non-blocking file IO

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Weiss 2018-02-07 17:25:45 +00:00
parent 676453c8b9
commit 755ea5aedc
17 changed files with 1089 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ let sysFree = free
/// The preferred allocator for `ByteBuffer` values. The allocation strategy is opaque but is currently libc's
/// `malloc`, `realloc` and `free`.
/// - note: `ByteBufferAllocator` is thread-safe.
public struct ByteBufferAllocator {
/// Create a fresh `ByteBufferAllocator`. In the future the allocator might use for example allocation pools and

View File

@ -101,7 +101,18 @@ extension FileRegion {
/// - readerIndex: the index (offset) on which the reading will start.
/// - endIndex: the index which represents the end of the readable portion.
public convenience init(file: String, readerIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) throws {
let fd = try file, oFlag: O_RDONLY)
let fd = try file, oFlag: O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)
self.init(descriptor: Int32(fd), readerIndex: readerIndex, endIndex: endIndex)
/// Create a new `FileRegion` forming a complete file.
/// - parameters:
/// - file: the name of the file to open. The ownership of the file descriptor is transferred to this `FileRegion` and so it will be closed once `close` is called.
public convenience init(file: String) throws {
let fd = try file, oFlag: O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)
let eof = try Posix.lseek(descriptor: fd, offset: 0, whence: SEEK_END)
try Posix.lseek(descriptor: fd, offset: 0, whence: SEEK_SET)
self.init(descriptor: Int32(fd), readerIndex: 0, endIndex: Int(eof))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
import Dispatch
private final class FileIOThreadPool {
public enum WorkItemState {
case active
case cancelled
public typealias WorkItem = (WorkItemState) -> Void
private enum State {
/// The `FileIOThreadPool` is already stopped.
case stopped
/// The `FileIOThreadPool` is shutting down, the array has one boolean entry for each thread indicating if it has shut down already.
case shuttingDown([Bool])
/// The `FileIOThreadPool` is up and running, the `CircularBuffer` containing the yet unprocessed `WorkItems`.
case running(CircularBuffer<WorkItem>)
private let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
private let lock = Lock()
private let queues: [DispatchQueue]
private var state: State = .stopped
private let numberOfThreads: Int
public func shutdownGracefully(queue: DispatchQueue, _ callback: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let g = DispatchGroup()
self.lock.withLock {
switch self.state {
case .running(let items):
items.forEach { $0(.cancelled) }
self.state = .shuttingDown(Array(repeating: true, count: numberOfThreads))
(0..<numberOfThreads).forEach { _ in
case .shuttingDown, .stopped:
self.queues.forEach { q in
q.async(group: g) {}
g.notify(queue: queue) {
public func submit(_ fn: @escaping WorkItem) {
let item = self.lock.withLock { () -> WorkItem? in
switch self.state {
case .running(var items):
self.state = .running(items)
return nil
case .shuttingDown, .stopped:
return fn
/* if item couldn't be added run it immediately indicating that it couldn't be run */ { $0(.cancelled) }
internal init(numberOfThreads: Int) {
self.numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads
self.queues = (0..<numberOfThreads).map {
DispatchQueue(label: "FileIOThreadPool thread #\($0)")
private func process(identifier: Int) {
var item: WorkItem? = nil
repeat {
/* wait until work has become available */
item = self.lock.withLock { () -> (WorkItem)? in
switch self.state {
case .running(var items):
let item = items.removeFirst()
self.state = .running(items)
return item
case .shuttingDown(var aliveStates):
aliveStates[identifier] = false
self.state = .shuttingDown(aliveStates)
return nil
case .stopped:
return nil
/* if there was a work item popped, run it */ { $0(.active) }
} while item != nil
internal func start() {
self.lock.withLock {
self.state = .running(CircularBuffer(initialRingCapacity: 16))
self.queues.enumerated().forEach { idAndQueue in
let id = idAndQueue.0
let q = idAndQueue.1
q.async { [unowned self] in
self.process(identifier: id)
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` is a helper that allows you to read files without blocking the calling thread.
/// It is worth noting that `kqueue`, `epoll` or `poll` returning claiming a file is readable does not mean that the
/// data is already available in the kernel's memory. In other words, a `read` from a file can still block even if
/// reported as readable. This behaviour is also documented behaviour:
/// - [`poll`]( "Regular files shall always poll TRUE for reading and writing."
/// - [`epoll`]( "epoll is simply a faster poll(2), and can be used wherever the latter is used since it shares the same semantics."
/// - [`kqueue`]( "Returns when the file pointer is not at the end of file."
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` helps to work around this issue by maintaining its own thread pool that is used to read the data
/// from the files into memory. It will then hand the (in-memory) data back which makes it available without the possibility
/// of blocking.
public struct NonBlockingFileIO {
/// The default and recommended size for `NonBlockingFileIO`'s thread pool.
public static let defaultThreadPoolSize = 2
/// The default and recommended chunk size.
public static let defaultChunkSize = 128*1024
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` errors.
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
/// `NonBlockingFileIO` is meant to be used with file descriptors that are set to the default (blocking) mode.
/// It doesn't make sense to use it with a file descriptor where `O_NONBLOCK` is set therefore this error is
/// raised when that was requested.
case descriptorSetToNonBlocking
private let threadPool: FileIOThreadPool
/// Initialize a `NonBlockingFileIO` thread pool with `numberOfThreads` threads.
/// - parameters:
/// - numberOfThreads: The number of threads to use for the thread pool.
public init(numberOfThreads: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultThreadPoolSize) {
self.threadPool = FileIOThreadPool(numberOfThreads: numberOfThreads)
/// Read a `FileRegion` in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes on `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `fileRegion.readableBytes` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ fileRegion.readableBytes / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `fileRegion.readableBytes` bytes can be read from the file,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` suceeds.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileRegion: The file region to read.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `descriptor` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `descriptor` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(fileRegion: FileRegion,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop,
chunkHandler: @escaping (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<()>) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
