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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if os(Windows)
import ucrt
#elseif os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import Darwin
import Glibc
@usableFromInline let sysMalloc: @convention(c) (size_t) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = malloc
@usableFromInline let sysRealloc: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, size_t) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = realloc
/// Xcode 13 GM shipped with a bug in the SDK that caused `free`'s first argument to be annotated as
/// non-nullable. To that end, we define a thunk through to `free` that matches that constraint, as we
/// never pass a `nil` pointer to it.
@usableFromInline let sysFree: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> Void = { free($0) }
extension _ByteBufferSlice: Equatable {}
/// The slice of a `ByteBuffer`, it's different from `Range<UInt32>` because the lower bound is actually only
/// 24 bits (the upper bound is still 32). Before constructing, you need to make sure the lower bound actually
/// fits within 24 bits, otherwise the behaviour is undefined.
struct _ByteBufferSlice: Sendable {
@usableFromInline private(set) var upperBound: ByteBuffer._Index
@usableFromInline private(set) var _begin: _UInt24
@inlinable var lowerBound: ByteBuffer._Index {
return UInt32(self._begin)
@inlinable var count: Int {
// Safe: the only constructors that set this enforce that upperBound > lowerBound, so
// this cannot underflow.
return Int(self.upperBound &- self.lowerBound)
@inlinable init() {
self._begin = .init(0)
self.upperBound = .init(0)
@inlinable static var maxSupportedLowerBound: ByteBuffer._Index {
return ByteBuffer._Index(_UInt24.max)
extension _ByteBufferSlice {
@inlinable init(_ range: Range<UInt32>) {
self._begin = _UInt24(range.lowerBound)
self.upperBound = range.upperBound
extension _ByteBufferSlice: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "_ByteBufferSlice { \(self.lowerBound)..<\(self.upperBound) }"
/// The preferred allocator for `ByteBuffer` values. The allocation strategy is opaque but is currently libc's
/// `malloc`, `realloc` and `free`.
/// - note: `ByteBufferAllocator` is thread-safe.
public struct ByteBufferAllocator: Sendable {
/// Create a fresh `ByteBufferAllocator`. In the future the allocator might use for example allocation pools and
/// therefore it's recommended to reuse `ByteBufferAllocators` where possible instead of creating fresh ones in
/// many places.
@inlinable public init() {
self.init(hookedMalloc: { sysMalloc($0) },
hookedRealloc: { sysRealloc($0, $1) },
hookedFree: { sysFree($0) },
hookedMemcpy: { $0.copyMemory(from: $1, byteCount: $2) })
internal init(hookedMalloc: @escaping @convention(c) (size_t) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
hookedRealloc: @escaping @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, size_t) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
hookedFree: @escaping @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> Void,
hookedMemcpy: @escaping @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer, UnsafeRawPointer, size_t) -> Void) {
self.malloc = hookedMalloc
self.realloc = hookedRealloc
self.free = hookedFree
self.memcpy = hookedMemcpy
/// Request a freshly allocated `ByteBuffer` of size `capacity` or larger.
/// - note: The passed `capacity` is the `ByteBuffer`'s initial capacity, it will grow automatically if necessary.
/// - note: If `capacity` is `0`, this function will not allocate. If you want to trigger an allocation immediately,
/// also call `.clear()`.
/// - parameters:
/// - capacity: The initial capacity of the returned `ByteBuffer`.
public func buffer(capacity: Int) -> ByteBuffer {
precondition(capacity >= 0, "ByteBuffer capacity must be positive.")
guard capacity > 0 else {
return ByteBufferAllocator.zeroCapacityWithDefaultAllocator
return ByteBuffer(allocator: self, startingCapacity: capacity)
internal static let zeroCapacityWithDefaultAllocator = ByteBuffer(allocator: ByteBufferAllocator(), startingCapacity: 0)
@usableFromInline internal let malloc: @convention(c) (size_t) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
@usableFromInline internal let realloc: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, size_t) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
@usableFromInline internal let free: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> Void
@usableFromInline internal let memcpy: @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer, UnsafeRawPointer, size_t) -> Void
@inlinable func _toCapacity(_ value: Int) -> ByteBuffer._Capacity {
return ByteBuffer._Capacity(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
@inlinable func _toIndex(_ value: Int) -> ByteBuffer._Index {
return ByteBuffer._Index(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
/// `ByteBuffer` stores contiguously allocated raw bytes. It is a random and sequential accessible sequence of zero or
/// more bytes (octets).
/// ### Allocation
/// Use `allocator.buffer(capacity: desiredCapacity)` to allocate a new `ByteBuffer`.
/// ### Supported types
/// A variety of types can be read/written from/to a `ByteBuffer`. Using Swift's `extension` mechanism you can easily
/// create `ByteBuffer` support for your own data types. Out of the box, `ByteBuffer` supports for example the following
/// types (non-exhaustive list):
/// - `String`/`StaticString`
/// - Swift's various (unsigned) integer types
/// - `Foundation`'s `Data`
/// - `[UInt8]` and generally any `Collection` of `UInt8`
/// ### Random Access
/// For every supported type `ByteBuffer` usually contains two methods for random access:
/// 1. `get<Type>(at: Int, length: Int)` where `<type>` is for example `String`, `Data`, `Bytes` (for `[UInt8]`)
/// 2. `set<Type>(at: Int)`
/// Example:
/// var buf = ...
