
390 lines
14 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
#if os(Windows)
import let WinSDK.EBADF
import struct WinSDK.socklen_t
protocol Registration {
/// The `SelectorEventSet` in which the `Registration` is interested.
var interested: SelectorEventSet { get set }
var registrationID: SelectorRegistrationID { get set }
// sockaddr_storage is basically just a boring data structure that we can
// convert to being something sensible. These functions copy the data as
// needed.
// Annoyingly, these functions are mutating. This is required to work around
// https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-2749 on Ubuntu 14.04: basically, we need to
// avoid getting the Swift compiler to copy the sockaddr_storage for any reason:
// only our rebinding copy here is allowed.
extension sockaddr_storage {
mutating func withMutableSockAddr<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<sockaddr>, Int) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
return try withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &self) { p in
try body(p.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: sockaddr.self), p.count)
/// Converts the `socketaddr_storage` to a `sockaddr_in`.
/// This will crash if `ss_family` != AF_INET!
func convert() -> sockaddr_in {
precondition(self.ss_family == NIOBSDSocket.AddressFamily.inet.rawValue)
return withUnsafeBytes(of: self) {
$0.load(as: sockaddr_in.self)
/// Converts the `socketaddr_storage` to a `sockaddr_in6`.
/// This will crash if `ss_family` != AF_INET6!
func convert() -> sockaddr_in6 {
precondition(self.ss_family == NIOBSDSocket.AddressFamily.inet6.rawValue)
return withUnsafeBytes(of: self) {
$0.load(as: sockaddr_in6.self)
/// Converts the `socketaddr_storage` to a `sockaddr_un`.
/// This will crash if `ss_family` != AF_UNIX!
func convert() -> sockaddr_un {
precondition(self.ss_family == NIOBSDSocket.AddressFamily.unix.rawValue)
return withUnsafeBytes(of: self) {
$0.load(as: sockaddr_un.self)
/// Converts the `socketaddr_storage` to a `SocketAddress`.
func convert() -> SocketAddress {
switch NIOBSDSocket.AddressFamily(rawValue: CInt(self.ss_family)) {
case .inet:
let sockAddr: sockaddr_in = self.convert()
return SocketAddress(sockAddr)
case .inet6:
let sockAddr: sockaddr_in6 = self.convert()
return SocketAddress(sockAddr)
case .unix:
return SocketAddress(self.convert() as sockaddr_un)
fatalError("unknown sockaddr family \(self.ss_family)")
/// A helper extension for working with sockaddr pointers.
extension UnsafeMutablePointer where Pointee == sockaddr {
/// Converts the `sockaddr` to a `SocketAddress`.
func convert() -> SocketAddress? {
let addressBytes = UnsafeRawPointer(self)
switch NIOBSDSocket.AddressFamily(rawValue: CInt(pointee.sa_family)) {
case .inet:
return SocketAddress(addressBytes.load(as: sockaddr_in.self))
case .inet6:
return SocketAddress(addressBytes.load(as: sockaddr_in6.self))
case .unix:
return SocketAddress(addressBytes.load(as: sockaddr_un.self))
return nil
/// Base class for sockets.
/// This should not be created directly but one of its sub-classes should be used, like `ServerSocket` or `Socket`.
class BaseSocket: BaseSocketProtocol {
typealias SelectableType = BaseSocket
private var descriptor: NIOBSDSocket.Handle
public var isOpen: Bool {
#if os(Windows)
return descriptor != NIOBSDSocket.invalidHandle
return descriptor >= 0
/// Returns the local bound `SocketAddress` of the socket.
/// - returns: The local bound address.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the retrieval of the address failed.
func localAddress() throws -> SocketAddress {
return try get_addr {
try NIOBSDSocket.getsockname(socket: $0, address: $1, address_len: $2)
/// Returns the connected `SocketAddress` of the socket.
