ByteBuffer documentation (final part 2)

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Weiss 2017-12-04 11:51:17 +00:00
parent 3da9f09d0a
commit 9b593d0f8d
4 changed files with 200 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,13 @@
extension ByteBuffer {
// MARK: Bytes ([UInt8]) APIs
/// Get `length` bytes starting at `index` and return the result as `[UInt8]`. This will not change the reader index.
/// - parameters:
/// - index: The starting index of the bytes of interest into the `ByteBuffer`.
/// - length: The number of bytes of interest.
/// - returns: A `[UInt8]` value containing the bytes of interest or `nil` if the `ByteBuffer` doesn't contain those bytes.
public func bytes(at index: Int, length: Int) -> [UInt8]? {
precondition(index >= 0, "index must not be negative")
precondition(length >= 0, "length must not be negative")
@ -34,6 +41,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Read `length` bytes off this `ByteBuffer`, move the reader index forward by `length` bytes and return the result
/// as `[UInt8]`.
/// - parameters:
/// - length: The number of bytes to be read from this `ByteBuffer`.
/// - returns: A `[UInt8]` value containing `length` bytes or `nil` if there aren't at least `length` bytes readable.
public mutating func readBytes(length: Int) -> [UInt8]? {
precondition(length >= 0, "length must not be negative")
guard self.readableBytes >= length else {
@ -46,6 +59,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
// MARK: StaticString APIs
/// Write the static `string` into this `ByteBuffer` using UTF-8 encoding, moving the writer index forward appropriately.
/// - parameters:
/// - string: The string to write.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func write(staticString string: StaticString) -> Int {
let written = self.set(staticString: string, at: self.writerIndex)
@ -53,6 +72,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
return written
/// Write the static `string` into this `ByteBuffer` at `index` using UTF-8 encoding, moving the writer index forward appropriately.
/// - parameters:
/// - string: The string to write.
/// - index: The index for the first serialized byte.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func set(staticString string: StaticString, at index: Int) -> Int {
return string.withUTF8Buffer { ptr -> Int in
return self.set(bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer(ptr), at: index)
@ -60,6 +85,11 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
// MARK: String APIs
/// Write `string` into this `ByteBuffer` using UTF-8 encoding, moving the writer index forward appropriately.
/// - parameters:
/// - string: The string to write.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func write(string: String) -> Int? {
if let written = self.set(string: string, at: self.writerIndex) {
@ -70,11 +100,23 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Write `string` into this `ByteBuffer` at `index` using UTF-8 encoding. Does not move the writer index.
/// - parameters:
/// - string: The string to write.
/// - index: The index for the first serialized byte.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func set(string: String, at index: Int) -> Int? {
return self.set(bytes: string.utf8, at: index)
/// Get the string at `index` from this `ByteBuffer` decoding using the UTF-8 encoding. Does not move the reader index.
/// - parameters:
/// - index: The starting index into `ByteBuffer` containing the string of interest.
/// - length: The number of bytes making up the string.
/// - returns: A `String` value deserialized from this `ByteBuffer` or `nil` if the requested bytes aren't contained in this `ByteBuffer`.
public func string(at index: Int, length: Int) -> String? {
precondition(index >= 0, "index must not be negative")
precondition(length >= 0, "length must not be negative")
@ -87,6 +129,11 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Read `length` bytes off this `ByteBuffer`, decoding it as `String` using the UTF-8 encoding. Does not move the reader index.
/// - parameters:
/// - length: The number of bytes making up the string.
/// - returns: A `String` value deserialized from this `ByteBuffer` or `nil` if there aren't at least `length` bytes readable.
public mutating func readString(length: Int) -> String? {
precondition(length >= 0, "length must not be negative")
guard self.readableBytes >= length else {
@ -99,30 +146,69 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
// MARK: Other APIs
/// Yields an immutable buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes. Will move the reader index
/// by the number of bytes returned by `fn`.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and returns the number of bytes it processed.
/// - returns: The number of bytes read.
public mutating func readWithUnsafeReadableBytes(_ fn: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Int) rethrows -> Int {
let bytesRead = try self.withUnsafeReadableBytes(fn)
self.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: bytesRead)
return bytesRead
/// Yields an immutable buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes. Will move the reader index
/// by the number of bytes `fn` returns in the first tuple component.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and returns the number of bytes it processed along with some other value.
/// - returns: The value `fn` returned in the second tuple component.
public mutating func readWithUnsafeReadableBytes<T>(_ fn: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> (Int, T)) rethrows -> T {
let (bytesRead, ret) = try self.withUnsafeReadableBytes(fn)
self.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: bytesRead)
return ret
/// Yields a mutable buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes. You may modify the yielded bytes.
