575 lines
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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOCore
private func writeChunk(wrapOutboundOut: (IOData) -> NIOAny, context: ChannelHandlerContext, isChunked: Bool, chunk: IOData, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
let (mW1, mW2, mW3): (EventLoopPromise<Void>?, EventLoopPromise<Void>?, EventLoopPromise<Void>?)
switch (isChunked, promise) {
case (true, .some(let p)):
/* chunked encoding and the user's interested: we need three promises and need to cascade into the users promise */
let (w1, w2, w3) = (context.eventLoop.makePromise() as EventLoopPromise<Void>, context.eventLoop.makePromise() as EventLoopPromise<Void>, context.eventLoop.makePromise() as EventLoopPromise<Void>)
w1.futureResult.and(w2.futureResult).and(w3.futureResult).map { (_: ((((), ()), ()))) in }.cascade(to: p)
(mW1, mW2, mW3) = (w1, w2, w3)
case (false, .some(let p)):
/* not chunked, so just use the user's promise for the actual data */
(mW1, mW2, mW3) = (nil, p, nil)
case (_, .none):
/* user isn't interested, let's not bother even allocating promises */
(mW1, mW2, mW3) = (nil, nil, nil)
let readableBytes = chunk.readableBytes
/* we don't want to copy the chunk unnecessarily and therefore call write an annoyingly large number of times */
if isChunked {
var buffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 32)
let len = String(readableBytes, radix: 16)
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(.byteBuffer(buffer)), promise: mW1)
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(chunk), promise: mW2)
// Just move the buffers readerIndex to only make the \r\n readable and depend on COW semantics.
buffer.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: buffer.readableBytes - 2)
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(.byteBuffer(buffer)), promise: mW3)
} else {
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(chunk), promise: mW2)
private func writeTrailers(wrapOutboundOut: (IOData) -> NIOAny, context: ChannelHandlerContext, isChunked: Bool, trailers: HTTPHeaders?, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
switch (isChunked, promise) {
case (true, let p):
var buffer: ByteBuffer
if let trailers = trailers {
buffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 256)
buffer.write(headers: trailers) // Includes trailing CRLF.
} else {
buffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 8)
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(.byteBuffer(buffer)), promise: p)
case (false, .some(let p)):
// Not chunked so we have nothing to write. However, we don't want to satisfy this promise out-of-order
// so we issue a zero-length write down the chain.
let buf = context.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 0)
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(.byteBuffer(buf)), promise: p)
case (false, .none):
// starting about swift-5.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2019-01-20-a, this doesn't get automatically inlined, which costs
// 2 extra allocations so we need to help the optimiser out.
private func writeHead(wrapOutboundOut: (IOData) -> NIOAny, writeStartLine: (inout ByteBuffer) -> Void, context: ChannelHandlerContext, headers: HTTPHeaders, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
var buffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 256)
buffer.write(headers: headers)
context.write(wrapOutboundOut(.byteBuffer(buffer)), promise: promise)
/// The type of framing that is used to mark the end of the body.
private enum BodyFraming {
case chunked
case contentLength
case neither
/// Adjusts the response/request headers to ensure that the response/request will be well-framed.
/// This method strips Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers from responses/requests that must
/// not have a body. It also adds Transfer-Encoding headers to responses/requests that do have bodies
/// but do not have any other transport headers when using HTTP/1.1. This ensures that we can
/// always safely reuse a connection.
/// Note that for HTTP/1.0 if there is no Content-Length then the response should be followed
/// by connection close. We require that the user send that connection close: we don't do it.
private func correctlyFrameTransportHeaders(hasBody: HTTPMethod.HasBody, headers: inout HTTPHeaders, version: HTTPVersion) -> BodyFraming {
switch hasBody {
case .no:
headers.remove(name: "content-length")
headers.remove(name: "transfer-encoding")
return .neither
case .yes:
if headers.contains(name: "content-length") {
return .contentLength
if version.major == 1 && version.minor >= 1 {
headers.replaceOrAdd(name: "transfer-encoding", value: "chunked")
return .chunked
} else {
return .neither
case .unlikely:
if headers.contains(name: "content-length") {
return .contentLength
if version.major == 1 && version.minor >= 1 {
return headers["transfer-encoding"].first == "chunked" ? .chunked : .neither
return .neither
/// A `ChannelOutboundHandler` that can serialize HTTP requests.
