1378 lines
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1378 lines
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// SBUBaseChannelViewController.swift
// SendbirdUIKit
// Created by Tez Park on 2020/11/17.
// Copyright © 2020 Sendbird, Inc. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK
import MobileCoreServices
import AVKit
import SafariServices
import PhotosUI
open class SBUBaseChannelViewController: SBUBaseViewController, SBUBaseChannelViewModelDelegate, SBUBaseChannelModuleHeaderDelegate, SBUBaseChannelModuleListDelegate, SBUBaseChannelModuleListDataSource, SBUBaseChannelModuleInputDelegate, SBUBaseChannelModuleInputDataSource, SBUBaseChannelViewModelDataSource, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate, PHPickerViewControllerDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UIDocumentPickerDelegate, UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate, SBUSelectablePhotoViewDelegate, SBUFileViewControllerDelegate, SBUCommonViewModelDelegate, SBUAlertViewDelegate {
// MARK: - UI Properties (Public)
public var baseHeaderComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header?
public var baseListComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List?
public var baseInputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input?
/// To decide whether to use right bar button item or not
public var useRightBarButtonItem: Bool = true {
didSet { self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = useRightBarButtonItem ? self.baseHeaderComponent?.rightBarButton : nil }
// Theme
@SBUThemeWrapper(theme: SBUTheme.channelTheme)
public var theme: SBUChannelTheme
// MARK: - Logic Properties (Public)
public var baseViewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel?
public var channelName: String?
/// The state property to indicate whether it's showing the keyboard or not. It's `false` when ``keyboardWillHide(_:)`` is called and `true` when ``keyboardWillShow(_:)`` is called. The default value is `false`
/// - Since: 3.2.3
public var isKeyboardShowing: Bool = false
/// The `NSLayoutConstraint` value used in ``baseInputComponent``'s bottom anchor constraint. The value is updated when either ``keyboardWillHide(_:)`` or ``keyboardWillShow(_:)`` is called.
/// - Since: 3.2.3
public var messageInputViewBottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
// MARK: - Logic Properties (Private)
var initialMessageInputBottomConstraint: CGFloat = 0
var initialMessageInputOrigin: CGPoint = .zero
var tableViewTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
var lastSeenIndexPath: IndexPath?
var scrollToInitialPositionHandler: (() -> Void)?
var isTransformedList: Bool = true
// MARK: - Lifecycle
@available(*, unavailable)
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("Cannot use `init(coder:)`")
public override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: Bundle?) {
super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)
/// If you have channel object, use this initializer. If you have own message list params, please set it. If not set, it is used as the default value.
/// See the example below for params generation.
/// ```
/// let params = MessageListParams()
/// params.includeMetaArray = true
/// params.includeReactions = true
/// params.includeThreadInfo = true
/// ...
/// ```
/// - note: The `reverse` and the `previousResultSize` properties in the `MessageListParams` are set in the UIKit. Even though you set that property it will be ignored.
/// - Parameters:
/// - baseChannel: Channel object
/// - messageListParams: `MessageListParams` object to be used when loading messages.
/// - displaysLocalCachedListFirst: (GroupChannel only) If this option is `true`, when a list is received through the local cache during initialization, it is displayed first.
/// - Since: 1.0.11
public init(baseChannel: BaseChannel, messageListParams: MessageListParams? = nil, displaysLocalCachedListFirst: Bool = false) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
if displaysLocalCachedListFirst {
channel: baseChannel,
messageListParams: messageListParams,
displaysLocalCachedListFirst: displaysLocalCachedListFirst
} else {
channel: baseChannel,
messageListParams: messageListParams
/// Initiates view controller to enter a channel with its URL, message list params and a specific timestamp representing a starting potint.
/// See the example below for params generation.
/// ```
/// let params = MessageListParams()
/// params.includeMetaArray = true
/// params.includeReactions = true
/// params.includeThreadInfo = true
/// ...
/// ```
/// - note: The `reverse` and the `previousResultSize` properties in the `MessageListParams` are set in the UIKit. Even though you set that property it will be ignored.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channelURL: Channel's URL
/// - startingPoint: A starting point timestamp to start the message list from.
/// - messageListParams: `MessageListParams` object to be used when loading messages.
/// - Since: 2.1.0
required public init(
channelURL: String,
startingPoint: Int64? = nil,
messageListParams: MessageListParams? = nil
) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
channelURL: channelURL,
messageListParams: messageListParams,
startingPoint: startingPoint
/// Initiates view controller to enter a channel with its URL, message list params and a specific timestamp representing a starting potint.
/// See the example below for params generation.
/// ```
/// let params = MessageListParams()
/// params.includeMetaArray = true
/// params.includeReactions = true
/// params.includeThreadInfo = true
/// ...
