
664 lines
28 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import Dispatch
import NIOCore
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
import _NIODataStructures
import Atomics
/// Execute the given closure and ensure we release all auto pools if needed.
internal func withAutoReleasePool<T>(_ execute: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
#if os(iOS) || os(macOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
return try autoreleasepool {
try execute()
return try execute()
/// `EventLoop` implementation that uses a `Selector` to get notified once there is more I/O or tasks to process.
/// The whole processing of I/O and tasks is done by a `NIOThread` that is tied to the `SelectableEventLoop`. This `NIOThread`
/// is guaranteed to never change!
internal final class SelectableEventLoop: EventLoop {
static let strictModeEnabled: Bool = {
switch getenv("SWIFTNIO_STRICT").map({ String.init(cString: $0).lowercased() }) {
case "true", "y", "yes", "on", "1":
return true
return false
/// The different state in the lifecycle of an `EventLoop` seen from _outside_ the `EventLoop`.
private enum ExternalState {
/// `EventLoop` is open and so can process more work.
case open
/// `EventLoop` is currently in the process of closing.
case closing
/// `EventLoop` is closed.
case closed
/// `EventLoop` is closed and is currently trying to reclaim resources (such as the EventLoop thread).
case reclaimingResources
/// `EventLoop` is closed and all the resources (such as the EventLoop thread) have been reclaimed.
case resourcesReclaimed
/// The different state in the lifecycle of an `EventLoop` seen from _inside_ the `EventLoop`.
private enum InternalState {
case runningAndAcceptingNewRegistrations
case runningButNotAcceptingNewRegistrations
case noLongerRunning
case exitingThread
/* private but tests */ internal let _selector: NIOPosix.Selector<NIORegistration>
private let thread: NIOThread
// _pendingTaskPop is set to `true` if the event loop is about to pop tasks off the task queue.
// This may only be read/written while holding the _tasksLock.
internal var _pendingTaskPop = false
internal var scheduledTaskCounter = ManagedAtomic<UInt64>(0)
internal var _scheduledTasks = PriorityQueue<ScheduledTask>()
// We only need the ScheduledTask's task closure. However, an `Array<() -> Void>` allocates
// for every appended closure. https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-15872
private var tasksCopy = ContiguousArray<ScheduledTask>()
internal var _succeededVoidFuture: Optional<EventLoopFuture<Void>> = nil {
didSet {
private let canBeShutdownIndividually: Bool
internal let _tasksLock = NIOLock()
private let _externalStateLock = NIOLock()
private var externalStateLock: NIOLock {
// The assert is here to check that we never try to read the external state on the EventLoop unless we're
// shutting down.
assert(!self.inEventLoop || self.internalState != .runningAndAcceptingNewRegistrations,
"lifecycle lock taken whilst up and running and in EventLoop")
return self._externalStateLock
private var internalState: InternalState = .runningAndAcceptingNewRegistrations // protected by the EventLoop thread
private var externalState: ExternalState = .open // protected by externalStateLock
let bufferPool: Pool<PooledBuffer>
let msgBufferPool: Pool<PooledMsgBuffer>
// The `_parentGroup` will always be set unless this is a thread takeover or we shut down.
internal var _parentGroup: Optional<MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup>
/// Creates a new `SelectableEventLoop` instance that is tied to the given `pthread_t`.
private let promiseCreationStoreLock = NIOLock()
private var _promiseCreationStore: [_NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier: (file: StaticString, line: UInt)] = [:]
internal func _promiseCreated(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier, file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
self.promiseCreationStoreLock.withLock {
self._promiseCreationStore[futureIdentifier] = (file: file, line: line)
internal func _promiseCompleted(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier) -> (file: StaticString, line: UInt)? {
return self.promiseCreationStoreLock.withLock {
self._promiseCreationStore.removeValue(forKey: futureIdentifier)
internal func _preconditionSafeToWait(file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
let explainer: () -> String = { """
BUG DETECTED: wait() must not be called when on an EventLoop.
Calling wait() on any EventLoop can lead to
- deadlocks
- stalling processing of other connections (Channels) that are handled on the EventLoop that wait was called on
Further information:
- current eventLoop: \(MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.currentEventLoop.debugDescription)
- event loop associated to future: \(self)
precondition(!self.inEventLoop, explainer(), file: file, line: line)
precondition(MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.currentEventLoop == nil, explainer(), file: file, line: line)
internal var _validInternalStateToScheduleTasks: Bool {
switch self.internalState {
case .exitingThread:
return false
case .runningAndAcceptingNewRegistrations, .runningButNotAcceptingNewRegistrations, .noLongerRunning:
return true
// access with `externalStateLock` held
private var validExternalStateToScheduleTasks: Bool {
switch self.externalState {
case .open, .closing:
return true
case .closed, .reclaimingResources, .resourcesReclaimed:
return false
internal var testsOnly_validExternalStateToScheduleTasks: Bool {
return self.externalStateLock.withLock {
return self.validExternalStateToScheduleTasks
internal init(thread: NIOThread,
parentGroup: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup?, /* nil iff thread take-over */
selector: NIOPosix.Selector<NIORegistration>,
canBeShutdownIndividually: Bool) {
self._parentGroup = parentGroup
self._selector = selector
self.thread = thread
self.bufferPool = Pool<PooledBuffer>(maxSize: 16)
self.msgBufferPool = Pool<PooledMsgBuffer>(maxSize: 16)
// We will process 4096 tasks per while loop.
