA result can
// return, the connectionDelay can elapse, the overall connection timeout can fire,
// a connection can succeed, a connection can fail, and we can run out of targets.
case (.aResolvedConnecting, .resolverAAAACompleted):
state = .allResolved
case (.aResolvedConnecting, .connectDelayElapsed):
case (.aResolvedConnecting, .connectTimeoutElapsed):
state = .complete
case (.aResolvedConnecting, .connectSuccess):
state = .complete
case (.aResolvedConnecting, .connectFailed):
case (.aResolvedConnecting, .noTargetsRemaining):
// We are still waiting for the AAAA query, so we
// do nothing.
// In the aaaaResolved state, a number of inputs are valid: the A result can return,
// the connectionDelay can elapse, the overall connection timeout can fire, a connection
// can succeed, a connection can fail, and we can run out of targets.
case (.aaaaResolved, .resolverACompleted):
state = .allResolved
case (.aaaaResolved, .connectDelayElapsed):
case (.aaaaResolved, .connectTimeoutElapsed):
state = .complete
case (.aaaaResolved, .connectSuccess):
state = .complete
case (.aaaaResolved, .connectFailed):
case (.aaaaResolved, .noTargetsRemaining):
// We are still waiting for the A query, so we
// do nothing.
// In the allResolved state, a number of inputs are valid: the connectionDelay can elapse,
// the overall connection timeout can fire, a connection can succeed, a connection can fail,
// and possibly we can run out of targets.
case (.allResolved, .connectDelayElapsed):
case (.allResolved, .connectTimeoutElapsed):
state = .complete
case (.allResolved, .connectSuccess):
state = .complete
case (.allResolved, .connectFailed):
case (.allResolved, .noTargetsRemaining):
state = .complete
// Once we've completed, it's not impossible that we'll get state machine events for
// some amounts of work. For example, we could get late DNS results and late connection
// notifications, and can also get late scheduled task callbacks. We want to just quietly
// ignore these, as our transition into the complete state should have already sent
// cleanup messages to all of these things.
case (.complete, .resolverACompleted),
(.complete, .resolverAAAACompleted),
(.complete, .connectSuccess),
(.complete, .connectFailed),
(.complete, .connectDelayElapsed),
(.complete, .connectTimeoutElapsed),
(.complete, .resolutionDelayElapsed):
fatalError("Invalid FSM transition attempt: state \(state), input \(input)")
/// Fire off a pair of DNS queries.
private func beginDNSResolution() {
// Per RFC 8305 Section 3, we need to send A and AAAA queries.
// The two queries SHOULD be made as soon after one another as possible,
// with the AAAA query made first and immediately followed by the A
// query.
whenAAAALookupComplete(future: resolver.initiateAAAAQuery(host: host, port: port))
whenALookupComplete(future: resolver.initiateAQuery(host: host, port: port))
/// Called when the A query has completed before the AAAA query.
/// Happy Eyeballs 2 prefers to connect over IPv6 if it's possible to do so. This means that
/// if the A lookup completes first we want to wait a small amount of time before we begin our
/// connection attempts, in the hope that the AAAA lookup will complete.
/// This method sets off a scheduled task for the resolution delay.
private func beginResolutionDelay() {
resolutionTask = loop.scheduleTask(in: resolutionDelay, resolutionDelayComplete)
/// Called when we're ready to start connecting to targets.
/// This function sets off the first connection attempt, and also sets the connect delay task.
private func beginConnecting() {
precondition(connectionTask == nil, "beginConnecting called while connection attempts outstanding")
guard let target = targets.next() else {
if self.pendingConnections.isEmpty {
connectionTask = loop.scheduleTask(in: connectionDelay) { self.processInput(.connectDelayElapsed) }
/// Called when the state machine wants us to connect to new targets, but we may already
/// be connecting.
/// This method takes into account the possibility that we may still be connecting to
/// other targets.
private func connectToNewTargets() {
guard connectionTask == nil else {
// Already connecting, no need to do anything here.
