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For the purpose of tracking copyright, this is the list of individuals and
organizations who have contributed source code to SwiftNIO.
For employees of an organization/company where the copyright of work done
by employees of that company is held by the company itself, only the company
needs to be listed here.
- Apple Inc. (all contributors with '@apple.com')
### Contributors
- 0xflotus <0xflotus@gmail.com>
- Adam Fowler <adamfowler71@gmail.com>
- Adam Nemecek <adamnemecek@gmail.com>
- Albert Aleksieiev <albert.aleksieiev@gmail.com>
- Alex Blewitt <alblue@apple.com>
- Alex Reilly <fabiobean2@gmail.com>
- Andrew Bennett <andrew@nio.bennnn.net>
- Andrew Edwards <andrewangeta@gmail.com>
- Andrew Naylor <andrew_naylor@apple.com>
- Andrius Aucinas <aaucinas@apple.com>
- Ankit Aggarwal <ankit_aggarwal@apple.com>
- Antoine Cœur <coeur@gmx.fr>
- Antwan van Houdt <jabwd@exurion.com>
- Arjun Nayini <aanayini@gmail.com>
- Artem Redkin <aredkin@apple.com>
- Austin Payne <austin.payne.01@gmail.com>
- Bas Broek <bas@basbroek.nl>
- Bastian Inuk Christensen <bastian@inuk.blog>
- Ben Cohen <ben_cohen@apple.com>
- Benedict St. <benedictst@icloud.com>
- Boby <73424060+bobychaudhary@users.noreply.github.com>
- Bouke Haarsma <bouke@haarsma.eu>
- Chris Eidhof <chris@eidhof.nl>
- Christian Priebe <cpriebe@apple.com>
- Christian Weinberger <christian.weinberger@me.com>
- Cory Benfield <cbenfield@apple.com>
- Cotton Hou <himcotton@gmail.com>
- Damiaan Dufaux <damiaan@dpro.be>
- Daniel Alm <Daniel.Alm@ForumD.net>
- Daniel Dunbar <daniel_dunbar@apple.com>
- Dario Rexin <drexin@apple.com>
- David Evans <d.evans@apple.com>
- David Nadoba <d_nadoba@apple.com>
- David Skrundz <david.skrundz@gmail.com>
- Donghyeon Kim <wplong11@gmail.com>
- Doug Friedman <dfriedm3@gmail.com>
- Emil Marashliev <marashliev@gmail.com>
- Esteban Torres <me@estebantorr.es>
- Eugen <eugenf78@gmail.com>
- Fabian Fett <fabianfett@apple.com>
- Frank Kair <frankkair@gmail.com>
- Franz Busch <f.busch@apple.com>
- Gautier Delorme <gautier.delorme@gmail.com>
- George Barnett <gbarnett@apple.com>
- Gopal Sharma <gopal@the-sharmas.org>
- Graeme Jenkinson <graeme_jenkinson@apple.com>
- Gregor Milos (Grzegorz Miłoś) <gmilos@apple.com>
- GuangGuang <lihansey163@163.com>
- Guillaume Lessard <guillaume.lessard@apple.com>
- Gwynne Raskind <gwynne@darkrainfall.org>
- Hailong <hailongzh@hotmail.com>
- Heidi Puk Hermann <heidi.puk@gmail.com>
- Helge Heß <helge@alwaysrightinstitute.com>
- Ian Partridge <i.partridge@uk.ibm.com>
- Ilya Puchka <ilyapuchka@gmail.com>
- JP Simard <jp@jpsim.com>
- Jake Foster <jakef@fastmail.com>
- Jake Prickett <jprickett821@gmail.com>
- Jari (LotU) <j.koopman@jarict.nl>
- Jason Toffaletti <jtoffaletti@apple.com>
- Jim Dovey <jimdovey@mac.com>
- Joachim M. <joachim.me86@gmail.com>
- Joakim Hassila <jocke@ordo.one>
- Joe Smith <yasumoto7@gmail.com>
- Johannes Weiss <johannesweiss@apple.com>
- John Connolly <connoljo2@gmail.com>
- John Holdsworth <github@johnholdsworth.com>
- John Lin <johnlinvc@gmail.com>
- Joshua Rutkowski <jr.rtkski@gmail.com>
- Jovan Milenkovic <jovan.milenkovic@htecgroup.com>
- Julian Lettner <julian.lettner@apple.com>