/// ```
/// - note: The `reverse` and the `previousResultSize` properties in the `MessageListParams` are set in the UIKit. Even though you set that property it will be ignored.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channelURL: Channel's URL
/// - startingPoint: A starting point timestamp to start the message list from.
/// - messageListParams: `MessageListParams` object to be used when loading messages.
/// - displaysLocalCachedListFirst: (GroupChannel only) If this option is `true`, when a list is received through the local cache during initialization, it is displayed first.
/// - Since: 3.3.5
public init(
channelURL: String,
startingPoint: Int64? = nil,
messageListParams: MessageListParams? = nil,
displaysLocalCachedListFirst: Bool
) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
if displaysLocalCachedListFirst {
channelURL: channelURL,
messageListParams: messageListParams,
startingPoint: startingPoint,
displaysLocalCachedListFirst: displaysLocalCachedListFirst
} else {
channelURL: channelURL,
messageListParams: messageListParams,
startingPoint: startingPoint
open override func loadView() {
self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = nil
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
self.navigationController?.isModalInPresentation = true
open override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(applicationWillResignActivity), name: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification, object: nil)
open override func viewDidLoad() {
open override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
if let userProfileView = self.baseListComponent?.userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileView {
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification, object: nil)
/// Called when the application will resign activity.
open func applicationWillResignActivity() { }
/// Called when the subview will present.
open func willPresentSubview() {}
open override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
deinit {
self.baseViewModel = nil
self.baseHeaderComponent = nil
self.baseListComponent = nil
// MARK: - ViewModel
/// Creates the view model, loading initial messages from given starting point.
/// - Note: If you want to customize the viewModel, override this function
/// - Parameters:
/// - baseChannel: Channel object
/// - channelURL: Channel's URL
/// - messageListParams: `MessageListParams` object to be used when loading messages.
/// - startingPoint: The starting point timestamp of the messages. `nil` to start from the latest.
/// - showIndicator: Whether to show loading indicator on loading the initial messages.
/// - Since: 3.0.0
open func createViewModel(
channel: BaseChannel? = nil,
channelURL: String? = nil,
messageListParams: MessageListParams? = nil,
startingPoint: Int64? = nil,
showIndicator: Bool = true
) { }
/// Creates the view model, loading initial messages from given starting point.
/// - Note: If you want to customize the viewModel, override this function
/// - Parameters:
/// - baseChannel: Channel object
/// - channelURL: Channel's URL
/// - messageListParams: `MessageListParams` object to be used when loading messages.
/// - startingPoint: The starting point timestamp of the messages. `nil` to start from the latest.
/// - showIndicator: Whether to show loading indicator on loading the initial messages.
/// - displaysLocalCachedListFirst: (GroupChannel only) If this option is `true`, when a list is received through the local cache during initialization, it is displayed first.
/// - Since: 3.3.5
open func createViewModel(
channel: BaseChannel? = nil,
channelURL: String? = nil,
messageListParams: MessageListParams? = nil,
startingPoint: Int64? = nil,
showIndicator: Bool = true,
displaysLocalCachedListFirst: Bool
) { }
// MARK: - Sendbird UIKit Life cycle
// Please call me after the configuration of the component!
/// Sets up views including module components.
/// - Important: When you override this method, please call `super.setupViews` after `configure` method of the component. e.g.
/// ```swift
/// override func setupViews() {
/// self.baseHeaderComponent = SBUModuleSet.groupChannelModule.headerComponent()
/// self.baseHeaderComponent?.configure(delegate: self, theme: self.theme)
/// super.setupViews()
/// }
/// ```
open override func setupViews() {
// Header
self.navigationItem.titleView = self.baseHeaderComponent?.titleView
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.baseHeaderComponent?.leftBarButton
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = useRightBarButtonItem ? self.baseHeaderComponent?.rightBarButton : nil
// List
if let baseListComponent = baseListComponent {
// Input
if let baseInputComponent = baseInputComponent {
self.scrollToInitialPositionHandler = { [weak self] in
if Thread.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
open override func setupStyles() {
self.setupStyles(theme: self.theme)
func setupStyles(theme: SBUChannelTheme) {
backgroundColor: self.theme.navigationBarTintColor,
shadowColor: self.theme.navigationBarShadowColor
self.view.backgroundColor = theme.backgroundColor
/// Setups scrollBottom view style.
