
1354 lines
52 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
import Atomics
private struct SocketChannelLifecycleManager {
// MARK: Types
private enum State {
case fresh
case preRegistered // register() has been run but the selector doesn't know about it yet
case fullyRegistered // fully registered, ie. the selector knows about it
case activated
case closed
private enum Event {
case activate
case beginRegistration
case finishRegistration
case close
// MARK: properties
private let eventLoop: EventLoop
// this is queried from the Channel, ie. must be thread-safe
internal let isActiveAtomic: ManagedAtomic<Bool>
// these are only to be accessed on the EventLoop
// have we seen the `.readEOF` notification
// note: this can be `false` on a deactivated channel, we might just have torn it down.
var hasSeenEOFNotification: Bool = false
// Should we support transition from `active` to `active`, used by datagram sockets.
let supportsReconnect: Bool
private var currentState: State = .fresh {
didSet {
switch (oldValue, self.currentState) {
case (_, .activated):
self.isActiveAtomic.store(true, ordering: .relaxed)
case (.activated, _):
self.isActiveAtomic.store(false, ordering: .relaxed)
// isActiveAtomic needs to be injected as it's accessed from arbitrary threads and `SocketChannelLifecycleManager` is usually held mutable
internal init(
eventLoop: EventLoop,
isActiveAtomic: ManagedAtomic<Bool>,
supportReconnect: Bool
) {
self.eventLoop = eventLoop
self.isActiveAtomic = isActiveAtomic
self.supportsReconnect = supportReconnect
// this is called from Channel's deinit, so don't assert we're on the EventLoop!
internal var canBeDestroyed: Bool {
return self.currentState == .closed
@inline(__always) // we need to return a closure here and to not suffer from a potential allocation for that this must be inlined
internal mutating func beginRegistration() -> ((EventLoopPromise<Void>?, ChannelPipeline) -> Void) {
return self.moveState(event: .beginRegistration)
@inline(__always) // we need to return a closure here and to not suffer from a potential allocation for that this must be inlined
internal mutating func finishRegistration() -> ((EventLoopPromise<Void>?, ChannelPipeline) -> Void) {
return self.moveState(event: .finishRegistration)
@inline(__always) // we need to return a closure here and to not suffer from a potential allocation for that this must be inlined
internal mutating func close() -> ((EventLoopPromise<Void>?, ChannelPipeline) -> Void) {
return self.moveState(event: .close)
@inline(__always) // we need to return a closure here and to not suffer from a potential allocation for that this must be inlined
internal mutating func activate() -> ((EventLoopPromise<Void>?, ChannelPipeline) -> Void) {
return self.moveState(event: .activate)
// MARK: private API
@inline(__always) // we need to return a closure here and to not suffer from a potential allocation for that this must be inlined
private mutating func moveState(event: Event) -> ((EventLoopPromise<Void>?, ChannelPipeline) -> Void) {
switch (self.currentState, event) {
// origin: .fresh
case (.fresh, .beginRegistration):
self.currentState = .preRegistered
return { promise, pipeline in
case (.fresh, .close):
self.currentState = .closed
return { (promise, _: ChannelPipeline) in
// origin: .preRegistered
case (.preRegistered, .finishRegistration):
self.currentState = .fullyRegistered
return { (promise, _: ChannelPipeline) in
// origin: .fullyRegistered
case (.fullyRegistered, .activate):
self.currentState = .activated
return { promise, pipeline in
// origin: .preRegistered || .fullyRegistered
case (.preRegistered, .close), (.fullyRegistered, .close):
self.currentState = .closed
return { promise, pipeline in
// origin: .activated
case (.activated, .close):
self.currentState = .closed
return { promise, pipeline in
// origin: .activated
case (.activated, .activate) where self.supportsReconnect:
return { promise, pipeline in
// bad transitions
case (.fresh, .activate), // should go through .registered first
(.preRegistered, .activate), // need to first be fully registered
(.preRegistered, .beginRegistration), // already registered
(.fullyRegistered, .beginRegistration), // already registered
(.activated, .activate), // already activated
(.activated, .beginRegistration), // already fully registered (and activated)
(.activated, .finishRegistration), // already fully registered (and activated)
(.fullyRegistered, .finishRegistration), // already fully registered
(.fresh, .finishRegistration), // need to register lazily first
(.closed, _): // already closed
self.badTransition(event: event)
private func badTransition(event: Event) -> Never {
preconditionFailure("illegal transition: state=\(self.currentState), event=\(event)")
// MARK: convenience properties
internal var isActive: Bool {
return self.currentState == .activated
internal var isPreRegistered: Bool {
switch self.currentState {
case .fresh, .closed:
return false
case .preRegistered, .fullyRegistered, .activated:
return true
internal var isRegisteredFully: Bool {
switch self.currentState {
case .fresh, .closed, .preRegistered:
return false
case .fullyRegistered, .activated:
return true
/// Returns whether the underlying file descriptor is open. This property will always be true (even before registration)
/// until the Channel is closed.
