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2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
For the purpose of tracking copyright, this is the list of individuals and
organizations who have contributed source code to SwiftNIO.
For employees of an organization/company where the copyright of work done
by employees of that company is held by the company itself, only the company
needs to be listed here.
- Apple Inc. (all contributors with '@apple.com')
### Contributors
- 0xflotus <0xflotus@gmail.com>
- Adam Nemecek <adamnemecek@gmail.com>
- Albert Aleksieiev <albert.aleksieiev@gmail.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Alex Blewitt <alblue@apple.com>
- Alex Reilly <fabiobean2@gmail.com>
- Andrew Bennett <andrew@nio.bennnn.net>
- Andrew Edwards <andrewangeta@gmail.com>
- Ankit Aggarwal <ankit_aggarwal@apple.com>
- Arjun Nayini <aanayini@gmail.com>
2019-05-01 22:56:12 +08:00
- Artem Redkin <aredkin@apple.com>
- Bas Broek <bas@basbroek.nl>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Ben Cohen <ben_cohen@apple.com>
- Bouke Haarsma <bouke@haarsma.eu>
- Chris Eidhof <chris@eidhof.nl>
2020-01-24 20:35:13 +08:00
- Christian Priebe <cpriebe@apple.com>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Christian Weinberger <christian.weinberger@me.com>
2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
- Cory Benfield <cbenfield@apple.com>
- Cotton Hou <himcotton@gmail.com>
- Damiaan Dufaux <damiaan@dpro.be>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Daniel Alm <Daniel.Alm@ForumD.net>
2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
- Daniel Dunbar <daniel_dunbar@apple.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Dario Rexin <drexin@apple.com>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- David Evans <d.evans@apple.com>
- David Skrundz <david.skrundz@gmail.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Doug Friedman <dfriedm3@gmail.com>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Emil Marashliev <marashliev@gmail.com>
- Esteban Torres <me@estebantorr.es>
- Eugen <eugenf78@gmail.com>
2020-01-24 20:35:13 +08:00
- Fabian Fett <fabianfett@mac.com>
- Frank Kair <frankkair@gmail.com>
- Franz Busch <privat@franz-busch.de>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- George Barnett <gbarnett@apple.com>
- Gopal Sharma <gopal@the-sharmas.org>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Gwynne Raskind <gwynne@darkrainfall.org>
- Heidi Puk Hermann <heidi.puk@gmail.com>
- Helge Heß <helge@alwaysrightinstitute.com>
- Ian Partridge <i.partridge@uk.ibm.com>
- Ilya Puchka <ilyapuchka@gmail.com>
2019-05-01 22:56:12 +08:00
- JP Simard <jp@jpsim.com>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Jake Foster <jakef@fastmail.com>
- Jari (LotU) <j.koopman@jarict.nl>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Jason Toffaletti <jtoffaletti@apple.com>
Changes to `HTTPHeaders` API to integrate with HTTP/2 `HPACKHeaders` API (#525) Motivation: HTTP/2 adds an additional item to a header key/value pair: its indexability. By default, headers can be inserted into the HPACK header table index; sometimes this will be denied (common case is 'content-length' header, which is rarely going to be the same, and will just cause the table to purge more often than is really necessary). Additionally, a header may be marked as not only non-indexable but also non-rewritable by proxies. HTTPHeaders provides nowhere to store this, so the HPACKHeaders implementation referenced in apple/swift-nio-http2#10 was created to add in that capability. Now, given that we really want the HTTP version to be an implementation detail, we want to keep the HPACK details hidden, and would thus be using HTTPHeaders in client APIs. NIOHTTP2 already has a HTTP1-to-HTTP2 channel handler that translates between the two. Thus it behooves us to have the means to copy the actual key/value pairs between the two types without making a round-trip from UTF-8 bytes to UTF-16 Strings. These changes allow NIOHPACK or NIOHTTP2 to implement that round-trip internally. Modifications: - HTTPHeader and HTTPHeaderIndex types are now public. - HTTPHeaders.buffer and HTTPHeaders.headers properties are now public. - A new static method, HTTPHeaders.createHeaderBlock(buffer:headers:) was created to serve as a public means to create a HTTPHeaders from a ByteBuffer from outside NIOHTTP1. @Lukasa suggested this should be a static method rather than an initializer. Result: Nothing in NIOHTTP1 changes in operation. All public types have documentation comments noting that they are only public for very specific reasons, and are not intended for general use. Once this is committed, NIOHPACK & NIOHTTP2 will be able to implement fast round-trips between HTTPHeaders and HPACKHeaders.
