stripe-ios/StripeIdentity/StripeIdentityTests/Unit/API Bindings/TruncatedDecimalTest.swift

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// TruncatedDecimalTest.swift
// StripeIdentityTests
// Created by Mel Ludowise on 2/9/22.
// Copyright © 2022 Stripe, Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import XCTest
// swift-format-ignore
@_spi(STP) @testable import StripeCore
@testable import StripeIdentity
final class TruncatedDecimalTest: XCTestCase {
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
func testTwoDigitDecimal() throws {
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(11111.11111), isFormattedTo: "11111.11")
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(0.11111), isFormattedTo: "0.11")
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(0.10111), isFormattedTo: "0.10")
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(999.99), isFormattedTo: "999.99")
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(999.999), isFormattedTo: "1000.00")
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(999), isFormattedTo: "999.00")
// Regression testing IDPROD-3304
try verify(TwoDecimalFloat(0.8090820312499999744), isFormattedTo: "0.81")
extension TruncatedDecimalTest {
fileprivate func verify<T: TruncatedDecimal>(
_ truncatedDecimal: T,
isFormattedTo string: String,
file: StaticString = #filePath,
line: UInt = #line
) throws {
// Wrap in a container so we can test that the encoded value is not
// wrapped in quotations or represented as a nested container
let container = Container(number: truncatedDecimal)
let jsonDict = try container.encodeJSONDictionary()
let queryString = URLEncoder.queryString(from: jsonDict)
file: file,
line: line
// Verify we can decode the number
guard let jsonDataToDecode = "{\"number\":\(string)}".data(using: .utf8) else {
return XCTFail("Could not encode string to json", file: file, line: line)
_ = try jsonDecoder.decode(Container<T>.self, from: jsonDataToDecode)
private struct Container<T: TruncatedDecimal>: UnknownFieldsCodable {
var _additionalParametersStorage: NonEncodableParameters?
var _allResponseFieldsStorage: NonEncodableParameters?
let number: T