do {
_ = try Posix.lseek(descriptor: fileRegion.descriptor, offset: off_t(fileRegion.readerIndex), whence: SEEK_SET)
return self.readChunked(descriptor: fileRegion.descriptor,
byteCount: fileRegion.readableBytes,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop,
chunkHandler: chunkHandler)
} catch {
return eventLoop.newFailedFuture(error: error)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes in chunks of `chunkSize` bytes from `descriptor` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread
/// pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// `chunkHandler` will be called on `eventLoop` for every chunk that was read. Assuming `byteCount` is greater than
/// zero and there are enough bytes available `chunkHandler` will be called `1 + |_ byteCount / chunkSize _|`
/// times, delivering `chunkSize` bytes each time. If less than `byteCount` bytes can be read from `descriptor`,
/// `chunkHandler` will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than `chunkSize` bytes.
/// The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when `chunkHandler` suceeds.
/// - note: `readChunked(fileRegion:chunkSize:allocator:eventLoop:chunkHandler:)` should be preferred as it uses `FileRegion` object instead of raw file descriptors.
/// - parameters:
/// - descriptor: The file descriptor to read.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `descriptor`.
/// - chunkSize: The size of the individual chunks to deliver.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the chunks.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to call `chunkHandler` on.
/// - chunkHandler: Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned `EventLoopFuture`. If the returned `EventLoopFuture` fails, the overall operation is aborted.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of `descriptor` or `chunkHandler` fails, the `EventLoopFuture` will fail too. If the reading of `descriptor` as well as `chunkHandler` always succeeded, the `EventLoopFuture` will succeed too.
public func readChunked(descriptor fd: CInt,
byteCount: Int,
chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize,
allocator: ByteBufferAllocator,
eventLoop: EventLoop, chunkHandler: @escaping (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<()>) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
precondition(chunkSize > 0, "chunkSize must be > 0 (is \(chunkSize))")
var remainingReads = 1 + (byteCount / chunkSize)
let lastReadSize = byteCount % chunkSize
func _read(remainingReads: Int) -> EventLoopFuture<()> {
if remainingReads > 1 || (remainingReads == 1 && lastReadSize > 0) {
let readSize = remainingReads > 1 ? chunkSize : lastReadSize
assert(readSize > 0)
return fd, byteCount: readSize, allocator: allocator, eventLoop: eventLoop).then { buffer in
return chunkHandler(buffer).then { () -> EventLoopFuture<()> in
return _read(remainingReads: remainingReads - 1)
} else {
return eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
return _read(remainingReads: remainingReads)
/// Read a `FileRegion` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// The returned `ByteBuffer` will not have less than `fileRegion.readableBytes` unless we hit end-of-file in which
/// case the `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes available to read.
/// - note: Only use this function for small enough `FileRegion`s as it will need to allocate enough memory to hold `fileRegion.readableBytes` bytes.
/// - note: In most cases you should prefer one of the `readChunked` functions.
/// - parameters:
/// - fileRegion: The file region to read.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which delivers a `ByteBuffer` if the read was successful or a failure on error.
public func read(fileRegion: FileRegion, allocator: ByteBufferAllocator, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<ByteBuffer> {
do {
_ = try Posix.lseek(descriptor: fileRegion.descriptor, offset: off_t(fileRegion.readerIndex), whence: SEEK_SET)
return fileRegion.descriptor,
byteCount: fileRegion.readableBytes,
allocator: allocator,
eventLoop: eventLoop)
} catch {
return eventLoop.newFailedFuture(error: error)
/// Read `byteCount` bytes from `descriptor` in `NonBlockingFileIO`'s private thread pool which is separate from any `EventLoop` thread.
/// The returned `ByteBuffer` will not have less than `byteCount` bytes unless we hit end-of-file in which
/// case the `ByteBuffer` will contain the bytes available to read.
/// - note: Only use this function for small enough `byteCount`s as it will need to allocate enough memory to hold `byteCount` bytes.
/// - note: `read(fileRegion:allocator:eventLoop:)` should be preferred as it uses `FileRegion` object instead of raw file descriptors.
/// - parameters:
/// - descriptor: The file descriptor to read.
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to read from `descriptor`.
/// - allocator: A `ByteBufferAllocator` used to allocate space for the returned `ByteBuffer`.
/// - eventLoop: The `EventLoop` to create the returned `EventLoopFuture` from.
/// - returns: An `EventLoopFuture` which delivers a `ByteBuffer` if the read was successful or a failure on error.
public func read(descriptor: CInt, byteCount: Int, allocator: ByteBufferAllocator, eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<ByteBuffer> {
guard byteCount > 0 else {
return eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: allocator.buffer(capacity: 0))
let p: EventLoopPromise<ByteBuffer> = eventLoop.newPromise()
var buf = allocator.buffer(capacity: byteCount)
self.threadPool.submit { shouldRun in
guard case shouldRun = else { ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
var bytesRead = 0
while bytesRead < byteCount {
do {
let n = try buf.writeWithUnsafeMutableBytes { ptr in
let res = try descriptor,
pointer: ptr.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self),
size: byteCount - bytesRead)
switch res {
case .processed(let n):
assert(n >= 0, "read claims to have read a negative number of bytes \(n)")
return n
case .wouldBlock(_):
throw Error.descriptorSetToNonBlocking
if n == 0 {
// EOF
} else {
bytesRead += n
} catch { error)
p.succeed(result: buf)
return p.futureResult
/// Shut this `NonBlockingFileIO` down.
/// - parameters:
/// - queue: The `DispatchQueue` on which to call `callback`.
/// - callback: The callback and optionally an `Error` on why the operation failed.
func shutdownGracefully(queue: DispatchQueue = .global(), _ callback: @escaping (Swift.Error?) -> Void) {
self.threadPool.shutdownGracefully(queue: queue, callback)
/// Shut this `NonBlockingFileIO` synchronously. This call will block until the `NonBlockingFileIO` and its
/// thread pool have shut down fully. This might take some time as outstanding IO requests will first be fulfilled.
public func syncShutdownGracefully() throws {
let errorStorageLock = Lock()
var errorStorage: Swift.Error? = nil
let continuation = DispatchWorkItem {}
self.shutdownGracefully { error in
if let error = error {
errorStorageLock.withLock {
errorStorage = error
try errorStorageLock.withLock {
if let error = errorStorage {
throw error