2018-08-09 21:03:31 +08:00
- Jim Dovey <jimdovey@mac.com>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Joachim M. <joachim.me86@gmail.com>
2019-12-18 04:33:04 +08:00
- Joe Smith <yasumoto7@gmail.com>
- Johannes Weiss <johannesweiss@apple.com>
- John Connolly <connoljo2@gmail.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- John Holdsworth <github@johnholdsworth.com>
2019-12-18 04:33:04 +08:00
- John Lin <johnlinvc@gmail.com>
- Jovan Milenkovic <jovan.milenkovic@htecgroup.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Julian Lettner <julian.lettner@apple.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Kaitlin Mahar <kaitlinmahar@gmail.com>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Kamil Borzym <kamil.borzym@gmail.com>
- Karim ElNaggar <karimfarid.naggar@gmail.com>
2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
- Kevin Clark <kevin.clark@apple.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Kevin Sweeney <kevin_sweeney@apple.com>
2019-05-01 22:56:12 +08:00
- Konrad `ktoso` Malawski <ktoso@apple.com>
- Kyle Bashour <kylebshr@me.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Kyle Browning <kylebrowning@me.com>
- Kyle Jessup <kyle@perfect.org>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Lev Walkin <lwalkin@apple.com>
- Liam Flynn <l.flynn@live.co.uk>
- Ludovic Dewailly <ldewailly@apple.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Marcus Liotta <marcus@liotta.se>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Mario Sangiorgio <msangiorgio@apple.com>
- Markus Jais <markusjais@googlemail.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Markus Kieselmann <markus@kieselmann.eu>
2019-11-09 06:08:37 +08:00
- Marli Oshlack <marli.oshlack@apple.com>
- Matt Eaton <agnosticdev@gmail.com>
- Max Desiatov <max.desiatov@gmail.com>
2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
- Max Moiseev <moiseev@apple.com>
- Moritz Lang <hi@slashmo.codes>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Nathan Harris <nathan@mordil.info>
- Nethra Ravindran <nethra.ravindran@in.ibm.com>
- Norio Nomura <norio.nomura@gmail.com>
2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
- Norman Maurer <norman_maurer@apple.com>
- Ole Begemann <ole@oleb.net>
- OleG <emptystamp@gmail.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Peter Adams <pp_adams@apple.com>
2019-12-18 04:33:04 +08:00
- Petro Rovenskyy <petro.rovenskyy@gmail.com>
- Portia <portia-s@users.noreply.github.com>
- Pushkar N Kulkarni <pushkar.nk@in.ibm.com>
2019-12-18 04:33:04 +08:00
- Pushparaj Zala <pr92zala@gmail.com>
- Richard Low <ral@apple.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Romain Pouclet <rpouclet@apple.com>
- Rukshani Athapathu <arukshani@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Saleem Abdulrasool <compnerd@compnerd.org>
- Sebastian Thiebaud <770074+SebastianThiebaud@users.noreply.github.com>
- Semen Zhydenko <simeon.zhidenko@gmail.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Sergej Jaskiewicz <jaskiewiczs@icloud.com>
- Sergo Beruashvili <beruashvili@gmail.com>
- Shaun Hubbard <shaunhubbard2013@icloud.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- Shekhar Rajak <shekhar_rajak@apple.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Siemen Sikkema <s.h.sikkema@gmail.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Simon Evans <si@si.org>
- Stuart Hinson <stuart.hinson@gmail.com>
- Tanner <me@tanner.xyz>
- Tiago Martinho <martinho@thoughtworks.com>
- Tibor Bödecs <mail.tib@gmail.com>
- Tim Condon <0xtimc@gmail.com>
2017-04-20 19:13:14 +08:00
- Tim Kientzle <tkientzle@apple.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Tom Counsell <tamc@greenonblack.com>
- Tomer Doron <tomerd@apple.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Trevör <adtrevor@users.noreply.github.com>
2019-03-25 18:41:24 +08:00
- Trevör Anne Denise <adtrevor@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-01-24 20:35:13 +08:00
- Volodymyr Sapsai <vsapsai@users.noreply.github.com>
2019-09-10 01:58:38 +08:00
- Will Lisac <will@lisac.org>
- Wilson Ding <hello@wilsonding.com>
- fadi-botros <botros_fadi@yahoo.com>
- sun_ <sunlubo.sun@gmail.com>
2020-05-04 23:06:32 +08:00
- trungducc <gnurtduc@gmail.com>
**Updating this list**
Please do not edit this file manually. It is generated using `./scripts/generate_contributors_list.sh`. If a name is misspelled or appearing multiple times: add an entry in `./.mailmap`