internal var isOpen: Bool {
return self.currentState != .closed
/// The base class for all socket-based channels in NIO.
/// There are many types of specialised socket-based channel in NIO. Each of these
/// has different logic regarding how exactly they read from and write to the network.
/// However, they share a great deal of common logic around the managing of their
/// file descriptors.
/// For this reason, `BaseSocketChannel` exists to provide a common core implementation of
/// the `SelectableChannel` protocol. It uses a number of private functions to provide hooks
/// for subclasses to implement the specific logic to handle their writes and reads.
class BaseSocketChannel<SocketType: BaseSocketProtocol>: SelectableChannel, ChannelCore {
typealias SelectableType = SocketType.SelectableType
struct AddressCache {
// deliberately lets because they must always be updated together (so forcing `init` is useful).
let local: Optional<SocketAddress>
let remote: Optional<SocketAddress>
init(local: SocketAddress?, remote: SocketAddress?) {
self.local = local
self.remote = remote
// MARK: - Stored Properties
// MARK: Constants & atomics (accessible everywhere)
public let parent: Channel?
internal let socket: SocketType
private let closePromise: EventLoopPromise<Void>
internal let selectableEventLoop: SelectableEventLoop
private let _offEventLoopLock = NIOLock()
private let isActiveAtomic: ManagedAtomic<Bool> = .init(false)
// just a thread-safe way of having something to print about the socket from any thread
internal let socketDescription: String
// MARK: Variables, on EventLoop thread only
var readPending = false
var pendingConnect: Optional<EventLoopPromise<Void>>
var recvBufferPool: PooledRecvBufferAllocator
var maxMessagesPerRead: UInt = 4
private var inFlushNow: Bool = false // Guard against re-entrance of flushNow() method.
private var autoRead: Bool = true
// MARK: Variables that are really constants
private var _pipeline: ChannelPipeline! = nil // this is really a constant (set in .init) but needs `self` to be constructed and therefore a `var`. Do not change as this needs to accessed from arbitrary threads
// MARK: Special variables, please read comments.
// For reads guarded by _either_ `self._offEventLoopLock` or the EL thread
// Writes are guarded by _offEventLoopLock _and_ the EL thread.
// PLEASE don't use these directly and use the non-underscored computed properties instead.
private var _addressCache = AddressCache(local: nil, remote: nil) // please use `self.addressesCached` instead
private var _bufferAllocatorCache: ByteBufferAllocator // please use `self.bufferAllocatorCached` instead.
// MARK: - Computed properties
// This is called from arbitrary threads.
internal var addressesCached: AddressCache {
get {
if self.eventLoop.inEventLoop {
return self._addressCache
} else {
return self._offEventLoopLock.withLock {
return self._addressCache
set {
self._offEventLoopLock.withLock {
self._addressCache = newValue
// This is called from arbitrary threads.
private var bufferAllocatorCached: ByteBufferAllocator {
get {
if self.eventLoop.inEventLoop {
return self._bufferAllocatorCache
} else {
return self._offEventLoopLock.withLock {
return self._bufferAllocatorCache
set {
self._offEventLoopLock.withLock {
self._bufferAllocatorCache = newValue
// We start with the invalid empty set of selector events we're interested in. This is to make sure we later on
// (in `becomeFullyRegistered0`) seed the initial event correctly.
