
154 lines
3.2 KiB

# This is a list of what I think all the languages we need to support are. At
# the very least, it's all the languages that the Terminal's context menu are
# localized into. If we need more than that, go ahead and add more. This has to
# be the most complete list - the script that actually generates the .rc file
# will use whatever subest of languages are actually available.
$languageCodes = @(
function Get-Language-Sublanguage-Constants {
param (
$language = $lcid -band 0xFFFF
$sublanguage = ($lcid -shr 16) -band 0x3F
# Language Constants
$languageConstant = "LANG_" + ([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($lcid).TwoLetterISOLanguageName).ToUpper()
# Sublanguage Constants
$sublanguageConstant = "SUBLANG_" + ([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($lcid).Name.Split('-')[1]).ToUpper()
return $language, $sublanguage, $languageConstant, $sublanguageConstant, ([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($lcid).ThreeLetterISOLanguageName).ToUpper()
$languageHashTable = @{}
foreach ($code in $languageCodes) {
$cultureInfo = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo $code
$displayName = $cultureInfo.DisplayName
$neutralCulture = $cultureInfo.Parent.Name
$lcid = $cultureInfo.LCID
$language, $sublanguage, $languageConstant, $sublanguageConstant, $threeLetter = Get-Language-Sublanguage-Constants -lcid $lcid
# trim out "LANG_" and "SUBLANG_
$languageConstant = $languageConstant.Substring(5)
$sublanguageConstant = $sublanguageConstant.Substring(8)
$hashTableValue = @(
# $cultureInfo.Name.ToUpper(),
# "",
$sublanguage, # $cultureInfo.Name.ToUpper() + '_' + $cultureInfo.Parent.Name.ToUpper(),
$languageHashTable[$code] = $hashTableValue
# write list like:
# "eu-ES" = @("EUQ", "BASQUE", "DEFAULT", "Basque (Basque)");
# $languageHashTable | % {
foreach ($code in $languageCodes) {
$lang = $languageHashTable[$code]
# Get language and sublanguage constants
write-host " `"$($code)`" = @(`"$($lang[0])`", `"$($lang[1])`", `"$($lang[2])`", `"$($lang[3])`");"
# if ($_.Value -ne $null ) {
# write-host " `"$($_.Key)`" = @(`"$($_.Value[0])`", `"$($_.Value[1])`", `"$($_.Value[2])`", `"$($_.Value[3])`");" }