self.canBeShutdownIndividually = canBeShutdownIndividually
// note: We are creating a reference cycle here that we'll break when shutting the SelectableEventLoop down.
// note: We have to create the promise and complete it because otherwise we'll hit a loop in `makeSucceededFuture`. This is
// fairly dumb, but it's the only option we have.
let voidPromise = self.makePromise(of: Void.self)
self._succeededVoidFuture = voidPromise.futureResult
deinit {
assert(self.internalState == .exitingThread,
"illegal internal state on deinit: \(self.internalState)")
assert(self.externalState == .resourcesReclaimed,
"illegal external state on shutdown: \(self.externalState)")
/// Is this `SelectableEventLoop` still open (ie. not shutting down or shut down)
internal var isOpen: Bool {
switch self.internalState {
case .noLongerRunning, .runningButNotAcceptingNewRegistrations, .exitingThread:
return false
case .runningAndAcceptingNewRegistrations:
return true
/// Register the given `SelectableChannel` with this `SelectableEventLoop`. After this point all I/O for the `SelectableChannel` will be processed by this `SelectableEventLoop` until it
/// is deregistered by calling `deregister`.
internal func register<C: SelectableChannel>(channel: C) throws {
// Don't allow registration when we're closed.
guard self.isOpen else {
throw EventLoopError.shutdown
try channel.register(selector: self._selector, interested: channel.interestedEvent)
/// Deregister the given `SelectableChannel` from this `SelectableEventLoop`.
internal func deregister<C: SelectableChannel>(channel: C, mode: CloseMode = .all) throws {
guard self.isOpen else {
// It's possible the EventLoop was closed before we were able to call deregister, so just return in this case as there is no harm.
try channel.deregister(selector: self._selector, mode: mode)
/// Register the given `SelectableChannel` with this `SelectableEventLoop`. This should be done whenever `channel.interestedEvents` has changed and it should be taken into account when
/// waiting for new I/O for the given `SelectableChannel`.
internal func reregister<C: SelectableChannel>(channel: C) throws {
try channel.reregister(selector: self._selector, interested: channel.interestedEvent)
/// - see: `EventLoop.inEventLoop`
internal var inEventLoop: Bool {
return thread.isCurrent
/// - see: `EventLoop.scheduleTask(deadline:_:)`
internal func scheduleTask<T>(deadline: NIODeadline, _ task: @escaping () throws -> T) -> Scheduled<T> {
let promise: EventLoopPromise<T> = self.makePromise()
let task = ScheduledTask(id: self.scheduledTaskCounter.loadThenWrappingIncrement(ordering: .relaxed), {
do {
promise.succeed(try task())
} catch let err {
}, { error in
}, deadline)
let taskId = task.id
let scheduled = Scheduled(promise: promise, cancellationTask: {
self._tasksLock.withLock { () -> Void in
self._scheduledTasks.removeFirst(where: { $0.id == taskId })
// We don't need to wake up the selector here, the scheduled task will never be picked up. Waking up the
// selector would mean that we may be able to recalculate the shutdown to a later date. The cost of not
// doing the recalculation is one potentially unnecessary wakeup which is exactly what we're
// saving here. So in the worst case, we didn't do a performance optimisation, in the best case, we saved
// one wakeup.
do {
try self._schedule0(task)
} catch {
return scheduled
/// - see: `EventLoop.scheduleTask(in:_:)`
internal func scheduleTask<T>(in: TimeAmount, _ task: @escaping () throws -> T) -> Scheduled<T> {
return scheduleTask(deadline: .now() + `in`, task)
// - see: `EventLoop.execute`
internal func execute(_ task: @escaping () -> Void) {
// nothing we can do if we fail enqueuing here.
try? self._schedule0(ScheduledTask(id: self.scheduledTaskCounter.loadThenWrappingIncrement(ordering: .relaxed), task, { error in
// do nothing
}, .now()))
/// Add the `ScheduledTask` to be executed.
internal func _schedule0(_ task: ScheduledTask) throws {
if self.inEventLoop {
"BUG IN NIO (please report): EventLoop is shutdown, yet we're on the EventLoop.")
self._tasksLock.withLock { () -> Void in
} else {
let shouldWakeSelector: Bool = self.externalStateLock.withLock {
guard self.validExternalStateToScheduleTasks else {
if Self.strictModeEnabled {
fatalError("Cannot schedule tasks on an EventLoop that has already shut down.")
