
838 lines
46 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` is a helper that allows you to read files without blocking the calling thread.
/// It is worth noting that `kqueue`, `epoll` or `poll` returning claiming a file is readable does not mean that the
/// data is already available in the kernel's memory. In other words, a `read` from a file can still block even if
/// reported as readable. This behaviour is also documented behaviour:
/// - [`poll`](http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/poll.html): "Regular files shall always poll TRUE for reading and writing."
/// - [`epoll`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/epoll.7.html): "epoll is simply a faster poll(2), and can be used wherever the latter is used since it shares the same semantics."
/// - [`kqueue`](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=kqueue&sektion=2): "Returns when the file pointer is not at the end of file."
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` helps to work around this issue by maintaining its own thread pool that is used to read the data
/// from the files into memory. It will then hand the (in-memory) data back which makes it available without the possibility
/// of blocking.
public struct NonBlockingFileIO: Sendable {
/// The default and recommended size for `NonBlockingFileIO`'s thread pool.
public static let defaultThreadPoolSize = 2
/// The default and recommended chunk size.
public static let defaultChunkSize = 128*1024
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` errors.
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` is meant to be used with file descriptors that are set to the default (blocking) mode.
/// It doesn't make sense to use it with a file descriptor where `O_NONBLOCK` is set therefore this error is
/// raised when that was requested.
case descriptorSetToNonBlocking
private let threadPool: NIOThreadPool
/// Initialize a `NonBlockingFileIO` which uses the `NIOThreadPool`.
/// - parameters:
/// - threadPool: The `NIOThreadPool` that will be used for all the IO.
public init(threadPool: NIOThreadPool) {
self.threadPool = threadPool
#if swift(>=5.7)
/// Read a `FileRegion` in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes on `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `fileRegion.readableBytes` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ fileRegion.readableBytes / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `fileRegion.readableBytes` bytes can be read from the file,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` succeeds.
/// This method will not use the file descriptor's seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the
/// same `FileRegion` in multiple threads.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileRegion: The file region to read.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `fileHandle` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `fileHandle` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileRegion: FileRegion,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop,
chunkHandler: @escaping @Sendable (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
let readableBytes = fileRegion.readableBytes
return self.readChunked(fileHandle: fileRegion.fileHandle,
fromOffset: Int64(fileRegion.readerIndex),
byteCount: readableBytes,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
/// Read a `FileRegion` in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes on `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `fileRegion.readableBytes` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ fileRegion.readableBytes / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `fileRegion.readableBytes` bytes can be read from the file,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` succeeds.
/// This method will not use the file descriptor's seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the
/// same `FileRegion` in multiple threads.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileRegion: The file region to read.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `fileHandle` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `fileHandle` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileRegion: FileRegion,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop,
chunkHandler: @escaping (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
let readableBytes = fileRegion.readableBytes
return self.readChunked(fileHandle: fileRegion.fileHandle,
fromOffset: Int64(fileRegion.readerIndex),
byteCount: readableBytes,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
#if swift(>=5.7)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes from `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `byteCount` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ byteCount / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `byteCount` bytes can be read from `descriptor`,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` succeeds.
/// - note: `readChunked(fileRegion:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)` should be preferred as it uses
/// `FileRegion` object instead of raw `NIOFileHandle`s. In case you do want to use raw `NIOFileHandle`s,
/// please consider using `readChunked(fileHandle:fromOffset:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)`
/// because it doesn't use the file descriptor's seek pointer (which may be shared with other file
/// descriptors and even across processes.)
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read from.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `fileHandle`.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `fileHandle` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `fileHandle` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
byteCount: Int,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop, chunkHandler: @escaping @Sendable (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.readChunked0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: nil,
byteCount: byteCount,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes from `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `byteCount` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ byteCount / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `byteCount` bytes can be read from `descriptor`,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` succeeds.
/// - note: `readChunked(fileRegion:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)` should be preferred as it uses
/// `FileRegion` object instead of raw `NIOFileHandle`s. In case you do want to use raw `NIOFileHandle`s,
/// please consider using `readChunked(fileHandle:fromOffset:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)`
/// because it doesn't use the file descriptor's seek pointer (which may be shared with other file
/// descriptors and even across processes.)
