fully close Channel before firing channelInactive/Unregistered

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Weiß 2017-09-15 18:29:20 +01:00
parent 69765f58d6
commit 3ea35268d4
3 changed files with 141 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -1141,14 +1141,16 @@ class BaseSocketChannel<T : BaseSocket> : SelectableChannel, ChannelCore {
} catch let err {
promise?.fail(error: err)
if !neverRegistered {
// Fail all pending writes and so ensure all pending promises are notified
self.pendingWrites.failAll(error: error)
if !neverRegistered {
eventLoop.execute {
// ensure this is executed in a delayed fashion as the users code may still traverse the pipeline

View File

@ -548,35 +548,67 @@ private final class HeadChannelHandler : _ChannelOutboundHandler {
private init() { }
func register(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.register0(promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.register0(promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
func bind(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, to address: SocketAddress, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.bind0(to: address, promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.bind0(to: address, promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
func connect(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, to address: SocketAddress, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.connect0(to: address, promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.connect0(to: address, promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
func write(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: IOData, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.write0(data: data, promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.write0(data: data, promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
func flush(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.flush0(promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.flush0(promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
func close(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.close0(error: ChannelError.alreadyClosed, promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.close0(error: ChannelError.alreadyClosed, promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.alreadyClosed)
func read(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.read0(promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.read0(promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)
func triggerUserOutboundEvent(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: Any, promise: Promise<Void>?) {
ctx.channel!._unsafe.triggerUserOutboundEvent0(event: event, promise: promise)
if let channel = ctx.channel {
channel._unsafe.triggerUserOutboundEvent0(event: event, promise: promise)
} else {
promise?.fail(error: ChannelError.ioOnClosedChannel)

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
import Foundation
import XCTest
import ConcurrencyHelpers
@testable import NIO
class EchoServerClientTest : XCTestCase {
@ -180,4 +181,98 @@ class EchoServerClientTest : XCTestCase {
ctx.flush(promise: nil)
private final class CloseInInActiveAndUnregisteredChannelHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = Never
let alreadyClosedInChannelInactive = Atomic<Bool>(value: false)
let alreadyClosedInChannelUnregistered = Atomic<Bool>(value: false)
let channelUnregisteredPromise: Promise<()>
let channelInactivePromise: Promise<()>
public init(channelUnregisteredPromise: Promise<()>,
channelInactivePromise: Promise<()>) {
self.channelUnregisteredPromise = channelUnregisteredPromise
self.channelInactivePromise = channelInactivePromise
public func channelActive(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {
ctx.close().whenComplete { val in
switch val {
case .success(()):
XCTFail("bad, initial close failed")
public func channelInactive(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {
if alreadyClosedInChannelInactive.compareAndExchange(expected: false, desired: true) {
ctx.close().whenComplete { val in
switch val {
case .failure(ChannelError.alreadyClosed):
case .success(()):
XCTFail("unexpected success")
case .failure(let e):
XCTFail("unexpected error: \(e)")
self.channelInactivePromise.succeed(result: ())
public func channelUnregistered(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {
if alreadyClosedInChannelUnregistered.compareAndExchange(expected: false, desired: true) {
ctx.close().whenComplete { val in
switch val {
case .failure(ChannelError.alreadyClosed):
case .success(()):
XCTFail("unexpected success")
case .failure(let e):
XCTFail("unexpected error: \(e)")
self.channelUnregisteredPromise.succeed(result: ())
func testCloseInInactive() throws {
let group = try MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numThreads: 1)
defer {
_ = try? group.close()
let inactivePromise = group.next().newPromise() as Promise<()>
let unregistredPromise = group.next().newPromise() as Promise<()>
let handler = CloseInInActiveAndUnregisteredChannelHandler(channelUnregisteredPromise: unregistredPromise,
channelInactivePromise: inactivePromise)
let serverChannel = try ServerBootstrap(group: group)
.option(option: ChannelOptions.Socket(SocketOptionLevel(SOL_SOCKET), SO_REUSEADDR), value: 1)
// Set the handlers that are appled to the accepted Channels
.handler(childHandler: ChannelInitializer(initChannel: { channel in
// Ensure we not read faster then we can write by adding the BackPressureHandler into the pipeline.
return channel.pipeline.add(handler: handler)
})).bind(to: "", on: 0).wait()
defer {
_ = serverChannel.close()
let clientChannel = try ClientBootstrap(group: group).connect(to: serverChannel.localAddress!).wait()
defer {
_ = clientChannel.close()
_ = try inactivePromise.futureResult.and(unregistredPromise.futureResult).wait()