internal var interestedEvent: SelectorEventSet = [] {
didSet {
assert(self.interestedEvent.contains(.reset), "impossible to unregister for reset")
private var lifecycleManager: SocketChannelLifecycleManager {
didSet {
private var bufferAllocator: ByteBufferAllocator = ByteBufferAllocator() {
didSet {
self.bufferAllocatorCached = self.bufferAllocator
public final var _channelCore: ChannelCore { return self }
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public final var localAddress: SocketAddress? {
return self.addressesCached.local
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public final var remoteAddress: SocketAddress? {
return self.addressesCached.remote
/// `false` if the whole `Channel` is closed and so no more IO operation can be done.
var isOpen: Bool {
return self.lifecycleManager.isOpen
var isRegistered: Bool {
return self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public var isActive: Bool {
return self.isActiveAtomic.load(ordering: .relaxed)
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public final var closeFuture: EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self.closePromise.futureResult
public final var eventLoop: EventLoop {
return selectableEventLoop
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public var isWritable: Bool {
return true
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public final var allocator: ByteBufferAllocator {
return self.bufferAllocatorCached
// This is `Channel` API so must be thread-safe.
public final var pipeline: ChannelPipeline {
return self._pipeline
// MARK: Methods to override in subclasses.
func writeToSocket() throws -> OverallWriteResult {
fatalError("must be overridden")
/// Read data from the underlying socket and dispatch it to the `ChannelPipeline`
/// - returns: `true` if any data was read, `false` otherwise.
@discardableResult func readFromSocket() throws -> ReadResult {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
// MARK: - Datatypes
/// Indicates if a selectable should registered or not for IO notifications.
enum IONotificationState {
/// We should be registered for IO notifications.
case register
/// We should not be registered for IO notifications.
case unregister
enum ReadResult {
/// Nothing was read by the read operation.
case none
/// Some data was read by the read operation.
case some
/// Returned by the `private func readable0()` to inform the caller about the current state of the underlying read stream.
/// This is mostly useful when receiving `.readEOF` as we then need to drain the read stream fully (ie. until we receive EOF or error of course)
private enum ReadStreamState: Equatable {
/// Everything seems normal
case normal(ReadResult)
/// We saw EOF.
case eof
/// A read error was received.
case error
/// Begin connection of the underlying socket.
/// - parameters:
/// - to: The `SocketAddress` to connect to.
/// - returns: `true` if the socket connected synchronously, `false` otherwise.
func connectSocket(to address: SocketAddress) throws -> Bool {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
/// Make any state changes needed to complete the connection process.
func finishConnectSocket() throws {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
/// Returns if there are any flushed, pending writes to be sent over the network.
func hasFlushedPendingWrites() -> Bool {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
/// Buffer a write in preparation for a flush.
func bufferPendingWrite(data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
/// Mark a flush point. This is called when flush is received, and instructs
/// the implementation to record the flush.
func markFlushPoint() {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
/// Called when closing, to instruct the specific implementation to discard all pending
/// writes.
func cancelWritesOnClose(error: Error) {
fatalError("this must be overridden by sub class")
// MARK: Common base socket logic.
socket: SocketType,
parent: Channel?,
eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop,
recvAllocator: RecvByteBufferAllocator,
supportReconnect: Bool
) throws {
self._bufferAllocatorCache = self.bufferAllocator
self.socket = socket
self.selectableEventLoop = eventLoop
self.closePromise = eventLoop.makePromise()
self.parent = parent
self.recvBufferPool = .init(capacity: Int(self.maxMessagesPerRead), recvAllocator: recvAllocator)
// As the socket may already be connected we should ensure we start with the correct addresses cached.
self._addressCache = .init(local: try? socket.localAddress(), remote: try? socket.remoteAddress())
self.lifecycleManager = SocketChannelLifecycleManager(
eventLoop: eventLoop,
isActiveAtomic: self.isActiveAtomic,
supportReconnect: supportReconnect
self.socketDescription = socket.description
self.pendingConnect = nil
self._pipeline = ChannelPipeline(channel: self)
deinit {
"leak of open Channel, state: \(String(describing: self.lifecycleManager))")
public final func localAddress0() throws -> SocketAddress {
guard self.isOpen else {
throw ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel
return try self.socket.localAddress()
public final func remoteAddress0() throws -> SocketAddress {
guard self.isOpen else {
throw ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel
return try self.socket.remoteAddress()
/// Flush data to the underlying socket and return if this socket needs to be registered for write notifications.
