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# Changelog V2
> **IMPORTANT:** Refer to [Changelog V2](https://github.com/sendbird/sendbird-uikit-ios/blob/main-v2/CHANGELOG.md) for newer updates since the 2.2.8 release on June 21, 2022
### v2.2.8 (Jun 21, 2022)
- Modified some view to be able to change its date format
- Opened `SBUMessageDateView`
- Opened `SBUChannelCell`
- Added `SBUMessageDateView.dateFormat`
- Added `SBUOpenChannelContentBaseMessageCell.dateFormat`
- Added `SBUMessageSearchResultCell.dateFormat`
- Added parameters to `SBUChannelCell buildLastUpdatedDate()`: `dateFormat`, `timeFormat`
- Added public classes and interfaces regarding message cells
- Added open/public interfaces in message cells.
- Added `SBUMessageWebView`, `SBUMessageWebViewModel` and `SBUOpenChannelMessageWebView`
- Added `SBUMessageReactionView`
- Added `SBUDateFormatSet`
- Added `Date.sbu_toString(dateFormat:localizedFormat)`
- Changed `Date.lastUpdatedTime` function in `Data+SBUIKit` access level to public
- Fixed not called completion handler on unregister pushToken
### v2.2.7 (Jun 2, 2022)
* Updated chat SDK minor version to **v3.1.13**
* Added `leftBarButton` to `SBUSelectablePhotoViewController`
* Added `leftBarButton`
* Added `didTapLeftBarButton()`
* Improved stability
### v2.2.6 (Mar 28, 2022)
* Updated chat SDK minor version to **v3.1.7**
* Added new classes to support limited photo access level.
* Added `SBUSelectablePhotoViewController` class.
* Added `SBUPhotoCollectionViewCell` class.
* Added `SBUPhotoAccessLevel` and `SBUPhotoAccessibleStatus`.
* Added `rootViewController` parameter in `moveToChannel` function on `SBUMain` class and changed access level.
* Added `dismissAndMoveToChannel` function on `SBUCreateChannelViewController`.
* Improved stabilities
### v2.2.5 (Mar 8, 2022)
* Improved logic for caching
* Improved stabilities
### v2.2.4 (Feb 15, 2022)
* Added `photoLibraryAccessLevel` to `SBUGlobals`
* Improved stabilities
### v2.2.3 (Feb 3, 2022)
* Added `PHPickerViewControllerDelegate` to `SBUBaseChannelViewController`
* Added `picker(_:didFinishPicking:)`
* Added `showPhotoLibraryPicker()`
* Added `showCamera()`
* Added `showDocumentPicker()`
* Added `UsingPHPicker` to `SBUGlobals`
* Added `SBUBaseFileContentView`
* Added `SBUCommonContentView`
* Added `SBUImageContentView`
* Added `SBUOpenChannelCommonContentView`
* Added `SBUOpenChannelImageContentView`
* Opened action sheet delegate in `SBUMessageInputView`
* Opened `textViewDidChange(_:)`
* Opened `textViewDidEndEditing(_:)`
* Opened `textView(_:shouldChangeTextIn:replacementText:)`
* Opened `didSelectActionSheetItem(index:identifier:)`
* Updated the UI of `SBULoading`
* Modified `SBUBaseChannelViewController` to show loading indicator at the first loading.
* Improved stabilities
### v2.2.2 (Jan 11, 2022)
* Fixed date comparison logic.
* Fixed freezing issue when the file opens the first time.
* Improved file cache logic.
### v2.2.1 (Dec 9, 2021)
* Added `deleteResendableMessage(_:needReload:)`
* Improved stability
### v2.2.0 (Nov 23, 2021)
* Added Reply to Channel feature
* Added `SBUGlobals.ReplyTypeToUse`
* Added `SBUReplyType` and its `filterValue` returns `SBDReplyType`
* Added `SBUQuoteMessageInputView` and its params for configuration
* Added `SBUQuotedMessageViewProtocol`
* Added `SBUQuotedBaseMessageView` and its params for configuration
* Added `SBUQuotedUserMessageView`, `SBUQuotedFileMessageView` as subclass
* Cleaning up Message Cell code
* Added *params* to configure message cells
* Added `SBUViewLifeCycle`, `SBUView`, `SBUTableView`
* Added `SBUStackView`
* Local caching support
* Modified `SBUMain.initialize(applicationId:)` to `SBUMain.initialize(applicationId:migrationStartHandler:completionHandler:)`
* `SBUMain.connect` can return user instance even when it's online.
