
226 lines
7.5 KiB

// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if !os(iOS) && !os(tvOS) && !os(watchOS)
import NIOCore
import NIOPosix
import class Foundation.Process
import struct Foundation.URL
import class Foundation.FileHandle
struct CrashTest {
let crashRegex: String
let runTest: () -> Void
init(regex: String, _ runTest: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.crashRegex = regex
self.runTest = runTest
// Compatible with Swift on all macOS versions as well as Linux
extension Process {
var binaryPath: String? {
get {
if #available(macOS 10.13, /* Linux */ *) {
return self.executableURL?.path
} else {
return self.launchPath
set {
if #available(macOS 10.13, /* Linux */ *) {
self.executableURL = newValue.map { URL(fileURLWithPath: $0) }
} else {
self.launchPath = newValue
func runProcess() throws {
if #available(macOS 10.13, *) {
try self.run()
} else {
func main() throws {
enum RunResult {
case signal(Int)
case exit(Int)
enum InterpretedRunResult {
case crashedAsExpected
case regexDidNotMatch(regex: String, output: String)
case unexpectedRunResult(RunResult)
case outputError(String)
struct CrashTestNotFound: Error {
let suite: String
let test: String
func allTestsForSuite(_ testSuite: String) -> [(String, CrashTest)] {
return crashTestSuites[testSuite].map { testSuiteObject in
Mirror(reflecting: testSuiteObject)
.filter { $0.label?.starts(with: "test") ?? false }
.compactMap { crashTestDescriptor in
crashTestDescriptor.label.flatMap { label in
(crashTestDescriptor.value as? CrashTest).map { crashTest in
return (label, crashTest)
} ?? []
func findCrashTest(_ testName: String, suite: String) -> CrashTest? {
return allTestsForSuite(suite)
.first(where: { $0.0 == testName })?
func interpretOutput(_ result: Result<ProgramOutput, Error>,
regex: String,
runResult: RunResult) throws -> InterpretedRunResult {
struct NoOutputFound: Error {}
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
let expectedSignal = SIGILL
#elseif arch(arm) || arch(arm64)
let expectedSignal = SIGTRAP
#error("unknown CPU architecture for which we don't know the expected signal for a crash")
guard case .signal(Int(expectedSignal)) = runResult else {
return .unexpectedRunResult(runResult)
let output = try result.get()
if output.range(of: regex, options: .regularExpression) != nil {
return .crashedAsExpected
} else {
return .regexDidNotMatch(regex: regex, output: output)
func usage() {
print("\(CommandLine.arguments.first ?? "NIOCrashTester") COMMAND [OPTIONS]")
print("COMMAND is:")
print(" run-all to run all crash tests")
print(" run SUITE TEST-NAME to run the crash test SUITE.TEST-NAME")
print("For debugging purposes, you can also directly run the crash test binary that will crash using")
print(" \(CommandLine.arguments.first ?? "NIOCrashTester") _exec SUITE TEST-NAME")
let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
defer {
try! group.syncShutdownGracefully()
func runCrashTest(_ name: String, suite: String, binary: String) throws -> InterpretedRunResult {
guard let crashTest = findCrashTest(name, suite: suite) else {
throw CrashTestNotFound(suite: suite, test: name)
let grepper = OutputGrepper.make(group: group)
let devNull = try FileHandle(forUpdating: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/dev/null"))
defer {
let processOutputPipe = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: try! grepper.processOutputPipe.takeDescriptorOwnership())
let process = Process()
process.binaryPath = binary
process.standardInput = devNull
process.standardOutput = devNull
process.standardError = processOutputPipe
process.arguments = ["_exec", suite, name]
try process.runProcess()
let result: Result<ProgramOutput, Error> = Result {
try grepper.result.wait()
return try interpretOutput(result,
regex: crashTest.crashRegex,
runResult: process.terminationReason == .exit ?
.exit(Int(process.terminationStatus)) :
var failedTests = 0
func runAndEval(_ test: String, suite: String) throws {
print("running crash test \(suite).\(test)", terminator: " ")
switch try runCrashTest(test, suite: suite, binary: CommandLine.arguments.first!) {
case .regexDidNotMatch(regex: let regex, output: let output):
print("FAILED: regex did not match output", "regex: \(regex)", "output: \(output)",
separator: "\n", terminator: "")
failedTests += 1
case .unexpectedRunResult(let runResult):
print("FAILED: unexpected run result: \(runResult)")
failedTests += 1
case .outputError(let description):
print("FAILED: \(description)")
failedTests += 1
case .crashedAsExpected:
switch CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst().first {
case .some("run-all"):
for testSuite in crashTestSuites {
for test in allTestsForSuite(testSuite.key) {
try runAndEval(test.0, suite: testSuite.key)
case .some("run"):
if let suite = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst(2).first {
for test in CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst(3) {
try runAndEval(test, suite: suite)
} else {
case .some("_exec"):
if let testSuiteName = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst(2).first,
let testName = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst(3).first,
let crashTest = findCrashTest(testName, suite: testSuiteName) {
} else {
fatalError("can't find/create test for \(Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst(2)))")
exit(CInt(failedTests == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE))
try main()