/// This method can be called re-entrantly but it will return immediately because the first call is responsible
/// for sending all flushed writes, even the ones that are accumulated whilst `flushNow()` is running.
/// - returns: If this socket should be registered for write notifications. Ie. `IONotificationState.register` if
/// _not_ all data could be written, so notifications are necessary; and `IONotificationState.unregister`
/// if everything was written and we don't need to be notified about writability at the moment.
func flushNow() -> IONotificationState {
// Guard against re-entry as data that will be put into `pendingWrites` will just be picked up by
// `writeToSocket`.
guard !self.inFlushNow else {
return .unregister
self.inFlushNow = true
defer {
self.inFlushNow = false
var newWriteRegistrationState: IONotificationState = .unregister
do {
while newWriteRegistrationState == .unregister && self.hasFlushedPendingWrites() && self.isOpen {
let writeResult = try self.writeToSocket()
switch writeResult.writeResult {
case .couldNotWriteEverything:
newWriteRegistrationState = .register
case .writtenCompletely:
newWriteRegistrationState = .unregister
if writeResult.writabilityChange {
// We went from not writable to writable.
} catch let err {
// If there is a write error we should try drain the inbound before closing the socket as there may be some data pending.
// We ignore any error that is thrown as we will use the original err to close the channel and notify the user.
if self.readIfNeeded0() {
// We need to continue reading until there is nothing more to be read from the socket as we will not have another chance to drain it.
var readAtLeastOnce = false
while let read = try? self.readFromSocket(), read == .some {
readAtLeastOnce = true
if readAtLeastOnce && self.lifecycleManager.isActive {
self.close0(error: err, mode: .all, promise: nil)
// we handled all writes
return .unregister
assert((newWriteRegistrationState == .register && self.hasFlushedPendingWrites()) ||
(newWriteRegistrationState == .unregister && !self.hasFlushedPendingWrites()),
"illegal flushNow decision: \(newWriteRegistrationState) and \(self.hasFlushedPendingWrites())")
return newWriteRegistrationState
public final func setOption<Option: ChannelOption>(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
if eventLoop.inEventLoop {
let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
executeAndComplete(promise) { try self.setOption0(option, value: value) }
return promise.futureResult
} else {
return eventLoop.submit { try self.setOption0(option, value: value) }
func setOption0<Option: ChannelOption>(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) throws {
guard isOpen else {
throw ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel
switch option {
case let option as ChannelOptions.Types.SocketOption:
try self.setSocketOption0(level: option.optionLevel, name: option.optionName, value: value)
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.AllocatorOption:
bufferAllocator = value as! ByteBufferAllocator
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.RecvAllocatorOption:
self.recvBufferPool.recvAllocator = value as! RecvByteBufferAllocator
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.AutoReadOption:
let auto = value as! Bool
let old = self.autoRead
self.autoRead = auto
// We only want to call read0() or pauseRead0() if we already registered to the EventLoop if not this will be automatically done
// once register0 is called. Beside this we also only need to do it when the value actually change.