### v2.1.16 (Nov 16, 2021)
* Updated chat SDK Swift package to **v3.0.208**
### v2.1.15 (Nov 16, 2021)
* Improved stability
### v2.1.14 (Nov 1, 2021)
* Fixed issue on navigation bar in iOS 15
* Added `sbu_setupNavigationBarAppearance(tintColor:)`
* Improved stability
### v2.1.13 (Sep 2, 2021)
* Updated minor iOS version 10 to 11.
* Modified keyboard height logic when using `isTranslucent=false` option.
* Applied property-wrapper to theme properties.
* Removed logic that set theme to a global theme in the `setupStyles`, `updateStyles` functions.
* Added `overlayTheme` property to classes that use them differently depending on the overlay.
* Added `messageInputView(_:didChangeText:)` event to `SBUMessageInputViewDelegate`.
* Modified access level of `SBUMessageStateView` to `open`
* Added `timeFormat` which is type of `String`
* Added `timeLabelCustomSize` which is type of `CGSize`
* Modified access level of UI components to `public`
* Aded extensions of `Date`
* Added `Date.DateFormat` enum.
* Modified access level of `Date sub_toString(formatString:localizedFormat:) -> String` to public
### v2.1.12 (Aug 19, 2021)
* Added filtering logics for channel events by custom message list params
* Added filtering logics for channel list events by custom channel list query
* Changed `didReceiveError` function name to `errorHandler`.
* Added error code in error handler.
* Modified `SBUStringSet`
* `PhotoVideoLibrary`
* `Message_Edited`
* `MemberList_Unban`
* Modified on long tap gesture menu
* stringSet `Remove` to `Delete`
* colorSet `removeItemColor` to `deleteItemColor`
* Fixed cannot customize `rightBarButton` on `SBUOpenChannelViewController`
* Improved stability
### v2.1.11 (Jul 20, 2021)
* Changed access control of `inputHStackView` on `SBUMessageInputView`.
* Changed `SBUEmptyView` related stringSet.
* Added `emptyView` in user selection in `SBUCreateChannelViewController`.
* Added missing retry logic in `SBUCreateChannelViewController`.
* Improvement stability.
### v2.1.10 (Jun 29, 2021)
* Improvement stability
### v2.1.9 (Jun 29, 2021)
* Supports SPM(Swift package manager)
* Expands file open and download status Toast.
* Added strings in `SBUStringSet`
* `Channel_Failure_Download_file`
* `Channel_Failure_Open_file`
* Improvement stability
### v2.1.8 (Jun 11, 2021)
* Fixed an issue that failed to send typing status
* Fixed multiline text not functioning for `statusLabel` in `SBUEmptyView` class.
* Fixed multiple messages sending issue when sending a failed message.
* Changed access control to public
* `setEditMode(for:)` in `SBUBaseChannelViewController` class.
### v2.1.7 (May 26, 2021)
* Fixed problems recognized as the same video file if other URL video files have the same file name
* Fixed `customizedMembers` not working in `SBUMemberListViewController`
* Modified the use of the same file name when transferring image files
### v2.1.6 (May 11, 2021)
* Fixed video thumbnail bug
* Removed `configureContentOffset` in `SBUChannelViewController` and allowed to adjust tableView contentInset
### v2.1.5 (Apr 23, 2021)
* Added in `SBUMessageSearchViewController`
* `searchResultList: [SBDBaseMessage]` : Holds the search results.
* `open func message(at indexPath:) -> SBDBaseMessage?` : Retrieves the `SBDBaseMessage` object from given `IndexPath`.
### v2.1.4 (Apr 14, 2021)
* Improved stability
### v2.1.3 (Apr 13, 2021)
* Added properties in `SBUMessageInputView`.
* `textViewMinHeight`: the minimun height of the textview.
* `textViewMaxHeight`: the maximum height of the textview.
* `textViewLeadingSpacing`: the spacing between the textview and the `+` button.
* `textViewTrailingSpacing`: the spacing between the textview and the send button.
* `layoutInsets`: the outer spacing of the `SBUMessageInputView`, relative to `safeAreaLayoutGuide`.
* `showsSendButton`: whether to always show the send button.
