# Defog SQLCoder Defog's SQLCoder is a family of state-of-the-art LLMs for converting natural language questions to SQL queries. [Interactive Demo](https://defog.ai/sqlcoder-demo/) | [🤗 HF Repo](https://huggingface.co/defog/sqlcoder-7b-2) | [♾️ Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1z4rmOEiFkxkMiecAWeTUlPl0OmKgfEu7?usp=sharing) | [🐦 Twitter](https://twitter.com/defogdata) ## TL;DR SQLCoder is a family of large language models that outperforms `gpt-4` and `gpt-4-turbo` for natural language to SQL generation tasks on our [sql-eval](https://github.com/defog-ai/sql-eval) framework, and significantly outperform all popular open-source models. ![Percentage of correctly generated SQL queries on novel schemas not seen in training (n = 200) in SQL-Eval](https://github.com/defog-ai/sqlcoder/assets/5008293/839aa98f-101d-4baa-8e80-bb4fd5110012)] ## Installing SQLCoder If running on a device with an NVIDIA GPU with more than 16GB VRAM (best performance) `pip install "sqlcoder[transformers]"` If running on Apple Silicon (medium performance) `CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" pip install "sqlcoder[llama-cpp]"` SQLCoder has not been tested on other platforms yet. Support is very welcome! ## Running SQLCoder In your terminal, run `sqlcoder launch` With this, you will be able to add your metadata and query your data visually. ## License The code in this repo (what little there is of it) is Apache-2 licensed. The model weights have a `CC BY-SA 4.0` license. The TL;DR is that you can use and modify the model for any purpose – including commercial use. However, if you modify the weights (for example, by fine-tuning), you must open-source your modified weights under the same license terms. ## Training Defog was trained on more than 20,000 human-curated questions. These questions were based on 10 different schemas. None of the schemas in the training data were included in our evaluation framework. You can read more about our [training approach](https://defog.ai/blog/open-sourcing-sqlcoder2-7b/) and [evaluation framework](https://defog.ai/blog/open-sourcing-sqleval/). ## Results by question category We classified each generated question into one of 6 categories. The table displays the percentage of questions answered correctly by each model, broken down by category. | | date | group_by | order_by | ratio | join | where | | -------------- | ---- | -------- | -------- | ----- | ---- | ----- | | sqlcoder-70b | 96 | 91.4 | 97.1 | 85.7 | 97.1 | 91.4 | | sqlcoder-7b-2 | 96 | 91.4 | 94.3 | 91.4 | 94.3 | 77.1 | | sqlcoder-34b | 80 | 94.3 | 85.7 | 77.1 | 85.7 | 80 | | gpt-4 | 72 | 94.3 | 97.1 | 80 | 91.4 | 80 | | gpt-4-turbo | 76 | 91.4 | 91.4 | 62.8 | 88.6 | 77.1 | | natural-sql-7b | 56 | 88.6 | 85.7 | 60 | 88.6 | 80 | | sqlcoder-7b | 64 | 82.9 | 74.3 | 54.3 | 74.3 | 74.3 | | gpt-3.5 | 72 | 77.1 | 82.8 | 34.3 | 65.7 | 71.4 | | claude-2 | 52 | 71.4 | 74.3 | 57.1 | 65.7 | 62.9 | ## Using SQLCoder You can use SQLCoder via the `transformers` library by downloading our model weights from the Hugging Face repo. We have added sample code for [inference](./inference.py) on a [sample database schema](./metadata.sql). ```bash python inference.py -q "Question about the sample database goes here" # Sample question: # Do we get more revenue from customers in New York compared to customers in San Francisco? Give me the total revenue for each city, and the difference between the two. ``` You can also use a demo on our website [here](https://defog.ai/sqlcoder-demo) ## Hardware Requirements SQLCoder-34B has been tested on a 4xA10 GPU with `float16` weights. You can also load an 8-bit and 4-bit quantized version of the model on consumer GPUs with 20GB or more of memory – like RTX 4090, RTX 3090, and Apple M2 Pro, M2 Max, or M2 Ultra Chips with 20GB or more of memory. ## Todo - [x] Open-source the v1 model weights - [x] Train the model on more data, with higher data variance - [ ] Tune the model further with Reward Modelling and RLHF - [ ] Pretrain a model from scratch that specializes in SQL analysis