if self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered && old != auto {
if auto {
} else {
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.MaxMessagesPerReadOption:
self.maxMessagesPerRead = value as! UInt
self.recvBufferPool.updateCapacity(to: Int(self.maxMessagesPerRead))
fatalError("option \(option) not supported")
public func getOption<Option: ChannelOption>(_ option: Option) -> EventLoopFuture<Option.Value> {
if eventLoop.inEventLoop {
do {
return self.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(try self.getOption0(option))
} catch {
return self.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error)
} else {
return self.eventLoop.submit { try self.getOption0(option) }
func getOption0<Option: ChannelOption>(_ option: Option) throws -> Option.Value {
guard isOpen else {
throw ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel
switch option {
case let option as ChannelOptions.Types.SocketOption:
return try self.getSocketOption0(level: option.optionLevel, name: option.optionName)
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.AllocatorOption:
return bufferAllocator as! Option.Value
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.RecvAllocatorOption:
return self.recvBufferPool.recvAllocator as! Option.Value
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.AutoReadOption:
return autoRead as! Option.Value
case _ as ChannelOptions.Types.MaxMessagesPerReadOption:
return maxMessagesPerRead as! Option.Value
fatalError("option \(option) not supported")
/// Triggers a `ChannelPipeline.read()` if `autoRead` is enabled.`
/// - returns: `true` if `readPending` is `true`, `false` otherwise.
@discardableResult func readIfNeeded0() -> Bool {
if !self.lifecycleManager.isActive {
return false
if !readPending && autoRead {
return readPending
// Methods invoked from the HeadHandler of the ChannelPipeline
public func bind0(to address: SocketAddress, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
guard self.isOpen else {
executeAndComplete(promise) {
try socket.bind(to: address)
self.updateCachedAddressesFromSocket(updateRemote: false)
public final func write0(_ data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
guard self.isOpen else {
// Channel was already closed, fail the promise and not even queue it.
guard self.lifecycleManager.isActive else {
bufferPendingWrite(data: data, promise: promise)
private func registerForWritable() {
guard !self.interestedEvent.contains(.write) else {
// nothing to do if we were previously interested in write
self.safeReregister(interested: self.interestedEvent.union(.write))
func unregisterForWritable() {
guard self.interestedEvent.contains(.write) else {
// nothing to do if we were not previously interested in write
self.safeReregister(interested: self.interestedEvent.subtracting(.write))
public final func flush0() {
guard self.isOpen else {
guard self.lifecycleManager.isActive else {
if !isWritePending() && flushNow() == .register {
public func read0() {
guard self.isOpen else {
readPending = true
if self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered {
private final func pauseRead0() {
if self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered {
private final func registerForReadable() {
guard !self.lifecycleManager.hasSeenEOFNotification else {
// we have seen an EOF notification before so there's no point in registering for reads
guard !self.interestedEvent.contains(.read) else {
self.safeReregister(interested: self.interestedEvent.union(.read))
private final func registerForReadEOF() {
guard !self.lifecycleManager.hasSeenEOFNotification else {
// we have seen an EOF notification before so there's no point in registering for reads
guard !self.interestedEvent.contains(.readEOF) else {
self.safeReregister(interested: self.interestedEvent.union(.readEOF))
internal final func unregisterForReadable() {
guard self.interestedEvent.contains(.read) else {
self.safeReregister(interested: self.interestedEvent.subtracting(.read))
/// Closes the this `BaseChannelChannel` and fulfills `promise` with the result of the _close_ operation.
/// So unless either the deregistration or the close itself fails, `promise` will be succeeded regardless of
/// `error`. `error` is used to fail outstanding writes (if any) and the `connectPromise` if set.
/// - parameters:
/// - error: The error to fail the outstanding (if any) writes/connect with.
/// - mode: The close mode, must be `.all` for `BaseSocketChannel`
/// - promise: The promise that gets notified about the result of the deregistration/close operations.
public func close0(error: Error, mode: CloseMode, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
guard self.isOpen else {
guard mode == .all else {
// === BEGIN: No user callouts ===
// this is to register all error callouts as all the callouts must happen after we transition out state
var errorCallouts: [(ChannelPipeline) -> Void] = []
self.interestedEvent = .reset
do {
try selectableEventLoop.deregister(channel: self)
} catch let err {
errorCallouts.append { pipeline in
let p: EventLoopPromise<Void>?
do {
try socket.close()
p = promise
} catch {
errorCallouts.append { (_: ChannelPipeline) in
// Set p to nil as we want to ensure we pass nil to becomeInactive0(...) so we not try to notify the promise again.
p = nil
// Transition our internal state.