/// - Parameters:
/// - scrollBottomView: Scroll bottom view
/// - theme: theme for setup
public func setupScrollBottomViewStyle(
scrollBottomView: UIView,
theme: SBUComponentTheme = SBUTheme.componentTheme
) {
if let baseListComponent = baseListComponent {
scrollBottomView: scrollBottomView,
theme: theme
// MARK: - Channel
/// Updates channelTitle with channel and channelName
/// - Since: 3.0.0
public func updateChannelTitle() {
if let titleView = self.baseHeaderComponent?.titleView as? SBUChannelTitleView {
channel: self.baseViewModel?.channel,
title: self.channelName
// MARK: *
/// Updates channelStatus with channel
/// - Since: 3.0.0
public func updateChannelStatus() {
guard let channel = self.baseViewModel?.channel else { return }
if let titleView = self.baseHeaderComponent?.titleView as? SBUChannelTitleView {
titleView.updateChannelStatus(channel: channel)
// MARK: - Message: Menu
/// Shows channel settings view controller such as `SBUGroupChannelSettingsViewController`
open func showChannelSettings() { }
/// This function shows message thread view controller.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channelURL: Channel url string
/// - parentMessageId: Parent message's Id
/// - parentMessageCreatedAt: Parent message's created time
/// - startingPoint: If not set this value, message thread list will be exposed from the first message. If you want to expose the most recent messages first, use the `.max` value.
/// - Since: 3.3.0
open func showMessageThread(channelURL: String, parentMessageId: Int64, parentMessageCreatedAt: Int64? = 0, startingPoint: Int64? = 0) { }
/// This function presents `SBUEmojiListViewController`
/// - Parameter message: `BaseMessage` object
/// - Since: 1.1.0
open func showEmojiListModal(message: BaseMessage) {
let emojiListVC = SBUEmojiListViewController(message: message)
emojiListVC.modalPresentationStyle = .custom
emojiListVC.transitioningDelegate = self
emojiListVC.emojiTapHandler = { [weak self] emojiKey, setSelect in
guard let self = self else { return }
message: message,
emojiKey: emojiKey,
didSelect: setSelect
self.present(emojiListVC, animated: true)
// MARK: - TableView
// MARK: - New message info
/// This function updates new message info view's hidden status.
/// - Parameter hidden: hidden status
/// - Since: 3.0.0
public func updateNewMessageInfo(hidden: Bool) {
guard let newMessageInfoView = self.baseListComponent?.newMessageInfoView else { return }
guard hidden != newMessageInfoView.isHidden else { return }
guard let viewModel = self.baseViewModel else { return }
newMessageInfoView.isHidden = hidden && !viewModel.hasNext()
// MARK: - Common
/// This function opens a file according to the file type.
/// - Parameter fileMessage: fileMessage object
/// - Since: 3.0.0
open func openFile(fileMessage: FileMessage) {
let fileType = SBUUtils.getFileType(by: fileMessage)
switch fileType {
case .image:
let viewer = SBUCommonViewControllerSet.FileViewController.init(fileMessage: fileMessage, delegate: self)
let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewer)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)
case .etc, .pdf, .video, .audio:
urlString: fileMessage.url,
cacheKey: fileMessage.requestId,
fileName: fileMessage.name
) { fileURL, _ in
guard let fileURL = fileURL else {
SBUToastManager.showToast(parentVC: self, type: .fileOpenFailed)
switch fileType {
case .audio, .video:
if SBUGlobals.isAVPlayerAlwaysEnabled {
let vc = AVPlayerViewController()
vc.player = AVPlayer(url: fileURL)
self.present(vc, animated: true) { vc.player?.play() }
} else {
let dc = UIDocumentInteractionController(url: fileURL)
dc.name = fileMessage.name
dc.delegate = self
dc.presentPreview(animated: true)
if let messageInputView = self.baseInputComponent?.messageInputView as? SBUMessageInputView {
if messageInputView.mode != .quoteReply {
if fileURL.scheme == "file" {
let dc = UIDocumentInteractionController(url: fileURL)
dc.name = fileMessage.name
dc.delegate = self
dc.presentPreview(animated: true)
} else {
let safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: fileURL)
self.present(safariVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
case .voice:
/// This function increases the new message count.
public func increaseNewMessageCount() -> Bool {
guard let tableView = self.baseListComponent?.tableView,
tableView.contentOffset != .zero,
self.baseViewModel?.isLoadingNext == false
else {
self.lastSeenIndexPath = nil
return false
let firstVisibleIndexPath = tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.first
?? IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
self.lastSeenIndexPath = IndexPath(row: firstVisibleIndexPath.row + 1, section: 0)
return true
// MARK: - MessageInputView
open func setMessageInputViewMode(_ mode: SBUMessageInputMode, message: BaseMessage? = nil) {
self.baseInputComponent?.updateMessageInputMode(mode, message: message)
// MARK: - VoiceMessageInput
open func showVoiceMessageInput() {}
open func dismissVoiceMessageInput() {}
open func resetVoiceMessageInput(for resignActivity: Bool = false) {}
// MARK: - Error handling
func errorHandler(_ error: SBError) {
self.errorHandler(error.localizedDescription, error.code)
/// If an error occurs in viewController, a message is sent through here.