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read from.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `fileHandle`.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `fileHandle` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `fileHandle` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
byteCount: Int,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop, chunkHandler: @escaping (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.readChunked0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: nil,
byteCount: byteCount,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
#if swift(>=5.7)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes from offset `fileOffset` in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes from `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `byteCount` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ byteCount / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `byteCount` bytes can be read from `descriptor`,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` succeeds.
/// This method will not use the file descriptor's seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the
/// same `NIOFileHandle` in multiple threads.
/// - note: `readChunked(fileRegion:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)` should be preferred as it uses
/// `FileRegion` object instead of raw `NIOFileHandle`s.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read from.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `fileHandle`.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `fileHandle` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `fileHandle` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
fromOffset fileOffset: Int64,
byteCount: Int,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop,
chunkHandler: @escaping @Sendable (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.readChunked0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: fileOffset,
byteCount: byteCount,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes from offset `fileOffset` in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes from `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `byteCount` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ byteCount / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `byteCount` bytes can be read from `descriptor`,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` succeeds.
/// This method will not use the file descriptor's seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the
/// same `NIOFileHandle` in multiple threads.
/// - note: `readChunked(fileRegion:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)` should be preferred as it uses
/// `FileRegion` object instead of raw `NIOFileHandle`s.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read from.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `fileHandle`.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `fileHandle` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `fileHandle` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
fromOffset fileOffset: Int64,
byteCount: Int,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop,
chunkHandler: @escaping (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.readChunked0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: fileOffset,
byteCount: byteCount,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
#if swift(>=5.7)
private typealias ReadChunkHandler = @Sendable (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
private typealias ReadChunkHandler = (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
private func readChunked0(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
fromOffset: Int64?,
byteCount: Int,
chunkSize: Int,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop, chunkHandler: @escaping ReadChunkHandler) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
precondition(chunkSize > 0, "chunkSize must be > 0 (is \(chunkSize))")
let remainingReads = 1 + (byteCount / chunkSize)
let lastReadSize = byteCount % chunkSize
let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
func _read(remainingReads: Int, bytesReadSoFar: Int64) {
if remainingReads > 1 || (remainingReads == 1 && lastReadSize > 0) {
let readSize = remainingReads > 1 ? chunkSize : lastReadSize
assert(readSize > 0)
let readFuture = self.read0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: fromOffset.map { $0 + bytesReadSoFar },
byteCount: readSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop)
readFuture.whenComplete { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let buffer):
guard buffer.readableBytes > 0 else {
// EOF, call `chunkHandler` one more time.
let handlerFuture = chunkHandler(buffer)
handlerFuture.cascade(to: promise)
let bytesRead = Int64(buffer.readableBytes)
chunkHandler(buffer).whenComplete { result in
switch result {
case .success(_):
_read(remainingReads: remainingReads - 1,
bytesReadSoFar: bytesReadSoFar + bytesRead)
case .failure(let error):
case .failure(let error):
} else {
_read(remainingReads: remainingReads, bytesReadSoFar: 0)
return promise.futureResult
/// Read a `FileRegion` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// The returned `ByteBuffer` will not have less than `fileRegion.readableBytes` unless we hit end-of-file in which
/// case the `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes available to read.
/// This method will not use the file descriptor's seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the
/// same `FileRegion` in multiple threads.
/// - note: Only use this function for small enough `FileRegion`s as it will need to allocate enough memory to hold `fileRegion.readableBytes` bytes.
/// - note: In most cases you should prefer one of the `readChunked` functions.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileRegion: The file region to read.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which delivers a `ByteBuffer` if the read was successful or a failure on error.
public func read(fileRegion: FileRegion, allocator: ByteBufferAllocator, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<ByteBuffer> {
let readableBytes = fileRegion.readableBytes
return self.read(fileHandle: fileRegion.fileHandle,
fromOffset: Int64(fileRegion.readerIndex),
byteCount: readableBytes,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes from `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// The returned `ByteBuffer` will not have less than `byteCount` bytes unless we hit end-of-file in which
/// case the `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes available to read.