View File

@ -306,6 +306,18 @@ internal enum Posix {
public static func lseek(descriptor: CInt, offset: off_t, whence: CInt) throws -> off_t {
return try wrapSyscall({ () -> off_t in
#if os(Linux)
return Glibc.lseek(descriptor, offset, whence)
return Darwin.lseek(descriptor, offset, whence)
// Its not really posix but exists on Linux and MacOS / BSD so just put it here for now to keep it simple
public static func sendfile(descriptor: Int32, fd: Int32, offset: Int, count: Int) throws -> IOResult<Int> {

View File

@ -13,19 +13,23 @@
import NIO
import NIOHTTP1
import class Foundation.FileManager
import class Foundation.NSData
import struct Foundation.Data
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import class Foundation.NSFileManager
import struct Foundation.NSFileManager.FileAttributeKey
import class Foundation.FileManager
import struct Foundation.FileAttributeKey
import class Foundation.NSNumber
import class Foundation.NSNull /* dummy just to get Foundation to link */
extension String {
func chopPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> String? {
if self.hasPrefix(prefix) {
return String(self[self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: prefix.count)...])
} else {
return nil
private final class HTTPHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
private enum FileIOMethod {
case sendfile
case nonblockingFileIO
public typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
public typealias OutboundOut = HTTPServerResponsePart
@ -40,9 +44,11 @@ private final class HTTPHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
private var handler: ((ChannelHandlerContext, HTTPServerRequestPart) -> Void)? = nil
private var handlerFuture: EventLoopFuture<()>?
private let fileIO: NonBlockingFileIO
public init(htdocsPath: String) {
public init(fileIO: NonBlockingFileIO, htdocsPath: String) {
self.htdocsPath = htdocsPath
self.fileIO = fileIO
func handleInfo(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, request: HTTPServerRequestPart) {
@ -200,7 +206,7 @@ private final class HTTPHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
func handleFile(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, request: HTTPServerRequestPart) {
private func handleFile(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, request: HTTPServerRequestPart, ioMethod: FileIOMethod, path: String) {
switch request {
@ -211,25 +217,79 @@ private final class HTTPHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(nil)), promise: nil)
let path = self.htdocsPath + "/" + request.uri
let path = self.htdocsPath + "/" + path
do {
let attrs = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: path)
let fileSize = (attrs[FileAttributeKey.size] as! NSNumber).intValue
let region = try FileRegion(file: path, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: fileSize)
let region = try FileRegion(file: path)
var response = HTTPResponseHead(version: request.version, status: .ok)
response.headers.add(name: "Content-Length", value: "\(fileSize)")
response.headers.add(name: "Content-Length", value: "\(region.endIndex)")
response.headers.add(name: "Content-Type", value: "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(response)), promise: nil)
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.fileRegion(region)))).whenComplete { _ in
_ = try? region.close()
switch ioMethod {
case .nonblockingFileIO:
var responseStarted = false
self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: region,
chunkSize: 32 * 1024,
eventLoop: ctx.eventLoop) { buffer in
if !responseStarted {
responseStarted = true
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(response)), promise: nil)
return ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.byteBuffer(buffer))))
}.then { _ in
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(nil)))
}.thenIfError { error in
if !responseStarted {
let response = HTTPResponseHead(version: request.version, status: .ok)
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(response)), promise: nil)
var buffer = 100)
buffer.write(string: "fail: \(error.localizedDescription)")
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.byteBuffer(buffer))), promise: nil)
return ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(nil)))
} else {
return ctx.close()
}.whenComplete { res in
_ = try? region.close()
case .sendfile:
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(response))).then { _ in
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.fileRegion(region))))
} .then { _ in
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(nil)))
}.thenIfError { _ in
}.whenComplete { _ in
_ = try? region.close()
} catch {
let response = HTTPResponseHead(version: request.version, status: .internalServerError)
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(response)), promise: nil)
var body = 128)
let response = { () -> HTTPResponseHead in
switch error {
case let e as IOError where e.errnoCode == ENOENT:
body.write(staticString: "IOError (not found)\r\n")
return HTTPResponseHead(version: request.version, status: .notFound)
case let e as IOError:
body.write(staticString: "IOError (other)\r\n")
body.write(string: e.description)
body.write(staticString: "\r\n")
return HTTPResponseHead(version: request.version, status: .notFound)
body.write(string: "\(type(of: error)) error\r\n")
return HTTPResponseHead(version: request.version, status: .internalServerError)
body.write(string: error.localizedDescription)
body.write(staticString: "\r\n")
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(response)), promise: nil)
ctx.write(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.byteBuffer(body))), promise: nil)
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(nil)), promise: nil) nil)
case .end(_):
ctx.writeAndFlush(data: self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(nil)), promise: nil)
fatalError("oh noes: \(request)")
@ -250,8 +310,12 @@ private final class HTTPHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
self.handler = self.dynamicHandler(request: request)
self.handler!(ctx, reqPart)
} else if request.uri != "" && request.uri != "/" {
self.handler = self.handleFile
} else if let path = request.uri.chopPrefix("/sendfile/") {
self.handler = { self.handleFile(ctx: $0, request: $1, ioMethod: .sendfile, path: path) }
self.handler!(ctx, reqPart)
} else if let path = request.uri.chopPrefix("/fileio/") {
self.handler = { self.handleFile(ctx: $0, request: $1, ioMethod: .nonblockingFileIO, path: path) }
self.handler!(ctx, reqPart)
@ -322,6 +386,7 @@ default:
let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numThreads: 1)
let fileIO = NonBlockingFileIO(numberOfThreads: 6)
let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: group)
// Specify backlog and enable SO_REUSEADDR for the server itself
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256)
@ -329,8 +394,8 @@ let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: group)
// Set the handlers that are applied to the accepted Channels
.childChannelInitializer { channel in
return channel.pipeline.addHTTPServerHandlers().then {
return channel.pipeline.add(handler: HTTPHandler(htdocsPath: htdocs))
return channel.pipeline.addHTTPServerHandlers().then { _ in
return channel.pipeline.add(handler: HTTPHandler(fileIO: fileIO, htdocsPath: htdocs))
@ -340,6 +405,7 @@ let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: group)
.childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.maxMessagesPerRead, value: 1)
defer {
try! fileIO.syncShutdownGracefully()
try! group.syncShutdownGracefully()