/// - returns: The connected address.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the retrieval of the address failed.
func remoteAddress() throws -> SocketAddress {
return try get_addr {
try NIOBSDSocket.getpeername(socket: $0, address: $1, address_len: $2)
/// Internal helper function for retrieval of a `SocketAddress`.
private func get_addr(_ body: (NIOBSDSocket.Handle, UnsafeMutablePointer<sockaddr>, UnsafeMutablePointer<socklen_t>) throws -> Void) throws -> SocketAddress {
var addr = sockaddr_storage()
try addr.withMutableSockAddr { addressPtr, size in
var size = socklen_t(size)
try self.withUnsafeHandle {
try body($0, addressPtr, &size)
return addr.convert()
/// Create a new socket and return the file descriptor of it.
/// - parameters:
/// - protocolFamily: The protocol family to use (usually `AF_INET6` or `AF_INET`).
/// - type: The type of the socket to create.
/// - setNonBlocking: Set non-blocking mode on the socket.
/// - returns: the file descriptor of the socket that was created.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if creation of the socket failed.
static func makeSocket(
protocolFamily: NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily,
type: NIOBSDSocket.SocketType,
protocolSubtype: NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolSubtype,
setNonBlocking: Bool = false
) throws -> NIOBSDSocket.Handle {
var sockType: CInt = type.rawValue
#if os(Linux)
if setNonBlocking {
sockType = type.rawValue | Linux.SOCK_NONBLOCK
let sock = try NIOBSDSocket.socket(domain: protocolFamily,
type: NIOBSDSocket.SocketType(rawValue: sockType),
protocolSubtype: protocolSubtype)
#if !os(Linux)
if setNonBlocking {
do {
try NIOBSDSocket.setNonBlocking(socket: sock)
} catch {
// best effort close
try? NIOBSDSocket.close(socket: sock)
throw error
if protocolFamily == .inet6 {
var zero: Int32 = 0
do {
try NIOBSDSocket.setsockopt(socket: sock, level: .ipv6, option_name: .ipv6_v6only, option_value: &zero, option_len: socklen_t(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: zero)))
} catch let e as IOError {
if e.errnoCode != EAFNOSUPPORT {
// Ignore error that may be thrown by close.
_ = try? NIOBSDSocket.close(socket: sock)
throw e
/* we couldn't enable dual IP4/6 support, that's okay too. */
} catch let e {
fatalError("Unexpected error type \(e)")
return sock
/// Cleanup the unix domain socket.
/// Deletes the associated file if it exists and has socket type. Does nothing if pathname does not exist.
/// - parameters:
/// - unixDomainSocketPath: The pathname of the UDS.
/// - throws: An `UnixDomainSocketPathWrongType` if the pathname exists and is not a socket.
static func cleanupSocket(unixDomainSocketPath: String) throws {
try NIOBSDSocket.cleanupUnixDomainSocket(atPath: unixDomainSocketPath)
/// Create a new instance.
/// The ownership of the passed in descriptor is transferred to this class. A user must call `close` to close the underlying
/// file descriptor once it's not needed / used anymore.
/// - parameters:
/// - descriptor: The file descriptor to wrap.
init(socket descriptor: NIOBSDSocket.Handle) throws {
#if os(Windows)
precondition(descriptor != NIOBSDSocket.invalidHandle, "invalid socket")
precondition(descriptor >= 0, "invalid socket")
self.descriptor = descriptor
do {
try self.ignoreSIGPIPE()
} catch {
self.descriptor = NIOBSDSocket.invalidHandle // We have to unset the fd here, otherwise we'll crash with "leaking open BaseSocket"
throw error
deinit {
assert(!self.isOpen, "leak of open BaseSocket")
func ignoreSIGPIPE() throws {
try BaseSocket.ignoreSIGPIPE(socket: self.descriptor)
/// Set the socket as non-blocking.
/// All I/O operations will not block and so may return before the actual action could be completed.
/// throws: An `IOError` if the operation failed.
final func setNonBlocking() throws {
return try self.withUnsafeHandle {
try NIOBSDSocket.setNonBlocking(socket: $0)
/// Set the given socket option.
/// This basically just delegates to `setsockopt` syscall.
/// - parameters:
/// - level: The protocol level (see `man setsockopt`).