/// This channel handler is used to translate messages from a series of
/// `HTTPClientRequestPart` into the HTTP/1.1 wire format.
public final class HTTPRequestEncoder: ChannelOutboundHandler, RemovableChannelHandler {
public typealias OutboundIn = HTTPClientRequestPart
public typealias OutboundOut = IOData
private var isChunked = false
public init () { }
public func write(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
switch self.unwrapOutboundIn(data) {
case .head(var request):
assert(!(request.headers.contains(name: "content-length") &&
request.headers[canonicalForm: "transfer-encoding"].contains("chunked"[...])),
"illegal HTTP sent: \(request) contains both a content-length and transfer-encoding:chunked")
self.isChunked = correctlyFrameTransportHeaders(hasBody: request.method.hasRequestBody,
headers: &request.headers, version: request.version) == .chunked
writeHead(wrapOutboundOut: self.wrapOutboundOut, writeStartLine: { buffer in
buffer.write(request: request)
}, context: context, headers: request.headers, promise: promise)
case .body(let bodyPart):
guard bodyPart.readableBytes > 0 else {
// Empty writes shouldn't send any bytes in chunked or identity encoding.
context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(bodyPart), promise: promise)
writeChunk(wrapOutboundOut: self.wrapOutboundOut, context: context, isChunked: self.isChunked, chunk: bodyPart, promise: promise)
case .end(let trailers):
writeTrailers(wrapOutboundOut: self.wrapOutboundOut, context: context, isChunked: self.isChunked, trailers: trailers, promise: promise)
@available(*, unavailable)
extension HTTPRequestEncoder: Sendable {}
/// A `ChannelOutboundHandler` that can serialize HTTP responses.
/// This channel handler is used to translate messages from a series of
/// `HTTPServerResponsePart` into the HTTP/1.1 wire format.
public final class HTTPResponseEncoder: ChannelOutboundHandler, RemovableChannelHandler {
public typealias OutboundIn = HTTPServerResponsePart
public typealias OutboundOut = IOData
private var isChunked = false
public init () { }
public func write(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
switch self.unwrapOutboundIn(data) {
case .head(var response):
assert(!(response.headers.contains(name: "content-length") &&
response.headers[canonicalForm: "transfer-encoding"].contains("chunked"[...])),
"illegal HTTP sent: \(response) contains both a content-length and transfer-encoding:chunked")
self.isChunked = correctlyFrameTransportHeaders(hasBody: response.status.mayHaveResponseBody ? .yes : .no,
headers: &response.headers, version: response.version) == .chunked
writeHead(wrapOutboundOut: self.wrapOutboundOut, writeStartLine: { buffer in
buffer.write(response: response)
}, context: context, headers: response.headers, promise: promise)
case .body(let bodyPart):
writeChunk(wrapOutboundOut: self.wrapOutboundOut, context: context, isChunked: self.isChunked, chunk: bodyPart, promise: promise)
case .end(let trailers):
writeTrailers(wrapOutboundOut: self.wrapOutboundOut, context: context, isChunked: self.isChunked, trailers: trailers, promise: promise)
@available(*, unavailable)
extension HTTPResponseEncoder: Sendable {}
private extension ByteBuffer {
private mutating func write(status: HTTPResponseStatus) {
mutating func write(response: HTTPResponseHead) {
switch (response.version.major, response.version.minor, response.status) {
// Optimization for HTTP/1.0
case (1, 0, .custom(_, _)):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 ")
self.write(status: response.status)
case (1, 0, .continue):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 100 Continue\r\n")
case (1, 0, .switchingProtocols):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 101 Switching Protocols\r\n")
case (1, 0, .processing):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 102 Processing\r\n")
case (1, 0, .ok):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n")
case (1, 0, .created):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 201 Created\r\n")
case (1, 0, .accepted):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted\r\n")
case (1, 0, .nonAuthoritativeInformation):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 203 Non-Authoritative Information\r\n")
case (1, 0, .noContent):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 204 No Content\r\n")
case (1, 0, .resetContent):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 205 Reset Content\r\n")
case (1, 0, .partialContent):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content\r\n")
case (1, 0, .multiStatus):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 207 Multi-Status\r\n")
case (1, 0, .alreadyReported):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 208 Already Reported\r\n")
case (1, 0, .imUsed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 226 IM Used\r\n")
case (1, 0, .multipleChoices):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 300 Multiple Choices\r\n")
case (1, 0, .movedPermanently):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently\r\n")
case (1, 0, .found):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n")
case (1, 0, .seeOther):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 303 See Other\r\n")
case (1, 0, .notModified):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified\r\n")
case (1, 0, .useProxy):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 305 Use Proxy\r\n")