/// If necessary, override to handle errors.
/// - Parameters:
/// - message: error message
/// - code: error code
open override func errorHandler(_ message: String?, _ code: NSInteger? = nil) {
SBULog.error("Did receive error: \(message ?? "")")
// MARK: - SBUBaseChannelViewModelDelegate
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
didChangeChannel channel: BaseChannel?,
withContext context: MessageContext
) { }
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
didReceiveNewMessage message: BaseMessage,
forChannel channel: BaseChannel
) {
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
shouldFinishEditModeForChannel channel: BaseChannel
) {
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
shouldDismissForChannel channel: BaseChannel?
) {
if let navigationController = self.navigationController,
navigationController.viewControllers.count > 1 {
navigationController.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
} else {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
didChangeMessageList messages: [BaseMessage],
needsToReload: Bool,
initialLoad: Bool
) {
guard let baseListComponent = baseListComponent else { return }
let emptyViewType: EmptyViewType = (!initialLoad && viewModel.fullMessageList.isEmpty) ? .noMessages : .none
baseListComponent.updateEmptyView(type: emptyViewType)
defer {
if !initialLoad && !(self.baseViewModel?.isScrollToInitialPositionFinish ?? false) {
self.baseViewModel?.isScrollToInitialPositionFinish = true
guard needsToReload else { return }
guard let lastSeenIndexPath = self.lastSeenIndexPath else {
let hidden = baseListComponent.isScrollNearByBottom
baseListComponent.setScrollBottomView(hidden: hidden)
if baseListComponent.isScrollNearByBottom,
let fullMessageList = self.baseViewModel?.fullMessageList,
!self.isTransformedList {
self.baseListComponent?.scrollTableView(to: fullMessageList.count - 1)
baseListComponent.scrollTableView(to: lastSeenIndexPath.row)
let hidden = baseListComponent.isScrollNearByBottom
baseListComponent.setScrollBottomView(hidden: hidden)
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
deletedMessages messages: [BaseMessage]
) { }
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
shouldUpdateScrollInMessageList messages: [BaseMessage],
forContext context: MessageContext?,
keepsScroll: Bool
) {
SBULog.info("Fetched : \(messages.count), keepScroll : \(keepsScroll)")
guard let baseListComponent = baseListComponent else { return }
guard !messages.isEmpty else {
SBULog.info("Fetched empty messages.")
if context?.source == .eventMessageSent {
if !keepsScroll {
self.baseChannelModuleDidTapScrollToButton(baseListComponent, animated: false)
} else if context?.source != .eventMessageReceived {
// follow keepScroll flag if context is not `eventMessageReceived`.
if keepsScroll, !baseChannelViewModel(viewModel, isScrollNearBottomInChannel: viewModel.channel) {
self.lastSeenIndexPath = baseListComponent.keepCurrentScroll(for: messages)
} else {
if !baseChannelViewModel(viewModel, isScrollNearBottomInChannel: viewModel.channel) {
self.lastSeenIndexPath = baseListComponent.keepCurrentScroll(for: messages)
open func baseChannelViewModel(
_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
didUpdateReaction reaction: ReactionEvent,
forMessage message: BaseMessage
) {
// MARK: - SBUBaseChannelModuleHeaderDelegate
open func baseChannelModule(_ headerComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header, didUpdateTitleView titleView: UIView?) {
var titleStackView = UIStackView()
if let titleView = titleView {
titleStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [
titleStackView.axis = .horizontal
self.navigationItem.titleView = titleStackView
open func baseChannelModule(_ headerComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header, didTapTitleView titleView: UIView?) {
open func baseChannelModule(_ headerComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header, didUpdateLeftItem leftItem: UIBarButtonItem?) {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftItem
open func baseChannelModule(_ headerComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header, didUpdateRightItem rightItem: UIBarButtonItem?) {
if useRightBarButtonItem {
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightItem
open func baseChannelModule(_ headerComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header, didTapLeftItem leftItem: UIBarButtonItem) {
open func baseChannelModule(_ headerComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Header, didTapRightItem rightItem: UIBarButtonItem) {
// MARK: - SBUBaseChannelModuleListDelegate
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let baseViewModel = self.baseViewModel else { return }
guard baseViewModel.fullMessageList.count > 0 else { return }
let sentMessageList = baseViewModel.messageList
let fullMessageList = baseViewModel.fullMessageList
let messageListParams = baseViewModel.messageListParams
if indexPath.row >= (fullMessageList.count - messageListParams.previousResultSize/2),
baseViewModel.hasPrevious() {
if let openChannelViewModel = baseViewModel as? SBUOpenChannelViewModel {
openChannelViewModel.loadPrevMessages(timestamp: sentMessageList.last?.createdAt)
