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// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import CNIOSHA1
import NIOCore
import NIOHTTP1
let magicWebSocketGUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader")
public typealias WebSocketUpgrader = NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader
/// Errors that can be thrown by `NIOWebSocket` during protocol upgrade.
public struct NIOWebSocketUpgradeError: Error, Equatable {
private enum ActualError {
case invalidUpgradeHeader
case unsupportedWebSocketTarget
private let actualError: ActualError
private init(actualError: ActualError) {
self.actualError = actualError
/// A HTTP header on the upgrade request was invalid.
public static let invalidUpgradeHeader = NIOWebSocketUpgradeError(actualError: .invalidUpgradeHeader)
/// The HTTP request targets a websocket pipeline that does not support
/// it in some way.
public static let unsupportedWebSocketTarget = NIOWebSocketUpgradeError(actualError: .unsupportedWebSocketTarget)
fileprivate extension HTTPHeaders {
func nonListHeader(_ name: String) throws -> String {
let fields = self[canonicalForm: name]
guard fields.count == 1 else {
throw NIOWebSocketUpgradeError.invalidUpgradeHeader
return String(fields.first!)
/// A `HTTPServerProtocolUpgrader` that knows how to do the WebSocket upgrade dance.
/// Users may frequently want to offer multiple websocket endpoints on the same port. For this
/// reason, this `WebServerSocketUpgrader` only knows how to do the required parts of the upgrade and to
/// complete the handshake. Users are expected to provide a callback that examines the HTTP headers
/// (including the path) and determines whether this is a websocket upgrade request that is acceptable
/// to them.
/// This upgrader assumes that the `HTTPServerUpgradeHandler` will appropriately mutate the pipeline to
/// remove the HTTP `ChannelHandler`s.
public final class NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader: HTTPServerProtocolUpgrader, @unchecked Sendable {
// This type *is* Sendable but we can't express that properly until Swift 5.7. In the meantime
// the conformance is `@unchecked`.
#if swift(>=5.7)
// FIXME: remove @unchecked when 5.7 is the minimum supported version.
private typealias ShouldUpgrade = @Sendable (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders?>
private typealias UpgradePipelineHandler = @Sendable (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
private typealias ShouldUpgrade = (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders?>
private typealias UpgradePipelineHandler = (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
/// RFC 6455 specs this as the required entry in the Upgrade header.
public let supportedProtocol: String = "websocket"
/// We deliberately do not actually set any required headers here, because the websocket
/// spec annoyingly does not actually force the client to send these in the Upgrade header,
/// which NIO requires. We check for these manually.
public let requiredUpgradeHeaders: [String] = []
private let shouldUpgrade: ShouldUpgrade
private let upgradePipelineHandler: UpgradePipelineHandler
private let maxFrameSize: Int
private let automaticErrorHandling: Bool
#if swift(>=5.7)
/// Create a new `NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader`.
/// - parameters:
/// - automaticErrorHandling: Whether the pipeline should automatically handle protocol
/// errors by sending error responses and closing the connection. Defaults to `true`,
/// may be set to `false` if the user wishes to handle their own errors.
/// - shouldUpgrade: A callback that determines whether the websocket request should be
/// upgraded. This callback is responsible for creating a `HTTPHeaders` object with
/// any headers that it needs on the response *except for* the `Upgrade`, `Connection`,
/// and `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` headers, which this upgrader will handle. Should return
/// an `EventLoopFuture` containing `nil` if the upgrade should be refused.
/// - upgradePipelineHandler: A function that will be called once the upgrade response is
/// flushed, and that is expected to mutate the `Channel` appropriately to handle the
/// websocket protocol. This only needs to add the user handlers: the
/// `WebSocketFrameEncoder` and `WebSocketFrameDecoder` will have been added to the
/// pipeline automatically.
public convenience init(
automaticErrorHandling: Bool = true,
shouldUpgrade: @escaping @Sendable (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders?>,
upgradePipelineHandler: @escaping @Sendable (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
) {
self.init(maxFrameSize: 1 << 14, automaticErrorHandling: automaticErrorHandling,
shouldUpgrade: shouldUpgrade, upgradePipelineHandler: upgradePipelineHandler)
/// Create a new `NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader`.
/// - parameters:
/// - automaticErrorHandling: Whether the pipeline should automatically handle protocol
/// errors by sending error responses and closing the connection. Defaults to `true`,
/// may be set to `false` if the user wishes to handle their own errors.
/// - shouldUpgrade: A callback that determines whether the websocket request should be
/// upgraded. This callback is responsible for creating a `HTTPHeaders` object with
/// any headers that it needs on the response *except for* the `Upgrade`, `Connection`,
/// and `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` headers, which this upgrader will handle. Should return
/// an `EventLoopFuture` containing `nil` if the upgrade should be refused.
/// - upgradePipelineHandler: A function that will be called once the upgrade response is
/// flushed, and that is expected to mutate the `Channel` appropriately to handle the
/// websocket protocol. This only needs to add the user handlers: the
/// `WebSocketFrameEncoder` and `WebSocketFrameDecoder` will have been added to the
/// pipeline automatically.
public convenience init(
automaticErrorHandling: Bool = true,
shouldUpgrade: @escaping (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders?>,
upgradePipelineHandler: @escaping (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
) {
self.init(maxFrameSize: 1 << 14, automaticErrorHandling: automaticErrorHandling,
shouldUpgrade: shouldUpgrade, upgradePipelineHandler: upgradePipelineHandler)
#if swift(>=5.7)
/// Create a new `NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader`.