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ import XCTest

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ extension FileRegionTest {
("testWriteFileRegion", testWriteFileRegion),
("testWriteEmptyFileRegionDoesNotHang", testWriteEmptyFileRegionDoesNotHang),
("testOutstandingFileRegionsWork", testOutstandingFileRegionsWork),
("testWholeFileFileRegion", testWholeFileFileRegion),
("testWholeEmptyFileFileRegion", testWholeEmptyFileFileRegion),

View File

@ -168,4 +168,28 @@ class FileRegionTest : XCTestCase {
buffer.write(bytes: bytes)
try countingHandler.assertReceived(buffer: buffer)
func testWholeFileFileRegion() throws {
try withTemporaryFile(content: "hello") { fd, path in
let region = try FileRegion(file: path)
defer {
XCTAssertNoThrow(try region.close())
XCTAssertEqual(0, region.readerIndex)
XCTAssertEqual(5, region.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(5, region.endIndex)
func testWholeEmptyFileFileRegion() throws {
try withTemporaryFile(content: "") { fd, path in
let region = try FileRegion(file: path)
defer {
XCTAssertNoThrow(try region.close())
XCTAssertEqual(0, region.readerIndex)
XCTAssertEqual(0, region.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(0, region.endIndex)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/// NonBlockingFileIOTest+XCTest.swift
import XCTest
/// NOTE: This file was generated by generate_linux_tests.rb
/// Do NOT edit this file directly as it will be regenerated automatically when needed.
extension NonBlockingFileIOTest {
static var allTests : [(String, (NonBlockingFileIOTest) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("testBasicFileIOWorks", testBasicFileIOWorks),
("testOffsetWorks", testOffsetWorks),
("testOffsetBeyondEOF", testOffsetBeyondEOF),
("testEmptyReadWorks", testEmptyReadWorks),
("testReadingShortWorks", testReadingShortWorks),
("testDoesNotBlockTheThreadOrEventLoop", testDoesNotBlockTheThreadOrEventLoop),
("testGettingErrorWhenEventLoopGroupIsShutdown", testGettingErrorWhenEventLoopGroupIsShutdown),
("testChunkReadingWorks", testChunkReadingWorks),
("testChunkReadingCanBeAborted", testChunkReadingCanBeAborted),
("testFailedIO", testFailedIO),
("testChunkReadingWorksForIncrediblyLongChain", testChunkReadingWorksForIncrediblyLongChain),
("testReadingDifferentChunkSize", testReadingDifferentChunkSize),
("testReadDoesNotReadShort", testReadDoesNotReadShort),
("testChunkReadingWhereByteCountIsNotAChunkSizeMultiplier", testChunkReadingWhereByteCountIsNotAChunkSizeMultiplier),
("testChunkedReadDoesNotReadShort", testChunkedReadDoesNotReadShort),
("testChunkSizeMoreThanTotal", testChunkSizeMoreThanTotal),
("testFileRegionReadFromPipeFails", testFileRegionReadFromPipeFails),
("testReadFromNonBlockingPipeFails", testReadFromNonBlockingPipeFails),
("testDoubleShutdownWorks", testDoubleShutdownWorks),
("testSeekPointerIsSetToFront", testSeekPointerIsSetToFront),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import XCTest
@testable import NIO
class NonBlockingFileIOTest: XCTestCase {
private var group: EventLoopGroup!
private var eventLoop: EventLoop!
private var allocator: ByteBufferAllocator!
private var fileIO: NonBlockingFileIO!
override func setUp() {
self.allocator = ByteBufferAllocator() = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numThreads: 1)
self.fileIO = NonBlockingFileIO(numberOfThreads: 6)
self.eventLoop =
override func tearDown() {
XCTAssertNoThrow(try self.fileIO?.syncShutdownGracefully()) = nil
self.eventLoop = nil
self.allocator = nil
self.fileIO = nil
func testBasicFileIOWorks() throws {
let content = "hello"
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, _) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: 5)
var buf = try fr,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop).wait()
XCTAssertEqual(content.utf8.count, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(content, buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes))
func testOffsetWorks() throws {
let content = "hello"
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 3, endIndex: 5)
var buf = try fr,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop).wait()
XCTAssertEqual(2, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("lo", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes))
func testOffsetBeyondEOF() throws {
let content = "hello"
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 3000, endIndex: 3001)
var buf = try fr,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop).wait()
XCTAssertEqual(0, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes))
func testEmptyReadWorks() throws {
try withTemporaryFile { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: 0)
let buf = try fr,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop).wait()
XCTAssertEqual(0, buf.readableBytes)