/// - name: The name of the option to set.
/// - value: The value for the option.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the operation failed.
func setOption<T>(level: NIOBSDSocket.OptionLevel, name: NIOBSDSocket.Option, value: T) throws {
if level == .tcp && name == .tcp_nodelay && (try? self.localAddress().protocol) == Optional<NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily>.some(.unix) {
// setting TCP_NODELAY on UNIX domain sockets will fail. Previously we had a bug where we would ignore
// most socket options settings so for the time being we'll just ignore this. Let's revisit for NIO 2.0.
return try withUnsafeBytes(of: value) { (valueBuffer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) in
try self.withUnsafeHandle {
try NIOBSDSocket.setsockopt(
socket: $0,
level: level,
option_name: name,
option_value: valueBuffer.baseAddress!,
option_len: socklen_t(valueBuffer.count))
/// Get the given socket option value.
/// This basically just delegates to `getsockopt` syscall.
/// - parameters:
/// - level: The protocol level (see `man getsockopt`).
/// - name: The name of the option to set.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the operation failed.
final func getOption<T>(level: NIOBSDSocket.OptionLevel, name: NIOBSDSocket.Option) throws -> T {
return try self.withUnsafeHandle { fd in
var length = socklen_t(MemoryLayout<T>.size)
let storage = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(byteCount: MemoryLayout<T>.stride,
alignment: MemoryLayout<T>.alignment)
// write zeroes into the memory as Linux's getsockopt doesn't zero them out
storage.initializeMemory(as: UInt8.self, repeating: 0)
let val = storage.bindMemory(to: T.self).baseAddress!
// initialisation will be done by getsockopt
defer {
val.deinitialize(count: 1)
try NIOBSDSocket.getsockopt(socket: fd, level: level, option_name: name, option_value: val, option_len: &length)
return val.pointee
/// Bind the socket to the given `SocketAddress`.
/// - parameters:
/// - address: The `SocketAddress` to which the socket should be bound.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the operation failed.
func bind(to address: SocketAddress) throws {
try self.withUnsafeHandle { fd in
try address.withSockAddr {
try NIOBSDSocket.bind(socket: fd, address: $0, address_len: socklen_t($1))
/// Close the socket.
/// After the socket was closed all other methods will throw an `IOError` when called.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the operation failed.
func close() throws {
try NIOBSDSocket.close(socket: try self.takeDescriptorOwnership())
/// Takes the file descriptor's ownership.
/// After this call, `BaseSocket` considers itself to be closed and the caller is responsible for actually closing
/// the underlying file descriptor.
/// - throws: An `IOError` if the operation failed.
final func takeDescriptorOwnership() throws -> NIOBSDSocket.Handle {
return try self.withUnsafeHandle {
self.descriptor = NIOBSDSocket.invalidHandle
return $0
extension BaseSocket: Selectable {
func withUnsafeHandle<T>(_ body: (NIOBSDSocket.Handle) throws -> T) throws -> T {
guard self.isOpen else {
throw IOError(errnoCode: EBADF, reason: "file descriptor already closed!")
return try body(self.descriptor)
extension BaseSocket: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "BaseSocket { fd=\(self.descriptor) }"
// MARK: Workarounds for SR-14268
// We need these free functions to expose our extension methods, because otherwise
// the compiler falls over when we try to access them from test code. As these functions
// exist purely to make the behaviours accessible from test code, we name them truly awfully.
func __testOnly_convertSockAddr(_ addr: sockaddr_storage) -> sockaddr_in {
return addr.convert()
func __testOnly_convertSockAddr(_ addr: sockaddr_storage) -> sockaddr_in6 {
return addr.convert()
func __testOnly_convertSockAddr(_ addr: sockaddr_storage) -> sockaddr_un {
return addr.convert()
func __testOnly_withMutableSockAddr<ReturnType>(
_ addr: inout sockaddr_storage, _ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<sockaddr>, Int) throws -> ReturnType
) rethrows -> ReturnType {
return try addr.withMutableSockAddr(body)