/// buf.setString("Hello World", at: 0)
/// buf.moveWriterIndex(to: 11)
/// let helloWorld = buf.getString(at: 0, length: 11)
/// let written = buf.setInteger(17 as Int, at: 11)
/// buf.moveWriterIndex(forwardBy: written)
/// let seventeen: Int? = buf.getInteger(at: 11)
/// If needed, `ByteBuffer` will automatically resize its storage to accommodate your `set` request.
/// ### Sequential Access
/// `ByteBuffer` provides two properties which are indices into the `ByteBuffer` to support sequential access:
/// - `readerIndex`, the index of the next readable byte
/// - `writerIndex`, the index of the next byte to write
/// For every supported type `ByteBuffer` usually contains two methods for sequential access:
/// 1. `read<Type>(length: Int)` to read `length` bytes from the current `readerIndex` (and then advance the reader
/// index by `length` bytes)
/// 2. `write<Type>(Type)` to write, advancing the `writerIndex` by the appropriate amount
/// Example:
/// var buf = ...
/// buf.writeString("Hello World")
/// buf.writeInteger(17 as Int)
/// let helloWorld = buf.readString(length: 11)
/// let seventeen: Int = buf.readInteger()
/// ### Layout
/// +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
/// | discardable bytes | readable bytes | writable bytes |
/// | | (CONTENT) | |
/// +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
/// | | | |
/// 0 <= readerIndex <= writerIndex <= capacity
/// The 'discardable bytes' are usually bytes that have already been read, they can however still be accessed using
/// the random access methods. 'Readable bytes' are the bytes currently available to be read using the sequential
/// access interface (`read<Type>`/`write<Type>`). Getting `writableBytes` (bytes beyond the writer index) is undefined
/// behaviour and might yield arbitrary bytes (_not_ `0` initialised).
/// ### Slicing
/// `ByteBuffer` supports slicing a `ByteBuffer` without copying the underlying storage.
/// Example:
/// var buf = ...
/// let dataBytes: [UInt8] = [0xca, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xbe]
/// let dataBytesLength = UInt32(dataBytes.count)
/// buf.writeInteger(dataBytesLength) /* the header */
/// buf.writeBytes(dataBytes) /* the data */
/// let bufDataBytesOnly = buf.getSlice(at: 4, length: dataBytes.count)
/// /* `bufDataByteOnly` and `buf` will share their storage */
/// ### Notes
/// All `ByteBuffer` methods that don't contain the word 'unsafe' will only allow you to access the 'readable bytes'.
public struct ByteBuffer {
@usableFromInline typealias Slice = _ByteBufferSlice
@usableFromInline typealias Allocator = ByteBufferAllocator
// these two type aliases should be made `@usableFromInline internal` for
// the 2.0 release when we can drop Swift 4.0 & 4.1 support. The reason they
// must be public is because Swift 4.0 and 4.1 don't support attributes for
// typealiases and Swift 4.2 warns if those attributes aren't present and
// the type is internal.
public typealias _Index = UInt32
public typealias _Capacity = UInt32
@usableFromInline var _storage: _Storage
@usableFromInline var _readerIndex: _Index
@usableFromInline var _writerIndex: _Index
@usableFromInline var _slice: Slice
// MARK: Internal _Storage for CoW
/// Note: This class is **not** thread-safe
@usableFromInline final class _Storage {
@usableFromInline private(set) var capacity: _Capacity
@usableFromInline private(set) var bytes: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
@usableFromInline let allocator: ByteBufferAllocator
init(bytesNoCopy: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, capacity: _Capacity, allocator: ByteBufferAllocator) {
self.bytes = bytesNoCopy
self.capacity = capacity
self.allocator = allocator
deinit {
var fullSlice: _ByteBufferSlice {
return _ByteBufferSlice(0..<self.capacity)
static func _allocateAndPrepareRawMemory(bytes: _Capacity, allocator: Allocator) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
let ptr = allocator.malloc(size_t(bytes))!
/* bind the memory so we can assume it elsewhere to be bound to UInt8 */
ptr.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: Int(bytes))
return ptr
func allocateStorage() -> _Storage {
return self.allocateStorage(capacity: self.capacity)
func allocateStorage(capacity: _Capacity) -> _Storage {
let newCapacity = capacity == 0 ? 0 : capacity.nextPowerOf2ClampedToMax()
return _Storage(bytesNoCopy: _Storage._allocateAndPrepareRawMemory(bytes: newCapacity, allocator: self.allocator),
capacity: newCapacity,
allocator: self.allocator)
func reallocSlice(_ slice: Range<ByteBuffer._Index>, capacity: _Capacity) -> _Storage {
assert(slice.count <= capacity)
let new = self.allocateStorage(capacity: capacity)
self.allocator.memcpy(new.bytes, self.bytes.advanced(by: Int(slice.lowerBound)), size_t(slice.count))
return new
func reallocStorage(capacity minimumNeededCapacity: _Capacity) {
let newCapacity = minimumNeededCapacity.nextPowerOf2ClampedToMax()
let ptr = self.allocator.realloc(self.bytes, size_t(newCapacity))!
