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// SBUUserListViewController.swift
// SendbirdUIKit
// Created by Tez Park on 05/02/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Sendbird, Inc. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK
/// This class handling members, operators, muted/Participants, banned, participants,
open class SBUUserListViewController: SBUBaseViewController, SBUUserListModuleHeaderDelegate, SBUUserListModuleListDelegate, SBUUserListModuleListDataSource, SBUCommonViewModelDelegate, SBUUserProfileViewDelegate, SBUUserListViewModelDelegate, SBUUserListViewModelDataSource {
// MARK: - UI properties (Public)
public var headerComponent: SBUUserListModule.Header?
public var listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List?
// Common
/// To use the custom user profile view, set this to the custom view created using `SBUUserProfileViewProtocol`.
/// And, if you do not want to use the user profile feature, please set this value to nil.
public lazy var userProfileView: UIView? = SBUUserProfileView(delegate: self)
// Theme
@SBUThemeWrapper(theme: SBUTheme.userListTheme)
public var theme: SBUUserListTheme
@SBUThemeWrapper(theme: SBUTheme.componentTheme)
public var componentTheme: SBUComponentTheme
// MARK: - Logic properties (Public)
public var viewModel: SBUUserListViewModel?
public var channel: BaseChannel? { viewModel?.channel }
public var channelURL: String? { viewModel?.channelURL }
public var channelType: ChannelType { viewModel?.channelType ?? .group }
public var userList: [SBUUser] { viewModel?.userList ?? [] }
public var userListType: ChannelUserListType { viewModel?.userListType ?? .none }
// MARK: - Lifecycle
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SBUUserListViewController(channelURL:type:)")
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SBUUserListViewController.init(channelURL:)")
public override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: Bundle?) {
super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)
/// If you have channel and users objects, use this initialize function.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channel: Channel object
/// - users: `SBUUser` array object
/// - userListType: Channel user list type (default: `.members`)
/// - Since: 1.2.0
required public init(channel: BaseChannel,
users: [SBUUser]? = nil,
userListType: ChannelUserListType = .members) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
var channelType = ChannelType.group
if channel is OpenChannel {
channelType = .open
channel: channel,
channelType: channelType,
users: users,
type: userListType
if channelType == .group {
self.headerComponent = SBUModuleSet.groupUserListModule.headerComponent
self.listComponent = SBUModuleSet.groupUserListModule.listComponent
} else if channelType == .open {
self.headerComponent = SBUModuleSet.openUserListModule.headerComponent
self.listComponent = SBUModuleSet.openUserListModule.listComponent
/// If you have channelURL and users objects, use this initialize function.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channelURL: Channel url string
/// - users: `SBUUser` array object
/// - userListType: Channel user list type (default: `.members`)
/// - Since: 1.2.0
required public init(channelURL: String,
channelType: ChannelType,
users: [SBUUser]? = nil,
userListType: ChannelUserListType = .members) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
channelURL: channelURL,
channelType: channelType,
users: users,
type: userListType
if channelType == .group {
self.headerComponent = SBUModuleSet.groupUserListModule.headerComponent
self.listComponent = SBUModuleSet.groupUserListModule.listComponent
} else if channelType == .open {
self.headerComponent = SBUModuleSet.openUserListModule.headerComponent
self.listComponent = SBUModuleSet.openUserListModule.listComponent
open override func viewDidLoad() {
self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = nil
open override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
open override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
if let userProfileView = userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileView {
open override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
deinit {
self.viewModel = nil
self.headerComponent = nil
self.listComponent = nil
// MARK: - ViewModel
open func createViewModel(channel: BaseChannel? = nil,
channelURL: String? = nil,
channelType: ChannelType = .group,
users: [SBUUser]? = nil,
type: ChannelUserListType) {
self.viewModel = SBUUserListViewModel(
channel: channel,
channelURL: channelURL,
channelType: channelType,
users: users,
userListType: type,
delegate: self
// MARK: - Sendbird UIKit Life cycle
open override func setupViews() {
// Header component
delegate: self,
userListType: self.userListType,
channelType: self.channelType,
theme: self.theme,
componentTheme: self.componentTheme
self.navigationItem.titleView = self.headerComponent?.titleView
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.headerComponent?.leftBarButton
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.headerComponent?.rightBarButton
// List component
delegate: self,
dataSource: self,
userListType: self.userListType,
theme: self.theme,
componentTheme: self.componentTheme)
if let listComponent = self.listComponent {
open override func setupLayouts() {
self.listComponent?.sbu_constraint(equalTo: self.view, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0)
open override func setupStyles() {
backgroundColor: self.theme.navigationBarTintColor,
shadowColor: self.theme.navigationShadowColor
self.headerComponent?.setupStyles(theme: self.theme, componentTheme: self.componentTheme)
self.listComponent?.setupStyles(theme: self.theme, componentTheme: self.componentTheme)
self.view.backgroundColor = self.theme.backgroundColor
open override func updateStyles() {
if let userProfileView = self.userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileView {
// MARK: - Actions
/// If you want to use a custom inviteChannelViewController, override it and implement it.