} else if let messageThreadViewModel = baseViewModel as? SBUMessageThreadViewModel {
messageThreadViewModel.loadPrevMessages(timestamp: sentMessageList.last?.createdAt)
} else {
} else if indexPath.row < 5,
baseViewModel.hasNext() {
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapMessage message: BaseMessage, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
switch message {
case let userMessage as UserMessage:
// User message type, only fail case
guard userMessage.sendingStatus == .failed,
userMessage.sender?.userId == SBUGlobals.currentUser?.userId else { return }
self.baseViewModel?.resendMessage(failedMessage: userMessage)
self.baseChannelModuleDidTapScrollToButton(listComponent, animated: true)
case let fileMessage as FileMessage:
// File message type
switch fileMessage.sendingStatus {
case .pending:
case .failed:
guard fileMessage.sender?.userId == SBUGlobals.currentUser?.userId else { return }
self.baseViewModel?.resendMessage(failedMessage: fileMessage)
self.baseChannelModuleDidTapScrollToButton(listComponent, animated: true)
case .succeeded:
self.openFile(fileMessage: fileMessage)
case _ as AdminMessage:
// Admin message type
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didLongTapMessage message: BaseMessage, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
listComponent.showMessageMenu(on: message, forRowAt: indexPath)
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapVoiceMessage fileMessage: FileMessage, cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {}
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapSaveMessage message: BaseMessage) {
guard let fileMessage = message as? FileMessage else { return }
SBUDownloadManager.save(fileMessage: fileMessage, parent: self)
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapCopyMessage message: BaseMessage) {
guard let userMessage = message as? UserMessage else { return }
let pasteboard = UIPasteboard.general
pasteboard.string = userMessage.message
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapEditMessage message: BaseMessage) {
guard let channel = self.baseViewModel?.channel else { return }
guard let userMessage = message as? UserMessage else { return }
if channel.isFrozen == false ||
self.baseViewModel?.isOperator == true {
self.setMessageInputViewMode(.edit, message: userMessage)
} else {
SBULog.info("This channel is frozen")
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapDeleteMessage message: BaseMessage) {
guard message.threadInfo.replyCount == 0 else { return }
self.baseViewModel?.deleteMessage(message: message)
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapReplyMessage message: BaseMessage) {
guard message.parentMessage == nil else { return }
switch SBUGlobals.reply.replyType {
case .quoteReply:
self.setMessageInputViewMode(.quoteReply, message: message)
case .thread:
if let channelURL = self.baseViewModel?.channelURL {
// If it is the parent message itself, use `messageId` rather than `parentMessageId`.
channelURL: channelURL,
parentMessageId: message.messageId,
parentMessageCreatedAt: message.createdAt,
startingPoint: .max
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didDismissMenuForCell cell: UITableViewCell) {
cell.isSelected = false
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapMoreEmojisOnMessage message: BaseMessage) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.showEmojiListModal(message: message)
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didReactToMessage message: BaseMessage, withEmoji key: String, selected: Bool) {
message: message,
emojiKey: key,
didSelect: selected
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapRetryFailedMessage failedMessage: BaseMessage) {
self.baseViewModel?.resendMessage(failedMessage: failedMessage)
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapDeleteFailedMessage failedMessage: BaseMessage) {
self.baseViewModel?.deleteResendableMessage(failedMessage, needReload: true)
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didTapUserProfile user: SBUUser) {
if let userProfileView = self.baseListComponent?.userProfileView as? SBUUserProfileView,
let baseView = self.navigationController?.view,
SBUGlobals.isUserProfileEnabled {
baseView: baseView,
user: user
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, didScroll scrollView: UIScrollView) {
open func baseChannelModuleDidTapScrollToButton(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, animated: Bool) {
guard self.baseViewModel?.fullMessageList.isEmpty == false else { return }
self.lastSeenIndexPath = nil
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self, listComponent, animated] in
guard let self = self else { return }
if let messageInputView = self.baseInputComponent?.messageInputView as? SBUMessageInputView,
messageInputView.mode != .quoteReply {
if self.baseViewModel?.hasNext() ?? false {
listComponent.tableView.setContentOffset(listComponent.tableView.contentOffset, animated: false)
self.baseListComponent?.scrollTableView(to: 0)
} else {
var indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
if !self.isTransformedList,
let fullMessageCount = self.baseViewModel?.fullMessageList.count {
indexPath = IndexPath(item: fullMessageCount - 1, section: 0)
self.baseListComponent?.scrollTableView(to: indexPath.row, animated: animated)