/// Will move the reader index by the number of bytes returned by `fn` but leave writer index as it was.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and returns the number of bytes it processed.
/// - returns: The number of bytes read.
public mutating func readWithUnsafeMutableReadableBytes(_ fn: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Int) rethrows -> Int {
let bytesRead = try self.withUnsafeMutableReadableBytes(fn)
self.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: bytesRead)
return bytesRead
/// Yields a mutable buffer pointer containing this `ByteBuffer`'s readable bytes. You may modify the yielded bytes.
/// Will move the reader index by the number of bytes `fn` returns in the first tuple component but leave writer index as it was.
/// - warning: Do not escape the pointer from the closure for later use.
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and returns the number of bytes it processed along with some other value.
/// - returns: The value `fn` returned in the second tuple component.
public mutating func readWithUnsafeMutableReadableBytes<T>(_ fn: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> (Int, T)) rethrows -> T {
let (bytesRead, ret) = try self.withUnsafeMutableReadableBytes(fn)
self.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: bytesRead)
return ret
/// Copy `buffer`'s readable bytes into this `ByteBuffer` starting at `index`. Does not move any of the reader or writer indices.
/// - parameters:
/// - buffer: The `ByteBuffer` to copy.
/// - index: The index for the first byte.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func set(buffer: ByteBuffer, at index: Int) -> Int {
return buffer.withUnsafeReadableBytes{ p in
@ -130,6 +216,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Write `buffer`'s readable bytes into this `ByteBuffer` starting at `writerIndex`. This will move both this
/// `ByteBuffer`'s writer index as well as `buffer`'s reader index by the number of bytes readable in `buffer`.
/// - parameters:
/// - buffer: The `ByteBuffer` to write.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written to this `ByteBuffer` which is equal to the number of bytes read from `buffer`.
public mutating func write(buffer: inout ByteBuffer) -> Int {
let written = set(buffer: buffer, at: writerIndex)
@ -138,6 +230,11 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
return written
/// Write `bytes`, a `Collection` of `UInt8` into this `ByteBuffer`. Moves the writer index forward by the number of bytes written.
/// - parameters:
/// - bytes: A `Collection` of `UInt8` to be written.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written or `bytes.count`.
public mutating func write<S: Collection>(bytes: S) -> Int where S.Element == UInt8 {
let written = set(bytes: bytes, at: self.writerIndex)
@ -145,6 +242,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
return written
/// Write `bytes`, a `ContiguousCollection` of `UInt8` into this `ByteBuffer`. Moves the writer index forward by the number of bytes written.
/// This method is likely more efficient than the one operating on plain `Collection` as it will use `memcpy` to copy all the bytes in one go.
/// - parameters:
/// - bytes: A `ContiguousCollection` of `UInt8` to be written.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written or `bytes.count`.
public mutating func write<S: ContiguousCollection>(bytes: S) -> Int where S.Element == UInt8 {
let written = set(bytes: bytes, at: self.writerIndex)
@ -152,10 +255,25 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
return written
/// Slice the readable bytes off this `ByteBuffer` without modifying the reader index. This method will return a
/// `ByteBuffer` sharing the underlying storage with the `ByteBuffer` the method was invoked on. The returned
/// `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes in the range `readerIndex..<writerIndex` of the original `ByteBuffer`.
/// - returns: A `ByteBuffer` sharing storage containing the readable bytes only.
public func slice() -> ByteBuffer {
return slice(at: self.readerIndex, length: self.readableBytes)!
/// Slice `length` bytes off this `ByteBuffer` and move the reader index forward by `length`.
/// If enough bytes are readable the `ByteBuffer` returned by this method will share the underlying storage with
/// the `ByteBuffer` the method was invoked on.
/// The returned `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes in the range `readerIndex..<(readerIndex + length)` of the
/// original `ByteBuffer`.
/// The `readerIndex` of the returned `ByteBuffer` will be `0`, the `writerIndex` will be `length`.
/// - parameters:
/// - length: The number of bytes to slice off.
/// - returns: A `ByteBuffer` sharing storage containing `length` bytes or `nil` if the not enough bytes were readable.
public mutating func readSlice(length: Int) -> ByteBuffer? {
precondition(length >= 0, "length must not be negative")
guard self.readableBytes >= length else {
@ -168,6 +286,9 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Set both reader index and writer index to `0`. This will reset the state of this `ByteBuffer` to the state
/// of a freshly allocated one without doing any allocations. This is the cheapest way to recycle a `ByteBuffer`
/// for a new use-case.
public mutating func clear() {
self.moveWriterIndex(to: 0)
self.moveReaderIndex(to: 0)
@ -175,6 +296,9 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
extension ByteBuffer: Equatable {
// TODO: I don't think this makes sense. This should compare bytes 0..<writerIndex instead.
/// Compare two `ByteBuffer` values. Two `ByteBuffer` values are considered equal if the readable bytes are equal.
public static func ==(lhs: ByteBuffer, rhs: ByteBuffer) -> Bool {
guard lhs.readableBytes == rhs.readableBytes else {
return false