let callouts = self.lifecycleManager.close()
// === END: No user callouts (now that our state is reconciled, we can call out to user code.) ===
// this must be the first to call out as it transitions the PendingWritesManager into the closed state
// and we assert elsewhere that the PendingWritesManager has the same idea of 'open' as we have in here.
self.cancelWritesOnClose(error: error)
// this should be a no-op as we shouldn't have any
errorCallouts.forEach {
if let connectPromise = self.pendingConnect {
self.pendingConnect = nil
callouts(p, self.pipeline)
eventLoop.execute {
// ensure this is executed in a delayed fashion as the users code may still traverse the pipeline
self.removeHandlers(pipeline: self.pipeline)
// Now reset the addresses as we notified all handlers / futures.
public final func register0(promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
guard self.isOpen else {
guard !self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered else {
guard self.selectableEventLoop.isOpen else {
let error = EventLoopError.shutdown
// `close0`'s error is about the result of the `close` operation, ...
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil)
// ... therefore we need to fail the registration `promise` separately.
// we can't fully register yet as epoll would give us EPOLLHUP if bind/connect wasn't called yet.
self.lifecycleManager.beginRegistration()(promise, self.pipeline)
public final func registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
let registerPromise = self.eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
self.register0(promise: registerPromise)
registerPromise.futureResult.whenFailure { (_: Error) in
self.close(promise: nil)
registerPromise.futureResult.cascadeFailure(to: promise)
if self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered {
// we expect kqueue/epoll registration to always succeed which is basically true, except for errors that
// should be fatal (EBADF, EFAULT, ESRCH, ENOMEM) and a two 'table full' (EMFILE, ENFILE) error kinds which
// we don't handle yet but might do in the future (#469).
try! becomeFullyRegistered0()
if self.lifecycleManager.isRegisteredFully {
self.becomeActive0(promise: promise)
public final func triggerUserOutboundEvent0(_ event: Any, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
// Methods invoked from the EventLoop itself
public final func writable() {
self.finishConnect() // If we were connecting, that has finished.
switch self.flushNow() {
case .unregister:
// Everything was written or connect was complete, let's unregister from writable.
case .register:
assert(!self.isOpen || self.interestedEvent.contains(.write))
() // nothing to do because given that we just received `writable`, we're still registered for writable.
private func finishConnect() {
if let connectPromise = self.pendingConnect {
do {
try self.finishConnectSocket()
} catch {
// close0 fails the connectPromise itself so no need to do it here
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil)
// now this has succeeded, becomeActive0 will actually fulfill this.
self.pendingConnect = nil
// We already know what the local address is.
self.updateCachedAddressesFromSocket(updateLocal: false, updateRemote: true)
self.becomeActive0(promise: connectPromise)
} else {
private func finishWritable() {
if self.isOpen {
func writeEOF() {
fatalError("\(self) received writeEOF which is unexpected")
func readEOF() {
self.lifecycleManager.hasSeenEOFNotification = true
// we can't be not active but still registered here; this would mean that we got a notification about a
// channel before we're ready to receive them.
"illegal state: \(self): active: \(self.lifecycleManager.isActive), registered: \(self.lifecycleManager.isRegisteredFully)")
final func readEOF0() {
if self.lifecycleManager.isRegisteredFully {
// we're unregistering from `readEOF` here as we want this to be one-shot. We're then synchronously
// reading all input until the EOF that we're guaranteed to see. After that `readEOF` becomes uninteresting
// and would anyway fire constantly.
self.safeReregister(interested: self.interestedEvent.subtracting(.readEOF))
loop: while self.lifecycleManager.isActive {
switch self.readable0() {
case .eof:
// on EOF we stop the loop and we're done with our processing for `readEOF`.