// We're not in the middle of connecting, so we can start connecting!
/// Called when the connection delay timer has elapsed.
/// When the connection delay elapses we are going to initiate another connection
/// attempt.
private func connectionDelayElapsed() {
connectionTask = nil
/// Called when an outstanding connection attempt fails.
/// This method checks that we don't have any connection attempts outstanding. If
/// we discover we don't, it automatically triggers the next connection attempt.
private func connectFailed() {
if self.pendingConnections.isEmpty {
self.connectionTask = nil
/// Called when an outstanding connection attempt succeeds.
/// Cleans up internal state.
private func connectSuccess() {
/// Called when the overall connection timeout fires.
/// Cleans up internal state and fails the connection promise.
private func timedOut() {
/// Called when we've attempted to connect to all our resolved targets,
/// and were unable to connect to any of them.
/// Asserts that there is nothing left on the internal state, and then fails the connection
/// promise.
private func failed() {
precondition(pendingConnections.isEmpty, "failed with pending connections")
/// Called to connect to a given target.
/// - parameters:
/// - target: The address to connect to.
private func connectToTarget(_ target: SocketAddress) {
let channelFuture = channelBuilderCallback(self.loop, target.protocol)
channelFuture.whenSuccess { channel in
// If we are in the complete state then we want to abandon this channel. Otherwise, begin
// connecting.
if case .complete = self.state {
self.pendingConnections.remove(element: channelFuture)
channel.close(promise: nil)
} else {
channel.connect(to: target).map {
// The channel has connected. If we are in the complete state we want to abandon this channel.
// Otherwise, fire the channel connected event. Either way we don't want the channel future to
// be in our list of pending connections, so we don't either double close or close the connection
// we want to use.
self.pendingConnections.remove(element: channelFuture)
if case .complete = self.state {
channel.close(promise: nil)
} else {
}.whenFailure { err in
// The connection attempt failed. If we're in the complete state then there's nothing
// to do. Otherwise, notify the state machine of the failure.
if case .complete = self.state {
assert(self.pendingConnections.firstIndex { $0 === channelFuture } == nil, "failed but was still in pending connections")
} else {
self.error.connectionErrors.append(SingleConnectionFailure(target: target, error: err))
self.pendingConnections.remove(element: channelFuture)
channelFuture.whenFailure { error in
self.error.connectionErrors.append(SingleConnectionFailure(target: target, error: error))
self.pendingConnections.remove(element: channelFuture)
// Cleans up all internal state, ensuring that there are no reference cycles and allowing
// everything to eventually be deallocated.
private func cleanUp() {
assert(self.state == .complete, "Clean up in invalid state \(self.state)")
if dnsResolutions < 2 {
if let resolutionTask = self.resolutionTask {
self.resolutionTask = nil
if let connectionTask = self.connectionTask {
self.connectionTask = nil
if let timeoutTask = self.timeoutTask {
self.timeoutTask = nil
let connections = self.pendingConnections
self.pendingConnections = []
for connection in connections {
connection.whenSuccess { channel in channel.close(promise: nil) }
/// A future callback that fires when a DNS A lookup completes.
private func whenALookupComplete(future: EventLoopFuture<[SocketAddress]>) {
future.map { results in
}.recover { err in
self.error.dnsAError = err
}.whenComplete { (_: Result<Void, Error>) in
self.dnsResolutions += 1
/// A future callback that fires when a DNS AAAA lookup completes.
private func whenAAAALookupComplete(future: EventLoopFuture<[SocketAddress]>) {
future.map { results in
}.recover { err in
self.error.dnsAAAAError = err
}.whenComplete { (_: Result<Void, Error>) in
// It's possible that we were waiting to time out here, so if we were we should
// cancel that.
self.resolutionTask = nil
self.dnsResolutions += 1
/// A future callback that fires when the resolution delay completes.
private func resolutionDelayComplete() {
resolutionTask = nil