/// - parameters:
/// - maxFrameSize: The maximum frame size the decoder is willing to tolerate from the
/// remote peer. WebSockets in principle allows frame sizes up to `2**64` bytes, but
/// this is an objectively unreasonable maximum value (on AMD64 systems it is not
/// possible to even. Users may set this to any value up to `UInt32.max`.
/// - automaticErrorHandling: Whether the pipeline should automatically handle protocol
/// errors by sending error responses and closing the connection. Defaults to `true`,
/// may be set to `false` if the user wishes to handle their own errors.
/// - shouldUpgrade: A callback that determines whether the websocket request should be
/// upgraded. This callback is responsible for creating a `HTTPHeaders` object with
/// any headers that it needs on the response *except for* the `Upgrade`, `Connection`,
/// and `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` headers, which this upgrader will handle. Should return
/// an `EventLoopFuture` containing `nil` if the upgrade should be refused.
/// - upgradePipelineHandler: A function that will be called once the upgrade response is
/// flushed, and that is expected to mutate the `Channel` appropriately to handle the
/// websocket protocol. This only needs to add the user handlers: the
/// `WebSocketFrameEncoder` and `WebSocketFrameDecoder` will have been added to the
/// pipeline automatically.
public convenience init(
maxFrameSize: Int,
automaticErrorHandling: Bool = true,
shouldUpgrade: @escaping @Sendable (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders?>,
upgradePipelineHandler: @escaping @Sendable (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
) {
_maxFrameSize: maxFrameSize,
automaticErrorHandling: automaticErrorHandling,
shouldUpgrade: shouldUpgrade,
upgradePipelineHandler: upgradePipelineHandler
/// Create a new `NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader`.
/// - parameters:
/// - maxFrameSize: The maximum frame size the decoder is willing to tolerate from the
/// remote peer. WebSockets in principle allows frame sizes up to `2**64` bytes, but
/// this is an objectively unreasonable maximum value (on AMD64 systems it is not
/// possible to even. Users may set this to any value up to `UInt32.max`.
/// - automaticErrorHandling: Whether the pipeline should automatically handle protocol
/// errors by sending error responses and closing the connection. Defaults to `true`,
/// may be set to `false` if the user wishes to handle their own errors.
/// - shouldUpgrade: A callback that determines whether the websocket request should be
/// upgraded. This callback is responsible for creating a `HTTPHeaders` object with
/// any headers that it needs on the response *except for* the `Upgrade`, `Connection`,
/// and `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` headers, which this upgrader will handle. Should return
/// an `EventLoopFuture` containing `nil` if the upgrade should be refused.
/// - upgradePipelineHandler: A function that will be called once the upgrade response is
/// flushed, and that is expected to mutate the `Channel` appropriately to handle the
/// websocket protocol. This only needs to add the user handlers: the
/// `WebSocketFrameEncoder` and `WebSocketFrameDecoder` will have been added to the
/// pipeline automatically.
public convenience init(
maxFrameSize: Int,
automaticErrorHandling: Bool = true,
shouldUpgrade: @escaping (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders?>,
upgradePipelineHandler: @escaping (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
) {
_maxFrameSize: maxFrameSize,
automaticErrorHandling: automaticErrorHandling,
shouldUpgrade: shouldUpgrade,
upgradePipelineHandler: upgradePipelineHandler
private init(
_maxFrameSize maxFrameSize: Int,
automaticErrorHandling: Bool,
shouldUpgrade: @escaping ShouldUpgrade,
upgradePipelineHandler: @escaping UpgradePipelineHandler
) {
precondition(maxFrameSize <= UInt32.max, "invalid overlarge max frame size")
self.shouldUpgrade = shouldUpgrade
self.upgradePipelineHandler = upgradePipelineHandler
self.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize
self.automaticErrorHandling = automaticErrorHandling
public func buildUpgradeResponse(channel: Channel, upgradeRequest: HTTPRequestHead, initialResponseHeaders: HTTPHeaders) -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPHeaders> {
let key: String
let version: String
do {
key = try upgradeRequest.headers.nonListHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key")
version = try upgradeRequest.headers.nonListHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version")
} catch {
return channel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error)
// The version must be 13.
guard version == "13" else {
return channel.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(NIOWebSocketUpgradeError.invalidUpgradeHeader)
return self.shouldUpgrade(channel, upgradeRequest).flatMapThrowing { extraHeaders in
guard let extraHeaders = extraHeaders else {
throw NIOWebSocketUpgradeError.unsupportedWebSocketTarget
return extraHeaders
}.map { (extraHeaders: HTTPHeaders) in
var extraHeaders = extraHeaders
// Cool, we're good to go! Let's do our upgrade. We do this by concatenating the magic
// GUID to the base64-encoded key and taking a SHA1 hash of the result.
let acceptValue: String
do {
var hasher = SHA1()
hasher.update(string: key)
hasher.update(string: magicWebSocketGUID)
acceptValue = String(base64Encoding: hasher.finish())
extraHeaders.replaceOrAdd(name: "Upgrade", value: "websocket")
extraHeaders.add(name: "Sec-WebSocket-Accept", value: acceptValue)
extraHeaders.replaceOrAdd(name: "Connection", value: "upgrade")
return extraHeaders
public func upgrade(context: ChannelHandlerContext, upgradeRequest: HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
/// We never use the automatic error handling feature of the WebSocketFrameDecoder: we always use the separate channel
/// handler.
var upgradeFuture = context.pipeline.addHandler(WebSocketFrameEncoder()).flatMap {
context.pipeline.addHandler(ByteToMessageHandler(WebSocketFrameDecoder(maxFrameSize: self.maxFrameSize)))
if self.automaticErrorHandling {
upgradeFuture = upgradeFuture.flatMap {
return upgradeFuture.flatMap {
self.upgradePipelineHandler(context.channel, upgradeRequest)