// we could both be registered & active (if our channel supports half-closure) or unregistered & inactive (if it doesn't).
break loop
case .error:
// we should be unregistered and inactive now (as `readable0` would've called close).
break loop
case .normal(.none):
preconditionFailure("got .readEOF and read returned not reading any bytes, nor EOF.")
case .normal(.some):
// normal, note that there is no guarantee we're still active (as the user might have closed in callout)
continue loop
// this _needs_ to synchronously cause the fd to be unregistered because we cannot unregister from `reset`. In
// other words: Failing to unregister the whole selector will cause NIO to spin at 100% CPU constantly delivering
// the `reset` event.
final func reset() {
if self.socket.isOpen {
let error: IOError
// if the socket is still registered (and therefore open), let's try to get the actual socket error from the socket
do {
let result: Int32 = try self.socket.getOption(level: .socket, name: .so_error)
if result != 0 {
// we have a socket error, let's forward
// this path will be executed on Linux (EPOLLERR) & Darwin (ev.fflags != 0)
error = IOError(errnoCode: result, reason: "connection reset (error set)")
} else {
// we don't have a socket error, this must be connection reset without an error then
// this path should only be executed on Linux (EPOLLHUP, no EPOLLERR)
#if os(Linux)
let message: String = "connection reset (no error set)"
let message: String = "BUG IN SwiftNIO (possibly #572), please report! Connection reset (no error set)."
error = IOError(errnoCode: ECONNRESET, reason: message)
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil)
} catch {
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil)
public final func readable() {
"got a read notification after having already seen .readEOF")
private final func readable0() -> ReadStreamState {
defer {
if self.isOpen && !self.readPending {
let readResult: ReadResult
do {
readResult = try self.readFromSocket()
} catch let err {
let readStreamState: ReadStreamState
// ChannelError.eof is not something we want to fire through the pipeline as it just means the remote
// peer closed / shutdown the connection.
if let channelErr = err as? ChannelError, channelErr == ChannelError.eof {
readStreamState = .eof
if self.lifecycleManager.isActive {
// Directly call getOption0 as we are already on the EventLoop and so not need to create an extra future.
// getOption0 can only fail if the channel is not active anymore but we assert further up that it is. If
// that's not the case this is a precondition failure and we would like to know.
let allowRemoteHalfClosure = try! self.getOption0(ChannelOptions.allowRemoteHalfClosure)
// For EOF, we always fire read complete.
if allowRemoteHalfClosure {
// If we want to allow half closure we will just mark the input side of the Channel
// as closed.
if self.shouldCloseOnReadError(err) {
self.close0(error: err, mode: .input, promise: nil)
self.readPending = false
return .eof
} else {
readStreamState = .error
if self.shouldCloseOnReadError(err) {
self.close0(error: err, mode: .all, promise: nil)
return readStreamState
} else {
// This is non-fatal, so continue as normal.
// This constitutes "some" as we did get at least an error from the socket.
readResult = .some
// This assert needs to be disabled for io_uring, as the io_uring backend does not have the implicit synchronisation between
// modifications to the poll mask and the actual returned events on the completion queue that kqueue and epoll has.
// For kqueue and epoll, there is an implicit synchronisation point such that after a modification of the poll mask has been
// issued, the next call to reap events will be sure to not include events which does not match the new poll mask.
// Specifically for this assert, it means that we will be guaranteed to never receive a POLLIN notification unless there are
// bytes available to read.
// For a fully asynchronous backend like io_uring, there are no such implicit synchronisation point, so after we have
// submitted the asynchronous event to change the poll mask, we may still reap pending asynchronous replies for the old
// poll mask, and thus receive a POLLIN even though we have modified the mask visavi the kernel.
// Which would trigger the assert.
// The only way to avoid that race, would be to use heavy handed synchronisation primitives like IOSQE_IO_DRAIN (basically
// flushing all pending requests and wait for a fake event result to sync up) which would be awful for performance,
// so better skip the assert() for io_uring instead.
assert(readResult == .some)
if self.lifecycleManager.isActive {
return .normal(readResult)
/// Returns `true` if the `Channel` should be closed as result of the given `Error` which happened during `readFromSocket`.
/// - parameters:
/// - err: The `Error` which was thrown by `readFromSocket`.