/// - note: Only use this function for small enough `byteCount`s as it will need to allocate enough memory to hold `byteCount` bytes.
/// - note: `read(fileRegion:allocator:eventLoop:)` should be preferred as it uses `FileRegion` object instead of
/// raw `NIOFileHandle`s. In case you do want to use raw `NIOFileHandle`s,
/// please consider using `read(fileHandle:fromOffset:byteCount:allocator:eventLoop:)`
/// because it doesn't use the file descriptor's seek pointer (which may be shared with other file
/// descriptors and even across processes.)
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `fileHandle`.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which delivers a `ByteBuffer` if the read was successful or a failure on error.
public func read(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
byteCount: Int,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<ByteBuffer> {
return self.read0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: nil,
byteCount: byteCount,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes starting at `fileOffset` from `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool
/// which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// The returned `ByteBuffer` will not have less than `byteCount` bytes unless we hit end-of-file in which
/// case the `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes available to read.
/// This method will not use the file descriptor's seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the
/// same `fileHandle` in multiple threads.
/// - note: Only use this function for small enough `byteCount`s as it will need to allocate enough memory to hold `byteCount` bytes.
/// - note: `read(fileRegion:allocator:eventLoop:)` should be preferred as it uses `FileRegion` object instead of raw `NIOFileHandle`s.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read.
/// - fileOffset: The offset to read from.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `fileHandle`.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which delivers a `ByteBuffer` if the read was successful or a failure on error.
public func read(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
fromOffset fileOffset: Int64,
byteCount: Int,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<ByteBuffer> {
return self.read0(fileHandle: fileHandle,
fromOffset: fileOffset,
byteCount: byteCount,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop)
private func read0(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
fromOffset: Int64?, // > 2 GB offset is reasonable on 32-bit systems
byteCount rawByteCount: Int,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<ByteBuffer> {
guard rawByteCount > 0 else {
return eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(allocator.buffer(capacity: 0))
let byteCount = rawByteCount < Int32.max ? rawByteCount : size_t(Int32.max)
var buf = allocator.buffer(capacity: byteCount)
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) { () -> ByteBuffer in
var bytesRead = 0
while bytesRead < byteCount {
let n = try buf.writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes(minimumWritableBytes: byteCount - bytesRead) { ptr in
let res = try fileHandle.withUnsafeFileDescriptor { descriptor -> IOResult<ssize_t> in
if let offset = fromOffset {
return try Posix.pread(descriptor: descriptor,
pointer: ptr.baseAddress!,
size: byteCount - bytesRead,
offset: off_t(offset) + off_t(bytesRead))
} else {
return try Posix.read(descriptor: descriptor,
pointer: ptr.baseAddress!,
size: byteCount - bytesRead)
switch res {
case .processed(let n):
assert(n >= 0, "read claims to have read a negative number of bytes \(n)")
return n
case .wouldBlock:
throw Error.descriptorSetToNonBlocking
if n == 0 {
// EOF
} else {
bytesRead += n
return buf
/// Changes the file size of `fileHandle` to `size`.
/// If `size` is smaller than the current file size, the remaining bytes will be truncated and are lost. If `size`
/// is larger than the current file size, the gap will be filled with zero bytes.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to write to.
/// - size: The new file size in bytes to write.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the write was successful or fails on error.
public func changeFileSize(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
size: Int64,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
try fileHandle.withUnsafeFileDescriptor { descriptor -> Void in
try Posix.ftruncate(descriptor: descriptor, size: off_t(size))
/// Returns the length of the file associated with `fileHandle`.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to read from.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the write was successful or fails on error.
public func readFileSize(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Int64> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
return try fileHandle.withUnsafeFileDescriptor { descriptor in
let curr = try Posix.lseek(descriptor: descriptor, offset: 0, whence: SEEK_CUR)
let eof = try Posix.lseek(descriptor: descriptor, offset: 0, whence: SEEK_END)
try Posix.lseek(descriptor: descriptor, offset: curr, whence: SEEK_SET)
return Int64(eof)
/// Write `buffer` to `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to write to.