case (1, 0, .temporaryRedirect):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 307 Tempory Redirect\r\n")
case (1, 0, .permanentRedirect):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 308 Permanent Redirect\r\n")
case (1, 0, .badRequest):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n")
case (1, 0, .unauthorized):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n")
case (1, 0, .paymentRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 402 Payment Required\r\n")
case (1, 0, .forbidden):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden\r\n")
case (1, 0, .notFound):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n")
case (1, 0, .methodNotAllowed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n")
case (1, 0, .notAcceptable):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 406 Not Acceptable\r\n")
case (1, 0, .proxyAuthenticationRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\n")
case (1, 0, .requestTimeout):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 408 Request Timeout\r\n")
case (1, 0, .conflict):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict\r\n")
case (1, 0, .gone):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 410 Gone\r\n")
case (1, 0, .lengthRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 411 Length Required\r\n")
case (1, 0, .preconditionFailed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 412 Precondition Failed\r\n")
case (1, 0, .payloadTooLarge):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 413 Payload Too Large\r\n")
case (1, 0, .uriTooLong):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 414 URI Too Long\r\n")
case (1, 0, .unsupportedMediaType):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 415 Unsupported Media Type\r\n")
case (1, 0, .rangeNotSatisfiable):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 416 Range Not Satisfiable\r\n")
case (1, 0, .expectationFailed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 417 Expectation Failed\r\n")
case (1, 0, .misdirectedRequest):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 421 Misdirected Request\r\n")
case (1, 0, .unprocessableEntity):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 422 Unprocessable Entity\r\n")
case (1, 0, .locked):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 423 Locked\r\n")
case (1, 0, .failedDependency):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 424 Failed Dependency\r\n")
case (1, 0, .upgradeRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 426 Upgrade Required\r\n")
case (1, 0, .preconditionRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 428 Precondition Required\r\n")
case (1, 0, .tooManyRequests):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 429 Too Many Requests\r\n")
case (1, 0, .requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 431 Request Header Fields Too Large\r\n")
case (1, 0, .unavailableForLegalReasons):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons\r\n")
case (1, 0, .internalServerError):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n")
case (1, 0, .notImplemented):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n")
case (1, 0, .badGateway):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway\r\n")
case (1, 0, .serviceUnavailable):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable\r\n")
case (1, 0, .gatewayTimeout):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 504 Gateway Timeout\r\n")
case (1, 0, .httpVersionNotSupported):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\n")
case (1, 0, .variantAlsoNegotiates):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 506 Variant Also Negotiates\r\n")
case (1, 0, .insufficientStorage):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 507 Insufficient Storage\r\n")
case (1, 0, .loopDetected):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 508 Loop Detected\r\n")
case (1, 0, .notExtended):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.0 510 Not Extended\r\n")
case (1, 0, .networkAuthenticationRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 511 Network Authentication Required\r\n")
// Optimization for HTTP/1.1
case (1, 1, .custom(_, _)):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 ")
self.write(status: response.status)
case (1, 1, .continue):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n")
case (1, 1, .switchingProtocols):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n")
case (1, 1, .processing):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 102 Processing\r\n")
case (1, 1, .ok):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
case (1, 1, .created):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\n")
case (1, 1, .accepted):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted\r\n")
case (1, 1, .nonAuthoritativeInformation):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 203 Non-Authoritative Information\r\n")
case (1, 1, .noContent):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n")
case (1, 1, .resetContent):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 205 Reset Content\r\n")
case (1, 1, .partialContent):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content\r\n")
case (1, 1, .multiStatus):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status\r\n")
case (1, 1, .alreadyReported):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 208 Already Reported\r\n")