ERROR: Cannot schedule tasks on an EventLoop that has already shut down. \
This will be upgraded to a forced crash in future SwiftNIO versions.\n
return false
return self._tasksLock.withLock {
if self._pendingTaskPop == false {
// Our job to wake the selector.
self._pendingTaskPop = true
return true
} else {
// There is already an event-loop-tick scheduled, we don't need to wake the selector.
return false
// We only need to wake up the selector if we're not in the EventLoop. If we're in the EventLoop already, we're
// either doing IO tasks (which happens before checking the scheduled tasks) or we're running a scheduled task
// already which means that we'll check at least once more if there are other scheduled tasks runnable. While we
// had the task lock we also checked whether the loop was _already_ going to be woken. This saves us a syscall on
// hot loops.
// In the future we'll use an MPSC queue here and that will complicate things, so we may get some spurious wakeups,
// but as long as we're using the big dumb lock we can make this optimization safely.
if shouldWakeSelector {
try self._wakeupSelector()
/// Wake the `Selector` which means `Selector.whenReady(...)` will unblock.
internal func _wakeupSelector() throws {
try _selector.wakeup()
/// Handle the given `SelectorEventSet` for the `SelectableChannel`.
internal final func handleEvent<C: SelectableChannel>(_ ev: SelectorEventSet, channel: C) {
guard channel.isOpen else {
// process resets first as they'll just cause the writes to fail anyway.
if ev.contains(.reset) {
} else {
if ev.contains(.writeEOF) {
guard channel.isOpen else {
} else if ev.contains(.write) {
guard channel.isOpen else {
if ev.contains(.readEOF) {
} else if ev.contains(.read) {
private func currentSelectorStrategy(nextReadyDeadline: NIODeadline?) -> SelectorStrategy {
guard let deadline = nextReadyDeadline else {
// No tasks to handle so just block. If any tasks were added in the meantime wakeup(...) was called and so this
// will directly unblock.
return .block
let nextReady = deadline.readyIn(.now())
if nextReady <= .nanoseconds(0) {
// Something is ready to be processed just do a non-blocking select of events.
return .now
} else {
return .blockUntilTimeout(nextReady)
/// Start processing I/O and tasks for this `SelectableEventLoop`. This method will continue running (and so block) until the `SelectableEventLoop` is closed.
internal func run() throws {
defer {
var scheduledTasksCopy = ContiguousArray<ScheduledTask>()
var iterations = 0
repeat { // We may need to do multiple rounds of this because failing tasks may lead to more work.
scheduledTasksCopy.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
self._tasksLock.withLock { () -> Void in
// In this state we never want the selector to be woken again, so we pretend we're permanently running.
self._pendingTaskPop = true
// reserve the correct capacity so we don't need to realloc later on.
while let sched = self._scheduledTasks.pop() {
// Fail all the scheduled tasks.
for task in scheduledTasksCopy {
iterations += 1
} while scheduledTasksCopy.count > 0 && iterations < 1000
precondition(scheduledTasksCopy.count == 0, "EventLoop \(self) didn't quiesce after 1000 ticks.")
assert(self.internalState == .noLongerRunning, "illegal state: \(self.internalState)")
self.internalState = .exitingThread
var nextReadyDeadline: NIODeadline? = nil
self._tasksLock.withLock {
if let firstTask = self._scheduledTasks.peek() {
// The reason this is necessary is a very interesting race:
// In theory (and with `makeEventLoopFromCallingThread` even in practise), we could publish an
// `EventLoop` reference _before_ the EL thread has entered the `run` function.
// If that is the case, we need to schedule the first wakeup at the ready time for this task that was
// enqueued really early on, so let's do that :).
nextReadyDeadline = firstTask.readyTime
while self.internalState != .noLongerRunning && self.internalState != .exitingThread {
// Block until there are events to handle or the selector was woken up
/* for macOS: in case any calls we make to Foundation put objects into an autoreleasepool */
try withAutoReleasePool {
try self._selector.whenReady(
strategy: currentSelectorStrategy(nextReadyDeadline: nextReadyDeadline),
onLoopBegin: { self._tasksLock.withLock { () -> Void in self._pendingTaskPop = true } }
) { ev in
switch ev.registration.channel {
case .serverSocketChannel(let chan):
self.handleEvent(ev.io, channel: chan)
case .socketChannel(let chan):
self.handleEvent(ev.io, channel: chan)
case .datagramChannel(let chan):
self.handleEvent(ev.io, channel: chan)
case .pipeChannel(let chan, let direction):
var ev = ev
if ev.io.contains(.reset) {
// .reset needs special treatment here because we're dealing with two separate pipes instead
// of one socket. So we turn .reset input .readEOF/.writeEOF.
