//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project // // Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors // Licensed under Apache License v2.0 // // See LICENSE.txt for license information // See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// @_spi(AsyncChannel) import NIOCore #if os(Windows) import ucrt import func WinSDK.GetFileType import let WinSDK.FILE_TYPE_PIPE import let WinSDK.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE import struct WinSDK.DWORD import struct WinSDK.HANDLE #endif #if swift(>=5.7) /// The type of all `channelInitializer` callbacks. internal typealias ChannelInitializerCallback = @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture #else /// The type of all `channelInitializer` callbacks. internal typealias ChannelInitializerCallback = (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture #endif /// Common functionality for all NIO on sockets bootstraps. internal enum NIOOnSocketsBootstraps { internal static func isCompatible(group: EventLoopGroup) -> Bool { return group is SelectableEventLoop || group is MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup } } /// A `ServerBootstrap` is an easy way to bootstrap a `ServerSocketChannel` when creating network servers. /// /// Example: /// /// ```swift /// let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount) /// defer { /// try! group.syncShutdownGracefully() /// } /// let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: group) /// // Specify backlog and enable SO_REUSEADDR for the server itself /// .serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256) /// .serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1) /// /// // Set the handlers that are applied to the accepted child `Channel`s. /// .childChannelInitializer { channel in /// // Ensure we don't read faster then we can write by adding the BackPressureHandler into the pipeline. /// channel.pipeline.addHandler(BackPressureHandler()).flatMap { () in /// // make sure to instantiate your `ChannelHandlers` inside of /// // the closure as it will be invoked once per connection. /// channel.pipeline.addHandler(MyChannelHandler()) /// } /// } /// /// // Enable SO_REUSEADDR for the accepted Channels /// .childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1) /// .childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.maxMessagesPerRead, value: 16) /// .childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.recvAllocator, value: AdaptiveRecvByteBufferAllocator()) /// let channel = try! bootstrap.bind(host: host, port: port).wait() /// /* the server will now be accepting connections */ /// /// try! channel.closeFuture.wait() // wait forever as we never close the Channel /// ``` /// /// The `EventLoopFuture` returned by `bind` will fire with a `ServerSocketChannel`. This is the channel that owns the listening socket. /// Each time it accepts a new connection it will fire a `SocketChannel` through the `ChannelPipeline` via `fireChannelRead`: as a result, /// the `ServerSocketChannel` operates on `Channel`s as inbound messages. Outbound messages are not supported on a `ServerSocketChannel` /// which means that each write attempt will fail. /// /// Accepted `SocketChannel`s operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound data, and `IOData` as outbound data. public final class ServerBootstrap { private let group: EventLoopGroup private let childGroup: EventLoopGroup private var serverChannelInit: Optional private var childChannelInit: Optional @usableFromInline internal var _serverChannelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage @usableFromInline internal var _childChannelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage private var enableMPTCP: Bool /// Create a `ServerBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`. /// /// The `EventLoopGroup` `group` must be compatible, otherwise the program will crash. `ServerBootstrap` is /// compatible only with `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup` as well as the `EventLoop`s returned by /// `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.next`. See `init(validatingGroup:childGroup:)` for a fallible initializer for /// situations where it's impossible to tell ahead of time if the `EventLoopGroup`s are compatible or not. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use for the `bind` of the `ServerSocketChannel` and to accept new `SocketChannel`s with. public convenience init(group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { preconditionFailure("ServerBootstrap is only compatible with MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup and " + "SelectableEventLoop. You tried constructing one with \(group) which is incompatible.") } self.init(validatingGroup: group, childGroup: group)! } /// Create a `ServerBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group` which accepts `Channel`s on `childGroup`. /// /// The `EventLoopGroup`s `group` and `childGroup` must be compatible, otherwise the program will crash. /// `ServerBootstrap` is compatible only with `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup` as well as the `EventLoop`s returned by /// `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.next`. See `init(validatingGroup:childGroup:)` for a fallible initializer for /// situations where it's impossible to tell ahead of time if the `EventLoopGroup`s are compatible or not. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use for the `bind` of the `ServerSocketChannel` and to accept new `SocketChannel`s with. /// - childGroup: The `EventLoopGroup` to run the accepted `SocketChannel`s on. public convenience init(group: EventLoopGroup, childGroup: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) && NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: childGroup) else { preconditionFailure("ServerBootstrap is only compatible with MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup and " + "SelectableEventLoop. You tried constructing one with group: \(group) and " + "childGroup: \(childGroup) at least one of which is incompatible.") } self.init(validatingGroup: group, childGroup: childGroup)! } /// Create a `ServerBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group` which accepts `Channel`s on `childGroup`, validating /// that the `EventLoopGroup`s are compatible with `ServerBootstrap`. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use for the `bind` of the `ServerSocketChannel` and to accept new `SocketChannel`s with. /// - childGroup: The `EventLoopGroup` to run the accepted `SocketChannel`s on. If `nil`, `group` is used. public init?(validatingGroup group: EventLoopGroup, childGroup: EventLoopGroup? = nil) { let childGroup = childGroup ?? group guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) && NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: childGroup) else { return nil } self.group = group self.childGroup = childGroup self._serverChannelOptions = ChannelOptions.Storage() self._childChannelOptions = ChannelOptions.Storage() self.serverChannelInit = nil self.childChannelInit = nil self._serverChannelOptions.append(key: ChannelOptions.tcpOption(.tcp_nodelay), value: 1) self.enableMPTCP = false } #if swift(>=5.7) /// Initialize the `ServerSocketChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// The `ServerSocketChannel` uses the accepted `Channel`s as inbound messages. /// /// - note: To set the initializer for the accepted `SocketChannel`s, look at `ServerBootstrap.childChannelInitializer`. /// /// - parameters: /// - initializer: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. @preconcurrency public func serverChannelInitializer(_ initializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.serverChannelInit = initializer return self } #else /// Initialize the `ServerSocketChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// The `ServerSocketChannel` uses the accepted `Channel`s as inbound messages. /// /// - note: To set the initializer for the accepted `SocketChannel`s, look at `ServerBootstrap.childChannelInitializer`. /// /// - parameters: /// - initializer: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. public func serverChannelInitializer(_ initializer: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.serverChannelInit = initializer return self } #endif #if swift(>=5.7) /// Initialize the accepted `SocketChannel`s with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. Note that if the `initializer` fails then the error will be /// fired in the *parent* channel. /// /// - warning: The `initializer` will be invoked once for every accepted connection. Therefore it's usually the /// right choice to instantiate stateful `ChannelHandler`s within the closure to make sure they are not /// accidentally shared across `Channel`s. There are expert use-cases where stateful handler need to be /// shared across `Channel`s in which case the user is responsible to synchronise the state access /// appropriately. /// /// The accepted `Channel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and `IOData` as outbound messages. /// /// - parameters: /// - initializer: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. @preconcurrency public func childChannelInitializer(_ initializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.childChannelInit = initializer return self } #else /// Initialize the accepted `SocketChannel`s with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. Note that if the `initializer` fails then the error will be /// fired in the *parent* channel. /// /// - warning: The `initializer` will be invoked once for every accepted connection. Therefore it's usually the /// right choice to instantiate stateful `ChannelHandler`s within the closure to make sure they are not /// accidentally shared across `Channel`s. There are expert use-cases where stateful handler need to be /// shared across `Channel`s in which case the user is responsible to synchronise the state access /// appropriately. /// /// The accepted `Channel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and `IOData` as outbound messages. /// /// - parameters: /// - initializer: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. public func childChannelInitializer(_ initializer: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.childChannelInit = initializer return self } #endif /// Specifies a `ChannelOption` to be applied to the `ServerSocketChannel`. /// /// - note: To specify options for the accepted `SocketChannel`s, look at `ServerBootstrap.childChannelOption`. /// /// - parameters: /// - option: The option to be applied. /// - value: The value for the option. @inlinable public func serverChannelOption(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) -> Self { self._serverChannelOptions.append(key: option, value: value) return self } /// Specifies a `ChannelOption` to be applied to the accepted `SocketChannel`s. /// /// - parameters: /// - option: The option to be applied. /// - value: The value for the option. @inlinable public func childChannelOption(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) -> Self { self._childChannelOptions.append(key: option, value: value) return self } /// Specifies a timeout to apply to a bind attempt. Currently unsupported. /// /// - parameters: /// - timeout: The timeout that will apply to the bind attempt. public func bindTimeout(_ timeout: TimeAmount) -> Self { return self } /// Enables multi-path TCP support. /// /// This option is only supported on some systems, and will lead to bind /// failing if the system does not support it. Users are recommended to /// only enable this in response to configuration or feature detection. /// /// > Note: Enabling this setting will re-enable Nagle's algorithm, even if it /// > had been disabled. This is a temporary workaround for a Linux kernel /// > limitation. /// /// - parameters: /// - value: Whether to enable MPTCP or not. public func enableMPTCP(_ value: Bool) -> Self { self.enableMPTCP = value // This is a temporary workaround until we get some stable Linux kernel // versions that support TCP_NODELAY and MPTCP. if value { self._serverChannelOptions.remove(key: ChannelOptions.tcpOption(.tcp_nodelay)) } return self } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to `host` and `port`. /// /// - parameters: /// - host: The host to bind on. /// - port: The port to bind on. public func bind(host: String, port: Int) -> EventLoopFuture { return bind0 { return try SocketAddress.makeAddressResolvingHost(host, port: port) } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to `address`. /// /// - parameters: /// - address: The `SocketAddress` to bind on. public func bind(to address: SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { return bind0 { address } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to a UNIX Domain Socket. /// /// - parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The _Unix domain socket_ path to bind to. `unixDomainSocketPath` must not exist, it will be created by the system. public func bind(unixDomainSocketPath: String) -> EventLoopFuture { return bind0 { try SocketAddress(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to a UNIX Domain Socket. /// /// - parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The path of the UNIX Domain Socket to bind on. The`unixDomainSocketPath` must not exist, /// unless `cleanupExistingSocketFile`is set to `true`. /// - cleanupExistingSocketFile: Whether to cleanup an existing socket file at `unixDomainSocketPath`. public func bind(unixDomainSocketPath: String, cleanupExistingSocketFile: Bool) -> EventLoopFuture { if cleanupExistingSocketFile { do { try BaseSocket.cleanupSocket(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } catch { return group.next().makeFailedFuture(error) } } return self.bind(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } #if !os(Windows) /// Use the existing bound socket file descriptor. /// /// - parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the bound stream socket. @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "withBoundSocket(_:)") public func withBoundSocket(descriptor: CInt) -> EventLoopFuture { return withBoundSocket(descriptor) } #endif /// Use the existing bound socket file descriptor. /// /// - parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the bound stream socket. public func withBoundSocket(_ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle) -> EventLoopFuture { func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childEventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel { if enableMPTCP { throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported } return try ServerSocketChannel(socket: socket, eventLoop: eventLoop, group: childEventLoopGroup) } return bind0(makeServerChannel: makeChannel) { (eventLoop, serverChannel) in let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) serverChannel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult } } private func bind0(_ makeSocketAddress: () throws -> SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { let address: SocketAddress do { address = try makeSocketAddress() } catch { return group.next().makeFailedFuture(error) } func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childEventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel { return try ServerSocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, group: childEventLoopGroup, protocolFamily: address.protocol, enableMPTCP: enableMPTCP) } return bind0(makeServerChannel: makeChannel) { (eventLoop, serverChannel) in serverChannel.registerAndDoSynchronously { serverChannel in serverChannel.bind(to: address) } } } private func bind0(makeServerChannel: (_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel, _ register: @escaping (EventLoop, ServerSocketChannel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> EventLoopFuture { let eventLoop = self.group.next() let childEventLoopGroup = self.childGroup let serverChannelOptions = self._serverChannelOptions let serverChannelInit = self.serverChannelInit ?? { _ in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } let childChannelInit = self.childChannelInit let childChannelOptions = self._childChannelOptions let serverChannel: ServerSocketChannel do { serverChannel = try makeServerChannel(eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, self.enableMPTCP) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } return eventLoop.submit { serverChannelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: serverChannel).flatMap { serverChannelInit(serverChannel) }.flatMap { serverChannel.pipeline.addHandler(AcceptHandler(childChannelInitializer: childChannelInit, childChannelOptions: childChannelOptions), name: "AcceptHandler") }.flatMap { register(eventLoop, serverChannel) }.map { serverChannel as Channel }.flatMapError { error in serverChannel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } }.flatMap { $0 } } private class AcceptHandler: ChannelInboundHandler { public typealias InboundIn = SocketChannel private let childChannelInit: ((Channel) -> EventLoopFuture)? private let childChannelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage init(childChannelInitializer: ((Channel) -> EventLoopFuture)?, childChannelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage) { self.childChannelInit = childChannelInitializer self.childChannelOptions = childChannelOptions } func userInboundEventTriggered(context: ChannelHandlerContext, event: Any) { if event is ChannelShouldQuiesceEvent { context.channel.close().whenFailure { error in context.fireErrorCaught(error) } } context.fireUserInboundEventTriggered(event) } func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) { let accepted = self.unwrapInboundIn(data) let ctxEventLoop = context.eventLoop let childEventLoop = accepted.eventLoop let childChannelInit = self.childChannelInit ?? { (_: Channel) in childEventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } @inline(__always) func setupChildChannel() -> EventLoopFuture { return self.childChannelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: accepted).flatMap { () -> EventLoopFuture in childEventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return childChannelInit(accepted) } } @inline(__always) func fireThroughPipeline(_ future: EventLoopFuture) { ctxEventLoop.assertInEventLoop() future.flatMap { (_) -> EventLoopFuture in ctxEventLoop.assertInEventLoop() guard context.channel.isActive else { return context.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel) } context.fireChannelRead(data) return context.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) }.whenFailure { error in ctxEventLoop.assertInEventLoop() self.closeAndFire(context: context, accepted: accepted, err: error) } } if childEventLoop === ctxEventLoop { fireThroughPipeline(setupChildChannel()) } else { fireThroughPipeline(childEventLoop.flatSubmit { return setupChildChannel() }.hop(to: ctxEventLoop)) } } private func closeAndFire(context: ChannelHandlerContext, accepted: SocketChannel, err: Error) { accepted.close(promise: nil) if context.eventLoop.inEventLoop { context.fireErrorCaught(err) } else { context.eventLoop.execute { context.fireErrorCaught(err) } } } } } // MARK: AsyncChannel based bind extension ServerBootstrap { /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to the `host` and `port` parameters. /// /// - Parameters: /// - host: The host to bind on. /// - port: The port to bind on. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - childBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the child channels. /// - childChannelInboundType: The child channel's inbound type. /// - childChannelOutboundType: The child channel's outbound type. /// - isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the child channels. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the ``NIOAsyncChannelWriter`` will lead to half closure. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of connection ``NIOAsyncChannel``s. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func bind( host: String, port: Int, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childChannelInboundType: ChildChannelInbound.Type = ChildChannelInbound.self, childChannelOutboundType: ChildChannelOutbound.Type = ChildChannelOutbound.self, childBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel, Never> { return try await self.bindAsyncChannel0( serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, childBackpressureStrategy: childBackpressureStrategy, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled ) { return try SocketAddress.makeAddressResolvingHost(host, port: port) } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to the `address` parameter. /// /// - Parameters: /// - address: The `SocketAddress` to bind on. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - childBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the child channels. /// - childChannelInboundType: The child channel's inbound type. /// - childChannelOutboundType: The child channel's outbound type. /// - isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the child channels. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the ``NIOAsyncChannelWriter`` will lead to half closure. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of connection ``NIOAsyncChannel``s. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func bind( to address: SocketAddress, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childChannelInboundType: ChildChannelInbound.Type = ChildChannelInbound.self, childChannelOutboundType: ChildChannelOutbound.Type = ChildChannelOutbound.self, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel, Never> { return try await self.bindAsyncChannel0( serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, childBackpressureStrategy: childBackpressureStrategy, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled ) { address } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to the `unixDomainSocketPath` parameter. /// /// - Parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The path of the UNIX Domain Socket to bind on. The`unixDomainSocketPath` must not exist, /// unless `cleanupExistingSocketFile`is set to `true`. /// - cleanupExistingSocketFile: Whether to cleanup an existing socket file at `unixDomainSocketPath`. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - childBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the child channels. /// - childChannelInboundType: The child channel's inbound type. /// - childChannelOutboundType: The child channel's outbound type. /// - isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the child channels. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the ``NIOAsyncChannelWriter`` will lead to half closure. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of connection ``NIOAsyncChannel``s. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func bind( unixDomainSocketPath: String, cleanupExistingSocketFile: Bool = false, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childChannelInboundType: ChildChannelInbound.Type = ChildChannelInbound.self, childChannelOutboundType: ChildChannelOutbound.Type = ChildChannelOutbound.self, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel, Never> { if cleanupExistingSocketFile { try BaseSocket.cleanupSocket(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } return try await self.bind( unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, childBackpressureStrategy: childBackpressureStrategy, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled ) } /// Use the existing bound socket file descriptor. /// /// - Parameters: /// - socket: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the bound stream socket. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - childBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the child channels. /// - childChannelInboundType: The child channel's inbound type. /// - childChannelOutboundType: The child channel's outbound type. /// - isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the child channels. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the ``NIOAsyncChannelWriter`` will lead to half closure. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of connection ``NIOAsyncChannel``s. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func withBoundSocket( _ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, childChannelInboundType: ChildChannelInbound.Type = ChildChannelInbound.self, childChannelOutboundType: ChildChannelOutbound.Type = ChildChannelOutbound.self, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel, Never> { func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childEventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel { if enableMPTCP { throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported } return try ServerSocketChannel(socket: socket, eventLoop: eventLoop, group: childEventLoopGroup) } return try await self.bindAsyncChannel0( makeServerChannel: makeChannel, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, childBackpressureStrategy: childBackpressureStrategy, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled ) { (eventLoop, serverChannel) in let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) serverChannel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func bindAsyncChannel0( serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark?, childBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark?, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool, _ makeSocketAddress: () throws -> SocketAddress ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel, Never> { let address = try makeSocketAddress() func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childEventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel { return try ServerSocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, group: childEventLoopGroup, protocolFamily: address.protocol, enableMPTCP: enableMPTCP) } return try await self.bindAsyncChannel0( makeServerChannel: makeChannel, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, childBackpressureStrategy: childBackpressureStrategy, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled ) { (eventLoop, serverChannel) in serverChannel.registerAndDoSynchronously { serverChannel in serverChannel.bind(to: address) } } } private typealias MakeServerChannel = (_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel private typealias Register = @Sendable (EventLoop, ServerSocketChannel) -> EventLoopFuture @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func bindAsyncChannel0( makeServerChannel: MakeServerChannel, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark?, childBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark?, isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool, _ register: @escaping Register ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel, Never> { let eventLoop = self.group.next() let childEventLoopGroup = self.childGroup let serverChannelOptions = self._serverChannelOptions let serverChannelInit = self.serverChannelInit ?? { _ in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } let childChannelInit = self.childChannelInit let childChannelOptions = self._childChannelOptions let serverChannel = try makeServerChannel(eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, self.enableMPTCP) return try await eventLoop.submit { serverChannelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: serverChannel).flatMap { serverChannelInit(serverChannel) }.flatMap { do { try serverChannel.pipeline.syncOperations.addHandler( AcceptHandler(childChannelInitializer: childChannelInit, childChannelOptions: childChannelOptions), name: "AcceptHandler" ) // We are wrapping the inbound channels into `NIOAsyncChannel`s with the transformation // closure of the `NIOAsyncChannel` that allows us to wrap them without adding // wrapping/unwrapping handlers to the pipeline. let asyncChannel = try NIOAsyncChannel, Never>.wrapAsyncChannelForBootstrapBind( synchronouslyWrapping: serverChannel, backpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, transformationClosure: { channel in // We must hop to the child channel event loop here to add the async channel handlers channel.eventLoop.submit { try NIOAsyncChannel( synchronouslyWrapping: channel, backpressureStrategy: childBackpressureStrategy, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isChildChannelOutboundHalfClosureEnabled, inboundType: ChildChannelInbound.self, outboundType: ChildChannelOutbound.self ) } } ) return register(eventLoop, serverChannel).map { asyncChannel } } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } }.flatMapError { error in serverChannel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } }.flatMap { $0 }.get() } } // MARK: AsyncChannel based bind with protocol negotiation extension ServerBootstrap { /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to the `host` and `port` parameters. /// Waiting for protocol negotiation to finish before yielding the channel to the returned ``NIOAsyncChannel``. /// /// - Parameters: /// - host: The host to bind on. /// - port: The port to bind on. /// - protocolNegotiationHandlerType: The protocol negotiation handler type that is awaited on. A handler of this type /// must be added to the pipeline in the child channel initializer. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of the protocol negotiation results. It is expected that the protocol negotiation handler /// is going to wrap the child channels into ``NIOAsyncChannel`` which are returned as part of the negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func bind( host: String, port: Int, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: Handler.Type, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { return try await self.bindAsyncChannelWithProtocolNegotiation0( protocolNegotiationHandlerType: protocolNegotiationHandlerType, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy ) { return try SocketAddress.makeAddressResolvingHost(host, port: port) } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to the `address` parameter. /// Waiting for protocol negotiation to finish before yielding the channel to the returned ``NIOAsyncChannel``. /// /// - Parameters: /// - address: The `SocketAddress` to bind on. /// - protocolNegotiationHandlerType: The protocol negotiation handler type that is awaited on. A handler of this type /// must be added to the pipeline in the child channel initializer. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of the protocol negotiation results. It is expected that the protocol negotiation handler /// is going to wrap the child channels into ``NIOAsyncChannel`` which are returned as part of the negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func bind( to address: SocketAddress, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: Handler.Type, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { return try await self.bindAsyncChannelWithProtocolNegotiation0( protocolNegotiationHandlerType: protocolNegotiationHandlerType, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy ) { address } } /// Bind the `ServerSocketChannel` to a UNIX Domain Socket. /// Waiting for protocol negotiation to finish before yielding the channel to the returned ``NIOAsyncChannel``. /// /// - Parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The path of the UNIX Domain Socket to bind on. The`unixDomainSocketPath` must not exist, /// unless `cleanupExistingSocketFile`is set to `true`. /// - cleanupExistingSocketFile: Whether to cleanup an existing socket file at `unixDomainSocketPath`. /// - protocolNegotiationHandlerType: The protocol negotiation handler type that is awaited on. A handler of this type /// must be added to the pipeline in the child channel initializer. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of the protocol negotiation results. It is expected that the protocol negotiation handler /// is going to wrap the child channels into ``NIOAsyncChannel`` which are returned as part of the negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func bind( unixDomainSocketPath: String, cleanupExistingSocketFile: Bool = false, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: Handler.Type, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { if cleanupExistingSocketFile { try BaseSocket.cleanupSocket(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } return try await self.bind( unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: protocolNegotiationHandlerType, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy ) } /// Use the existing bound socket file descriptor. /// Waiting for protocol negotiation to finish before yielding the channel to the returned ``NIOAsyncChannel``. /// /// - Parameters: /// - socket: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the bound stream socket. /// - protocolNegotiationHandlerType: The protocol negotiation handler type that is awaited on. A handler of this type /// must be added to the pipeline in the child channel initializer. /// - serverBackpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the server socket channel. /// - Returns: A ``NIOAsyncChannel`` of the protocol negotiation results. It is expected that the protocol negotiation handler /// is going to wrap the child channels into ``NIOAsyncChannel`` which are returned as part of the negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func withBoundSocket( _ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: Handler.Type, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childEventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel { if enableMPTCP { throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported } return try ServerSocketChannel(socket: socket, eventLoop: eventLoop, group: childEventLoopGroup) } return try await self.bindAsyncChannelWithProtocolNegotiation0( makeServerChannel: makeChannel, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: protocolNegotiationHandlerType, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy ) { (eventLoop, serverChannel) in let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) serverChannel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func bindAsyncChannelWithProtocolNegotiation0( protocolNegotiationHandlerType: Handler.Type, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark?, _ makeSocketAddress: () throws -> SocketAddress ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { let address = try makeSocketAddress() func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop, _ childEventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, _ enableMPTCP: Bool) throws -> ServerSocketChannel { return try ServerSocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, group: childEventLoopGroup, protocolFamily: address.protocol, enableMPTCP: enableMPTCP) } return try await self.bindAsyncChannelWithProtocolNegotiation0( makeServerChannel: makeChannel, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: protocolNegotiationHandlerType, serverBackpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy ) { (eventLoop, serverChannel) in serverChannel.registerAndDoSynchronously { serverChannel in serverChannel.bind(to: address) } } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func bindAsyncChannelWithProtocolNegotiation0( makeServerChannel: MakeServerChannel, protocolNegotiationHandlerType: Handler.Type, serverBackpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark?, _ register: @escaping Register ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { let eventLoop = self.group.next() let childEventLoopGroup = self.childGroup let serverChannelOptions = self._serverChannelOptions let serverChannelInit = self.serverChannelInit ?? { _ in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } let childChannelInit = self.childChannelInit let childChannelOptions = self._childChannelOptions let serverChannel = try makeServerChannel(eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, self.enableMPTCP) return try await eventLoop.submit { serverChannelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: serverChannel).flatMap { serverChannelInit(serverChannel) }.flatMap { do { try serverChannel.pipeline.syncOperations.addHandler( AcceptHandler(childChannelInitializer: childChannelInit, childChannelOptions: childChannelOptions), name: "AcceptHandler" ) // In the case of protocol negotiation we cannot wrap the child channels into // `NIOAsyncChannel`s for the user since we don't know the type. We rather expect // the user to wrap the child channels themselves when the negotiation is done // and return the wrapped async channel as part of the negotiation result. let asyncChannel = try NIOAsyncChannel.wrapAsyncChannelForBootstrapBindWithProtocolNegotiation( synchronouslyWrapping: serverChannel, backpressureStrategy: serverBackpressureStrategy, transformationClosure: { (channel: Channel) in channel.pipeline.handler(type: protocolNegotiationHandlerType) .flatMap { handler -> EventLoopFuture> in handler.protocolNegotiationResult }.flatMap { result in result.resolve(on: eventLoop) }.flatMapErrorThrowing { error in channel.pipeline.fireErrorCaught(error) channel.close(promise: nil) throw error } } ) return register(eventLoop, serverChannel).map { asyncChannel } } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } }.flatMapError { error in serverChannel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } }.flatMap { $0 }.get() } } @available(*, unavailable) extension ServerBootstrap: Sendable {} private extension Channel { func registerAndDoSynchronously(_ body: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> EventLoopFuture { // this is pretty delicate at the moment: // In many cases `body` must be _synchronously_ follow `register`, otherwise in our current // implementation, `epoll` will send us `EPOLLHUP`. To have it run synchronously, we need to invoke the // `flatMap` on the eventloop that the `register` will succeed on. self.eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return self.register().flatMap { self.eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return body(self) } } } /// A `ClientBootstrap` is an easy way to bootstrap a `SocketChannel` when creating network clients. /// /// Usually you re-use a `ClientBootstrap` once you set it up and called `connect` multiple times on it. /// This way you ensure that the same `EventLoop`s will be shared across all your connections. /// /// Example: /// /// ```swift /// let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1) /// defer { /// try! group.syncShutdownGracefully() /// } /// let bootstrap = ClientBootstrap(group: group) /// // Enable SO_REUSEADDR. /// .channelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1) /// .channelInitializer { channel in /// // always instantiate the handler _within_ the closure as /// // it may be called multiple times (for example if the hostname /// // resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, cf. Happy Eyeballs). /// channel.pipeline.addHandler(MyChannelHandler()) /// } /// try! bootstrap.connect(host: "example.org", port: 12345).wait() /// /* the Channel is now connected */ /// ``` /// /// The connected `SocketChannel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and on `IOData` as outbound messages. public final class ClientBootstrap: NIOClientTCPBootstrapProtocol { private let group: EventLoopGroup #if swift(>=5.7) private var protocolHandlers: Optional<@Sendable () -> [ChannelHandler]> #else private var protocolHandlers: Optional<() -> [ChannelHandler]> #endif private var _channelInitializer: ChannelInitializerCallback private var channelInitializer: ChannelInitializerCallback { if let protocolHandlers = self.protocolHandlers { let channelInitializer = _channelInitializer return { channel in channelInitializer(channel).flatMap { channel.pipeline.addHandlers(protocolHandlers(), position: .first) } } } else { return self._channelInitializer } } @usableFromInline internal var _channelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage private var connectTimeout: TimeAmount = TimeAmount.seconds(10) private var resolver: Optional private var bindTarget: Optional private var enableMPTCP: Bool /// Create a `ClientBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`. /// /// The `EventLoopGroup` `group` must be compatible, otherwise the program will crash. `ClientBootstrap` is /// compatible only with `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup` as well as the `EventLoop`s returned by /// `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.next`. See `init(validatingGroup:)` for a fallible initializer for /// situations where it's impossible to tell ahead of time if the `EventLoopGroup` is compatible or not. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use. public convenience init(group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { preconditionFailure("ClientBootstrap is only compatible with MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup and " + "SelectableEventLoop. You tried constructing one with \(group) which is incompatible.") } self.init(validatingGroup: group)! } /// Create a `ClientBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`, validating that `group` is compatible. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use. public init?(validatingGroup group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { return nil } self.group = group self._channelOptions = ChannelOptions.Storage() self._channelOptions.append(key: ChannelOptions.tcpOption(.tcp_nodelay), value: 1) self._channelInitializer = { channel in channel.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } self.protocolHandlers = nil self.resolver = nil self.bindTarget = nil self.enableMPTCP = false } #if swift(>=5.7) /// Initialize the connected `SocketChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// The connected `Channel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and `IOData` as outbound messages. /// /// - warning: The `handler` closure may be invoked _multiple times_ so it's usually the right choice to instantiate /// `ChannelHandler`s within `handler`. The reason `handler` may be invoked multiple times is that to /// successfully set up a connection multiple connections might be setup in the process. Assuming a /// hostname that resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, NIO will follow /// [_Happy Eyeballs_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Eyeballs) and race both an IPv4 and an IPv6 /// connection. It is possible that both connections get fully established before the IPv4 connection /// will be closed again because the IPv6 connection 'won the race'. Therefore the `channelInitializer` /// might be called multiple times and it's important not to share stateful `ChannelHandler`s in more /// than one `Channel`. /// /// - parameters: /// - handler: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. @preconcurrency public func channelInitializer(_ handler: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self._channelInitializer = handler return self } #else /// Initialize the connected `SocketChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// The connected `Channel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and `IOData` as outbound messages. /// /// - warning: The `handler` closure may be invoked _multiple times_ so it's usually the right choice to instantiate /// `ChannelHandler`s within `handler`. The reason `handler` may be invoked multiple times is that to /// successfully set up a connection multiple connections might be setup in the process. Assuming a /// hostname that resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, NIO will follow /// [_Happy Eyeballs_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Eyeballs) and race both an IPv4 and an IPv6 /// connection. It is possible that both connections get fully established before the IPv4 connection /// will be closed again because the IPv6 connection 'won the race'. Therefore the `channelInitializer` /// might be called multiple times and it's important not to share stateful `ChannelHandler`s in more /// than one `Channel`. /// /// - parameters: /// - handler: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. public func channelInitializer(_ handler: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self._channelInitializer = handler return self } #endif #if swift(>=5.7) /// Sets the protocol handlers that will be added to the front of the `ChannelPipeline` right after the /// `channelInitializer` has been called. /// /// Per bootstrap, you can only set the `protocolHandlers` once. Typically, `protocolHandlers` are used for the TLS /// implementation. Most notably, `NIOClientTCPBootstrap`, NIO's "universal bootstrap" abstraction, uses /// `protocolHandlers` to add the required `ChannelHandler`s for many TLS implementations. @preconcurrency public func protocolHandlers(_ handlers: @escaping @Sendable () -> [ChannelHandler]) -> Self { precondition(self.protocolHandlers == nil, "protocol handlers can only be set once") self.protocolHandlers = handlers return self } #else /// Sets the protocol handlers that will be added to the front of the `ChannelPipeline` right after the /// `channelInitializer` has been called. /// /// Per bootstrap, you can only set the `protocolHandlers` once. Typically, `protocolHandlers` are used for the TLS /// implementation. Most notably, `NIOClientTCPBootstrap`, NIO's "universal bootstrap" abstraction, uses /// `protocolHandlers` to add the required `ChannelHandler`s for many TLS implementations. public func protocolHandlers(_ handlers: @escaping () -> [ChannelHandler]) -> Self { precondition(self.protocolHandlers == nil, "protocol handlers can only be set once") self.protocolHandlers = handlers return self } #endif /// Specifies a `ChannelOption` to be applied to the `SocketChannel`. /// /// - parameters: /// - option: The option to be applied. /// - value: The value for the option. @inlinable public func channelOption(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) -> Self { self._channelOptions.append(key: option, value: value) return self } /// Specifies a timeout to apply to a connection attempt. /// /// - parameters: /// - timeout: The timeout that will apply to the connection attempt. public func connectTimeout(_ timeout: TimeAmount) -> Self { self.connectTimeout = timeout return self } /// Specifies the `Resolver` to use or `nil` if the default should be used. /// /// - parameters: /// - resolver: The resolver that will be used during the connection attempt. public func resolver(_ resolver: Resolver?) -> Self { self.resolver = resolver return self } /// Enables multi-path TCP support. /// /// This option is only supported on some systems, and will lead to bind /// failing if the system does not support it. Users are recommended to /// only enable this in response to configuration or feature detection. /// /// > Note: Enabling this setting will re-enable Nagle's algorithm, even if it /// > had been disabled. This is a temporary workaround for a Linux kernel /// > limitation. /// /// - parameters: /// - value: Whether to enable MPTCP or not. public func enableMPTCP(_ value: Bool) -> Self { self.enableMPTCP = value // This is a temporary workaround until we get some stable Linux kernel // versions that support TCP_NODELAY and MPTCP. if value { self._channelOptions.remove(key: ChannelOptions.tcpOption(.tcp_nodelay)) } return self } /// Bind the `SocketChannel` to `address`. /// /// Using `bind` is not necessary unless you need the local address to be bound to a specific address. /// /// - note: Using `bind` will disable Happy Eyeballs on this `Channel`. /// /// - parameters: /// - address: The `SocketAddress` to bind on. public func bind(to address: SocketAddress) -> ClientBootstrap { self.bindTarget = address return self } func makeSocketChannel(eventLoop: EventLoop, protocolFamily: NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily) throws -> SocketChannel { return try SocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, protocolFamily: protocolFamily, enableMPTCP: self.enableMPTCP) } /// Specify the `host` and `port` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - parameters: /// - host: The host to connect to. /// - port: The port to connect to. /// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel` when connected. public func connect(host: String, port: Int) -> EventLoopFuture { let loop = self.group.next() let resolver = self.resolver ?? GetaddrinfoResolver(loop: loop, aiSocktype: .stream, aiProtocol: .tcp) let connector = HappyEyeballsConnector(resolver: resolver, loop: loop, host: host, port: port, connectTimeout: self.connectTimeout) { eventLoop, protocolFamily in return self.initializeAndRegisterNewChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: protocolFamily) { $0.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } } return connector.resolveAndConnect() } private func connect(freshChannel channel: Channel, address: SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { let connectPromise = channel.eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) channel.connect(to: address, promise: connectPromise) let cancelTask = channel.eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: self.connectTimeout) { connectPromise.fail(ChannelError.connectTimeout(self.connectTimeout)) channel.close(promise: nil) } connectPromise.futureResult.whenComplete { (_: Result) in cancelTask.cancel() } return connectPromise.futureResult } internal func testOnly_connect(injectedChannel: SocketChannel, to address: SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { return self.initializeAndRegisterChannel(injectedChannel) { channel in return self.connect(freshChannel: channel, address: address) } } /// Specify the `address` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - parameters: /// - address: The address to connect to. /// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel` when connected. public func connect(to address: SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { return self.initializeAndRegisterNewChannel(eventLoop: self.group.next(), protocolFamily: address.protocol) { channel in return self.connect(freshChannel: channel, address: address) } } /// Specify the `unixDomainSocket` path to connect to for the UDS `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The _Unix domain socket_ path to connect to. /// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel` when connected. public func connect(unixDomainSocketPath: String) -> EventLoopFuture { do { let address = try SocketAddress(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) return self.connect(to: address) } catch { return self.group.next().makeFailedFuture(error) } } #if !os(Windows) /// Use the existing connected socket file descriptor. /// /// - parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the connected stream socket. /// - returns: an `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel`. @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "withConnectedSocket(_:)") public func withConnectedSocket(descriptor: CInt) -> EventLoopFuture { return self.withConnectedSocket(descriptor) } #endif /// Use the existing connected socket file descriptor. /// /// - parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the connected stream socket. /// - returns: an `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel`. public func withConnectedSocket(_ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle) -> EventLoopFuture { let eventLoop = group.next() let channelInitializer = self.channelInitializer let channel: SocketChannel do { channel = try SocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, socket: socket) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } func setupChannel() -> EventLoopFuture { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return self._channelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: channel).flatMap { channelInitializer(channel) }.flatMap { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) channel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult }.map { channel }.flatMapError { error in channel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return channel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } } if eventLoop.inEventLoop { return setupChannel() } else { return eventLoop.flatSubmit { setupChannel() } } } private func initializeAndRegisterNewChannel(eventLoop: EventLoop, protocolFamily: NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily, _ body: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> EventLoopFuture { let channel: SocketChannel do { channel = try self.makeSocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: protocolFamily) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } return self.initializeAndRegisterChannel(channel, body) } private func initializeAndRegisterChannel(_ channel: SocketChannel, _ body: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> EventLoopFuture { let channelInitializer = self.channelInitializer let channelOptions = self._channelOptions let eventLoop = channel.eventLoop @inline(__always) func setupChannel() -> EventLoopFuture { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return channelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: channel).flatMap { if let bindTarget = self.bindTarget { return channel.bind(to: bindTarget).flatMap { channelInitializer(channel) } } else { return channelInitializer(channel) } }.flatMap { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return channel.registerAndDoSynchronously(body) }.map { channel }.flatMapError { error in channel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return channel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } } if eventLoop.inEventLoop { return setupChannel() } else { return eventLoop.flatSubmit { setupChannel() } } } } // MARK: Async connect methods with NIOAsyncChannel extension ClientBootstrap { /// Specify the `host` and `port` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - host: The host to connect to. /// - port: The port to connect to. /// - backpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the channel. /// - isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the channel. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the `NIOAsyncChannelWriter` will lead to half closure. /// - inboundType: The channel's inbound type. /// - outboundType: The channel's outbound type. /// - Returns: A `NIOAsyncChannel` for the established connection. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( host: String, port: Int, backpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false, inboundType: Inbound.Type = Inbound.self, outboundType: Outbound.Type = Outbound.self ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { return try await self.connect( host: host, port: port ) { channel in channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture { return try NIOAsyncChannel( synchronouslyWrapping: channel, backpressureStrategy: backpressureStrategy, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled, inboundType: inboundType, outboundType: outboundType ) } } } /// Specify the `address` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - address: The address to connect to. /// - backpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the channel. /// - isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the channel. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the `NIOAsyncChannelWriter` will lead to half closure. /// - inboundType: The channel's inbound type. /// - outboundType: The channel's outbound type. /// - Returns: A `NIOAsyncChannel` for the established connection. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( to address: SocketAddress, backpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false, inboundType: Inbound.Type = Inbound.self, outboundType: Outbound.Type = Outbound.self ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { return try await self.connect( to: address ) { channel in channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture { return try NIOAsyncChannel( synchronouslyWrapping: channel, backpressureStrategy: backpressureStrategy, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled, inboundType: inboundType, outboundType: outboundType ) } } } /// Specify the `unixDomainSocket` path to connect to for the UDS `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The _Unix domain socket_ path to connect to. /// - backpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the channel. /// - isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the channel. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the `NIOAsyncChannelWriter` will lead to half closure. /// - inboundType: The channel's inbound type. /// - outboundType: The channel's outbound type. /// - Returns: A `NIOAsyncChannel` for the established connection. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( unixDomainSocketPath: String, backpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false, inboundType: Inbound.Type = Inbound.self, outboundType: Outbound.Type = Outbound.self ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { return try await self.connect( unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath ) { channel in channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture { return try NIOAsyncChannel( synchronouslyWrapping: channel, backpressureStrategy: backpressureStrategy, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled, inboundType: inboundType, outboundType: outboundType ) } } } /// Use the existing connected socket file descriptor. /// /// - Parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the connected stream socket. /// - backpressureStrategy: The back pressure strategy used by the channel. /// - isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Indicates if half closure is enabled on the channel. If half closure is enabled /// then finishing the `NIOAsyncChannelWriter` will lead to half closure. /// - inboundType: The channel's inbound type. /// - outboundType: The channel's outbound type. /// - Returns: A `NIOAsyncChannel` for the established connection. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( _ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle, backpressureStrategy: NIOAsyncSequenceProducerBackPressureStrategies.HighLowWatermark? = nil, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: Bool = false, inboundType: Inbound.Type = Inbound.self, outboundType: Outbound.Type = Outbound.self ) async throws -> NIOAsyncChannel { return try await self.withConnectedSocket( socket ) { channel in channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture { return try NIOAsyncChannel( synchronouslyWrapping: channel, backpressureStrategy: backpressureStrategy, isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled: isOutboundHalfClosureEnabled, inboundType: inboundType, outboundType: outboundType ) } } } } // MARK: Async connect methods with protocol negotiation extension ClientBootstrap { /// Specify the `host` and `port` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - host: The host to connect to. /// - port: The port to connect to. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel which must return the handler that is used for negotiating /// the protocol. /// - Returns: The protocol negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( host: String, port: Int, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Handler.NegotiationResult { let eventLoop = self.group.next() return try await self.connect( host: host, port: port, eventLoop: eventLoop, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: { handler, eventLoop in handler.protocolNegotiationResult.flatMap { result in result.resolve(on: eventLoop) } } ) } /// Specify the `address` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - address: The address to connect to. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel which must return the handler that is used for negotiating /// the protocol. /// - Returns: The protocol negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( to address: SocketAddress, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Handler.NegotiationResult { return try await self.initializeAndRegisterNewChannel( eventLoop: self.group.next(), protocolFamily: address.protocol, channelInitializer: channelInitializer ) { channel in return self.connect(freshChannel: channel, address: address) }.get().1 } /// Specify the `unixDomainSocket` path to connect to for the UDS `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The _Unix domain socket_ path to connect to. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel which must return the handler that is used for negotiating /// the protocol. /// - Returns: The protocol negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( unixDomainSocketPath: String, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Handler.NegotiationResult { let address = try SocketAddress(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) return try await self.connect( to: address, channelInitializer: channelInitializer ) } /// Use the existing connected socket file descriptor. /// /// - Parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the connected stream socket. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel which must return the handler that is used for negotiating /// the protocol. /// - Returns: The protocol negotiation result. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func withConnectedSocket( _ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Handler.NegotiationResult { let eventLoop = group.next() return try await self.withConnectedSocket( eventLoop: eventLoop, socket: socket, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: { handler, eventLoop in handler.protocolNegotiationResult.flatMap { result in result.resolve(on: eventLoop) } } ) } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func initializeAndRegisterNewChannel( eventLoop: EventLoop, protocolFamily: NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, _ body: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) -> EventLoopFuture<(Channel, Handler.NegotiationResult)> { self.initializeAndRegisterNewChannel( eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: protocolFamily, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: { handler, eventLoop in handler.protocolNegotiationResult.flatMap { result in result.resolve(on: eventLoop) } }, body ) } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func initializeAndRegisterChannel( channel: SocketChannel, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, _ body: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) -> EventLoopFuture { self.initializeAndRegisterChannel( channel: channel, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, registration: { channel in channel.registerAndDoSynchronously(body) }, postRegisterTransformation: { handler, eventLoop in handler.protocolNegotiationResult.flatMap { result in result.resolve(on: channel.eventLoop) } } ) } } // MARK: Async connect methods with arbitrary payload extension ClientBootstrap { /// Specify the `host` and `port` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - host: The host to connect to. /// - port: The port to connect to. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel. The return value of this closure is returned from the `connect` /// method. /// - Returns: The result of the channel initializer. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( host: String, port: Int, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Output { let eventLoop = self.group.next() return try await self.connect( host: host, port: port, eventLoop: eventLoop, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: { output, eventLoop in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(output) } ) } /// Specify the `address` to connect to for the TCP `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - address: The address to connect to. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel. The return value of this closure is returned from the `connect` /// method. /// - Returns: The result of the channel initializer. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( to address: SocketAddress, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Output { let eventLoop = self.group.next() return try await self.initializeAndRegisterNewChannel( eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: address.protocol, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: { output, eventLoop in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(output) }, { channel in return self.connect(freshChannel: channel, address: address) }).get().1 } /// Specify the `unixDomainSocket` path to connect to for the UDS `Channel` that will be established. /// /// - Parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The _Unix domain socket_ path to connect to. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel. The return value of this closure is returned from the `connect` /// method. /// - Returns: The result of the channel initializer. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func connect( unixDomainSocketPath: String, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Output { let address = try SocketAddress(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) return try await self.connect( to: address, channelInitializer: channelInitializer ) } /// Use the existing connected socket file descriptor. /// /// - Parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the connected stream socket. /// - channelInitializer: A closure to initialize the channel. The return value of this closure is returned from the `connect` /// method. /// - Returns: The result of the channel initializer. @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) @_spi(AsyncChannel) public func withConnectedSocket( _ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> Output { let eventLoop = group.next() return try await self.withConnectedSocket( eventLoop: eventLoop, socket: socket, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: { output, eventLoop in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(output) } ) } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) func connect( host: String, port: Int, eventLoop: EventLoop, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, postRegisterTransformation: @escaping @Sendable (ChannelInitializerResult, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> PostRegistrationTransformationResult { let resolver = self.resolver ?? GetaddrinfoResolver( loop: eventLoop, aiSocktype: .stream, aiProtocol: .tcp ) let connector = HappyEyeballsConnector( resolver: resolver, loop: eventLoop, host: host, port: port, connectTimeout: self.connectTimeout ) { eventLoop, protocolFamily in return self.initializeAndRegisterNewChannel( eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: protocolFamily, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, postRegisterTransformation: postRegisterTransformation ) { $0.