/* bind the memory so we can assume it elsewhere to be bound to UInt8 */
ptr.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: Int(newCapacity))
self.bytes = ptr
self.capacity = newCapacity
private func deallocate() {
static func reallocated(minimumCapacity: _Capacity, allocator: Allocator) -> _Storage {
let newCapacity = minimumCapacity == 0 ? 0 : minimumCapacity.nextPowerOf2ClampedToMax()
// TODO: Use realloc if possible
return _Storage(bytesNoCopy: _Storage._allocateAndPrepareRawMemory(bytes: newCapacity, allocator: allocator),
capacity: newCapacity,
allocator: allocator)
func dumpBytes(slice: Slice, offset: Int, length: Int) -> String {
var desc = "["
let bytes = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: self.bytes, count: Int(self.capacity))
for byte in bytes[Int(slice.lowerBound) + offset ..< Int(slice.lowerBound) + offset + length] {
let hexByte = String(byte, radix: 16)
desc += " \(hexByte.count == 1 ? "0" : "")\(hexByte)"
desc += " ]"
return desc
mutating func _copyStorageAndRebase(capacity: _Capacity, resetIndices: Bool = false) {
// This math has to be very careful, because we already know that in some call paths _readerIndex exceeds 1 << 24, and lots of this math
// is in UInt32 space. It's not hard for us to trip some of these conditions. As a result, I've heavily commented this
// fairly heavily to explain the math.
// Step 1: If we are resetting the indices, we need to slide the allocation by at least the current value of _readerIndex, so the new
// value of _readerIndex will be 0. Otherwise we can leave them as they are.
let indexRebaseAmount = resetIndices ? self._readerIndex : 0
// Step 2: We also want to only copy the bytes within the slice, and move them to index 0. As a result, we have this
// state space after the copy-and-rebase:
// +--------------+------------------------+-------------------+
// | resetIndices | self._slice.lowerBound | self._readerIndex |
// +--------------+------------------------+-------------------+
// | true | 0 | 0 |
// | false | 0 | self._readerIndex |
// +--------------+------------------------+-------------------+
// The maximum value of _readerIndex (and so indexRebaseAmount) is UInt32.max, but that can only happen if the lower bound
// of the slice is 0, when this addition would be safe. Recall that _readerIndex is an index _into_ the slice, and the upper bound of
// the slice must be stored into a UInt32, so the capacity can never be more than UInt32.max. As _slice.lowerBound advances, _readerIndex
// must shrink. In the worst case, _readerIndex == _slice.count == (_slice.upperBound - _slice.lowerBound), so it is always safe to add
// _slice.lowerBound to _readerIndex. This cannot overflow.
// This value ends up storing the lower bound of the bytes we want to copy.
let storageRebaseAmount = self._slice.lowerBound + indexRebaseAmount
// Step 3: Here we need to find out the range within the slice that defines the upper bound of the range of bytes we want to copy.
// This will be the smallest of:
// 1. The target requested capacity, in bytes, as a UInt32 (the argument `capacity`), added to the lower bound. The resulting size of
// the slice is equal to the argument `capacity`.
// 2. The upper bound of the current slice. This will be smaller than (1) if there are fewer bytes in the current buffer than the size of
// the requested capacity.
// This math is checked on purpose: we should not pass a value of capacity that is larger than the size of the buffer, and if resetIndices is
// true then we shouldn't pass a value that is larger than readable bytes. If we do, that's an error.
let storageUpperBound = min(self._slice.upperBound, storageRebaseAmount + capacity)
// Step 4: Allocate the new buffer and copy the slice of bytes we want to keep.
let newSlice = storageRebaseAmount ..< storageUpperBound
self._storage = self._storage.reallocSlice(newSlice, capacity: capacity)
// Step 5: Fixup the indices. These should never trap, but we're going to leave them checked because this method is fiddly.
self._moveReaderIndex(to: self._readerIndex - indexRebaseAmount)
self._moveWriterIndex(to: self._writerIndex - indexRebaseAmount)
// Step 6: As we've reallocated the buffer, we can now use the entire new buffer as our slice.