open func showInviteUser() {
let type: ChannelInviteListType = self.userListType == .operators ? .operators : .users
if let groupChannel = self.channel as? GroupChannel {
switch type {
case .users:
let inviteUserVC = SBUViewControllerSet.InviteUserViewController.init(channel: groupChannel)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(inviteUserVC, animated: true)
case .operators:
let registerOperatorVC = SBUViewControllerSet.GroupChannelRegisterOperatorViewController.init(channel: groupChannel)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(registerOperatorVC, animated: true)
} else if let openChannel = self.channel as? OpenChannel {
switch type {
case .operators:
let registerOperatorVC = SBUViewControllerSet.OpenChannelRegisterOperatorViewController.init(channel: openChannel)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(registerOperatorVC, animated: true)
/// This func tion shows the user profile
/// If you do not want to use the user profile function, override this function and leave it empty.
/// - Parameter user: `SBUUser` object used for user profile configuration
/// - Since: 3.0.0
open func showUserProfile(with user: SBUUser) {
guard let userProfileView = self.userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileView else { return }
guard let baseView = self.navigationController?.view else { return }
switch self.channel {
case is GroupChannel:
guard SBUGlobals.isUserProfileEnabled else { return }
userProfileView.show(baseView: baseView, user: user)
case is OpenChannel:
guard SBUGlobals.isOpenChannelUserProfileEnabled else { return }
userProfileView.show(baseView: baseView, user: user, isOpenChannel: true)
default: return
// MARK: - Error handling
private func errorHandler(_ error: SBError) {
self.errorHandler(error.localizedDescription, error.code)
open override func errorHandler(_ message: String?, _ code: NSInteger? = nil) {
SBULog.error("Did receive error: \(message ?? "")")
// MARK: - SBUUserListModuleHeaderDelegate
open func userListModule(_ headerComponent: SBUUserListModule.Header,
didUpdateTitleView titleView: UIView?) {
self.navigationItem.titleView = titleView
open func userListModule(_ headerComponent: SBUUserListModule.Header,
didUpdateLeftItem leftItem: UIBarButtonItem?) {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftItem
open func userListModule(_ headerComponent: SBUUserListModule.Header,
didUpdateRightItem rightItem: UIBarButtonItem?) {
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightItem
open func userListModule(_ headerComponent: SBUUserListModule.Header,
didTapLeftItem leftItem: UIBarButtonItem) {
open func userListModule(_ headerComponent: SBUUserListModule.Header,
didTapRightItem rightItem: UIBarButtonItem) {
// MARK: - SBUUserListModuleListDelegate
open func userListModule(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List,
didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { }
open func userListModule(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List,
didDetectPreloadingPosition indexPath: IndexPath) {
self.viewModel?.preLoadNextUserList(indexPath: indexPath)
open func userListModule(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List,
didTapMoreMenuFor user: SBUUser) {
let userNameItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: user.nickname ?? user.userId,
color: self.componentTheme.actionSheetSubTextColor,
textAlignment: .center,
completionHandler: nil
var isOperator = user.isOperator
if let channel = self.channel as? OpenChannel {
isOperator = channel.isOperator(userId: user.userId)
let operatorItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: isOperator || self.userListType == .operators
? SBUStringSet.UserList_Unregister_Operator
: SBUStringSet.UserList_Register_Operator,
color: self.componentTheme.actionSheetTextColor,
textAlignment: .center
) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
if isOperator || self.userListType == .operators {
self.viewModel?.unregisterOperator(user: user)
} else {
self.viewModel?.registerAsOperator(user: user)
let muteItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: user.isMuted || self.userListType == .muted
? SBUStringSet.UserList_Unmute
: SBUStringSet.UserList_Mute,
color: self.componentTheme.actionSheetTextColor,
textAlignment: .center
) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
if user.isMuted || self.userListType == .muted {
self.viewModel?.unmute(user: user)
} else {
self.viewModel?.mute(user: user)
let banItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: self.userListType == .banned
? SBUStringSet.UserList_Unban
: SBUStringSet.UserList_Ban,
color: self.userListType == .banned
? self.componentTheme.actionSheetTextColor
: self.componentTheme.actionSheetErrorColor,
textAlignment: .center
) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
if self.userListType == .banned {
self.viewModel?.unban(user: user)
} else {
self.viewModel?.ban(user: user)
let cancelItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: SBUStringSet.Cancel,
color: self.componentTheme.actionSheetItemColor,
completionHandler: nil)
var items: [SBUActionSheetItem] = [userNameItem]
var isBroadcast = false
if let channel = self.channel as? GroupChannel {
isBroadcast = channel.isBroadcast
switch self.userListType {
case .members:
items += isBroadcast ? [operatorItem, banItem] : [operatorItem, muteItem, banItem]
case .participants:
items += [operatorItem, muteItem, banItem]
case .operators:
items += [operatorItem]
case .muted:
items += [muteItem]
case .banned:
items += [banItem]
SBUActionSheet.show(items: items, cancelItem: cancelItem, oneTimetheme: componentTheme)
open func userListModule(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List,
didTapUserProfileFor user: SBUUser) {
self.showUserProfile(with: user)
open func userListModuleDidSelectRetry(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List) {
self.viewModel?.loadNextUserList(reset: true)
// MARK: - SBUUserListModuleListDataSource
open func userListModule(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List,
usersInTableView tableView: UITableView) -> [SBUUser] {
return self.viewModel?.userList ?? []
open func userListModule(_ listComponent: SBUUserListModule.List,
channelForTableView tableView: UITableView) -> BaseChannel? {
return self.viewModel?.channel
// MARK: - SBUCommonViewModelDelegate
open func shouldUpdateLoadingState(_ isLoading: Bool) {
open func didReceiveError(_ error: SBError?, isBlocker: Bool) {
self.errorHandler(error?.description ?? "")
if isBlocker {
self.listComponent?.updateEmptyView(type: .error)
// MARK: - SBUUserProfileViewDelegate
open func didSelectMessage(userId: String?) {
if let userProfileView = self.userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileViewProtocol {
if let userId = userId {
SendbirdUI.createAndMoveToChannel(userIds: [userId])
open func didSelectClose() {
if let userProfileView = self.userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileViewProtocol {
// MARK: - SBUUserListViewModelDelegate
open func userListViewModel(_ viewModel: SBUUserListViewModel,
didChangeUsers users: [SBUUser],
needsToReload: Bool) {
open func userListViewModel(_ viewModel: SBUUserListViewModel,
didChangeChannel channel: BaseChannel?,
withContext context: MessageContext) {
open func userListViewModel(_ viewModel: SBUUserListViewModel,
shouldDismissForUserList channel: BaseChannel?) {
if channel != nil {
guard let channelVC = SendbirdUI.findChannelViewController(
rootViewController: self.navigationController
) else { return }
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(channelVC, animated: false)
} else {
guard let channelListVC = SendbirdUI.findChannelListViewController(
rootViewController: self.navigationController,
channelType: (self.channel is OpenChannel) ? .open : .group
) else { return }
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(channelListVC, animated: false)
// MARK: - SBUUSerListViewModelDataSource
open func userListViewModel(_ viewModel: SBUUserListViewModel,
nextUserListForChannel channel: BaseChannel?) -> [SBUUser]? {
return nil