
378 lines
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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import Atomics
import Dispatch
import _NIODataStructures
import NIOCore
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
/// An `EventLoop` that is thread safe and whose execution is fully controlled
/// by the user.
/// Unlike more complex `EventLoop`s, such as `SelectableEventLoop`, the `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`
/// has no proper eventing mechanism. Instead, reads and writes are fully controlled by the
/// entity that instantiates the `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`. This property makes `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`
/// of limited use for many application purposes, but highly valuable for testing and other
/// kinds of mocking. Unlike `EmbeddedEventLoop`, `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop` is fully thread-safe and
/// safe to use from within a Swift concurrency context.
/// Unlike `EmbeddedEventLoop`, `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop` does require that user tests appropriately
/// enforce thread safety. Used carefully it is possible to safely operate the event loop without
/// explicit synchronization, but it is recommended to use `executeInContext` in any case where it's
/// necessary to ensure that the event loop is not making progress.
/// Time is controllable on an `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`. It begins at `NIODeadline.uptimeNanoseconds(0)`
/// and may be advanced by a fixed amount by using `advanceTime(by:)`, or advanced to a point in
/// time with `advanceTime(to:)`.
/// If users wish to perform multiple tasks at once on an `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`, it is recommended that they
/// use `executeInContext` to perform the operations. For example:
/// ```
/// await loop.executeInContext {
/// // All three of these will be queued up simultaneously, and no other code can
/// // get between them.
/// loop.execute { firstTask() }
/// loop.execute { secondTask() }
/// loop.execute { thirdTask() }
/// }
/// ```
/// There is a tricky requirement around waiting for `EventLoopFuture`s when working with this
/// event loop. Simply calling `.wait()` from the test thread will never complete. This is because
/// `wait` calls `loop.execute` under the hood, and that callback cannot execute without calling
/// `loop.run()`.
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
public final class NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop: EventLoop, @unchecked Sendable {
// This type is `@unchecked Sendable` because of the use of `taskNumber`. This
// variable is only used from within `queue`, but the compiler cannot see that.
/// The current "time" for this event loop. This is an amount in nanoseconds.
/// As we need to access this from any thread, we store this as an atomic.
private let _now = ManagedAtomic<UInt64>(0)
internal var now: NIODeadline {
return NIODeadline.uptimeNanoseconds(self._now.load(ordering: .relaxed))
/// This is used to derive an identifier for this loop.
private var thisLoopID: ObjectIdentifier {
return ObjectIdentifier(self)
/// A dispatch specific that we use to determine whether we are on the queue for this
/// "event loop".
private static let inQueueKey = DispatchSpecificKey<ObjectIdentifier>()
// Our scheduledTaskCounter needs to be an atomic because we're going to access it from
// arbitrary threads. This is required by the EventLoop protocol and cannot be avoided.
// Specifically, Scheduled<T> creation requires us to be able to define the cancellation
// operation, so the task ID has to be created early.
private let scheduledTaskCounter = ManagedAtomic<UInt64>(0)
private var scheduledTasks = PriorityQueue<EmbeddedScheduledTask>()
/// Keep track of where promises are allocated to ensure we can identify their source if they leak.
private let _promiseCreationStore = PromiseCreationStore()
// The number of the next task to be created. We track the order so that when we execute tasks
// scheduled at the same time, we may do so in the order in which they were submitted for
// execution.
// This can only be accessed from `queue`
private var taskNumber = UInt64(0)
/// The queue on which we run all our operations.
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.swiftnio.AsyncEmbeddedEventLoop")
// This function must only be called on queue.
private func nextTaskNumber() -> UInt64 {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(self.queue))
defer {
self.taskNumber += 1
return self.taskNumber
/// - see: `EventLoop.inEventLoop`
public var inEventLoop: Bool {
return DispatchQueue.getSpecific(key: Self.inQueueKey) == self.thisLoopID
/// Initialize a new `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`.
public init() {
self.queue.setSpecific(key: Self.inQueueKey, value: self.thisLoopID)
private func removeTask(taskID: UInt64) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(self.queue))
self.scheduledTasks.removeFirst { $0.id == taskID }
private func insertTask<ReturnType>(
taskID: UInt64,
deadline: NIODeadline,
promise: EventLoopPromise<ReturnType>,
task: @escaping () throws -> ReturnType
) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(self.queue))
let task = EmbeddedScheduledTask(id: taskID, readyTime: deadline, insertOrder: self.nextTaskNumber(), task: {
do {
promise.succeed(try task())
} catch let err {
}, promise.fail)
/// - see: `EventLoop.scheduleTask(deadline:_:)`
public func scheduleTask<T>(deadline: NIODeadline, _ task: @escaping () throws -> T) -> Scheduled<T> {
let promise: EventLoopPromise<T> = self.makePromise()
let taskID = self.scheduledTaskCounter.loadThenWrappingIncrement(ordering: .relaxed)
let scheduled = Scheduled(promise: promise, cancellationTask: {
if self.inEventLoop {
self.removeTask(taskID: taskID)
} else {
self.queue.async {
self.removeTask(taskID: taskID)
if self.inEventLoop {
self.insertTask(taskID: taskID, deadline: deadline, promise: promise, task: task)
} else {
self.queue.async {
self.insertTask(taskID: taskID, deadline: deadline, promise: promise, task: task)
return scheduled
/// - see: `EventLoop.scheduleTask(in:_:)`
public func scheduleTask<T>(in: TimeAmount, _ task: @escaping () throws -> T) -> Scheduled<T> {
return self.scheduleTask(deadline: self.now + `in`, task)
/// On an `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`, `execute` will simply use `scheduleTask` with a deadline of _now_. Unlike with the other operations, this will
/// immediately execute, to eliminate a common class of bugs.