self.updateNewMessageInfo(hidden: true)
self.baseListComponent?.setScrollBottomView(hidden: true)
open func baseChannelModuleDidSelectRetry(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List) {
if let channelURL = self.baseViewModel?.channelURL {
self.baseViewModel?.loadChannel(channelURL: channelURL)
// MARK: SBUBaseChannelModuleListDataSource
open func baseChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List,
channelForTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> BaseChannel? {
open func baseChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List,
sentMessagesInTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> [BaseMessage] {
self.baseViewModel?.messageList ?? []
open func baseChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List,
fullMessagesInTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> [BaseMessage] {
self.baseViewModel?.fullMessageList ?? []
open func baseChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List,
hasNextInTableView tableView: UITableView
) -> Bool {
self.baseViewModel?.hasNext() ?? false
open func baseChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List,
lastSeenIndexPathIn tableView: UITableView
) -> IndexPath? {
return self.lastSeenIndexPath
open func baseChannelModule(
_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List,
startingPointIn tableView: UITableView
) -> Int64? {
return self.baseViewModel?.getStartingPoint()
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, parentViewControllerDisplayMenuItems menuItems: [SBUMenuItem]) -> UIViewController? {
return self
open func baseChannelModule(_ listComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.List, pendingMessageManagerForCell cell: UITableViewCell) -> (SBUPendingMessageManager?, Bool?) {
return (self.baseViewModel?.pendingMessageManager, self.baseViewModel?.isThreadMessageMode)
// MARK: - SBUBaseChannelModuleInputDelegate
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
didUpdateFrozenState isFrozen: Bool) { }
open func baseChannelModuleDidStartTyping(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input) {
guard self.baseViewModel?.channel is GroupChannel else { return }
open func baseChannelModuleDidEndTyping(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input) {
guard self.baseViewModel?.channel is GroupChannel else { return }
open func baseChannelModuleDidTapAdd(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input) {
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
didTapSend text: String,
parentMessage: BaseMessage?) {
self.baseViewModel?.sendUserMessage(text: text, parentMessage: parentMessage)
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
didTapResource type: MediaResourceType) {
switch type {
case .document: self.showDocumentPicker()
case .library:
switch SBUPermissionManager.shared.currentPhotoAccessStatus {
case .all:
case .limited:
case .camera:
switch SBUPermissionManager.shared.currentCameraAccessStatus {
case .authorized:
self.showPermissionAlert(forType: .camera)
/// Presents `UIDocumentPickerViewController`.
/// - Since: 2.2.3
open func showDocumentPicker() {
let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(
documentTypes: ["public.content"],
in: UIDocumentPickerMode.import
documentPicker.delegate = self
documentPicker.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
self.present(documentPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
open func showLimitedPhotoLibraryPicker() {
let selectablePhotoVC = SBUSelectablePhotoViewController()
selectablePhotoVC.delegate = self
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: selectablePhotoVC)
self.present(nav, animated: true, completion: nil)
/// Presents `UIImagePickerController`. If `SBUGlobals.UsingPHPicker`is `true`, it presents `PHPickerViewController` in iOS 14 or later.
/// - NOTE: If you want to use customized `PHPickerConfiguration`, please override this method.
/// - Since: 2.2.3
open func showPhotoLibraryPicker() {
if #available(iOS 14, *), SBUGlobals.isPHPickerEnabled {
var configuration = PHPickerConfiguration()
configuration.filter = .any(of: [.images, .videos])
let picker = PHPickerViewController(configuration: configuration)
picker.delegate = self
self.present(picker, animated: true, completion: nil)
let sourceType: UIImagePickerController.SourceType = .photoLibrary
let mediaType: [String] = [
if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(sourceType) {
let imagePickerController = UIImagePickerController()
imagePickerController.delegate = self
imagePickerController.sourceType = sourceType
imagePickerController.mediaTypes = mediaType
self.present(imagePickerController, animated: true, completion: nil)
/// Presents `UIImagePickerController` for using camera.
/// - Since: 2.2.3
open func showCamera() {
let sourceType: UIImagePickerController.SourceType = .camera
let mediaType: [String] = [
if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(sourceType) {
let imagePickerController = UIImagePickerController()
imagePickerController.delegate = self
imagePickerController.sourceType = sourceType
imagePickerController.mediaTypes = mediaType
self.present(imagePickerController, animated: true, completion: nil)
// Shows permission request alert.