* Applied tint to all `SBUIconSet`.
* Applied localization on datetime string.
* Improved stability.
### v2.1.2 (Mar 30, 2021)
* Improved stability
### v2.1.0 (Mar 24, 2021)
* Added Message Search features.
* Added `SBUMessageSearchViewController` and `SBUHighlightMessageInfo` classes.
* Added `SBUChannelViewController(channelUrl:startingPoint:messageListParams:)`
* Added `startingPoint`, `highlightInfo`, `useRightBarButtonItem` properties in `SBUChannelViewController`.
* Added `SBUAvailable.isSupportMessageSearch()`.
* Deprecated lastSeenAt feature.
* Changes in SBUIconSet
* Added
* iconBan
* iconBroadcast
* iconCheckboxChecked
* iconCheckboxUnchecked
* iconChevronRight
* iconDone
* iconDoneAll
* iconEmojiMore
* iconNotificationFilled
* iconNotificationOffFilled
* iconQuestion
* iconSpinner
* iconThumbnailNone
* Replaced
* channelTypeBroadcast -> iconBroadcast
* channelTypeGroup -> iconChat
* channelTypeSupergroup -> iconSupergroup
* emojiFail -> iconQuestion
* emojiMoreLarge -> iconEmojiMore
* iconActionLeave -> iconLeave
* iconActionNotificationOff -> iconNotificationOffFilled
* iconActionNotificationOn -> iconNotificationFilled
* iconAvatarLight -> iconUser
* iconBanned -> iconBan
* iconBroadcastSmall -> iconBroadcast
* iconBroadcastMedium -> iconBroadcast
* iconBroadcastLarge -> iconBroadcast
* iconCheckbox -> iconCheckboxChecked
* iconCheckboxOff -> iconCheckboxUnchecked
* iconDelivered -> iconDoneAll
* iconErrorFilled -> iconError
* iconFailed -> iconError
* iconMuted -> iconMute
* iconNoThumbnailLight -> iconThumbnailNone
* iconRead -> iconDoneAll
* iconSent -> iconDone
* iconShevronRight -> iconChevronRight
* iconSpinnerLarge -> iconSpinner
* iconSpinnerSmall -> iconSpinner
* iconThumbnailLight -> iconPhoto
* Removed
* emojiHeartEyes
* emojiLaughing
* emojiRage
* emojiSob
* emojiSweatSmile
* emojiThubsdown
* emojiThumbsup
* iconChatHide
* iconChatShow
* iconCreate
* iconDummy
* Changes in SBUColorSet
* Changed `primary*` colors.
* Changed `secondary*` colors.
* Changed `background300` color.
* Changed `background200` color.
* Changed `background100` color.
* Added `background50`.
* Added `error*` colors.
* Removed `error` (replaced with `error300`)
* Changes in SBUFontSet
* Changed weight of `h1`.
* Changed size and weight of `h2`.
* Changed size of `h3`.
* Changed size of `body1`.
* Changed weight of `body2`.
* Changed weight of `body3`.
* Changed size of `button1`.
* Changed weight of `caption3`.
* Changed weight of `caption4`.
* Improved stability.
### v2.0.9 (Mar 9, 2021)
* Fixed runtime debugger issue.
### v2.0.8 (Mar 2, 2021)
* Changes in `SBUChannelViewController` and `SBUOpenChannelViewController`
* Set `keyboardDismissMode` of `tableView` to `.interactive` as default.
* Changed `messageInputViewBottomConstraint`, `tableViewTopConstraint` properties to private access.
### v2.0.7 (Jan 28, 2021)
* Dismiss keyboard on swiping message list
### v2.0.5 (Jan 20, 2021)
* Improved stability
### v2.0.4 (Jan 15, 2021)
* Improved stability
### v2.0.3 (Jan 14, 2021)
* Improved stability
* Added `UsingImageCompression` flag in `SBUGlobals`
### v2.0.0 (Dec 24, 2020)
* Added OpenChannel features.
* `SBUOpenChannelViewController`
* `SBUOpenChannelBaseMessageCell`
* `SBUOpenChannelContentBaseMessageCell`
* `SBUOpenChannelAdminMessageCell`
* `SBUOpenChannelUserMessageCell`
* `SBUOpenChannelFileMessageCell`
* `SBUOpenChannelMessageWebView`
* `SBUOpenChannelUnknownMessageCell`
* `SBUOpenChannelSettingsViewController`
* `SBUOpenChannelSettingCell`
* `OpenChannelSettingItemType`
* Added `UsingUserProfileInOpenChannel` to `SBUGlobals`
* Added `overlay` themes.