- Kaitlin Mahar <kaitlinmahar@gmail.com>
- Kamil Borzym <kamil.borzym@gmail.com>
- Karim ElNaggar <karimfarid.naggar@gmail.com>
- Kevin Clark <kevin.clark@apple.com>
- Kevin Sweeney <kevin_sweeney@apple.com>
- Kim de Vos <kimdevos12@hotmail.com>
- Konrad `ktoso` Malawski <ktoso@apple.com>
- Kyle Bashour <kylebshr@me.com>
- Kyle Browning <kylebrowning@me.com>
- Kyle Jessup <kyle@perfect.org>
- Lev Walkin <lwalkin@apple.com>
- Liam Flynn <l.flynn@live.co.uk>
- Ludovic Dewailly <ldewailly@apple.com>
- Luo Xiu <luoxiustm@gmail.com>
- Marcus Liotta <marcus@liotta.se>
- Mario Sangiorgio <msangiorgio@apple.com>
- Markus Jais <markusjais@googlemail.com>
- Markus Kieselmann <markus@kieselmann.eu>
- Marli Oshlack <marli.oshlack@apple.com>
- Matt Eaton <agnosticdev@gmail.com>
- Matteo Comisso <matteo.comisso@me.com>
- Max Desiatov <max@desiatov.com>
- Max Moiseev <moiseev@apple.com>
- Maxim Zaks <maxim.zaks@gmail.com>
- Moritz Lang <hi@slashmo.codes>
- Nathan Harris <nathan@mordil.info>
- Nethra Ravindran <nethra.ravindran@in.ibm.com>
- Norio Nomura <norio.nomura@gmail.com>
- Norman Maurer <norman_maurer@apple.com>
- Ole Begemann <ole@oleb.net>
- OleG <emptystamp@gmail.com>
- Paul Schmiedmayer <paul.schmiedmayer@tum.de>
- Peter Adams <pp_adams@apple.com>
- Peter Tolsma <pejato@umich.edu>
- Petro Rovenskyy <petro.rovenskyy@gmail.com>
- Portia <portia-s@users.noreply.github.com>
- Pushkar N Kulkarni <pushkar.nk@in.ibm.com>
- Pushparaj Zala <pr92zala@gmail.com>
- Richard Low <ral@apple.com>
- Romain Pouclet <rpouclet@apple.com>
- Rukshani Athapathu <arukshani@users.noreply.github.com>
- Rémi Doreau <remi.d45@gmail.com>
- Saleem Abdulrasool <compnerd@compnerd.org>
- Sebastian Thiebaud <770074+SebastianThiebaud@users.noreply.github.com>
- Sebastian Vogt <sebastian1210@web.de>
- Semen Zhydenko <simeon.zhidenko@gmail.com>
- Sergej Jaskiewicz <jaskiewiczs@icloud.com>
- Sergo Beruashvili <beruashvili@gmail.com>
- Shaun Hubbard <shaunhubbard2013@icloud.com>
- Shekhar Rajak <shekhar_rajak@apple.com>
- Si Beaumont <beaumont@apple.com>
- Siemen Sikkema <s.h.sikkema@gmail.com>
- Simon Evans <si@si.org>
- Stepan Ulyanin <sulyanin@apple.com>
- Stuart Hinson <stuart.hinson@gmail.com>
- Tanner <me@tanner.xyz>
- Tiago Martinho <martinho@thoughtworks.com>
- Tibor Bödecs <mail.tib@gmail.com>
- Tim Condon <0xtimc@gmail.com>
- Tim Kientzle <tkientzle@apple.com>
- Timothée Peignier <timothee.peignier@icloud.com>
- Tom Counsell <tamc@greenonblack.com>
- Tomer Doron <tomerd@apple.com>
- Tony Arnold <tony@thecocoabots.com>
- Trevör <adtrevor@users.noreply.github.com>
- Trevör Anne Denise <adtrevor@users.noreply.github.com>
- Volodymyr Sapsai <vsapsai@users.noreply.github.com>
- Will Lisac <will@lisac.org>
- Wilson Ding <hello@wilsonding.com>
- akash-55 <61596874+akash-55@users.noreply.github.com>
- buttaface <butta@fastem.com>
- fadi-botros <botros_fadi@yahoo.com>
- jemmons <jemmons@users.noreply.github.com>
- pokryfka <pokryfka@gmail.com>
- sun_ <sunlubo.sun@gmail.com>
- trungducc <gnurtduc@gmail.com>
**Updating this list**
Please do not edit this file manually. It is generated using `./scripts/generate_contributors_list.sh`. If a name is misspelled or appearing multiple times: add an entry in `./.mailmap`