/// - buffer: The `ByteBuffer` to write.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the write was successful or fails on error.
public func write(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
buffer: ByteBuffer,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
return self.write0(fileHandle: fileHandle, toOffset: nil, buffer: buffer, eventLoop: eventLoop)
/// Write `buffer` starting from `toOffset` to `fileHandle` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileHandle: The `NIOFileHandle` to write to.
/// - toOffset: The file offset to write to.
/// - buffer: The `ByteBuffer` to write.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the write was successful or fails on error.
public func write(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
toOffset: Int64,
buffer: ByteBuffer,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
return self.write0(fileHandle: fileHandle, toOffset: toOffset, buffer: buffer, eventLoop: eventLoop)
private func write0(fileHandle: NIOFileHandle,
toOffset: Int64?,
buffer: ByteBuffer,
eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
let byteCount = buffer.readableBytes
guard byteCount > 0 else {
return eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(())
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
var buf = buffer
var offsetAccumulator: Int = 0
repeat {
let n = try buf.readWithUnsafeReadableBytes { ptr in
precondition(ptr.count == byteCount - offsetAccumulator)
let res: IOResult<ssize_t> = try fileHandle.withUnsafeFileDescriptor { descriptor in
if let toOffset = toOffset {
return try Posix.pwrite(descriptor: descriptor,
pointer: ptr.baseAddress!,
size: byteCount - offsetAccumulator,
offset: off_t(toOffset + Int64(offsetAccumulator)))
} else {
return try Posix.write(descriptor: descriptor,
pointer: ptr.baseAddress!,
size: byteCount - offsetAccumulator)
switch res {
case .processed(let n):
assert(n >= 0, "write claims to have written a negative number of bytes \(n)")
return n
case .wouldBlock:
throw Error.descriptorSetToNonBlocking
offsetAccumulator += n
} while offsetAccumulator < byteCount
/// Open the file at `path` for reading on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// This function will return (a future) of the `NIOFileHandle` associated with the file opened and a `FileRegion`
/// comprising of the whole file. The caller must close the returned `NIOFileHandle` when it's no longer needed.
/// - note: The reason this returns the `NIOFileHandle` and the `FileRegion` is that both the opening of a file as well as the querying of its size are blocking.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the file to be opened for reading.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` containing the `NIOFileHandle` and the `FileRegion` comprising the whole file.
public func openFile(path: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(NIOFileHandle, FileRegion)> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
let fh = try NIOFileHandle(path: path)
do {
let fr = try FileRegion(fileHandle: fh)
return (fh, fr)
} catch {
_ = try? fh.close()
throw error
/// Open the file at `path` with specified access mode and POSIX flags on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// This function will return (a future) of the `NIOFileHandle` associated with the file opened.
/// The caller must close the returned `NIOFileHandle` when it's no longer needed.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the file to be opened for writing.
/// - mode: File access mode.
/// - flags: Additional POSIX flags.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` containing the `NIOFileHandle`.
public func openFile(path: String, mode: NIOFileHandle.Mode, flags: NIOFileHandle.Flags = .default, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<NIOFileHandle> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
return try NIOFileHandle(path: path, mode: mode, flags: flags)
#if !os(Windows)
/// Returns information about a file at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - note: If `path` is a symlink, information about the link, not the file it points to.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the file to get information about.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` containing file information.
public func lstat(path: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<stat> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
var s = stat()
try Posix.lstat(pathname: path, outStat: &s)
return s
/// Creates a symbolic link to a `destination` file at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the link.