/// - Since: 3.0.0
open func showPermissionAlert(forType permissionType: SBUPermissionManager.PermissionType = .photoLibrary) {
forType: permissionType,
alertViewDelegate: self
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
didTapEdit text: String) {
guard let message = self.baseViewModel?.inEditingMessage else { return }
self.baseViewModel?.updateUserMessage(message: message, text: text)
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
didChangeText text: String) {
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
willChangeMode mode: SBUMessageInputMode, message: BaseMessage?) {
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
didChangeMode mode: SBUMessageInputMode, message: BaseMessage?) {
baseViewModel?.inEditingMessage = message as? UserMessage
open func baseChannelModule(_ inputComponent: SBUBaseChannelModule.Input,
channelForInputView messageInputView: UIView?) -> BaseChannel? {
// MARK: - Input Keyboard events
/// This function calls ``updateLayoutsWithKeyboard(isHidden:notification:)`` that changes the ``baseInputComponent`` bottom constraint using keyboard height.
/// - Parameter notification: Notification object with keyboardFrame information
/// - Important: When override this method, please refer to ``updateLayoutsWithKeyboard(isHidden:notification:)`` to update ``baseInputComponent`` bottom constraint with keyboard height.
/// - Since: 1.2.5
open func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: Notification) {
self.updateLayoutsWithKeyboard(isHidden: false, notification: notification)
/// This function calls ``updateLayoutsWithKeyboard(isHidden:notification:)`` changes the ``baseInputComponent`` bottom constraint using keyboard height.
/// - Parameter notification: Notification object with keyboardFrame information
/// - Important: When override this method, please refer to ``updateLayoutsWithKeyboard(isHidden:notification:)`` to update ``baseInputComponent`` bottom constraint with keyboard height.
/// - Since: 1.2.5
open func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification) {
self.updateLayoutsWithKeyboard(isHidden: true, notification: notification)
// MARK: - SBUBaseChannelViewModelDataSource
open func baseChannelViewModel(_ viewModel: SBUBaseChannelViewModel,
isScrollNearBottomInChannel channel: BaseChannel?) -> Bool {
return self.baseListComponent?.isScrollNearByBottom ?? true
// MARK: - UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
open func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer,
shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer)
-> Bool {
return true
// MARK: - UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
open func presentationController(forPresented presented: UIViewController,
presenting: UIViewController?,
source: UIViewController) -> UIPresentationController? {
return SBUBottomSheetController(
presentedViewController: presented,
presenting: presenting
// MARK: - UIImagePickerControllerDelegate
open func imagePickerController(
_ picker: UIImagePickerController,
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey: Any]) {
picker.dismiss(animated: true) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard info[.mediaType] != nil else { return }
let mediaType = info[.mediaType] as! CFString
switch mediaType {
case kUTTypeImage:
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickImageFile(info: info)
case kUTTypeMovie:
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickVideoFile(info: info)
open func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_ picker: UIImagePickerController) {
picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
// MARK: - PHPickerViewControllerDelegate
/// Override this method to handle the `results` from `PHPickerViewController`.
/// As defaults, it doesn't support multi-selection and live photo.
/// - Important: To use this method, please assign self as delegate to `PHPickerViewController` object.
@available(iOS 14, *)
open func picker(_ picker: PHPickerViewController, didFinishPicking results: [PHPickerResult]) {
picker.dismiss(animated: true)
results.forEach {
let itemProvider = $0.itemProvider
/// !! Warining !!
/// Since the image identifier includes the gif identifier, the check of the gif type should take precedence over the image type comparison.
// GIF
if itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(UTType.gif.identifier) {
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickGIFFile(itemProvider: itemProvider)
// image
else if itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(UTType.image.identifier) {
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickImageFile(itemProvider: itemProvider)
// video
else if itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(UTType.movie.identifier) {
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickVideoFile(itemProvider: itemProvider)
// MARK: - UIDocumentPickerDelegate
open func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController,
didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickDocumentFile(documentURLs: urls)
// MARK: - UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate
open func documentInteractionControllerViewControllerForPreview(_ controller: UIDocumentInteractionController) -> UIViewController {
return self// or use return self.navigationController for fetching app navigation bar colour
// MARK: - SBUSelectablePhotoViewDelegate
/// Called when the image is picked from `SBUSelectablePhotoViewController`.
/// - Parameter data: The image data.