/// - returns: `true` if the `Channel` should be closed, `false` otherwise.
func shouldCloseOnReadError(_ err: Error) -> Bool {
return true
internal final func updateCachedAddressesFromSocket(updateLocal: Bool = true, updateRemote: Bool = true) {
assert(updateLocal || updateRemote)
let cached = self.addressesCached
let local = updateLocal ? try? self.localAddress0() : cached.local
let remote = updateRemote ? try? self.remoteAddress0() : cached.remote
self.addressesCached = AddressCache(local: local, remote: remote)
internal final func unsetCachedAddressesFromSocket() {
self.addressesCached = AddressCache(local: nil, remote: nil)
public final func connect0(to address: SocketAddress, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
guard self.isOpen else {
guard pendingConnect == nil else {
guard self.lifecycleManager.isPreRegistered else {
do {
if try !self.connectSocket(to: address) {
// We aren't connected, we'll get the remote address later.
self.updateCachedAddressesFromSocket(updateLocal: true, updateRemote: false)
if promise != nil {
self.pendingConnect = promise
} else {
self.pendingConnect = eventLoop.makePromise()
try self.becomeFullyRegistered0()
} else {
self.becomeActive0(promise: promise)
} catch let error {
// We would like to have this assertion here, but we want to be able to go through this
// code path in cases where connect() is being called on channels that are already active.
// We're going to set the promise as the pending connect promise, and let close0 fail it for us.
self.pendingConnect = promise
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil)
public func channelRead0(_ data: NIOAny) {
// Do nothing by default
// note: we can't assert that we're active here as TailChannelHandler will call this on channelRead
public func errorCaught0(error: Error) {
// Do nothing
private func isWritePending() -> Bool {
return self.interestedEvent.contains(.write)
private final func safeReregister(interested: SelectorEventSet) {
guard self.isOpen else {
assert(self.interestedEvent == .reset, "interestedEvent=\(self.interestedEvent) even though we're closed")
if interested == interestedEvent {
// we don't need to update and so cause a syscall if we already are registered with the correct event
interestedEvent = interested
do {
try selectableEventLoop.reregister(channel: self)
} catch let err {
self.close0(error: err, mode: .all, promise: nil)
private func safeRegister(interested: SelectorEventSet) throws {
guard self.isOpen else {
throw ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel
self.interestedEvent = interested
do {
try self.selectableEventLoop.register(channel: self)
} catch {
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil)
throw error
final func becomeFullyRegistered0() throws {
// The initial set of interested events must not contain `.readEOF` because when connect doesn't return
// synchronously, kevent might send us a `readEOF` because the `writable` event that marks the connect as completed.
// See SocketChannelTest.testServerClosesTheConnectionImmediately for a regression test.
try self.safeRegister(interested: [.reset])
self.lifecycleManager.finishRegistration()(nil, self.pipeline)
final func becomeActive0(promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
if !self.lifecycleManager.isRegisteredFully {
do {
try self.becomeFullyRegistered0()
} catch {
self.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: promise)
self.lifecycleManager.activate()(promise, self.pipeline)
guard self.lifecycleManager.isOpen else {
// in the user callout for `channelActive` the channel got closed.
func register(selector: Selector<NIORegistration>, interested: SelectorEventSet) throws {
fatalError("must override")
func deregister(selector: Selector<NIORegistration>, mode: CloseMode) throws {
fatalError("must override")
func reregister(selector: Selector<NIORegistration>, interested: SelectorEventSet) throws {
fatalError("must override")
extension BaseSocketChannel {
public struct SynchronousOptions: NIOSynchronousChannelOptions {
@usableFromInline // should be private
internal let _channel: BaseSocketChannel<SocketType>
@inlinable // should be fileprivate
internal init(_channel channel: BaseSocketChannel<SocketType>) {
self._channel = channel
public func setOption<Option: ChannelOption>(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) throws {
try self._channel.setOption0(option, value: value)
public func getOption<Option: ChannelOption>(_ option: Option) throws -> Option.Value {
return try self._channel.getOption0(option)
public final var syncOptions: NIOSynchronousChannelOptions? {
return SynchronousOptions(_channel: self)
/// Execute the given function and synchronously complete the given `EventLoopPromise` (if not `nil`).
func executeAndComplete<Value>(_ promise: EventLoopPromise<Value>?, _ body: () throws -> Value) {
do {
let result = try body()
} catch let e {