
172 lines
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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
struct SelectableFileHandle {
var handle: NIOFileHandle
var isOpen: Bool {
return handle.isOpen
init(_ handle: NIOFileHandle) {
self.handle = handle
func close() throws {
try handle.close()
extension SelectableFileHandle: Selectable {
func withUnsafeHandle<T>(_ body: (CInt) throws -> T) throws -> T {
return try self.handle.withUnsafeFileDescriptor(body)
final class PipePair: SocketProtocol {
typealias SelectableType = SelectableFileHandle
let inputFD: SelectableFileHandle
let outputFD: SelectableFileHandle
init(inputFD: NIOFileHandle, outputFD: NIOFileHandle) throws {
self.inputFD = SelectableFileHandle(inputFD)
self.outputFD = SelectableFileHandle(outputFD)
try self.ignoreSIGPIPE()
for fileHandle in [inputFD, outputFD] {
try fileHandle.withUnsafeFileDescriptor {
try NIOFileHandle.setNonBlocking(fileDescriptor: $0)
func ignoreSIGPIPE() throws {
for fileHandle in [self.inputFD, self.outputFD] {
try fileHandle.withUnsafeHandle {
try PipePair.ignoreSIGPIPE(descriptor: $0)
var description: String {
return "PipePair { in=\(inputFD), out=\(outputFD) }"
func connect(to address: SocketAddress) throws -> Bool {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func finishConnect() throws {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func write(pointer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
return try self.outputFD.withUnsafeHandle {
try Posix.write(descriptor: $0, pointer: pointer.baseAddress!, size: pointer.count)
func writev(iovecs: UnsafeBufferPointer<IOVector>) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
return try self.outputFD.withUnsafeHandle {
try Posix.writev(descriptor: $0, iovecs: iovecs)
func read(pointer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
return try self.inputFD.withUnsafeHandle {
try Posix.read(descriptor: $0, pointer: pointer.baseAddress!, size: pointer.count)
func recvmsg(pointer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer,
storage: inout sockaddr_storage,
storageLen: inout socklen_t,
controlBytes: inout UnsafeReceivedControlBytes) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func sendmsg(pointer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer,
destinationPtr: UnsafePointer<sockaddr>?,
destinationSize: socklen_t,
controlBytes: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func sendFile(fd: CInt, offset: Int, count: Int) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func recvmmsg(msgs: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<MMsgHdr>) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func sendmmsg(msgs: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<MMsgHdr>) throws -> IOResult<Int> {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func shutdown(how: Shutdown) throws {
switch how {
case .RD:
try self.inputFD.close()
case .WR:
try self.outputFD.close()
case .RDWR:
try self.close()
var isOpen: Bool {
return self.inputFD.isOpen || self.outputFD.isOpen
func close() throws {
guard self.inputFD.isOpen || self.outputFD.isOpen else {
throw ChannelError.alreadyClosed
let r1 = Result {
if self.inputFD.isOpen {
try self.inputFD.close()
let r2 = Result {
if self.outputFD.isOpen {
try self.outputFD.close()
try r1.get()
try r2.get()
func bind(to address: SocketAddress) throws {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func localAddress() throws -> SocketAddress {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func remoteAddress() throws -> SocketAddress {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func setOption<T>(level: NIOBSDSocket.OptionLevel, name: NIOBSDSocket.Option, value: T) throws {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported
func getOption<T>(level: NIOBSDSocket.OptionLevel, name: NIOBSDSocket.Option) throws -> T {
throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported