
551 lines
24 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if os(Linux)
import CNIOLinux
import NIOCore
enum CQEEventType: UInt8 {
case poll = 1, pollModify, pollDelete // start with 1 to not get zero bit patterns for stdin
internal enum URingError: Error {
case loadFailure
case uringSetupFailure
case uringWaitCqeFailure
internal extension TimeAmount {
func kernelTimespec() -> __kernel_timespec {
var ts = __kernel_timespec()
ts.tv_sec = self.nanoseconds / 1_000_000_000
ts.tv_nsec = self.nanoseconds % 1_000_000_000
return ts
// URingUserData supports (un)packing into an `UInt64` as io_uring has a user_data 64-bit payload which is set in the SQE
// and returned in the CQE. We're using 56 of those 64 bits, 32 for the file descriptor, 16 for a "registration ID" and 8
// for the type of event issued (poll/modify/delete).
@usableFromInline struct URingUserData {
@usableFromInline var fileDescriptor: CInt
@usableFromInline var registrationID: UInt16 // SelectorRegistrationID truncated, only have room for bottom 16 bits (could be expanded to 24 if required)
@usableFromInline var eventType: CQEEventType
@usableFromInline var padding: Int8 // reserved for future use
@inlinable init(registrationID: SelectorRegistrationID, fileDescriptor: CInt, eventType: CQEEventType) {
assert(MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size == MemoryLayout<URingUserData>.size)
self.registrationID = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: registrationID.rawValue)
self.fileDescriptor = fileDescriptor
self.eventType = eventType
self.padding = 0
@inlinable init(rawValue: UInt64) {
let unpacked = IntegerBitPacking.unpackUInt32UInt16UInt8(rawValue)
self = .init(registrationID: SelectorRegistrationID(rawValue: UInt32(unpacked.1)),
fileDescriptor: CInt(unpacked.0),
eventType: CQEEventType(rawValue:unpacked.2)!)
extension UInt64 {
init(_ uringUserData: URingUserData) {
let fd = uringUserData.fileDescriptor
let eventType = uringUserData.eventType.rawValue
assert(fd >= 0, "\(fd) is not a valid file descriptor")
assert(eventType >= 0, "\(eventType) is not a valid eventType")
self = IntegerBitPacking.packUInt32UInt16UInt8(UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: fd),
// These are the events returned up to the selector
internal struct URingEvent {
var fd: CInt
var pollMask: UInt32
var registrationID: UInt16 // we just have the truncated lower 16 bits of the registrationID
var pollCancelled: Bool
init () {
self.fd = -1
self.pollMask = 0
self.registrationID = 0
self.pollCancelled = false
// This is the key we use for merging events in our internal hashtable
struct FDEventKey: Hashable {
var fileDescriptor: CInt
var registrationID: UInt16 // we just have the truncated lower 16 bits of the registrationID
init(_ f: CInt, _ s: UInt16) {
self.fileDescriptor = f
self.registrationID = s
final internal class URing {
internal static let POLLIN: CUnsignedInt = numericCast(CNIOLinux.POLLIN)
internal static let POLLOUT: CUnsignedInt = numericCast(CNIOLinux.POLLOUT)
internal static let POLLERR: CUnsignedInt = numericCast(CNIOLinux.POLLERR)
internal static let POLLRDHUP: CUnsignedInt = CNIOLinux_POLLRDHUP() // numericCast(CNIOLinux.POLLRDHUP)
internal static let POLLHUP: CUnsignedInt = numericCast(CNIOLinux.POLLHUP)
internal static let POLLCANCEL: CUnsignedInt = 0xF0000000 // Poll cancelled, need to reregister for singleshot polls
private var ring = io_uring()
private let ringEntries: CUnsignedInt = 8192
private let cqeMaxCount: UInt32 = 8192 // this is the max chunk of CQE we take.
var cqes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<io_uring_cqe>?>
var fdEvents = [FDEventKey : UInt32]() // fd, sequence_identifier : merged event_poll_return
var emptyCqe = io_uring_cqe()
var fd: CInt {
return ring.ring_fd
static var io_uring_use_multishot_poll: Bool {
return true
return false
func _dumpCqes(_ header:String, count: Int = 1) {
func _debugPrintCQE(_ s: String) {
print("Q [\(NIOThread.current)] " + s)
if count < 0 {
_debugPrintCQE(header + " CQE:s [\(cqes)] - ring flags are [\(ring.flags)]")
for i in 0..<count {
let c = cqes[i]!.pointee
let bitPattern = UInt(bitPattern:io_uring_cqe_get_data(cqes[i]))
let uringUserData = URingUserData(rawValue: UInt64(bitPattern))
_debugPrintCQE("\(i) = fd[\(uringUserData.fileDescriptor)] eventType[\(String(describing:uringUserData.eventType))] registrationID[\(uringUserData.registrationID)] res [\(c.res)] flags [\(c.flags)]")
init() {
cqes = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<io_uring_cqe>?>.allocate(capacity: Int(cqeMaxCount))
cqes.initialize(repeating:&emptyCqe, count:Int(cqeMaxCount))
deinit {
internal func io_uring_queue_init() throws -> () {
if (CNIOLinux.io_uring_queue_init(ringEntries, &ring, 0 ) != 0)
throw URingError.uringSetupFailure
_debugPrint("io_uring_queue_init \(self.ring.ring_fd)")
internal func io_uring_queue_exit() {
_debugPrint("io_uring_queue_exit \(self.ring.ring_fd)")
// Adopting some retry code from queue.c from liburing with slight
// modifications - we never want to have to handle retries of
// SQE allocation in all places it could possibly occur.
// If the SQ ring is full, we may need to submit IO first
func withSQE<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<io_uring_sqe>?) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
// io_uring_submit can fail here due to backpressure from kernel for not reaping CQE:s.
// I think we should consider handling that as a fatalError, as fundamentally the ring size is too small
// compared to the amount of events the user tries to push through in a single eventloop tick.
// This is mostly a problem for synthetic tests that e.g. do a huge amount of registration modifications.
// This is a slight design issue with SwiftNIO in general that should be discussed.
while true {
if let sqe = CNIOLinux.io_uring_get_sqe(&ring) {
return try body(sqe)
// Ok, this was a bummer - turns out that flushing multiple SQE:s
// can fail midflight and this will actually happen for real when e.g. a socket
// has gone down and we are re-registering polls this means we will silently lose any
// entries after the failed fd. Ouch. Proper approach is to use io_uring_sq_ready() in a loop.
// See: https://github.com/axboe/liburing/issues/309
internal func io_uring_flush() { // When using SQPOLL this is basically a NOP
var waitingSubmissions: UInt32 = 0
var submissionCount = 0
var retval: CInt
waitingSubmissions = CNIOLinux.io_uring_sq_ready(&ring)
loop: while (waitingSubmissions > 0)
retval = CNIOLinux.io_uring_submit(&ring)
submissionCount += 1
switch retval {
// We can get -EAGAIN if the CQE queue is full and we get back pressure from
// the kernel to start processing CQE:s. If we break here with unsubmitted
// SQE:s, they will stay pending on the user-level side and be flushed
// to the kernel after we had the opportunity to reap more CQE:s
// In practice it will be at the end of whenReady the next
// time around. Given the async nature, this is fine, we will not
// lose any submissions. We could possibly still get stuck
// trying to get new SQE if the actual SQE queue is full, but
// that would be due to user error in usage IMHO and we should fatalError there.
_debugPrint("io_uring_flush io_uring_submit -EBUSY/-EAGAIN waitingSubmissions[\(waitingSubmissions)] submissionCount[\(submissionCount)]. Breaking out and resubmitting later (whenReady() end).")
break loop
// -ENOMEM when there is not enough memory to do internal allocations on the kernel side.
// Right nog we just loop with a sleep trying to buy time, but could also possibly fatalError here.
// See: https://github.com/axboe/liburing/issues/309
case -ENOMEM:
usleep(10_000) // let's not busy loop to give the kernel some time to recover if possible
_debugPrint("io_uring_flush io_uring_submit -ENOMEM \(submissionCount)")
case 0:
_debugPrint("io_uring_flush io_uring_submit submitted 0, so far needed submissionCount[\(submissionCount)] waitingSubmissions[\(waitingSubmissions)] submitted [\(retval)] SQE:s this iteration")
case 1...:
_debugPrint("io_uring_flush io_uring_submit needed [\(submissionCount)] submission(s), submitted [\(retval)] SQE:s out of [\(waitingSubmissions)] possible")
default: // other errors
fatalError("Unexpected error [\(retval)] from io_uring_submit ")
waitingSubmissions = CNIOLinux.io_uring_sq_ready(&ring)
// we stuff event type into the upper byte, the next 3 bytes gives us the sequence number (16M before wrap) and final 4 bytes are fd.
internal func io_uring_prep_poll_add(fileDescriptor: CInt, pollMask: UInt32, registrationID: SelectorRegistrationID, submitNow: Bool = true, multishot: Bool = true) -> () {
let bitPattern = UInt64(URingUserData(registrationID: registrationID, fileDescriptor: fileDescriptor, eventType:CQEEventType.poll))
let bitpatternAsPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.init(bitPattern: UInt(bitPattern))
_debugPrint("io_uring_prep_poll_add fileDescriptor[\(fileDescriptor)] pollMask[\(pollMask)] bitpatternAsPointer[\(String(describing:bitpatternAsPointer))] submitNow[\(submitNow)] multishot[\(multishot)]")
self.withSQE { sqe in
CNIOLinux.io_uring_prep_poll_add(sqe, fileDescriptor, pollMask)
CNIOLinux.io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, bitpatternAsPointer) // must be done after prep_poll_add, otherwise zeroed out.
if multishot {
sqe!.pointee.len |= IORING_POLL_ADD_MULTI; // turn on multishots, set through environment variable
if submitNow {
internal func io_uring_prep_poll_remove(fileDescriptor: CInt, pollMask: UInt32, registrationID: SelectorRegistrationID, submitNow: Bool = true, link: Bool = false) -> () {
let bitPattern = UInt64(URingUserData(registrationID: registrationID,
fileDescriptor: fileDescriptor,
let userbitPattern = UInt64(URingUserData(registrationID: registrationID,
fileDescriptor: fileDescriptor,
_debugPrint("io_uring_prep_poll_remove fileDescriptor[\(fileDescriptor)] pollMask[\(pollMask)] bitpatternAsPointer[\(String(describing: bitPattern))] userBitpatternAsPointer[\(String(describing: userbitPattern))] submitNow[\(submitNow)] link[\(link)]")
self.withSQE { sqe in
CNIOLinux.io_uring_prep_poll_remove(sqe, .init(userData: bitPattern))
CNIOLinux.io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, .init(userData: userbitPattern)) // must be done after prep_poll_add, otherwise zeroed out.
if link {
if submitNow {
// the update/multishot polls are
internal func io_uring_poll_update(fileDescriptor: CInt, newPollmask: UInt32, oldPollmask: UInt32, registrationID: SelectorRegistrationID, submitNow: Bool = true, multishot: Bool = true) -> () {
let bitpattern = UInt64(URingUserData(registrationID: registrationID,
fileDescriptor: fileDescriptor,
let userbitPattern = UInt64(URingUserData(registrationID: registrationID,
fileDescriptor: fileDescriptor,
_debugPrint("io_uring_poll_update fileDescriptor[\(fileDescriptor)] oldPollmask[\(oldPollmask)] newPollmask[\(newPollmask)] userBitpatternAsPointer[\(String(describing: userbitPattern))]")
self.withSQE { sqe in
// "Documentation" for multishot polls and updates here:
// https://git.kernel.dk/cgit/linux-block/commit/?h=poll-multiple&id=33021a19e324fb747c2038416753e63fd7cd9266
if multishot {
flags |= IORING_POLL_ADD_MULTI // ask for multiple updates
CNIOLinux.io_uring_prep_poll_update(sqe, .init(userData: bitpattern), .init(userData: bitpattern), newPollmask, flags)
CNIOLinux.io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, .init(userData: userbitPattern))
if submitNow {
internal func _debugPrint(_ s: @autoclosure () -> String)
print("L [\(NIOThread.current)] " + s())
// We merge results into fdEvents on (fd, registrationID) for the given CQE
// this minimizes amount of events propagating up and allows Selector to discard
// events with an old sequence identifier.
internal func _process_cqe(events: UnsafeMutablePointer<URingEvent>, cqeIndex: Int, multishot: Bool) {
let bitPattern = UInt(bitPattern:io_uring_cqe_get_data(cqes[cqeIndex]))
let uringUserData = URingUserData(rawValue: UInt64(bitPattern))
let result = cqes[cqeIndex]!.pointee.res
switch uringUserData.eventType {
case .poll:
switch result {
var pollError: UInt32 = 0
assert(uringUserData.fileDescriptor >= 0, "fd must be zero or greater")
if multishot { // -ECANCELED for streaming polls, should signal error
pollError = URing.POLLERR | URing.POLLHUP
} else { // this just signals that Selector just should resubmit a new fresh poll
pollError = URing.POLLCANCEL
if let current = fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] {
fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] = current | pollError
} else {
fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] = pollError
// We can validly receive an EBADF as a close() can race vis-a-vis pending SQE:s
// with polls / pollModifications - in that case, we should just discard the result.
// This is similar to the assert in BaseSocketChannel and is due to the lack
// of implicit synchronization with regard to registration changes for io_uring
// - we simply can't know when the kernel will process our SQE without
// heavy-handed synchronization which would dump performance.
// Discussion here:
// https://github.com/apple/swift-nio/pull/1804#discussion_r621304055
// including clarifications from @isilence (one of the io_uring developers)
case -EBADF:
_debugPrint("Failed poll with -EBADF for cqeIndex[\(cqeIndex)]")
case ..<0: // other errors
fatalError("Failed poll with unexpected error (\(result) for cqeIndex[\(cqeIndex)]")
case 0: // successfull chained add for singleshots, not an event
default: // positive success
assert(uringUserData.fileDescriptor >= 0, "fd must be zero or greater")
let uresult = UInt32(result)
if let current = fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] {
fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] = current | uresult
} else {
fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] = uresult
case .pollModify: // we only get this for multishot modifications
switch result {
case -ECANCELED: // -ECANCELED for streaming polls, should signal error
assert(uringUserData.fileDescriptor >= 0, "fd must be zero or greater")
let pollError = URing.POLLERR // URing.POLLERR // (URing.POLLHUP | URing.POLLERR)
if let current = fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] {
fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] = current | pollError
} else {
fdEvents[FDEventKey(uringUserData.fileDescriptor, uringUserData.registrationID)] = pollError
_debugPrint("Failed pollModify with -EALREADY for cqeIndex[\(cqeIndex)]")
case -ENOENT:
_debugPrint("Failed pollModify with -ENOENT for cqeIndex [\(cqeIndex)]")
// See the description for EBADF handling above in the poll case for rationale of allowing EBADF.
case -EBADF:
_debugPrint("Failed pollModify with -EBADF for cqeIndex[\(cqeIndex)]")
case ..<0: // other errors
fatalError("Failed pollModify with unexpected error (\(result) for cqeIndex[\(cqeIndex)]")
case 0: // successfull chained add, not an event
default: // positive success
fatalError("pollModify returned > 0")
case .pollDelete:
internal func io_uring_peek_batch_cqe(events: UnsafeMutablePointer<URingEvent>, maxevents: UInt32, multishot: Bool = true) -> Int {
var eventCount = 0
var currentCqeCount = CNIOLinux.io_uring_peek_batch_cqe(&ring, cqes, cqeMaxCount)
if currentCqeCount == 0 {
_debugPrint("io_uring_peek_batch_cqe found zero events, breaking out")
return 0
_debugPrint("io_uring_peek_batch_cqe found [\(currentCqeCount)] events")
self._dumpCqes("io_uring_peek_batch_cqe", count: Int(currentCqeCount))
assert(currentCqeCount >= 0, "currentCqeCount should never be negative")
assert(maxevents > 0, "maxevents should be a positive number")
for cqeIndex in 0 ..< currentCqeCount
self._process_cqe(events: events, cqeIndex: Int(cqeIndex), multishot:multishot)
if (fdEvents.count == maxevents) // ensure we don't generate more events than maxevents
_debugPrint("io_uring_peek_batch_cqe breaking loop early, currentCqeCount [\(currentCqeCount)] maxevents [\(maxevents)]")
currentCqeCount = maxevents // to make sure we only cq_advance the correct amount
io_uring_cq_advance(&ring, currentCqeCount) // bulk variant of io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, dataPointer)
// we just return single event per fd, sequencenumber pair
eventCount = 0
for (eventKey, pollMask) in fdEvents {
assert(eventCount < maxevents)
assert(eventKey.fileDescriptor >= 0)
events[eventCount].fd = eventKey.fileDescriptor
events[eventCount].pollMask = pollMask
events[eventCount].registrationID = eventKey.registrationID
if (pollMask & URing.POLLCANCEL) != 0 {
events[eventCount].pollMask &= ~URing.POLLCANCEL
events[eventCount].pollCancelled = true
eventCount += 1
fdEvents.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true) // reused for next batch
_debugPrint("io_uring_peek_batch_cqe returning [\(eventCount)] events, fdEvents.count [\(fdEvents.count)]")
return eventCount
internal func _io_uring_wait_cqe_shared(events: UnsafeMutablePointer<URingEvent>, error: Int32, multishot: Bool) throws -> Int {
var eventCount = 0
switch error {
case 0:
case -CNIOLinux.EINTR:
_debugPrint("_io_uring_wait_cqe_shared got CNIOLinux.EINTR")
return eventCount
case -CNIOLinux.ETIME:
_debugPrint("_io_uring_wait_cqe_shared timed out with -CNIOLinux.ETIME")
CNIOLinux.io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, cqes[0])
return eventCount
_debugPrint("URingError.uringWaitCqeFailure \(error)")
throw URingError.uringWaitCqeFailure
self._process_cqe(events: events, cqeIndex: 0, multishot:multishot)
CNIOLinux.io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, cqes[0])
if let firstEvent = fdEvents.first {
events[0].fd = firstEvent.key.fileDescriptor
events[0].pollMask = firstEvent.value
events[0].registrationID = firstEvent.key.registrationID
eventCount = 1
} else {
_debugPrint("_io_uring_wait_cqe_shared if let firstEvent = fdEvents.first failed")
fdEvents.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true) // reused for next batch
return eventCount
internal func io_uring_wait_cqe(events: UnsafeMutablePointer<URingEvent>, maxevents: UInt32, multishot: Bool = true) throws -> Int {
let error = CNIOLinux.io_uring_wait_cqe(&ring, cqes)
return try self._io_uring_wait_cqe_shared(events: events, error: error, multishot:multishot)
internal func io_uring_wait_cqe_timeout(events: UnsafeMutablePointer<URingEvent>, maxevents: UInt32, timeout: TimeAmount, multishot: Bool = true) throws -> Int {
var ts = timeout.kernelTimespec()
_debugPrint("io_uring_wait_cqe_timeout.ETIME milliseconds \(ts)")
let error = CNIOLinux.io_uring_wait_cqe_timeout(&ring, cqes, &ts)
return try self._io_uring_wait_cqe_shared(events: events, error: error, multishot:multishot)
// MARK: Conversion helpers
// Newer versions of liburing changed one of the method arguments from UnsafeMutableRawPointer
// to UInt64 in order to allow 32-bit systems to work properly. We therefore need a way to
// transform a UInt64 into either of these types. These two initializers help us do that in
// a way that supports both the old and new format in source.
extension UInt64 {
init(userData: UInt64) {
self = userData
extension Optional where Wrapped == UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
init(userData: UInt64) {
// This will crash on 32-bit systems: that's fine, our liburing support
// never worked on 32-bit for older libraries anyway.
self = .init(bitPattern: UInt(userData))