func testReadingShortWorks() throws {
let content = "hello"
try withTemporaryFile(content: "hello") { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: 10)
var buf = try fr,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop).wait()
XCTAssertEqual(content.utf8.count, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(content, buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes))
func testDoesNotBlockTheThreadOrEventLoop() throws {
var innerError: Error? = nil
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
let bufferFuture = readFD,
byteCount: 10,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop)
do {
try self.eventLoop.submit {
_ = try Posix.write(descriptor: writeFD, pointer: "X", size: 1)
_ = try Posix.close(descriptor: writeFD)
var buf = try bufferFuture.wait()
XCTAssertEqual(1, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("X", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes))
} catch {
innerError = error
return [readFD]
func testGettingErrorWhenEventLoopGroupIsShutdown() throws {
self.fileIO.shutdownGracefully(queue: .global()) { err in
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
do {
_ = try readFD,
byteCount: 1,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop).wait()
XCTFail("should've thrown")
} catch let e as ChannelError {
XCTAssertEqual(ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel, e)
} catch {
XCTFail("unexpected error \(error)")
return [readFD, writeFD]
func testChunkReadingWorks() throws {
let content = "hello"
let contentBytes = Array(content.utf8)
var numCalls = 0
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: 5)
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 1,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
XCTAssertEqual(1, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(contentBytes[numCalls], buf.readBytes(length: 1)?.first!)
numCalls += 1
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTAssertEqual(content.utf8.count, numCalls)
func testChunkReadingCanBeAborted() throws {
enum DummyError: Error { case dummy }
let content = "hello"
let contentBytes = Array(content.utf8)
var numCalls = 0
withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: 5)
do {
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 1,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
XCTAssertEqual(1, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(contentBytes[numCalls], buf.readBytes(length: 1)?.first!)
numCalls += 1
return self.eventLoop.newFailedFuture(error: DummyError.dummy)
XCTFail("call successful but should've failed")
} catch let e as DummyError where e == .dummy {
// ok
} catch {
XCTFail("wrong error \(error) caught")
XCTAssertEqual(1, numCalls)
func testFailedIO() throws {
enum DummyError: Error { case dummy }
let unconnectedSockFD = socket(AF_UNIX, Posix.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
defer {
XCTAssertNoThrow(try Posix.close(descriptor: unconnectedSockFD))
do {
try self.fileIO.readChunked(descriptor: unconnectedSockFD,
byteCount: 5,
chunkSize: 1,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
XCTFail("shouldn't have been called")
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTFail("call successful but should've failed")
} catch let e as IOError {
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
XCTAssertEqual(ENOTCONN, e.errnoCode)
XCTAssertEqual(EINVAL, e.errnoCode)
} catch {
XCTFail("wrong error \(error) caught")
func testChunkReadingWorksForIncrediblyLongChain() throws {
let content = String(repeatElement("X", count: 20*1024))
var numCalls = 0
let expectedByte = content.utf8.first!
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: content.utf8.count)
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 1,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
XCTAssertEqual(1, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(expectedByte, buf.readBytes(length: 1)!.first!)
numCalls += 1
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTAssertEqual(content.utf8.count, numCalls)
func testReadingDifferentChunkSize() throws {
let content = "0123456789"
var numCalls = 0
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: content.utf8.count)
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 2,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
XCTAssertEqual(2, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual(Array("\(numCalls*2)\(numCalls*2 + 1)".utf8), buf.readBytes(length: 2)!)
numCalls += 1
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTAssertEqual(content.utf8.count/2, numCalls)
func testReadDoesNotReadShort() throws {
var innerError: Error? = nil
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
let bufferFuture = readFD,
byteCount: 10,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop)
do {
for i in 0..<10 {