case (1, 1, .imUsed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used\r\n")
case (1, 1, .multipleChoices):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices\r\n")
case (1, 1, .movedPermanently):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n")
case (1, 1, .found):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n")
case (1, 1, .seeOther):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other\r\n")
case (1, 1, .notModified):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\r\n")
case (1, 1, .useProxy):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 305 Use Proxy\r\n")
case (1, 1, .temporaryRedirect):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 307 Tempory Redirect\r\n")
case (1, 1, .permanentRedirect):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect\r\n")
case (1, 1, .badRequest):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n")
case (1, 1, .unauthorized):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n")
case (1, 1, .paymentRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required\r\n")
case (1, 1, .forbidden):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n")
case (1, 1, .notFound):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n")
case (1, 1, .methodNotAllowed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n")
case (1, 1, .notAcceptable):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable\r\n")
case (1, 1, .proxyAuthenticationRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\n")
case (1, 1, .requestTimeout):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout\r\n")
case (1, 1, .conflict):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict\r\n")
case (1, 1, .gone):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 410 Gone\r\n")
case (1, 1, .lengthRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required\r\n")
case (1, 1, .preconditionFailed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed\r\n")
case (1, 1, .payloadTooLarge):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large\r\n")
case (1, 1, .uriTooLong):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 414 URI Too Long\r\n")
case (1, 1, .unsupportedMediaType):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type\r\n")
case (1, 1, .rangeNotSatisfiable):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 416 Request Range Not Satisified\r\n")
case (1, 1, .expectationFailed):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed\r\n")
case (1, 1, .misdirectedRequest):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 421 Misdirected Request\r\n")
case (1, 1, .unprocessableEntity):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity\r\n")
case (1, 1, .locked):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 423 Locked\r\n")
case (1, 1, .failedDependency):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 424 Failed Dependency\r\n")
case (1, 1, .upgradeRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required\r\n")
case (1, 1, .preconditionRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 428 Precondition Required\r\n")
case (1, 1, .tooManyRequests):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests\r\n")
case (1, 1, .requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 431 Range Not Satisfiable\r\n")
case (1, 1, .unavailableForLegalReasons):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons\r\n")
case (1, 1, .internalServerError):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n")
case (1, 1, .notImplemented):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented\r\n")
case (1, 1, .badGateway):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway\r\n")
case (1, 1, .serviceUnavailable):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n")
case (1, 1, .gatewayTimeout):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout\r\n")
case (1, 1, .httpVersionNotSupported):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\n")
case (1, 1, .variantAlsoNegotiates):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 506 Variant Also Negotiates\r\n")
case (1, 1, .insufficientStorage):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 507 Insufficient Storage\r\n")
case (1, 1, .loopDetected):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 508 Loop Detected\r\n")
case (1, 1, .notExtended):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 510 Not Extended\r\n")
case (1, 1, .networkAuthenticationRequired):
self.writeStaticString("HTTP/1.1 511 Network Authentication Required\r\n")
// Fallback for non-known HTTP version
self.write(version: response.version)
self.write(status: response.status)
private mutating func write(version: HTTPVersion) {
switch (version.minor, version.major) {
case (1, 0):
case (1, 1):
mutating func write(request: HTTPRequestHead) {
self.write(method: request.method)
self.write(version: request.version)
mutating func writeWhitespace() {
self.writeInteger(32, as: UInt8.self)
private mutating func write(method: HTTPMethod) {
switch method {
case .GET:
case .PUT:
case .ACL:
case .HEAD:
case .POST:
case .COPY:
case .LOCK:
case .MOVE:
case .BIND:
case .LINK:
case .PATCH:
case .TRACE:
case .MKCOL:
case .MERGE:
case .PURGE:
case .NOTIFY:
case .SEARCH:
case .UNLOCK:
case .REBIND:
case .UNBIND:
case .REPORT:
case .DELETE:
case .UNLINK:
case .CONNECT:
case .MSEARCH:
case .OPTIONS:
case .SOURCE:
case .RAW(let value):