public func execute(_ task: @escaping () -> Void) {
if self.inEventLoop {
self.scheduleTask(deadline: self.now, task)
} else {
self.queue.async {
self.scheduleTask(deadline: self.now, task)
var tasks = CircularBuffer<EmbeddedScheduledTask>()
while let nextTask = self.scheduledTasks.peek() {
guard nextTask.readyTime <= self.now else {
// Now we want to grab all tasks that are ready to execute at the same
// time as the first.
while let candidateTask = self.scheduledTasks.peek(), candidateTask.readyTime == nextTask.readyTime {
for task in tasks {
tasks.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
/// Run all tasks that have previously been submitted to this `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`, either by calling `execute` or
/// events that have been enqueued using `scheduleTask`/`scheduleRepeatedTask`/`scheduleRepeatedAsyncTask` and whose
/// deadlines have expired.
/// - seealso: `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop.advanceTime`.
public func run() async {
// Execute all tasks that are currently enqueued to be executed *now*.
await self.advanceTime(to: self.now)
/// Runs the event loop and moves "time" forward by the given amount, running any scheduled
/// tasks that need to be run.
public func advanceTime(by increment: TimeAmount) async {
await self.advanceTime(to: self.now + increment)
/// Runs the event loop and moves "time" forward to the given point in time, running any scheduled
/// tasks that need to be run.
/// - Note: If `deadline` is before the current time, the current time will not be advanced.
public func advanceTime(to deadline: NIODeadline) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { (continuation: CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>) in
self.queue.async {
let newTime = max(deadline, self.now)
var tasks = CircularBuffer<EmbeddedScheduledTask>()
while let nextTask = self.scheduledTasks.peek() {
guard nextTask.readyTime <= newTime else {
// Now we want to grab all tasks that are ready to execute at the same
// time as the first.
while let candidateTask = self.scheduledTasks.peek(), candidateTask.readyTime == nextTask.readyTime {
// Set the time correctly before we call into user code, then
// call in for all tasks.
self._now.store(nextTask.readyTime.uptimeNanoseconds, ordering: .relaxed)
for task in tasks {
tasks.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
// Finally ensure we got the time right.
self._now.store(newTime.uptimeNanoseconds, ordering: .relaxed)
/// Executes the given function in the context of this event loop. This is useful when it's necessary to be confident that an operation
/// is "blocking" the event loop. As long as you are executing, nothing else can execute in this loop.
/// While this call is running, no action can take place on the loop. This function can therefore be a good place to schedule a bunch
/// of tasks "at once", with a guarantee that none of them can progress. It's also useful if you have types that can only be safely
/// accessed from the event loop thread and want to be 100% sure of the thread-safety of accessing them.
/// Be careful not to try to spin the event loop again from within this callback, however. As long as this function is on the call
/// stack the `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop` cannot progress, and so any attempt to progress it will block until this function returns.
public func executeInContext<ReturnType: Sendable>(_ task: @escaping @Sendable () throws -> ReturnType) async throws -> ReturnType {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { (continuation: CheckedContinuation<ReturnType, Error>) in
self.queue.async {
do {
continuation.resume(returning: try task())
} catch {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
internal func drainScheduledTasksByRunningAllCurrentlyScheduledTasks() {
var currentlyScheduledTasks = self.scheduledTasks
while let nextTask = currentlyScheduledTasks.pop() {
self._now.store(nextTask.readyTime.uptimeNanoseconds, ordering: .relaxed)
// Just fail all the remaining scheduled tasks. Despite having run all the tasks that were
// scheduled when we entered the method this may still contain tasks as running the tasks
// may have enqueued more tasks.
while let task = self.scheduledTasks.pop() {
private func _shutdownGracefully() {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(self.queue))
/// - see: `EventLoop.shutdownGracefully`
public func shutdownGracefully(queue: DispatchQueue, _ callback: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
self.queue.async {
queue.async {
/// The concurrency-aware equivalent of `shutdownGracefully(queue:_:)`.
public func shutdownGracefully() async {
await withCheckedContinuation { (continuation: CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>) in
self.queue.async {
public func _preconditionSafeToWait(file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .notOnQueue(self.queue))
public func _promiseCreated(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier, file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
self._promiseCreationStore.promiseCreated(futureIdentifier: futureIdentifier, file: file, line: line)
public func _promiseCompleted(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier) -> (file: StaticString, line: UInt)? {
return self._promiseCreationStore.promiseCompleted(futureIdentifier: futureIdentifier)
public func _preconditionSafeToSyncShutdown(file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .notOnQueue(self.queue))
public func preconditionInEventLoop(file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(self.queue))
public func preconditionNotInEventLoop(file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .notOnQueue(self.queue))
deinit {
precondition(scheduledTasks.isEmpty, "NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop freed with unexecuted scheduled tasks!")
/// This is a thread-safe promise creation store.
/// We use this to keep track of where promises come from in the `NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop`.
private class PromiseCreationStore {
private let lock = NIOLock()
private var promiseCreationStore: [_NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier: (file: StaticString, line: UInt)] = [:]
func promiseCreated(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier, file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
self.lock.withLock { () -> Void in
self.promiseCreationStore[futureIdentifier] = (file: file, line: line)
func promiseCompleted(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier) -> (file: StaticString, line: UInt)? {
return self.lock.withLock {
self.promiseCreationStore.removeValue(forKey: futureIdentifier)
deinit {
// We no longer need the lock here.
precondition(self.promiseCreationStore.isEmpty, "NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop freed with uncompleted promises!")