* Deprecated properties in `SBUChannelViewController` class
* `preSendMessages`
* `resendableMessages`
* `preSendFileData`
* `resendableFileData`
* `fileTransferProgress`
* Ranamed classes
* Renamed `SBUMessageBaseCell` to `SBUBaseMessageCell`
* Renamed `MessageDateView` to `SBUMessageDateView`
* Renamed `MessageProfileView` to `SBUMessageProfileView`
* Renamed `UserNameView` to `SBUUserNameView`
* Renamed `MessageStateView` to `SBUMessageStateView`
* Supported image resizing and compression
* Added `imageCompressionRate` to `SBUGlobals`
* Added `imageResizingSize` to `SBUGlobals`
* Improved stability.
### v1.2.11 (Dec 11, 2020)
* Imporved stability
### v1.2.10 (Dec 9, 2020)
* Supported loading indicator feature
* Added `shouldShowLoadingIndicator()`
* Added `shouldDismissLoadingIndicator()`
* Improved stability
### v1.2.9 (Dec 2, 2020)
* Improved stability
### v1.2.8 (Nov 26, 2020)
* Modified access level for delegate function
* Opened `imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_:)`
### v1.2.7 (Nov 09, 2020)
* Modified access level for delegate functions
* Fixed `deinit` not called
### v1.2.6 (Nov 03, 2020)
* Changed SBUMessageInputView class from Xib-based to code-based
### v1.2.5 (Oct 19, 2020)
* Changed access controls
* Added documentation comments
* Fixed autolayout warnings
* Improved stability
### v1.2.3 (Sep 24, 2020)
* Improved logic for real-time theme changes
### v1.2.2 (Sep 17, 2020)
* Supported UserProfile feature in `SBUChannelViewController`, `SBUMemberListViewController`
* Added `SBUUserProfileViewProtocol`, `SBUUserProfileViewDelegate`
* Added global user profile enable setting (`SBUGlobals.UsingUserProfile`)
* Added `SBUUserProfileTheme` theme
* Added user profile related stringSet
* Added `SBUGlobalCustomParams` class to used when setting parameters globally in UIKit
* `groupChannelParamsCreateBuilder`
* `groupChannelParamsUpdateBuilder`
* `userMessageParamsSendBuilder`
* `userMessageParamsUpdateBuilder`
* `fileMessageParamsSendBuilder`
* `messageListParamsBuilder`
* Added initialize function with `SBDSender` in `SBUUser`
* Added to be able to set `messageListParams` to functions that have `SBUChannelViewController` initialization function
* Added `createAndMoveToChannel(userIds:messageListParams:)` and `createAndMoveToChannel(params:messageListParams:)` functions that creates and moves the channel that can be called anywhere in `SBUMain`
* Added `updateUserInfo(nickname:profileImage:completionHandler:)` function in `SBDMain` for update user info with image
* Added `h3` font
* Changed access control
* Class : `SBUActionSheet`, `SBUAlertView`, `SBUCommonItem`, `SBUUtils`
* Fixed the `loadChannel` function being called multiple times during the initialization of `SBUChannelViewController`.
* Fixed a problem the placeholder disappears when an error occurs during image load
* Fixed autolayout warning issues
* Renamed the GestureHandler functions to union the function name
* Renamed function name that `openChannel` to `moveToChannel` in `SBUMain`
* Improved - When the connection is successful, update currentUser.