self._slice = self._storage.fullSlice
mutating func _copyStorageAndRebase(extraCapacity: _Capacity = 0, resetIndices: Bool = false) {
self._copyStorageAndRebase(capacity: _toCapacity(self._slice.count) + extraCapacity, resetIndices: resetIndices)
mutating func _ensureAvailableCapacity(_ capacity: _Capacity, at index: _Index) {
let totalNeededCapacityWhenKeepingSlice = self._slice.lowerBound + index + capacity
if totalNeededCapacityWhenKeepingSlice > self._slice.upperBound {
// we need to at least adjust the slice's upper bound which we can do as we're the unique owner of the storage,
// let's see if adjusting the slice's upper bound buys us enough storage
if totalNeededCapacityWhenKeepingSlice > self._storage.capacity {
let newStorageMinCapacity = index + capacity
// nope, we need to actually re-allocate again. If our slice does not start at 0, let's also rebase
if self._slice.lowerBound == 0 {
self._storage.reallocStorage(capacity: newStorageMinCapacity)
} else {
self._storage = self._storage.reallocSlice(self._slice.lowerBound ..< self._slice.upperBound,
capacity: newStorageMinCapacity)
self._slice = self._storage.fullSlice
} else {
// yes, let's just extend the slice until the end of the buffer
self._slice = _ByteBufferSlice(_slice.lowerBound ..< self._storage.capacity)
assert(self._slice.lowerBound + index + capacity <= self._slice.upperBound)
assert(self._slice.lowerBound >= 0, "illegal slice: negative lower bound: \(self._slice.lowerBound)")
assert(self._slice.upperBound <= self._storage.capacity, "illegal slice: upper bound (\(self._slice.upperBound)) exceeds capacity: \(self._storage.capacity)")
// MARK: Internal API
mutating func _moveReaderIndex(to newIndex: _Index) {
assert(newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= writerIndex)
self._readerIndex = newIndex
mutating func _moveReaderIndex(forwardBy offset: Int) {
let newIndex = self._readerIndex + _toIndex(offset)
self._moveReaderIndex(to: newIndex)
mutating func _moveWriterIndex(to newIndex: _Index) {
assert(newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= _toCapacity(self._slice.count))
self._writerIndex = newIndex
mutating func _moveWriterIndex(forwardBy offset: Int) {
let newIndex = self._writerIndex + _toIndex(offset)
self._moveWriterIndex(to: newIndex)
mutating func _setBytes(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer, at index: _Index) -> _Capacity {
let bytesCount = bytes.count
let newEndIndex: _Index = index + _toIndex(bytesCount)
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
let extraCapacity = newEndIndex > self._slice.upperBound ? newEndIndex - self._slice.upperBound : 0
self._copyStorageAndRebase(extraCapacity: extraCapacity)
self._ensureAvailableCapacity(_Capacity(bytesCount), at: index)
self._setBytesAssumingUniqueBufferAccess(bytes, at: index)
return _toCapacity(bytesCount)
mutating func _setBytesAssumingUniqueBufferAccess(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer, at index: _Index) {
let targetPtr = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(fastRebase: self._slicedStorageBuffer.dropFirst(Int(index)))
targetPtr.copyMemory(from: bytes)
@_specialize(where Bytes == CircularBuffer<UInt8>)
mutating func _setSlowPath<Bytes: Sequence>(bytes: Bytes, at index: _Index) -> _Capacity where Bytes.Element == UInt8 {
func ensureCapacityAndReturnStorageBase(capacity: Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> {
self._ensureAvailableCapacity(_Capacity(capacity), at: index)
let newBytesPtr = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(fastRebase: self._slicedStorageBuffer[Int(index) ..< Int(index) + Int(capacity)])
return newBytesPtr.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self).baseAddress!
let underestimatedByteCount = bytes.underestimatedCount
let newPastEndIndex: _Index = index + _toIndex(underestimatedByteCount)
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
let extraCapacity = newPastEndIndex > self._slice.upperBound ? newPastEndIndex - self._slice.upperBound : 0
self._copyStorageAndRebase(extraCapacity: extraCapacity)
var base = ensureCapacityAndReturnStorageBase(capacity: underestimatedByteCount)
var (iterator, idx) = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: base, count: underestimatedByteCount).initialize(from: bytes)
assert(idx == underestimatedByteCount)
while let b = iterator.next() {
base = ensureCapacityAndReturnStorageBase(capacity: idx + 1)
base[idx] = b
idx += 1
return _toCapacity(idx)
mutating func _setBytes<Bytes: Sequence>(_ bytes: Bytes, at index: _Index) -> _Capacity where Bytes.Element == UInt8 {
if let written = bytes.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable({ bytes in
self._setBytes(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(bytes), at: index)
}) {
// fast path, we've got access to the contiguous bytes
return written
} else {
return self._setSlowPath(bytes: bytes, at: index)
// MARK: Public Core API
@inlinable init(allocator: ByteBufferAllocator, startingCapacity: Int) {
let startingCapacity = _toCapacity(startingCapacity)
self._readerIndex = 0
self._writerIndex = 0
self._storage = _Storage.reallocated(minimumCapacity: startingCapacity, allocator: allocator)
self._slice = self._storage.fullSlice
/// The number of bytes writable until `ByteBuffer` will need to grow its underlying storage which will likely
/// trigger a copy of the bytes.
@inlinable public var writableBytes: Int {
// this cannot over/overflow because both values are positive and writerIndex<=slice.count, checked on ingestion
return Int(_toCapacity(self._slice.count) &- self._writerIndex)
/// The number of bytes readable (`readableBytes` = `writerIndex` - `readerIndex`).
@inlinable public var readableBytes: Int {
// this cannot under/overflow because both are positive and writer >= reader (checked on ingestion of bytes).
return Int(self._writerIndex &- self._readerIndex)
/// The current capacity of the storage of this `ByteBuffer`, this is not constant and does _not_ signify the number
/// of bytes that have been written to this `ByteBuffer`.
public var capacity: Int {
return self._slice.count
/// The current capacity of the underlying storage of this `ByteBuffer`.
/// A COW slice of the buffer (e.g. readSlice(length: x)) will posses the same storageCapacity as the original
/// buffer until new data is written.
public var storageCapacity: Int {
return self._storage.fullSlice.count
/// Reserves enough space to store the specified number of bytes.
/// This method will ensure that the buffer has space for at least as many bytes as requested.
/// This includes any bytes already stored, and completely disregards the reader/writer indices.
/// If the buffer already has space to store the requested number of bytes, this method will be
/// a no-op.
/// - parameters:
/// - minimumCapacity: The minimum number of bytes this buffer must be able to store.