ev.io.formUnion([direction == .input ? .readEOF : .writeEOF])
self.handleEvent(ev.io, channel: chan)
// We need to ensure we process all tasks, even if a task added another task again
while true {
// TODO: Better locking
self._tasksLock.withLock { () -> Void in
if !self._scheduledTasks.isEmpty {
// We only fetch the time one time as this may be expensive and is generally good enough as if we miss anything we will just do a non-blocking select again anyway.
let now: NIODeadline = .now()
// Make a copy of the tasks so we can execute these while not holding the lock anymore
while tasksCopy.count < tasksCopy.capacity, let task = self._scheduledTasks.peek() {
if task.readyTime.readyIn(now) <= .nanoseconds(0) {
} else {
nextReadyDeadline = task.readyTime
} else {
// Reset nextreadyDeadline to nil which means we will do a blocking select.
nextReadyDeadline = nil
if self.tasksCopy.isEmpty {
// We will not continue to loop here. We need to be woken if a new task is enqueued.
self._pendingTaskPop = false
// all pending tasks are set to occur in the future, so we can stop looping.
if self.tasksCopy.isEmpty {
// Execute all the tasks that were submitted
for task in self.tasksCopy {
/* for macOS: in case any calls we make to Foundation put objects into an autoreleasepool */
withAutoReleasePool {
// Drop everything (but keep the capacity) so we can fill it again on the next iteration.
self.tasksCopy.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
// This EventLoop was closed so also close the underlying selector.
try self._selector.close()
// This breaks the retain cycle created in `init`.
self._succeededVoidFuture = nil
internal func initiateClose(queue: DispatchQueue, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
func doClose() {
self._parentGroup = nil // break the cycle
// There should only ever be one call into this function so we need to be up and running, ...
assert(self.internalState == .runningAndAcceptingNewRegistrations)
self.internalState = .runningButNotAcceptingNewRegistrations
self.externalStateLock.withLock {
// ... but before this call happened, the lifecycle state should have been changed on some other thread.
assert(self.externalState == .closing)
self._selector.closeGently(eventLoop: self).whenComplete { result in
assert(self.internalState == .runningButNotAcceptingNewRegistrations)
self.internalState = .noLongerRunning
self.execute {} // force a new event loop tick, so the event loop definitely stops looping very soon.
self.externalStateLock.withLock {
assert(self.externalState == .closing)
self.externalState = .closed
queue.async {
if self.inEventLoop {
queue.async {
self.initiateClose(queue: queue, completionHandler: completionHandler)
} else {
let goAhead = self.externalStateLock.withLock { () -> Bool in
if self.externalState == .open {
self.externalState = .closing
return true
} else {
return false
guard goAhead else {
queue.async {
self.execute {
internal func syncFinaliseClose(joinThread: Bool) {
// This may not be true in the future but today we need to join all ELs that can't be shut down individually.
assert(joinThread != self.canBeShutdownIndividually)
let goAhead = self.externalStateLock.withLock { () -> Bool in
switch self.externalState {
case .closed:
self.externalState = .reclaimingResources
return true
case .resourcesReclaimed, .reclaimingResources:
return false
preconditionFailure("illegal lifecycle state in syncFinaliseClose: \(self.externalState)")
guard goAhead else {
if joinThread {
self.externalStateLock.withLock {
precondition(self.externalState == .reclaimingResources)
self.externalState = .resourcesReclaimed
func shutdownGracefully(queue: DispatchQueue, _ callback: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
if self.canBeShutdownIndividually {
self.initiateClose(queue: queue) { result in
self.syncFinaliseClose(joinThread: false) // This thread was taken over by somebody else
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
} else {
// This function is never called legally because the only possibly owner of an `SelectableEventLoop` is
// `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup` which calls `initiateClose` followed by `syncFinaliseClose`.
queue.async {
public func makeSucceededVoidFuture() -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
guard self.inEventLoop, let voidFuture = self._succeededVoidFuture else {
// We have to create the promise and complete it because otherwise we'll hit a loop in `makeSucceededFuture`. This is
// fairly dumb, but it's the only option we have. This one can only happen after the loop is shut down, or when calling from off the loop.
let voidPromise = self.makePromise(of: Void.self)
return voidPromise.futureResult
return voidFuture
internal func parentGroupCallableFromThisEventLoopOnly() -> MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup? {
return self._parentGroup
extension SelectableEventLoop: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "SelectableEventLoop { selector = \(self._selector), thread = \(self.thread) }"
var debugDescription: String {
return self._tasksLock.withLock {
return "SelectableEventLoop { selector = \(self._selector), thread = \(self.thread), scheduledTasks = \(self._scheduledTasks.description) }"