// this construction will cause 'read' to repeatedly return with 1 byte read
try self.eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: .milliseconds(50)) {
_ = try Posix.write(descriptor: writeFD, pointer: "\(i)", size: 1)
_ = try Posix.close(descriptor: writeFD)
var buf = try bufferFuture.wait()
XCTAssertEqual(10, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("0123456789", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes))
} catch {
innerError = error
return [readFD]
func testChunkReadingWhereByteCountIsNotAChunkSizeMultiplier() throws {
let content = "prefix-12345-suffix"
var allBytesActual = ""
let allBytesExpected = String(content.dropFirst(7).dropLast(7))
var numCalls = 0
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 7, endIndex: 12)
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 3,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
allBytesActual += buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes) ?? "WRONG"
numCalls += 1
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTAssertEqual(allBytesExpected, allBytesActual)
XCTAssertEqual(2, numCalls)
func testChunkedReadDoesNotReadShort() throws {
var innerError: Error? = nil
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
var allBytes = ""
let f = self.fileIO.readChunked(descriptor: readFD,
byteCount: 10,
chunkSize: 3,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
if allBytes.utf8.count == 9 {
XCTAssertEqual(1, buf.readableBytes)
} else {
XCTAssertEqual(3, buf.readableBytes)
allBytes.append(buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes) ?? "THIS IS WRONG")
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
do {
for i in 0..<10 {
// this construction will cause 'read' to repeatedly return with 1 byte read
try self.eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: .milliseconds(50)) {
_ = try Posix.write(descriptor: writeFD, pointer: "\(i)", size: 1)
_ = try Posix.close(descriptor: writeFD)
try f.wait()
XCTAssertEqual("0123456789", allBytes)
} catch {
innerError = error
return [readFD]
func testChunkSizeMoreThanTotal() throws {
let content = "0123456789"
var numCalls = 0
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: fd, readerIndex: 0, endIndex: 5)
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 10,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
XCTAssertEqual(5, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("01234", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes) ?? "bad")
numCalls += 1
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTAssertEqual(1, numCalls)
func testFileRegionReadFromPipeFails() throws {
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
_ = try! Posix.write(descriptor: writeFD, pointer: "ABC", size: 3)
let fr = FileRegion(descriptor: readFD, readerIndex: 1, endIndex: 2)
do {
try self.fileIO.readChunked(fileRegion: fr,
chunkSize: 10,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
XCTFail("this shouldn't have been called")
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTFail("succeeded and shouldn't have")
} catch let e as IOError where e.errnoCode == ESPIPE {
// OK
} catch {
XCTFail("wrong error \(error) caught")
return [readFD, writeFD]
func testReadFromNonBlockingPipeFails() throws {
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
do {
try Posix.fcntl(descriptor: readFD, command: F_SETFL, value: O_NONBLOCK)
try self.fileIO.readChunked(descriptor: readFD,
byteCount: 10,
chunkSize: 10,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
XCTFail("this shouldn't have been called")
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTFail("succeeded and shouldn't have")
} catch let e as NonBlockingFileIO.Error where e == NonBlockingFileIO.Error.descriptorSetToNonBlocking {
// OK
} catch {
XCTFail("wrong error \(error) caught")
return [readFD, writeFD]
func testDoubleShutdownWorks() throws {
let otherFileIO = NonBlockingFileIO(numberOfThreads: 17)
try otherFileIO.syncShutdownGracefully()
try otherFileIO.syncShutdownGracefully()
func testSeekPointerIsSetToFront() throws {
let content = "0123456789"
var numCalls = 0
try withTemporaryFile(content: content) { (fd, path) -> Void in
let region = try FileRegion(file: path)
defer {
try! region.close()
try self.fileIO.readChunked(descriptor: region.descriptor,
byteCount: content.utf8.count,
chunkSize: 9,
allocator: self.allocator,
eventLoop: self.eventLoop) { buf in
var buf = buf
numCalls += 1
if numCalls == 1 {
XCTAssertEqual(9, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("012345678", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes) ?? "bad")
} else {
XCTAssertEqual(1, buf.readableBytes)
XCTAssertEqual("9", buf.readString(length: buf.readableBytes) ?? "bad")
return self.eventLoop.newSucceedFuture(result: ())
XCTAssertEqual(2, numCalls)