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int) {
guard minimumCapacity > self.capacity else {
let targetCapacity = _toCapacity(minimumCapacity)
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
// We have the unique reference. If we have the full slice, we can realloc. Otherwise
// we have to copy memory anyway.
self._ensureAvailableCapacity(targetCapacity, at: 0)
} else {
// We don't have a unique reference here, so we need to allocate and copy, no
// optimisations available.
self._copyStorageAndRebase(capacity: targetCapacity)
/// Reserves enough space to write at least the specified number of bytes.
/// This method will ensure that the buffer has enough writable space for at least as many bytes
/// as requested. If the buffer already has space to write the requested number of bytes, this
/// method will be a no-op.
/// - Parameter minimumWritableBytes: The minimum number of writable bytes this buffer must have.
public mutating func reserveCapacity(minimumWritableBytes: Int) {
return self.reserveCapacity(self.writerIndex + minimumWritableBytes)
mutating func _copyStorageAndRebaseIfNeeded() {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
var _slicedStorageBuffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(start: self._storage.bytes.advanced(by: Int(self._slice.lowerBound)),
count: self._slice.count)
/// Yields a mutable buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes. You may modify those bytes.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes.
/// - returns: The value returned by `body`.
public mutating func withUnsafeMutableReadableBytes<T>(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
// this is safe because we always know that readerIndex >= writerIndex
let range = Range<Int>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: self.readerIndex, upper: self.writerIndex))
return try body(.init(fastRebase: self._slicedStorageBuffer[range]))
/// Yields the bytes currently writable (`bytesWritable` = `capacity` - `writerIndex`). Before reading those bytes you must first
/// write to them otherwise you will trigger undefined behaviour. The writer index will remain unchanged.
/// - note: In almost all cases you should use `writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes` which will move the write pointer instead of this method
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and return the number of bytes written.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func withUnsafeMutableWritableBytes<T>(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
return try body(.init(fastRebase: self._slicedStorageBuffer.dropFirst(self.writerIndex)))
/// This vends a pointer of the `ByteBuffer` at the `writerIndex` after ensuring that the buffer has at least `minimumWritableBytes` of writable bytes available.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - minimumWritableBytes: The number of writable bytes to reserve capacity for before vending the `ByteBuffer` pointer to `body`.
/// - body: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and return the number of bytes written.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes(minimumWritableBytes: Int, _ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Int) rethrows -> Int {
if minimumWritableBytes > 0 {
self.reserveCapacity(minimumWritableBytes: minimumWritableBytes)
let bytesWritten = try self.withUnsafeMutableWritableBytes({ try body($0) })
self._moveWriterIndex(to: self._writerIndex + _toIndex(bytesWritten))
return bytesWritten
@available(*, deprecated, message: "please use writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes(minimumWritableBytes:_:) instead to ensure sufficient write capacity.")
public mutating func writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Int) rethrows -> Int {
return try self.writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes(minimumWritableBytes: 0, { try body($0) })
/// This vends a pointer to the storage of the `ByteBuffer`. It's marked as _very unsafe_ because it might contain
/// uninitialised memory and it's undefined behaviour to read it. In most cases you should use `withUnsafeReadableBytes`.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
public func withVeryUnsafeBytes<T>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
return try body(.init(self._slicedStorageBuffer))
/// This vends a pointer to the storage of the `ByteBuffer`. It's marked as _very unsafe_ because it might contain
/// uninitialised memory and it's undefined behaviour to read it. In most cases you should use `withUnsafeMutableWritableBytes`.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
public mutating func withVeryUnsafeMutableBytes<T>(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
self._copyStorageAndRebaseIfNeeded() // this will trigger a CoW if necessary
return try body(.init(self._slicedStorageBuffer))
/// Yields a buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes.
/// - returns: The value returned by `body`.
public func withUnsafeReadableBytes<T>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
// This is safe, writerIndex >= readerIndex
let range = Range<Int>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: self.readerIndex, upper: self.writerIndex))
return try body(.init(fastRebase: self._slicedStorageBuffer[range]))
/// Yields a buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes. You may hold a pointer to those bytes
/// even after the closure returned iff you model the lifetime of those bytes correctly using the `Unmanaged`
/// instance. If you don't require the pointer after the closure returns, use `withUnsafeReadableBytes`.
/// If you escape the pointer from the closure, you _must_ call `storageManagement.retain()` to get ownership to
/// the bytes and you also must call `storageManagement.release()` if you no longer require those bytes. Calls to
/// `retain` and `release` must be balanced.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and the `storageManagement`.
/// - returns: The value returned by `body`.
public func withUnsafeReadableBytesWithStorageManagement<T>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer, Unmanaged<AnyObject>) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
let storageReference: Unmanaged<AnyObject> = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self._storage)
// This is safe, writerIndex >= readerIndex
let range = Range<Int>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: self.readerIndex, upper: self.writerIndex))
return try body(.init(fastRebase: self._slicedStorageBuffer[range]), storageReference)
/// See `withUnsafeReadableBytesWithStorageManagement` and `withVeryUnsafeBytes`.
public func withVeryUnsafeBytesWithStorageManagement<T>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer, Unmanaged<AnyObject>) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
let storageReference: Unmanaged<AnyObject> = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self._storage)
return try body(.init(self._slicedStorageBuffer), storageReference)
func _copyIntoByteBufferWithSliceIndex0_slowPath(index: _Index, length: _Capacity) -> ByteBuffer {
var new = self
new._moveWriterIndex(to: index + length)
new._moveReaderIndex(to: index)
new._copyStorageAndRebase(capacity: length, resetIndices: true)
return new
/// Returns a slice of size `length` bytes, starting at `index`. The `ByteBuffer` this is invoked on and the
/// `ByteBuffer` returned will share the same underlying storage. However, the byte at `index` in this `ByteBuffer`
/// will correspond to index `0` in the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// The `readerIndex` of the returned `ByteBuffer` will be `0`, the `writerIndex` will be `length`.