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } } return try await connector.resolveAndConnect().map { $0.1 }.get() } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func withConnectedSocket( eventLoop: EventLoop, socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, postRegisterTransformation: @escaping @Sendable (ChannelInitializerResult, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture ) async throws -> PostRegistrationTransformationResult { let channel = try SocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, socket: socket) return try await self.initializeAndRegisterChannel( channel: channel, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, registration: { channel in let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) channel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult }, postRegisterTransformation: postRegisterTransformation ).get() } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func initializeAndRegisterNewChannel( eventLoop: EventLoop, protocolFamily: NIOBSDSocket.ProtocolFamily, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, postRegisterTransformation: @escaping @Sendable (ChannelInitializerResult, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture, _ body: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture ) -> EventLoopFuture<(Channel, PostRegistrationTransformationResult)> { let channel: SocketChannel do { channel = try self.makeSocketChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: protocolFamily) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } return self.initializeAndRegisterChannel( channel: channel, channelInitializer: channelInitializer, registration: { channel in channel.registerAndDoSynchronously(body) }, postRegisterTransformation: postRegisterTransformation ).map { (channel, $0) } } @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) private func initializeAndRegisterChannel( channel: SocketChannel, channelInitializer: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, registration: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture, postRegisterTransformation: @escaping @Sendable (ChannelInitializerResult, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture ) -> EventLoopFuture { let channelInitializer = { channel in return self.channelInitializer(channel) .flatMap { channelInitializer(channel) } } let channelOptions = self._channelOptions let eventLoop = channel.eventLoop let bindTarget = self.bindTarget @inline(__always) @Sendable func setupChannel() -> EventLoopFuture { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return channelOptions .applyAllChannelOptions(to: channel) .flatMap { if let bindTarget = bindTarget { return channel .bind(to: bindTarget) .flatMap { channelInitializer(channel) } } else { return channelInitializer(channel) } }.flatMap { (result: ChannelInitializerResult) in eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return registration(channel).map { result } }.flatMap { (result: ChannelInitializerResult) -> EventLoopFuture in postRegisterTransformation(result, eventLoop) }.flatMapError { error in eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() channel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return channel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } } if eventLoop.inEventLoop { return setupChannel() } else { return eventLoop.flatSubmit { setupChannel() } } } } @available(*, unavailable) extension ClientBootstrap: Sendable {} /// A `DatagramBootstrap` is an easy way to bootstrap a `DatagramChannel` when creating datagram clients /// and servers. /// /// Example: /// /// ```swift /// let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1) /// defer { /// try! group.syncShutdownGracefully() /// } /// let bootstrap = DatagramBootstrap(group: group) /// // Enable SO_REUSEADDR. /// .channelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1) /// .channelInitializer { channel in /// channel.pipeline.addHandler(MyChannelHandler()) /// } /// let channel = try! bootstrap.bind(host: "", port: 53).wait() /// /* the Channel is now ready to send/receive datagrams */ /// /// try channel.closeFuture.wait() // Wait until the channel un-binds. /// ``` /// /// The `DatagramChannel` will operate on `AddressedEnvelope` as inbound and outbound messages. public final class DatagramBootstrap { private let group: EventLoopGroup private var channelInitializer: Optional @usableFromInline internal var _channelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage /// Create a `DatagramBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`. /// /// The `EventLoopGroup` `group` must be compatible, otherwise the program will crash. `DatagramBootstrap` is /// compatible only with `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup` as well as the `EventLoop`s returned by /// `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.next`. See `init(validatingGroup:)` for a fallible initializer for /// situations where it's impossible to tell ahead of time if the `EventLoopGroup` is compatible or not. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use. public convenience init(group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { preconditionFailure("DatagramBootstrap is only compatible with MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup and " + "SelectableEventLoop. You tried constructing one with \(group) which is incompatible.") } self.init(validatingGroup: group)! } /// Create a `DatagramBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`, validating that `group` is compatible. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use. public init?(validatingGroup group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { return nil } self._channelOptions = ChannelOptions.Storage() self.group = group self.channelInitializer = nil } #if swift(>=5.7) /// Initialize the bound `DatagramChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// - parameters: /// - handler: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. @preconcurrency public func channelInitializer(_ handler: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.channelInitializer = handler return self } #else /// Initialize the bound `DatagramChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// - parameters: /// - handler: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. public func channelInitializer(_ handler: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.channelInitializer = handler return self } #endif /// Specifies a `ChannelOption` to be applied to the `DatagramChannel`. /// /// - parameters: /// - option: The option to be applied. /// - value: The value for the option. @inlinable public func channelOption(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) -> Self { self._channelOptions.append(key: option, value: value) return self } #if !os(Windows) /// Use the existing bound socket file descriptor. /// /// - parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the bound datagram socket. @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "withBoundSocket(_:)") public func withBoundSocket(descriptor: CInt) -> EventLoopFuture { return self.withBoundSocket(descriptor) } #endif /// Use the existing bound socket file descriptor. /// /// - parameters: /// - descriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ representing the bound datagram socket. public func withBoundSocket(_ socket: NIOBSDSocket.Handle) -> EventLoopFuture { func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop) throws -> DatagramChannel { return try DatagramChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, socket: socket) } return withNewChannel(makeChannel: makeChannel) { (eventLoop, channel) in let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) channel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult } } /// Bind the `DatagramChannel` to `host` and `port`. /// /// - parameters: /// - host: The host to bind on. /// - port: The port to bind on. public func bind(host: String, port: Int) -> EventLoopFuture { return bind0 { return try SocketAddress.makeAddressResolvingHost(host, port: port) } } /// Bind the `DatagramChannel` to `address`. /// /// - parameters: /// - address: The `SocketAddress` to bind on. public func bind(to address: SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { return bind0 { address } } /// Bind the `DatagramChannel` to a UNIX Domain Socket. /// /// - parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The path of the UNIX Domain Socket to bind on. `path` must not exist, it will be created by the system. public func bind(unixDomainSocketPath: String) -> EventLoopFuture { return bind0 { return try SocketAddress(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } } /// Bind the `DatagramChannel` to a UNIX Domain Socket. /// /// - parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The path of the UNIX Domain Socket to bind on. The`unixDomainSocketPath` must not exist, /// unless `cleanupExistingSocketFile`is set to `true`. /// - cleanupExistingSocketFile: Whether to cleanup an existing socket file at `unixDomainSocketPath`. public func bind(unixDomainSocketPath: String, cleanupExistingSocketFile: Bool) -> EventLoopFuture { if cleanupExistingSocketFile { do { try BaseSocket.cleanupSocket(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } catch { return group.next().makeFailedFuture(error) } } return self.bind(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } private func bind0(_ makeSocketAddress: () throws -> SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { let address: SocketAddress do { address = try makeSocketAddress() } catch { return group.next().makeFailedFuture(error) } func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop) throws -> DatagramChannel { return try DatagramChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: address.protocol, protocolSubtype: .default) } return withNewChannel(makeChannel: makeChannel) { (eventLoop, channel) in channel.register().flatMap { channel.bind(to: address) } } } /// Connect the `DatagramChannel` to `host` and `port`. /// /// - parameters: /// - host: The host to connect to. /// - port: The port to connect to. public func connect(host: String, port: Int) -> EventLoopFuture { return connect0 { return try SocketAddress.makeAddressResolvingHost(host, port: port) } } /// Connect the `DatagramChannel` to `address`. /// /// - parameters: /// - address: The `SocketAddress` to connect to. public func connect(to