View File

@ -22,26 +22,22 @@ class SystemTest: XCTestCase {
func testErrorsWorkCorrectly() throws {
var fds: [Int32] = [-1, -1]
let pipeErr = pipe(&fds)
precondition(pipeErr == 0, "pipe returned error")
defer {
var randomBytes: UInt8 = 42
do {
_ = try withUnsafePointer(to: &randomBytes) { ptr in
try Posix.setsockopt(socket: fds[0], level: -1, optionName: -1, optionValue: ptr, optionLen: 0)
try withPipe { readFD, writeFD in
var randomBytes: UInt8 = 42
do {
_ = try withUnsafePointer(to: &randomBytes) { ptr in
try Posix.setsockopt(socket: readFD, level: -1, optionName: -1, optionValue: ptr, optionLen: 0)
XCTFail("success even though the call was invalid")
} catch let e as IOError {
XCTAssertEqual(ENOTSOCK, e.errnoCode)
XCTAssert(e.localizedDescription.contains("\(ENOTSOCK)"), "\(e.localizedDescription)")
} catch let e {
XCTFail("wrong error thrown: \(e)")
XCTFail("success even though the call was invalid")
} catch let e as IOError {
XCTAssertEqual(ENOTSOCK, e.errnoCode)
XCTAssert(e.localizedDescription.contains("\(ENOTSOCK)"), "\(e.localizedDescription)")
} catch let e {
XCTFail("wrong error thrown: \(e)")
return [readFD, writeFD]