/// The selected bytes must be readable or else `nil` will be returned.
/// - parameters:
/// - index: The index the requested slice starts at.
/// - length: The length of the requested slice.
/// - returns: A `ByteBuffer` containing the selected bytes as readable bytes or `nil` if the selected bytes were
/// not readable in the initial `ByteBuffer`.
public func getSlice(at index: Int, length: Int) -> ByteBuffer? {
return self.getSlice_inlineAlways(at: index, length: length)
internal func getSlice_inlineAlways(at index: Int, length: Int) -> ByteBuffer? {
guard index >= 0 && length >= 0 && index >= self.readerIndex && length <= self.writerIndex && index <= self.writerIndex &- length else {
return nil
let index = _toIndex(index)
let length = _toCapacity(length)
// The arithmetic below is safe because:
// 1. maximum `writerIndex` <= self._slice.count (see `_moveWriterIndex`)
// 2. `self._slice.lowerBound + self._slice.count` is always safe (because it's `self._slice.upperBound`)
// 3. `index` is inside the range `self.readerIndex ... self.writerIndex` (the `guard` above)
// This means that the largest number that `index` could have is equal to
// `self._slice_.upperBound = self._slice.lowerBound + self._slice.count` and that
// is guaranteed to be expressible as a `UInt32` (because it's actually stored as such).
let sliceStartIndex: UInt32 = self._slice.lowerBound + index
guard sliceStartIndex <= ByteBuffer.Slice.maxSupportedLowerBound else {
// the slice's begin is past the maximum supported slice begin value (16 MiB) so the only option we have
// is copy the slice into a fresh buffer. The slice begin will then be at index 0.
return self._copyIntoByteBufferWithSliceIndex0_slowPath(index: index, length: length)
var new = self
assert(sliceStartIndex == self._slice.lowerBound &+ index)
// - The arithmetic below is safe because
// 1. `writerIndex` <= `self._slice.count` (see `_moveWriterIndex`)
// 2. `length` <= `self.writerIndex` (see `guard`s)
// 3. `sliceStartIndex` + `self._slice.count` is always safe (because that's `self._slice.upperBound`.
// - The range construction is safe because `length` >= 0 (see `guard` at the beginning of the function).
new._slice = _ByteBufferSlice(Range(uncheckedBounds: (lower: sliceStartIndex,
upper: sliceStartIndex &+ length)))
new._moveReaderIndex(to: 0)
new._moveWriterIndex(to: length)
return new
/// Discard the bytes before the reader index. The byte at index `readerIndex` before calling this method will be
/// at index `0` after the call returns.
/// - returns: `true` if one or more bytes have been discarded, `false` if there are no bytes to discard.
@discardableResult public mutating func discardReadBytes() -> Bool {
guard self._readerIndex > 0 else {
return false
if self._readerIndex == self._writerIndex {
// If the whole buffer was consumed we can just reset the readerIndex and writerIndex to 0 and move on.
self._moveWriterIndex(to: 0)
self._moveReaderIndex(to: 0)
return true
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
self._storage.bytes.advanced(by: Int(self._slice.lowerBound))
.copyMemory(from: self._storage.bytes.advanced(by: Int(self._slice.lowerBound + self._readerIndex)),
byteCount: self.readableBytes)
let indexShift = self._readerIndex
self._moveReaderIndex(to: 0)
self._moveWriterIndex(to: self._writerIndex - indexShift)
} else {
self._copyStorageAndRebase(extraCapacity: 0, resetIndices: true)
return true
/// The reader index or the number of bytes previously read from this `ByteBuffer`. `readerIndex` is `0` for a
/// newly allocated `ByteBuffer`.
public var readerIndex: Int {
return Int(self._readerIndex)
/// The write index or the number of bytes previously written to this `ByteBuffer`. `writerIndex` is `0` for a
/// newly allocated `ByteBuffer`.
public var writerIndex: Int {
return Int(self._writerIndex)
/// Set both reader index and writer index to `0`. This will reset the state of this `ByteBuffer` to the state
/// of a freshly allocated one, if possible without allocations. This is the cheapest way to recycle a `ByteBuffer`
/// for a new use-case.
/// - note: This method will allocate if the underlying storage is referenced by another `ByteBuffer`. Even if an
/// allocation is necessary this will be cheaper as the copy of the storage is elided.
public mutating func clear() {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
self._storage = self._storage.allocateStorage()
self._slice = self._storage.fullSlice
self._moveWriterIndex(to: 0)
self._moveReaderIndex(to: 0)
/// Set both reader index and writer index to `0`. This will reset the state of this `ByteBuffer` to the state
/// of a freshly allocated one, if possible without allocations. This is the cheapest way to recycle a `ByteBuffer`
/// for a new use-case.
/// - note: This method will allocate if the underlying storage is referenced by another `ByteBuffer`. Even if an
/// allocation is necessary this will be cheaper as the copy of the storage is elided.