View File

@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
allocator: allocator)
public func dumpBytes(slice: Slice) -> String {
public func dumpBytes(slice: Slice, offset: Int, length: Int) -> String {
var desc = "["
for i in slice.lowerBound ..< min(slice.lowerBound + 32, slice.upperBound) {
for i in Int(slice.lowerBound) + offset ..< Int(slice.lowerBound) + offset + length {
desc += String(format: " %02x", self.bytes.advanced(by: Int(i)).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self).pointee)
desc += " ]"
@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes.
/// - returns: The value returned by `fn`.
public mutating func withUnsafeMutableReadableBytes<T>(_ fn: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
return try fn(UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(start: self._storage.bytes.advanced(by: Int(self._slice.lowerBound + self._readerIndex)),
@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and return the number of bytes written.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes(_ fn: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Int) rethrows -> Int {
@ -365,6 +367,7 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes.
/// - returns: The value returned by `fn`.
public func withUnsafeReadableBytes<T>(_ fn: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
return try fn(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: self._storage.bytes.advanced(by: Int(self._slice.lowerBound + self._readerIndex)),
count: self.readableBytes))
@ -380,6 +383,7 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
/// - parameters:
/// - fn: The closure that will accept the yielded bytes and the `storageManagement`.
/// - returns: The value returned by `fn`.
public func withUnsafeReadableBytesWithStorageManagement<T>(_ fn: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer, Unmanaged<AnyObject>) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
let storageReference: Unmanaged<AnyObject> = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self._storage)
return try fn(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: self._storage.bytes.advanced(by: Int(self._slice.lowerBound + self._readerIndex)),
@ -396,6 +400,7 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
/// Returns a slice of size `length` bytes, starting at `index`. The `ByteBuffer` this is invoked on and the
/// `ByteBuffer` returned will share the same underlying storage. However, the byte at `index` in this `ByteBuffer`
/// will correspond to index `0` in the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// The `readerIndex` of the returned `ByteBuffer` will be `0`, the `writerIndex` will be `length`.
/// - parameters:
/// - index: The index the requested slice starts at.
@ -418,7 +423,7 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
/// Discard the bytes before the reader index. The byte at index `readerIndex` before calling this method will be
/// at index `0` after the call returns.
/// - returns `true` if one or more bytes have been discarded, `false` if there are no bytes to discard.
/// - returns: `true` if one or more bytes have been discarded, `false` if there are no bytes to discard.
@discardableResult public mutating func discardReadBytes() -> Bool {
guard self._readerIndex > 0 else {
return false
@ -451,8 +456,34 @@ public struct ByteBuffer {
extension ByteBuffer: CustomStringConvertible {
/// A `String` describing this `ByteBuffer`. Example:
/// ByteBuffer { readerIndex: 0, writerIndex: 4, readableBytes: 4, capacity: 512, slice: 256..<768, storage: 0x0000000103001000 (1024 bytes)}
/// The format of the description is not API.
/// - returns: A description of this `ByteBuffer`.
public var description: String {
return "ByteBuffer { readerIndex: \(self.readerIndex), writerIndex: \(self.writerIndex), bytes: \(self._storage.dumpBytes(slice: self._slice)) }"
return "ByteBuffer { " +
/* this */ "readerIndex: \(self.readerIndex), " +
/* is */ "writerIndex: \(self.writerIndex), " +
/* to */ "readableBytes: \(self.readableBytes), " +
/* help */ "capacity: \(self.capacity), " +
/* Xcode */ "slice: \(self._slice), " +
/* indent */ "storage: \(self._storage.bytes) (\(self._storage.capacity) bytes)" +
/* */ "}"
/// A `String` describing this `ByteBuffer` with some portion of the readable bytes dumped too. Example:
/// ByteBuffer { readerIndex: 0, writerIndex: 4, readableBytes: 4, capacity: 512, slice: 256..<768, storage: 0x0000000103001000 (1024 bytes)}
/// readable bytes (max 1k): [ 00 01 02 03 ]
/// The format of the description is not API.
/// - returns: A description of this `ByteBuffer` useful for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return "\(self.description)\nreadable bytes (max 1k): \(self._storage.dumpBytes(slice: self._slice, offset: self.readerIndex, length: min(1024, self.readableBytes)))"