View File

@ -12,9 +12,61 @@
import NIO
@testable import NIO
import XCTest
func withPipe(_ fn: (CInt, CInt) -> [CInt]) throws {
var fds: [Int32] = [-1, -1]
fds.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { ptr in
XCTAssertEqual(0, pipe(ptr.baseAddress!))
let toClose = fn(fds[0], fds[1])
try toClose.forEach { fd in
XCTAssertNoThrow(try Posix.close(descriptor: fd))
func withTemporaryFile<T>(content: String? = nil, _ fn: (CInt, String) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
let (fd, path) = openTemporaryFile()
defer {
XCTAssertNoThrow(try Posix.close(descriptor: fd))
XCTAssertEqual(0, unlink(path))
if let content = content {
try Array(content.utf8).withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
var toWrite = ptr.count
var start = ptr.baseAddress!
while toWrite > 0 {
let res = try Posix.write(descriptor: fd, pointer: start, size: toWrite)
switch res {
case .processed(let written):
toWrite -= written
start = start + written
case .wouldBlock:
XCTFail("unexpectedly got .wouldBlock from a file")
XCTAssertEqual(0, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
return try fn(fd, path)
func openTemporaryFile() -> (CInt, String) {
let template = "/tmp/niotestXXXXXXX"
var templateBytes = template.utf8 + [0]
let templateBytesCount = templateBytes.count
let fd = templateBytes.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { ptr in
ptr.baseAddress!.withMemoryRebound(to: Int8.self, capacity: templateBytesCount) { (ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>) in
return mkstemp(ptr)
return (fd, String(decoding: templateBytes, as: UTF8.self))
final class ByteCountingHandler : ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ function get_socket() {
function stop_server() {
source "$1"
sleep 0.05 # just to make sure all the fds could be closed
sleep 0.5 # just to make sure all the fds could be closed
if command -v lsof > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
server_lsof "$token_pid"
local open_fds

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ token=$(create_token)
start_server "$token"
htdocs=$(get_htdocs "$token")
echo FOO BAR > "$htdocs/some_file.txt"
do_curl "$token" "" > "$tmp/out.txt"
assert_equal_files "$htdocs/some_file.txt" "$tmp/out.txt"
for method in sendfile fileio; do
do_curl "$token" "$method/some_file.txt" > "$tmp/out.txt"
assert_equal_files "$htdocs/some_file.txt" "$tmp/out.txt"
stop_server "$token"

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ htdocs=$(get_htdocs "$token")
mkdir -p "$htdocs/$base"
dd if=/dev/urandom of="$htdocs/$base/random.bytes" bs=$((1024 * 1024)) count=2
do_curl "$token" "$base/random.bytes" > "$tmp/random.bytes"
cmp "$htdocs/$base/random.bytes" "$tmp/random.bytes"
for method in sendfile fileio; do
do_curl "$token" "$method/$base/random.bytes" > "$tmp/random.bytes"
assert_equal_files "$htdocs/$base/random.bytes" "$tmp/random.bytes"
stop_server "$token"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ for f in $(seq 20); do
kill -CONT "$server_pid"
kill -WINCH "$server_pid"
do_curl "$token" "" > "$tmp/out.txt" &
do_curl "$token" "" > "$tmp/out.txt" &
for g in $(seq 20); do
kill -URG "$server_pid"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ htdocs=$(get_htdocs "$token")
# create a 3GB sparse file, this is above the 2,147,479,552 mentioned in the
# BUGS section of Linux's sendfile(2) man page.
dd if=/dev/zero of="$htdocs/lots_of_zeroes" seek=$((3 * 1024)) bs=$((1024 * 1024)) count=1
do_curl "$token" "" | shasum > "$tmp/actual_sha"
echo "bf184d91c8f82092198e4d8e1d029e576dbec3bc -" > "$tmp/expected_sha"
assert_equal_files "$tmp/expected_sha" "$tmp/actual_sha"
for method in fileio; do
do_curl "$token" "$method/lots_of_zeroes" | shasum > "$tmp/actual_sha"
echo "bf184d91c8f82092198e4d8e1d029e576dbec3bc -" > "$tmp/expected_sha"
assert_equal_files "$tmp/expected_sha" "$tmp/actual_sha"
sleep 3 # wait for all the fds to be closed
stop_server "$token"