/// - destination: Target path where this link will point to.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the rename was successful or fails on error.
public func symlink(path: String, to destination: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
try Posix.symlink(pathname: path, destination: destination)
/// Returns target of the symbolic link at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the link to read.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` containing link target.
public func readlink(path: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<String> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
let maxLength = Int(PATH_MAX)
let pointer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: maxLength)
defer {
let length = try Posix.readlink(pathname: path, outPath: pointer.baseAddress!, outPathSize: maxLength)
return String(decoding: UnsafeRawBufferPointer(pointer).prefix(length), as: UTF8.self)
/// Removes symbolic link at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the link to remove.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the rename was successful or fails on error.
public func unlink(path: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
try Posix.unlink(pathname: path)
private func createDirectory0(_ path: String, mode: NIOPOSIXFileMode) throws {
let pathView = path.utf8
if pathView.isEmpty {
// Fail fast if not a directory or file exists
do {
var s = stat()
try Posix.stat(pathname: path, outStat: &s)
if (S_IFMT & s.st_mode) == S_IFDIR {
throw IOError(errnoCode: ENOTDIR, reason: "Not a directory")
} catch let error as IOError where error.errnoCode == ENOENT {
// if directory does not exist we can proceed with creating it
// Slow path, check that all intermediate directories exist recursively
// Trim any trailing path separators
var index = pathView.index(before: pathView.endIndex)
let pathSeparator = UInt8(ascii: "/")
while index != pathView.startIndex && pathView[index] == pathSeparator {
index = pathView.index(before: index)
// Find first non-trailing path separator if it exists
while index != pathView.startIndex && pathView[index] != pathSeparator {
index = pathView.index(before: index)
// If non-trailing path separator is found, create parent directory
if index > pathView.startIndex {
try self.createDirectory0(String(Substring(pathView.prefix(upTo: index))), mode: mode)
do {
try Posix.mkdir(pathname: path, mode: mode)
} catch {
// If user tries to create a path like `/some/path/.` it may fail, as path will be created
// by the recursive call. Checks if directory exists and re-throw the error if it does not
do {
var s = stat()
try Posix.lstat(pathname: path, outStat: &s)
if (S_IFMT & s.st_mode) == S_IFDIR {
} catch {
// fallthrough
throw error
/// Creates directory at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the directory to be created.
/// - withIntermediateDirectories: Whether intermediate directories should be created.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the rename was successful or fails on error.
public func createDirectory(path: String, withIntermediateDirectories createIntermediates: Bool = false, mode: NIOPOSIXFileMode, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
if createIntermediates {
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
try Posix.mkpath_np(pathname: path, mode: mode)
try self.createDirectory0(path, mode: mode)
} else {
try Posix.mkdir(pathname: path, mode: mode)
/// List contents of the directory at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the directory to list the content of.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` containing the directory entries.
public func listDirectory(path: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<[NIODirectoryEntry]> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
let dir = try Posix.opendir(pathname: path)
var entries: [NIODirectoryEntry] = []
do {
while let entry = try Posix.readdir(dir: dir) {
let name = withUnsafeBytes(of: entry.pointee.d_name) { pointer -> String in
let ptr = pointer.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: CChar.self)
return String(cString: ptr)
entries.append(NIODirectoryEntry(ino: UInt64(entry.pointee.d_ino), type: entry.pointee.d_type, name: name))
try? Posix.closedir(dir: dir)
} catch {
try? Posix.closedir(dir: dir)
throw error
return entries
/// Renames the file at `path` to `newName` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the file to be renamed.
/// - newName: New file name.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the rename was successful or fails on error.
public func rename(path: String, newName: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
try Posix.rename(pathname: path, newName: newName)
/// Removes the file at `path` on a private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// - parameters:
/// - path: The path of the file to be removed.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` on which the returned `EventLoopFuture` will fire.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is fulfilled if the remove was successful or fails on error.
public func remove(path: String, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.threadPool.runIfActive(eventLoop: eventLoop) {
try Posix.remove(pathname: path)
#if !os(Windows)
/// A `NIODirectoryEntry` represents a single directory entry.
public struct NIODirectoryEntry: Hashable {
// File number of entry
public var ino: UInt64
// File type
public var type: UInt8
// File name
public var name: String
public init(ino: UInt64, type: UInt8, name: String) {
self.ino = ino
self.type = type
self.name = name