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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
extension EventLoopFuture {
/// When the current `EventLoopFuture<Value>` is fulfilled, run the provided callback,
/// which will provide a new `EventLoopFuture` alongside the `EventLoop` associated with this future.
/// This allows you to dynamically dispatch new asynchronous tasks as phases in a
/// longer series of processing steps. Note that you can use the results of the
/// current `EventLoopFuture<Value>` when determining how to dispatch the next operation.
/// This works well when you have APIs that already know how to return `EventLoopFuture`s.
/// You can do something with the result of one and just return the next future:
/// ```
/// let d1 = networkRequest(args).future()
/// let d2 = d1.flatMapWithEventLoop { t, eventLoop -> EventLoopFuture<NewValue> in
/// eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(t + 1)
/// }
/// d2.whenSuccess { u in
/// NSLog("Result of second request: \(u)")
/// }
/// ```
/// Note: In a sense, the `EventLoopFuture<NewValue>` is returned before it's created.
/// - parameters:
/// - callback: Function that will receive the value of this `EventLoopFuture` and return
/// a new `EventLoopFuture`.
/// - returns: A future that will receive the eventual value.
public func flatMapWithEventLoop<NewValue>(_ callback: @escaping @Sendable (Value, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<NewValue>) -> EventLoopFuture<NewValue> {
let next = EventLoopPromise<NewValue>.makeUnleakablePromise(eventLoop: self.eventLoop)
self._whenComplete { [eventLoop = self.eventLoop] in
switch self._value! {
case .success(let t):
let futureU = callback(t, eventLoop)
if futureU.eventLoop.inEventLoop {
return futureU._addCallback {
next._setValue(value: futureU._value!)
} else {
futureU.cascade(to: next)
return CallbackList()
case .failure(let error):
return next._setValue(value: .failure(error))
return next.futureResult
/// When the current `EventLoopFuture<Value>` is in an error state, run the provided callback, which
/// may recover from the error by returning an `EventLoopFuture<NewValue>`. The callback is intended to potentially
/// recover from the error by returning a new `EventLoopFuture` that will eventually contain the recovered
/// result.
/// If the callback cannot recover it should return a failed `EventLoopFuture`.
/// - parameters:
/// - callback: Function that will receive the error value of this `EventLoopFuture` and return
/// a new value lifted into a new `EventLoopFuture`.
/// - returns: A future that will receive the recovered value.
public func flatMapErrorWithEventLoop(_ callback: @escaping @Sendable (Error, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value>) -> EventLoopFuture<Value> {
let next = EventLoopPromise<Value>.makeUnleakablePromise(eventLoop: self.eventLoop)
self._whenComplete { [eventLoop = self.eventLoop] in
switch self._value! {
case .success(let t):
return next._setValue(value: .success(t))
case .failure(let e):
let t = callback(e, eventLoop)
if t.eventLoop.inEventLoop {
return t._addCallback {
next._setValue(value: t._value!)
} else {
t.cascade(to: next)
return CallbackList()
return next.futureResult
/// Returns a new `EventLoopFuture` that fires only when this `EventLoopFuture` and
/// all the provided `futures` complete. It then provides the result of folding the value of this
/// `EventLoopFuture` with the values of all the provided `futures`.
/// This function is suited when you have APIs that already know how to return `EventLoopFuture`s.
/// The returned `EventLoopFuture` will fail as soon as the a failure is encountered in any of the
/// `futures` (or in this one). However, the failure will not occur until all preceding
/// `EventLoopFutures` have completed. At the point the failure is encountered, all subsequent
/// `EventLoopFuture` objects will no longer be waited for. This function therefore fails fast: once
/// a failure is encountered, it will immediately fail the overall EventLoopFuture.
/// - parameters:
/// - futures: An array of `EventLoopFuture<NewValue>` to wait for.
/// - with: A function that will be used to fold the values of two `EventLoopFuture`s and return a new value wrapped in an `EventLoopFuture`.
/// - returns: A new `EventLoopFuture` with the folded value whose callbacks run on `self.eventLoop`.
public func foldWithEventLoop<OtherValue>(
_ futures: [EventLoopFuture<OtherValue>],
with combiningFunction: @escaping @Sendable (Value, OtherValue, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value>
) -> EventLoopFuture<Value> {
func fold0(eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value> {
let body = futures.reduce(self) { (f1: EventLoopFuture<Value>, f2: EventLoopFuture<OtherValue>) -> EventLoopFuture<Value> in
let newFuture = f1.and(f2).flatMap { (args: (Value, OtherValue)) -> EventLoopFuture<Value> in
let (f1Value, f2Value) = args
return combiningFunction(f1Value, f2Value, eventLoop)
assert(newFuture.eventLoop === self.eventLoop)
return newFuture
return body
if self.eventLoop.inEventLoop {
return fold0(eventLoop: self.eventLoop)
} else {
let promise = self.eventLoop.makePromise(of: Value.self)
self.eventLoop.execute { [eventLoop = self.eventLoop] in
fold0(eventLoop: eventLoop).cascade(to: promise)
return promise.futureResult