View File

@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ extension Data: ContiguousCollection {
extension ByteBuffer {
// MARK: Data APIs
/// Read `length` bytes off this `ByteBuffer`, move the reader index forward by `length` bytes and return the result
/// as `Data`.
/// - parameters:
/// - length: The number of bytes to be read from this `ByteBuffer`.
/// - returns: A `Data` value containing `length` bytes of `Data` or `nil` if there aren't at least `length` bytes readable.
/// - returns: A `Data` value containing `length` bytes or `nil` if there aren't at least `length` bytes readable.
public mutating func readData(length: Int) -> Data? {
precondition(length >= 0, "length must not be negative")
guard self.readableBytes >= length else {
@ -61,6 +62,13 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Get a `String` decoding `length` bytes starting at `index` with `encoding`. This will not change the reader index.
/// - parameters:
/// - index: The starting index of the bytes of interest into the `ByteBuffer`.
/// - length: The number of bytes of interest.
/// - encoding: The `String` encoding to be used.
/// - returns: A `String` value containing the bytes of interest or `nil` if the `ByteBuffer` doesn't contain those bytes.
public func string(at index: Int, length: Int, encoding: String.Encoding) -> String? {
guard let data = index, length: length) else {
return nil

View File

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Read an integer off this `ByteBuffer`, move the reader index forward by the integer's byte size and return the result.
/// - parameters:
/// - endianness: The endianness of the integer in this `ByteBuffer` (defaults to big endian).
/// - returns: An integer value deserialized from this `ByteBuffer` or `nil` if there aren't enough bytes readable.
public mutating func readInteger<T: FixedWidthInteger>(endianness: Endianness = .big) -> T? {
guard self.readableBytes >= MemoryLayout<T>.size else {
return nil
@ -32,6 +37,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
return value
/// Get the integer at `index` from this `ByteBuffer`. Does not move the reader index.
/// - parameters:
/// - index: The starting index of the bytes for the integer into the `ByteBuffer`.
/// - endianness: The endianness of the integer in this `ByteBuffer` (defaults to big endian).
/// - returns: An integer value deserialized from this `ByteBuffer` or `nil` if the bytes of interest aren't contained in the `ByteBuffer`.
public func integer<T: FixedWidthInteger>(at index: Int, endianness: Endianness = Endianness.big) -> T? {
precondition(index >= 0, "index must not be negative")
return self.withVeryUnsafeBytes { ptr in
@ -47,6 +58,12 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
/// Write `integer` into this `ByteBuffer`, moving the writer index forward appropriately.
/// - parameters:
/// - integer: The integer to serialize.
/// - endianness: The endianness to use, defaults to big endian.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func write<T: FixedWidthInteger>(integer: T, endianness: Endianness = .big) -> Int {
let bytesWritten = self.set(integer: integer, at: self.writerIndex, endianness: endianness)
@ -54,6 +71,13 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
return Int(bytesWritten)
/// Write `integer` into this `ByteBuffer` starting at `index`. This does not alter the writer index.
/// - parameters:
/// - integer: The integer to serialize.
/// - index: The index of the first byte to write.
/// - endianness: The endianness to use, defaults to big endian.
/// - returns: The number of bytes written.
public mutating func set<T: FixedWidthInteger>(integer: T, at index: Int, endianness: Endianness = .big) -> Int {
var value = toEndianness(value: integer, endianness: endianness)
@ -64,6 +88,7 @@ extension ByteBuffer {
extension UInt64 {
/// Returns the next power of two.
public func nextPowerOf2() -> UInt64 {
guard self > 0 else {
return 1
@ -85,6 +110,7 @@ extension UInt64 {
extension UInt32 {
/// Returns the next power of two.
public func nextPowerOf2() -> UInt32 {
guard self > 0 else {
return 1
@ -104,7 +130,10 @@ extension UInt32 {
/// Endianness refers to the sequential order in which bytes are arranged into larger numerical values when stored in
/// memory or when transmitted over digital links.
public enum Endianness {
/// The endianness of the machine running this program.
public static let host: Endianness = hostEndianness0()
private static func hostEndianness0() -> Endianness {
@ -112,7 +141,10 @@ public enum Endianness {
return number == number.bigEndian ? .big : .little
/// big endian, the most significat byte (MSB) is at the lowest address
case big
/// little endian, the least significat byte (LSB) is at the lowest address
case little