
221 lines
8.8 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
private let maxOneByteSize = 125
private let maxTwoByteSize = Int(UInt16.max)
#if arch(arm) || arch(i386)
// on 32-bit platforms we can't put a whole UInt32 in an Int
private let maxNIOFrameSize = Int(UInt32.max / 2)
// on 64-bit platforms this works just fine
private let maxNIOFrameSize = Int(UInt32.max)
/// An inbound `ChannelHandler` that serializes structured websocket frames into a byte stream
/// for sending on the network.
/// This encoder has limited enforcement of compliance to RFC 6455. In particular, to guarantee
/// that the encoder can handle arbitrary extensions, only normative MUST/MUST NOTs that do not
/// relate to extensions (e.g. the requirement that control frames not have lengths larger than
/// 125 bytes) are enforced by this encoder.
/// This encoder does not have any support for encoder extensions. If you wish to support
/// extensions, you should implement a message-to-message encoder that performs the appropriate
/// frame transformation as needed.
public final class WebSocketFrameEncoder: ChannelOutboundHandler {
public typealias OutboundIn = WebSocketFrame
public typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer
/// This buffer is used to write frame headers into. We hold a buffer here as it's possible we'll be
/// able to avoid some allocations by re-using it.
private var headerBuffer: ByteBuffer? = nil
/// The maximum size of a websocket frame header. One byte for the frame "first byte", one more for the first
/// length byte and the mask bit, potentially up to 8 more bytes for a 64-bit length field, and potentially 4 bytes
/// for a mask key.
private static let maximumFrameHeaderLength: Int = (2 + 4 + 8)
public init() { }
public func handlerAdded(context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
self.headerBuffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: WebSocketFrameEncoder.maximumFrameHeaderLength)
public func handlerRemoved(context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
self.headerBuffer = nil
public func write(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
let data = self.unwrapOutboundIn(data)
// First, we explode the frame structure and apply the mask.
let frameHeader = FrameHeader(frame: data)
var (extensionData, applicationData) = self.mask(key: frameHeader.maskKey, extensionData: data.extensionData, applicationData: data.data)
// Now we attempt to prepend the frame header to the first buffer. If we can't, we'll write to the header buffer. If we have
// an extension data buffer, that's the first buffer, and we'll also write it here.
if var unwrappedExtensionData = extensionData {
extensionData = nil // Again, forcibly nil to drop the reference.
if !unwrappedExtensionData.prependFrameHeaderIfPossible(frameHeader) {
self.writeSeparateHeaderBuffer(frameHeader, context: context)
context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(unwrappedExtensionData), promise: nil)
} else if !applicationData.prependFrameHeaderIfPossible(frameHeader) {
self.writeSeparateHeaderBuffer(frameHeader, context: context)
// Ok, now we need to write the application data buffer.
context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(applicationData), promise: promise)
/// Applies the websocket masking operation based on the passed byte buffers.
private func mask(key: WebSocketMaskingKey?, extensionData: ByteBuffer?, applicationData: ByteBuffer) -> (ByteBuffer?, ByteBuffer) {
guard let key = key else {
return (extensionData, applicationData)
// We take local "copies" here. This is only an issue if someone else is holding onto the parent buffers.
var extensionData = extensionData
var applicationData = applicationData
applicationData.webSocketMask(key, indexOffset: (extensionData?.readableBytes ?? 0) % 4)
return (extensionData, applicationData)
private func writeSeparateHeaderBuffer(_ frameHeader: FrameHeader, context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
// Grab the header buffer. We nil it out while we're in this call to avoid the risk of CoWing when we
// write to it.
guard var buffer = self.headerBuffer else {
fatalError("Channel handler lifecycle violated: did not allocate header buffer")
self.headerBuffer = nil
// We couldn't prepend the frame header, write it to the header buffer.
// Ok, frame header away! Before we send it we save it back onto ourselves in case we get recursively called.
self.headerBuffer = buffer
context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(buffer), promise: nil)
@available(*, unavailable)
extension WebSocketFrameEncoder: Sendable {}
extension ByteBuffer {
fileprivate mutating func prependFrameHeaderIfPossible(_ frameHeader: FrameHeader) -> Bool {
let written: Int? = self.modifyIfUniquelyOwned { buffer in
let startIndex = buffer.readerIndex - frameHeader.requiredBytes
guard startIndex >= 0 else {
return 0
let written = buffer.setFrameHeader(frameHeader, at: startIndex)
buffer.moveReaderIndex(to: startIndex)
return written
switch written {
case .none, .some(0):
return false
case .some(let x):
assert(x == frameHeader.requiredBytes)
return true
fileprivate mutating func writeFrameHeader(_ frameHeader: FrameHeader) -> Int {
let written = self.setFrameHeader(frameHeader, at: self.writerIndex)
self.moveWriterIndex(forwardBy: written)
return written
private mutating func setFrameHeader(_ frameHeader: FrameHeader, at index: Int) -> Int {
var writeIndex = index
// Calculate some information about the mask.
let maskBitMask: UInt8 = frameHeader.maskKey != nil ? 0x80 : 0x00
let frameLength = frameHeader.length
// Time to add the extra bytes. To avoid checking this twice, we also start writing stuff out here.
switch frameLength {
case 0...maxOneByteSize:
writeIndex += self.setInteger(frameHeader.firstByte, at: writeIndex)
writeIndex += self.setInteger(UInt8(frameLength) | maskBitMask, at: writeIndex)
case (maxOneByteSize + 1)...maxTwoByteSize:
writeIndex += self.setInteger(frameHeader.firstByte, at: writeIndex)
writeIndex += self.setInteger(UInt8(126) | maskBitMask, at: writeIndex)
writeIndex += self.setInteger(UInt16(frameLength), at: writeIndex)
case (maxTwoByteSize + 1)...maxNIOFrameSize:
writeIndex += self.setInteger(frameHeader.firstByte, at: writeIndex)
writeIndex += self.setInteger(UInt8(127) | maskBitMask, at: writeIndex)
writeIndex += self.setInteger(UInt64(frameLength), at: writeIndex)
fatalError("NIO cannot serialize frames longer than \(maxNIOFrameSize)")
if let maskKey = frameHeader.maskKey {
writeIndex += self.setBytes(maskKey, at: writeIndex)
return writeIndex - index
/// A helper object that holds only a websocket frame header. Used to avoid accidentally CoWing on some paths.
fileprivate struct FrameHeader {
var length: Int
var maskKey: WebSocketMaskingKey?
var firstByte: UInt8 = 0
init(frame: WebSocketFrame) {
self.maskKey = frame.maskKey
self.firstByte = frame.firstByte
self.length = frame.length
var requiredBytes: Int {
var size = 2 // First byte and initial length byte
switch self.length {
case 0...maxOneByteSize:
// Only requires the initial length byte
case (maxOneByteSize + 1)...maxTwoByteSize:
// Requires an extra UInt16
size += MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size
case (maxTwoByteSize + 1)...maxNIOFrameSize:
size += MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size
fatalError("NIO cannot serialize frames longer than \(maxNIOFrameSize)")
if maskKey != nil {
size += 4 // Masking key
return size