/// - parameters:
/// - minimumCapacity: The minimum capacity that will be (re)allocated for this buffer
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use an `Int` as the argument")
public mutating func clear(minimumCapacity: UInt32) {
self.clear(minimumCapacity: Int(minimumCapacity))
/// Set both reader index and writer index to `0`. This will reset the state of this `ByteBuffer` to the state
/// of a freshly allocated one, if possible without allocations. This is the cheapest way to recycle a `ByteBuffer`
/// for a new use-case.
/// - note: This method will allocate if the underlying storage is referenced by another `ByteBuffer`. Even if an
/// allocation is necessary this will be cheaper as the copy of the storage is elided.
/// - parameters:
/// - minimumCapacity: The minimum capacity that will be (re)allocated for this buffer
public mutating func clear(minimumCapacity: Int) {
precondition(minimumCapacity >= 0, "Cannot have a minimum capacity < 0")
precondition(minimumCapacity <= _Capacity.max, "Minimum capacity must be <= \(_Capacity.max)")
let minimumCapacity = _Capacity(minimumCapacity)
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
self._storage = self._storage.allocateStorage(capacity: minimumCapacity)
} else if minimumCapacity > self._storage.capacity {
self._storage.reallocStorage(capacity: minimumCapacity)
self._slice = self._storage.fullSlice
self._moveWriterIndex(to: 0)
self._moveReaderIndex(to: 0)
extension ByteBuffer: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A `String` describing this `ByteBuffer`. Example:
/// ByteBuffer { readerIndex: 0, writerIndex: 4, readableBytes: 4, capacity: 512, storageCapacity: 1024, slice: 256..<768, storage: 0x0000000103001000 (1024 bytes)}
/// The format of the description is not API.
/// - returns: A description of this `ByteBuffer`.
public var description: String {
return """
ByteBuffer { \
readerIndex: \(self.readerIndex), \
writerIndex: \(self.writerIndex), \
readableBytes: \(self.readableBytes), \
capacity: \(self.capacity), \
storageCapacity: \(self.storageCapacity), \
slice: \(self._slice), \
storage: \(self._storage.bytes) (\(self._storage.capacity) bytes) \
/// A `String` describing this `ByteBuffer` with some portion of the readable bytes dumped too. Example:
/// ByteBuffer { readerIndex: 0, writerIndex: 4, readableBytes: 4, capacity: 512, slice: 256..<768, storage: 0x0000000103001000 (1024 bytes)}
/// readable bytes (max 1k): [ 00 01 02 03 ]
/// The format of the description is not API.
/// - returns: A description of this `ByteBuffer` useful for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return "\(self.description)\nreadable bytes (max 1k): \(self._storage.dumpBytes(slice: self._slice, offset: self.readerIndex, length: min(1024, self.readableBytes)))"
/* change types to the user visible `Int` */
extension ByteBuffer {
/// Copy the collection of `bytes` into the `ByteBuffer` at `index`. Does not move the writer index.
public mutating func setBytes<Bytes: Sequence>(_ bytes: Bytes, at index: Int) -> Int where Bytes.Element == UInt8 {
return Int(self._setBytes(bytes, at: _toIndex(index)))
/// Copy `bytes` into the `ByteBuffer` at `index`. Does not move the writer index.
public mutating func setBytes(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer, at index: Int) -> Int {
return Int(self._setBytes(bytes, at: _toIndex(index)))
/// Move the reader index forward by `offset` bytes.
/// - warning: By contract the bytes between (including) `readerIndex` and (excluding) `writerIndex` must be
/// initialised, ie. have been written before. Also the `readerIndex` must always be less than or equal
/// to the `writerIndex`. Failing to meet either of these requirements leads to undefined behaviour.
/// - parameters:
/// - offset: The number of bytes to move the reader index forward by.
public mutating func moveReaderIndex(forwardBy offset: Int) {
let newIndex = self._readerIndex + _toIndex(offset)
precondition(newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= writerIndex, "new readerIndex: \(newIndex), expected: range(0, \(writerIndex))")
self._moveReaderIndex(to: newIndex)
/// Set the reader index to `offset`.
/// - warning: By contract the bytes between (including) `readerIndex` and (excluding) `writerIndex` must be
/// initialised, ie. have been written before. Also the `readerIndex` must always be less than or equal
/// to the `writerIndex`. Failing to meet either of these requirements leads to undefined behaviour.
/// - parameters:
/// - offset: The offset in bytes to set the reader index to.
public mutating func moveReaderIndex(to offset: Int) {
let newIndex = _toIndex(offset)
precondition(newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= writerIndex, "new readerIndex: \(newIndex), expected: range(0, \(writerIndex))")
self._moveReaderIndex(to: newIndex)
/// Move the writer index forward by `offset` bytes.
/// - warning: By contract the bytes between (including) `readerIndex` and (excluding) `writerIndex` must be
/// initialised, ie. have been written before. Also the `readerIndex` must always be less than or equal
/// to the `writerIndex`. Failing to meet either of these requirements leads to undefined behaviour.
/// - parameters:
/// - offset: The number of bytes to move the writer index forward by.
public mutating func moveWriterIndex(forwardBy offset: Int) {
let newIndex = self._writerIndex + _toIndex(offset)
precondition(newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= _toCapacity(self._slice.count),"new writerIndex: \(newIndex), expected: range(0, \(_toCapacity(self._slice.count)))")
self._moveWriterIndex(to: newIndex)
/// Set the writer index to `offset`.
