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2012-11-15 11:50:42 +08:00
# Stripe iOS Bindings
The Stripe iOS bindings make it easy to collect your users' credit card details inside your iOS app. By creating [tokens](, Stripe handles the bulk of PCI compliance by preventing sensitive card data from hitting your server (for more, see [our article about PCI compliance](
To get started, see our [tutorial](
2012-11-13 00:54:08 +08:00
## Installation
There are two ways to add Stripe to your project:
### CocoaPods
[CocoaPods]( is a common library dependency management tool for Objective-C. To use the Stripe iOS bindings with CocoaPods, simply add the following to your `Podfile` and run `pod install`:
2013-02-15 05:46:49 +08:00
pod 'Stripe', :git => ''
Note: be sure to use the `.xcworkspace` to open your project in Xcode instead of the `.xcproject`. You will also need to add the `QuartzCore` framework to your project.
### Copy manually
1. Clone this repository (`git clone --recursive`)
2012-11-17 02:06:03 +08:00
1. In the menubar, click on 'File' then 'Add files to "Project"...'
1. Select the 'Stripe' directory in your cloned stripe-ios repository
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1. Make sure "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" is checked"
1. Click "Add"
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You will also need to add the `QuartzCore` framework to your project.
### Example app
You can also clone this repository to see our example app, TreatCar. To do so, just clone this repository, then initialize submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then, simply open Stripe.xcodeproj in Xcode and run TreatCar.
## Integration
First, you need to create a view to collect your users' card details. We've created the `STPView` class which does this all for you, but feel free to create a custom view of your own.
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### Using STPView
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Create and show a `STPView`:
2013-03-21 02:55:15 +08:00
STPView *cardView = [[STPView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(15,20,290,55) andKey:@"my_publishable_key"];
[self.view addSubview:cardView];
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Then, submit the details to Stripe to receive [card token](
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[cardView createToken:^(STPToken *token, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
[self hasError:error];
} else {
[self hasToken:token]; // Hooray!
(Replace `@"my_publishable_key"` with [your publishable key](
To receiving feedback about the state of the view:
cardView.delegate = self # implement STPViewDelegate
- (void)stripeView:(STPView *)view withCard:(PKCard *)card isValid:(BOOL)valid
// Enable the "save" button only if the card form is complete.
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled = valid;
2012-11-16 00:19:35 +08:00
### Using a custom view
After showing your view, create and populate a `STPCard` with the details you collected:
2012-11-15 11:50:42 +08:00
STPCard *card = [[STPCard alloc] init];
card.number = @"4242424242424242";
card.expMonth = 12;
card.expYear = 2020;
Then send it to Stripe:
[Stripe createTokenWithCard:card
completion:^(STPToken *token, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
[self hasError:error];
} else {
[self hasToken:token]; // Hooray!
(Replace `@"my_publishable_key"` with [your publishable key](
## Using tokens
Once you've collected a token, you can send it to your server to [charge immediately]( or [create a customer]( to charge in the future.
These operations need to occur in your server-side code (not the iOS bindings) since these operations require [your secret key](
## Misc notes
2012-11-15 11:50:42 +08:00
Note that if you do not wish to send your publishableKey every time you make a call to createTokenWithCard, you can also call `[Stripe setDefaultPublishableKey:]` with your publishable key. All Stripe subsequent API requests will use this key.
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### Retrieving a token
If you're implementing a complex workflow, you may want to know if you've already charged a token (since they can only be charged once). You can do so if you have the token's ID:
2013-03-21 02:55:15 +08:00
[Stripe getTokenWithId:@"token_id"
2013-02-22 07:15:08 +08:00
completion:^(STPToken *token, NSError *error)
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if (error)
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NSLog(@"An error!");
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2012-11-15 11:56:23 +08:00
NSLog(@"A token for my troubles.");
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### Handling errors
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Expected errors, such as a card being invalid, generate `NSError` objects. The bindings will return errors that are in the `StripeDomain` domain and have a `code` of `STPInvalidRequestError`, `STPAPIError`, or `STPCardError` -- these match up to the `type` property of [errors returned by the Stripe API]( Additionally, as recommended by Cocoa guidelines, all errors in the `StripeDomain` also provide a localizable user-facing error message that can be retrieved by calling `[error localizedDescription]`.
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2012-11-15 23:52:23 +08:00
The `userInfo` dictionary of errors in the `StripeDomain` contains a developer-facing error message corresponding to the `message` property returned by the [Stripe API for an error](, and, when applicable, a card error code corresponding to the `code` property and a parameter the error is for corresponding to the `param` property. These are the values for the keys `STPErrorMessageKey`, `STPCardErrorCodeKey`, and `STPErrorParameterKey` in the `userInfo` dictionary, respectively. Note that the values for `STPErrorParameterKey` will be camel cased and match up to the properties on `STPCard`. For example, an invalid expiration month will have `expMonth`, not `exp_month`, as the value for `STPErrorParameterKey` in the `userInfo` dictionary).
Almost all calls made to methods in the Stripe iOS bindings return nothing but errors in the `StripeDomain`. The only exception to this is calls to `createTokenWithCard` and `getTokenWithId`. Both of these methods make requests using `NSURLConnection`, so if the request fails to even be made, these calls just return the error object that is generated and returned by `NSURLConnection` (which will be in the `NSURLErrorDomain`).
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### Operation queues
2012-11-15 23:54:07 +08:00
When you are writing an iOS application, it is important to keep the main thread responsive even if your application performs a time-consuming task. In most cases, you should be able to use the default `createToken` and `getToken` methods for creating and retrieving tokens, which will run your `completionHandler` block on `[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]`. However, if you have a more complicated application and want to control where your `completionHandler` gets run, you can also pass in a queue as a parameter to both of these calls. See:
+ (void)createTokenWithCard:publishableKey:operationQueue:completionHandler
+ (void)getTokenWithId:publishableKey:operationQueue:completionHandler
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### Validation
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You have a few options for handling validation of credit card data on the client, depending on what your application does. Client-side validation of credit card data is not required since our API will correctly reject invalid card information, but can be useful to validate information as soon as a user enters it, or simply to save a network request.
The simplest thing you can do is to populate your `STPCard` object and, before sending the request, call `- (BOOL)validateCardReturningError:` on the card. This validates the entire card object, but is not useful for validating card properties one at a time.
To validate `STPCard` properties individually, you should use the following:
- (BOOL)validateNumber:error:
- (BOOL)validateCvc:error:
- (BOOL)validateExpMonth:error:
- (BOOL)validateExpYear:error:
These methods follow the validation method convention used by [key-value validation]( So, you can use these methods by invoking them directly, or by calling `[card validateValue:forKey:error]` for a property on the `STPCard` object.
When using these validation methods, you will want to set the property on your card object when a property does validate before validating the next property. This allows the methods to use existing properties on the card correctly to validate a new property. For example, validating `5` for the `expMonth` property will return YES if no `expYear` is set. But if `expYear` is set and you try to set `expMonth` to 5 and the combination of `expMonth` and `expYear` is in the past, `5` will not validate. The order in which you call the validate methods does not matter for this though.
2012-11-15 11:50:42 +08:00
## Running the tests
2012-11-13 00:54:08 +08:00
1. Open Stripe.xcodeproj
1. Select either the iOS or OS X scheme in the toolbar at the top
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1. Go to Product->Test
## iOS Example
Run the "TreatCar" target. This is a simple application that lets you order treat cars from an iOS device.
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## OS X Support
OS X support is not yet well tested (though all the tests do run). Feel free to give it a try and let us know of any problems you run into!