* Improved for theme updates on changes at runtime
### v1.2.1 (Sep 10, 2020)
* Supported message grouping
* Improved stability
### v1.2.0 (Aug 27, 2020)
* Added operator features
* Member managing (ban/unban, mute/unmute, promote/dismiss)
* Moderation feature for the operator
* Channel freezing/unfreezing
* Channel creator will be the default operator
* Added `SBUModerationsViewController` class
* Added GroupChannel type selector to create
* Improved image cache logic with auth key
* Fixed the problem of chat bubbles width becoming the maximum on short messages
* Fixed Bottom sheet closed automatically issue
* Improved stability
* Modified all codes indentation
* Deprecated
* `SBUChannelSettingsViewController`
* `cellNotificationIconColor` -> Use `cellTypeIconTintColor`
* `cellMemberIconColor` -> Use `cellTypeIconTintColor`
* `cellMemberButtonColor` -> Use `cellArrowIconTintColor `
* Updated - MessagingSDK minimum version to **v3.0.200**
### v1.1.4 (Aug 15, 2020)
* Fixed - Default initialization function support for Objective-C
### v1.1.3 (Aug 14, 2020)
* Implemented - OG tag messages feature
* Fixed - Unmodified message not editable
* Updated - MessagingSDK minimum version to v3.0.198
### v1.1.2 (Aug 3, 2020)
* Fixed - Undelivered state checker in message
### v1.1.1 (Jul 17, 2020)
* Supported - access control for customizing classes and functions
* Modified - `userDidLeave` logic for `includeEmptyChannel`
* Improved - Stability
### v1.1.0 (Jul 10, 2020)
* Supported - Reaction feature
* Added classes
* `SBUReactionsViewController`
* `SBUMessageReactionView`
* `SBUReactionCollectionViewCell`
* `SBUEmojiManager`
* Added methods
* `setReaction(message:emojiKey:didSelect:)` in `SBUChannelViewController` class
* `setTapEmojiGestureHandler(cell:emojiKey:)` in `SBUChannelViewController` class
* `setLongTapEmojiGestureHandler(cell:emojiKey:)` in `SBUChannelViewController` class
* `showEmojiListModal(message:)` in `SBUChannelViewController` class
### v1.0.11 (Jun 25, 2020)
* Supported - Custom `SBDChanngeListQuery` in the initialization function of `SBUChannelListViewController`
* Supported - Custom `SBDMessageListParams` in the initialization function of `SBUChannelViewController`
* Added - Unknown type message
### v1.0.10 (Jun 18, 2020)
* Fixed - Incorrect operator check logic in frozen group channel
### v1.0.9 (Jun 8, 2020)
* Supported - customized params, Changed access control
* `SBUChannelViewController`
* `channel`, `messageList`, `resendableMessages` properties
* `sendUserMessage(messageParams:)`
* `sendFileMessage(messageParams:)`
* `resendMessage(failedMessage:)`
* `updateUserMessage(message:, text:)`
* `updateUserMessage(message:, messageParams:)`
* `deleteMessage(message:)`
* `SBUChannelViewController`
* `channelList` property
* `changePushTriggerOption(option:, channel:, completionHandler:)`
* `leaveChannel(channel:, completionHandler:)`
* `SBUChannelSettingsViewController`
* `updateChannel(channelName:, coverImage:)`
* `selectChannelImage()`
* `changeChannelName()`
* `SBUCreateChannelViewController`
* `createChannel(userIds:)`
* `createChannel(params:)`
* `SBUInviteUserViewController`
* `inviteUsers()`
* `inviteUsers(userIds:)`
* Added - `setFrozenModeState()` method for changing frozen channel UI in `MessageInputView`
* Fixed - Update empty view UI after receiving message
### v1.0.8 (May 28, 2020)
* Modified - File message information in channel preview
* Modified - Access control for channel objects
* Added - Required initializers
### v1.0.7 (May 21, 2020)
* Fixed - placeholder not appearing normally when loading image.
### v1.0.6 (May 14, 2020)
* Added - `setLogLevel()` for debugging from the console
* Improved - navigationBar UI
### v1.0.5 (May 6, 2020)
* Fixed - Weird creation channel navigation flow
* Modified - Empty messages string in channel
### v1.0.4 (Apr 29, 2020)
* Added - UIKit version information to User-Agent
* Fixed - Crash issue while scrolling TableView
### v1.0.3 (Apr 23, 2020)
* Fixed - Framework error issue in macOS Mojave
### v1.0.2 (Apr 16, 2020)
* Added - `setTapGestureHandler()`, `setLongTapGestureHandler()` methods for Cell on `SBUChannelViewController`
* Modified - Empty user name display policy
* Modified - Display long pressed color
* Changed - NavigationBarButton to public type
* Renamed - `SBUMessageBaseCell` to `SBUBaseMessageCell`
* Fixed - UIStatusBarStyle issue (light/dark)
* Improved - Stability
### v1.0.1 (Apr 7, 2020)
* Supported - Bitcode
### v1.0.0 (Apr 1, 2020)
* First release.