/// - warning: By contract the bytes between (including) `readerIndex` and (excluding) `writerIndex` must be
/// initialised, ie. have been written before. Also the `readerIndex` must always be less than or equal
/// to the `writerIndex`. Failing to meet either of these requirements leads to undefined behaviour.
/// - parameters:
/// - offset: The offset in bytes to set the reader index to.
public mutating func moveWriterIndex(to offset: Int) {
let newIndex = _toIndex(offset)
precondition(newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= _toCapacity(self._slice.count),"new writerIndex: \(newIndex), expected: range(0, \(_toCapacity(self._slice.count)))")
self._moveWriterIndex(to: newIndex)
extension ByteBuffer {
/// Copies `length` `bytes` starting at the `fromIndex` to `toIndex`. Does not move the writer index.
/// - Note: Overlapping ranges, for example `copyBytes(at: 1, to: 2, length: 5)` are allowed.
/// - Precondition: The range represented by `fromIndex` and `length` must be readable bytes,
/// that is: `fromIndex >= readerIndex` and `fromIndex + length <= writerIndex`.
/// - Parameter fromIndex: The index of the first byte to copy.
/// - Parameter toIndex: The index into to which the first byte will be copied.
/// - Parameter length: The number of bytes which should be copied.
public mutating func copyBytes(at fromIndex: Int, to toIndex: Int, length: Int) throws -> Int {
switch length {
case ..<0:
throw CopyBytesError.negativeLength
case 0:
return 0
guard self.readerIndex <= fromIndex && fromIndex + length <= self.writerIndex else {
throw CopyBytesError.unreadableSourceBytes
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
let newEndIndex = max(self._writerIndex, _toIndex(toIndex + length))
self._copyStorageAndRebase(capacity: newEndIndex)
self._ensureAvailableCapacity(_Capacity(length), at: _toIndex(toIndex))
self.withVeryUnsafeMutableBytes { ptr in
let srcPtr = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: ptr.baseAddress!.advanced(by: fromIndex), count: length)
let targetPtr = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(fastRebase: ptr.dropFirst(toIndex))
targetPtr.copyMemory(from: srcPtr)
return length
/// Errors thrown when calling `copyBytes`.
public struct CopyBytesError: Error {
private enum BaseError: Hashable {
case negativeLength
case unreadableSourceBytes
private var baseError: BaseError
/// The length of the bytes to copy was negative.
public static let negativeLength: CopyBytesError = .init(baseError: .negativeLength)
/// The bytes to copy are not readable.
public static let unreadableSourceBytes: CopyBytesError = .init(baseError: .unreadableSourceBytes)
extension ByteBuffer.CopyBytesError: Hashable { }
extension ByteBuffer.CopyBytesError: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return String(describing: self.baseError)
extension ByteBuffer: Equatable {
// TODO: I don't think this makes sense. This should compare bytes 0..<writerIndex instead.
/// Compare two `ByteBuffer` values. Two `ByteBuffer` values are considered equal if the readable bytes are equal.
public static func ==(lhs: ByteBuffer, rhs: ByteBuffer) -> Bool {
guard lhs.readableBytes == rhs.readableBytes else {
return false
if lhs._slice == rhs._slice && lhs._storage === rhs._storage {
return true
return lhs.withUnsafeReadableBytes { lPtr in
rhs.withUnsafeReadableBytes { rPtr in
// Shouldn't get here otherwise because of readableBytes check
assert(lPtr.count == rPtr.count)
return memcmp(lPtr.baseAddress!, rPtr.baseAddress!, lPtr.count) == 0
extension ByteBuffer: Hashable {
/// The hash value for the readable bytes.
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
self.withUnsafeReadableBytes { ptr in
hasher.combine(bytes: ptr)
extension ByteBuffer: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension ByteBuffer {
/// Modify this `ByteBuffer` if this `ByteBuffer` is known to uniquely own its storage.
/// In some cases it is possible that code is holding a `ByteBuffer` that has been shared with other
/// parts of the code, and may want to mutate that `ByteBuffer`. In some cases it may be worth modifying
/// a `ByteBuffer` only if that `ByteBuffer` is guaranteed to not perform a copy-on-write operation to do
/// so, for example when a different buffer could be used or more cheaply allocated instead.
/// This function will execute the provided block only if it is guaranteed to be able to avoid a copy-on-write
/// operation. If it cannot execute the block the returned value will be `nil`.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The modification operation to execute, with this `ByteBuffer` passed `inout` as an argument.
/// - returns: The return value of `body`.
public mutating func modifyIfUniquelyOwned<T>(_ body: (inout ByteBuffer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T? {
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storage) {
return try body(&self)
} else {
return nil
extension ByteBuffer {
func rangeWithinReadableBytes(index: Int, length: Int) -> Range<Int>? {
guard index >= self.readerIndex && length >= 0 else {
return nil
// both these &-s are safe, they can't underflow because both left & right side are >= 0 (and index >= readerIndex)
let indexFromReaderIndex = index &- self.readerIndex
assert(indexFromReaderIndex >= 0)
guard indexFromReaderIndex <= self.readableBytes &- length else {
return nil
let upperBound = indexFromReaderIndex &+ length // safe, can't overflow, we checked it above.
// uncheckedBounds is safe because `length` is >= 0, so the lower bound will always be lower/equal to upper
return Range<Int>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: indexFromReaderIndex, upper: upperBound))