address: SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { return connect0 { address } } /// Connect the `DatagramChannel` to a UNIX Domain Socket. /// /// - parameters: /// - unixDomainSocketPath: The path of the UNIX Domain Socket to connect to. `path` must not exist, it will be created by the system. public func connect(unixDomainSocketPath: String) -> EventLoopFuture { return connect0 { return try SocketAddress(unixDomainSocketPath: unixDomainSocketPath) } } private func connect0(_ makeSocketAddress: () throws -> SocketAddress) -> EventLoopFuture { let address: SocketAddress do { address = try makeSocketAddress() } catch { return group.next().makeFailedFuture(error) } func makeChannel(_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop) throws -> DatagramChannel { return try DatagramChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop, protocolFamily: address.protocol, protocolSubtype: .default) } return withNewChannel(makeChannel: makeChannel) { (eventLoop, channel) in channel.register().flatMap { channel.connect(to: address) } } } private func withNewChannel(makeChannel: (_ eventLoop: SelectableEventLoop) throws -> DatagramChannel, _ bringup: @escaping (EventLoop, DatagramChannel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> EventLoopFuture { let eventLoop = self.group.next() let channelInitializer = self.channelInitializer ?? { _ in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } let channelOptions = self._channelOptions let channel: DatagramChannel do { channel = try makeChannel(eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } func setupChannel() -> EventLoopFuture { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return channelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: channel).flatMap { channelInitializer(channel) }.flatMap { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return bringup(eventLoop, channel) }.map { channel }.flatMapError { error in eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } } if eventLoop.inEventLoop { return setupChannel() } else { return eventLoop.flatSubmit { setupChannel() } } } } @available(*, unavailable) extension DatagramBootstrap: Sendable {} /// A `NIOPipeBootstrap` is an easy way to bootstrap a `PipeChannel` which uses two (uni-directional) UNIX pipes /// and makes a `Channel` out of them. /// /// Example bootstrapping a `Channel` using `stdin` and `stdout`: /// /// let channel = try NIOPipeBootstrap(group: group) /// .channelInitializer { channel in /// channel.pipeline.addHandler(MyChannelHandler()) /// } /// .withPipes(inputDescriptor: STDIN_FILENO, outputDescriptor: STDOUT_FILENO) /// public final class NIOPipeBootstrap { private let group: EventLoopGroup private var channelInitializer: Optional @usableFromInline internal var _channelOptions: ChannelOptions.Storage /// Create a `NIOPipeBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`. /// /// The `EventLoopGroup` `group` must be compatible, otherwise the program will crash. `NIOPipeBootstrap` is /// compatible only with `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup` as well as the `EventLoop`s returned by /// `MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.next`. See `init(validatingGroup:)` for a fallible initializer for /// situations where it's impossible to tell ahead of time if the `EventLoopGroup`s are compatible or not. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use. public convenience init(group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { preconditionFailure("NIOPipeBootstrap is only compatible with MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup and " + "SelectableEventLoop. You tried constructing one with \(group) which is incompatible.") } self.init(validatingGroup: group)! } /// Create a `NIOPipeBootstrap` on the `EventLoopGroup` `group`, validating that `group` is compatible. /// /// - parameters: /// - group: The `EventLoopGroup` to use. public init?(validatingGroup group: EventLoopGroup) { guard NIOOnSocketsBootstraps.isCompatible(group: group) else { return nil } self._channelOptions = ChannelOptions.Storage() self.group = group self.channelInitializer = nil } #if swift(>=5.7) /// Initialize the connected `PipeChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// The connected `Channel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and outbound messages. Please note that /// `IOData.fileRegion` is _not_ supported for `PipeChannel`s because `sendfile` only works on sockets. /// /// - parameters: /// - handler: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. @preconcurrency public func channelInitializer(_ handler: @escaping @Sendable (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.channelInitializer = handler return self } #else /// Initialize the connected `PipeChannel` with `initializer`. The most common task in initializer is to add /// `ChannelHandler`s to the `ChannelPipeline`. /// /// The connected `Channel` will operate on `ByteBuffer` as inbound and outbound messages. Please note that /// `IOData.fileRegion` is _not_ supported for `PipeChannel`s because `sendfile` only works on sockets. /// /// - parameters: /// - handler: A closure that initializes the provided `Channel`. public func channelInitializer(_ handler: @escaping (Channel) -> EventLoopFuture) -> Self { self.channelInitializer = handler return self } #endif /// Specifies a `ChannelOption` to be applied to the `PipeChannel`. /// /// - parameters: /// - option: The option to be applied. /// - value: The value for the option. @inlinable public func channelOption(_ option: Option, value: Option.Value) -> Self { self._channelOptions.append(key: option, value: value) return self } private func validateFileDescriptorIsNotAFile(_ descriptor: CInt) throws { #if os(Windows) // NOTE: this is a *non-owning* handle, do *NOT* call `CloseHandle` let hFile: HANDLE = HANDLE(bitPattern: _get_osfhandle(descriptor))! if hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE { throw IOError(errnoCode: EBADF, reason: "_get_osfhandle") } // The check here is different from other platforms as the file types on // Windows are different. SOCKETs and files are different domains, and // as a result we know that the descriptor is not a socket. The only // other type of file it could be is either character or disk, neither // of which support the operations here. switch GetFileType(hFile) { case DWORD(FILE_TYPE_PIPE): break default: throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported } #else var s: stat = .init() try withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &s) { ptr in try Posix.fstat(descriptor: descriptor, outStat: ptr) } switch s.st_mode & S_IFMT { case S_IFREG, S_IFDIR, S_IFLNK, S_IFBLK: throw ChannelError.operationUnsupported default: () // Let's default to ok } #endif } /// Create the `PipeChannel` with the provided file descriptor which is used for both input & output. /// /// This method is useful for specialilsed use-cases where you want to use `NIOPipeBootstrap` for say a serial line. /// /// - note: If this method returns a succeeded future, SwiftNIO will close `fileDescriptor` when the `Channel` /// becomes inactive. You _must not_ do any further operations with `fileDescriptor`, including `close`. /// If this method returns a failed future, you still own the file descriptor and are responsible for /// closing it. /// /// - parameters: /// - fileDescriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ for the input & output. /// - returns: an `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel`. public func withInputOutputDescriptor(_ fileDescriptor: CInt) -> EventLoopFuture { let inputFD = fileDescriptor let outputFD = try! Posix.dup(descriptor: fileDescriptor) return self.withPipes(inputDescriptor: inputFD, outputDescriptor: outputFD).flatMapErrorThrowing { error in try! Posix.close(descriptor: outputFD) throw error } } /// Create the `PipeChannel` with the provided input and output file descriptors. /// /// The input and output file descriptors must be distinct. If you have a single file descriptor, consider using /// `ClientBootstrap.withConnectedSocket(descriptor:)` if it's a socket or /// `NIOPipeBootstrap.withInputOutputDescriptor` if it is not a socket. /// /// - note: If this method returns a succeeded future, SwiftNIO will close `inputDescriptor` and `outputDescriptor` /// when the `Channel` becomes inactive. You _must not_ do any further operations `inputDescriptor` or /// `outputDescriptor`, including `close`. /// If this method returns a failed future, you still own the file descriptors and are responsible for /// closing them. /// /// - parameters: /// - inputDescriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ for the input (ie. the read side). /// - outputDescriptor: The _Unix file descriptor_ for the output (ie. the write side). /// - returns: an `EventLoopFuture` to deliver the `Channel`. public func withPipes(inputDescriptor: CInt, outputDescriptor: CInt) -> EventLoopFuture { precondition(inputDescriptor >= 0 && outputDescriptor >= 0 && inputDescriptor != outputDescriptor, "illegal file descriptor pair. The file descriptors \(inputDescriptor), \(outputDescriptor) " + "must be distinct and both positive integers.") let eventLoop = group.next() do { try self.validateFileDescriptorIsNotAFile(inputDescriptor) try self.validateFileDescriptorIsNotAFile(outputDescriptor) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } let channelInitializer = self.channelInitializer ?? { _ in eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(()) } let channel: PipeChannel do { let inputFH = NIOFileHandle(descriptor: inputDescriptor) let outputFH = NIOFileHandle(descriptor: outputDescriptor) channel = try PipeChannel(eventLoop: eventLoop as! SelectableEventLoop, inputPipe: inputFH, outputPipe: outputFH) } catch { return eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } func setupChannel() -> EventLoopFuture { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() return self._channelOptions.applyAllChannelOptions(to: channel).flatMap { channelInitializer(channel) }.flatMap { eventLoop.assertInEventLoop() let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self) channel.registerAlreadyConfigured0(promise: promise) return promise.futureResult }.map { channel }.flatMapError { error in channel.close0(error: error, mode: .all, promise: nil) return channel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error) } } if eventLoop.inEventLoop { return setupChannel() } else { return eventLoop.flatSubmit { setupChannel() } } } } extension NIOProtocolNegotiationResult { func resolve(on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture { Self.resolve(on: eventLoop, result: self) } static func resolve(on eventLoop: EventLoop, result: Self) -> EventLoopFuture { switch result { case .finished(let negotiationResult): return eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(negotiationResult) case .deferredResult(let future): return future.flatMap { result in return resolve(on: eventLoop, result: result) } } } } @available(*, unavailable) extension NIOPipeBootstrap: Sendable {}