/// - Parameter fileName: The file name.
open func didTapSendImageData(_ data: Data, fileName: String? = nil, mimeType: String? = nil) {
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
inputComponent.pickImageData(data, fileName: fileName, mimeType: mimeType)
/// Called when the video is picked from `SBUSelectablePhotoViewController`
/// - Parameter url: The URL of the video
open func didTapSendVideoURL(_ url: URL) {
if let inputComponent = self.baseInputComponent {
// MARK: - SBUFileViewControllerDelegate
open func didSelectDeleteImage(message: FileMessage) {
SBULog.info("[Request] Delete message: \(message.description)")
self.baseViewModel?.deleteMessage(message: message)
// MARK: - SBUAlertViewDelegate
open func didDismissAlertView() { }
// MARK: - SBUCommonViewModelDelegate
open func shouldUpdateLoadingState(_ isLoading: Bool) {
open func didReceiveError(_ error: SBError?, isBlocker: Bool) {
if self.baseViewModel?.fullMessageList.isEmpty == true, isBlocker {
self.baseListComponent?.updateEmptyView(type: .error)
// MARK: - Deprecated, Unavailable
/// This function creates message menu items with cell and message.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: Sendbird's messageCell object
/// - message: `BaseMessage` object
/// - Returns: message menu type array
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use `SBUMenuItem` and `createMessageMenuItems(for:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List` instead.") // 3.1.2
public func createMessageMenuTypes(_ cell: UITableViewCell,
message: BaseMessage) -> [MessageMenuItem]? {
return nil
// TODO: UItableViewCell -> SBUBaseMessageCell
/// This function shows cell's menu.
/// This is used when the reaction feature is activated.
/// This function configures the menu items using the `message` object.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: Message cell
/// - message: Message object
/// - Since: 3.0.0
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Please use `showMessageMenuSheet(for:cell:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List` instead.") // 3.1.2
public func showMenuViewController(_ cell: UITableViewCell, message: BaseMessage) {
guard let listComponent = self.baseListComponent else { return }
listComponent.showMessageMenuSheet(for: message, cell: cell)
// TODO: UItableViewCell -> SBUBaseMessageCell
/// This function shows cell's menu. This is used when the reaction feature is activated.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: Message cell
/// - message: Message object
/// - types: Type array of menu items to use
/// - Since: 1.2.5
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use `showMessageMenuSheet(for:cell:)` and `createMessageMenuItems(for:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List` instead.") // 3.1.2
public func showMenuViewController(
_ cell: UITableViewCell,
message: BaseMessage,
types: [MessageMenuItem]?
) {
guard let listComponent = self.baseListComponent else { return }
listComponent.showMessageMenuSheet(for: message, cell: cell)
// TODO: UItableViewCell -> SBUBaseMessageCell
/// This function shows cell's menu.
/// This is used when the reaction feature is inactivated.
/// This function configures the menu items using the `message` object.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: Message cell
/// - indexPath: IndexPath
/// - message: Message object
/// - Since: 3.0.0
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Please use `showMessageContextMenu(for:cell:forRowAt:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List` instead.") // 3.1.2
open func showMenuModal(
_ cell: UITableViewCell,
indexPath: IndexPath,
message: BaseMessage
) {
self.baseListComponent?.showMessageContextMenu(for: message, cell: cell, forRowAt: indexPath)
// TODO: UItableViewCell -> SBUBaseMessageCell
/// This function shows cell's menu. This is used when the reaction feature is inactivated.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cell: Message cell
/// - indexPath: IndexPath
/// - message: Message object
/// - types: Type array of menu items to use
/// - Since: 1.2.5
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Please use `showMessageContextMenu(for:cell:forRowAt:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List` instead.") // 3.1.2
public func showMenuModal(
_ cell: UITableViewCell,
indexPath: IndexPath,
message: BaseMessage,
types: [MessageMenuItem]?
) { self.baseListComponent?.showMessageContextMenu(for: message, cell: cell, forRowAt: indexPath) }
/// This function shows cell's menu: retry, delete, cancel.
/// This is used when selected failed message.
/// - Parameter message: Message object
/// - Since: 2.1.12
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Please use `showFailedMessageMenu(on:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List`") // 3.1.2
public func showFailedMessageMenu(message: BaseMessage) {
let retryItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: SBUStringSet.Retry,
color: self.theme.menuItemTintColor
) { [weak self] in
self?.baseViewModel?.resendMessage(failedMessage: message)
if let baseListComponent = self?.baseListComponent {
self?.baseChannelModuleDidTapScrollToButton(baseListComponent, animated: true)
let deleteItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: SBUStringSet.Delete,
color: self.theme.deleteItemColor
) { [weak self] in
self?.baseViewModel?.deleteResendableMessage(message, needReload: true)
let cancelItem = SBUActionSheetItem(
title: SBUStringSet.Cancel,
color: self.theme.cancelItemColor,
completionHandler: nil
items: [retryItem, deleteItem],
cancelItem: cancelItem
/// This function shows delete message alert.
/// - Parameters:
/// - message: message object to delete
/// - oneTimetheme: One-time theme
/// - Since: 3.0.0
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Please use `showDeleteMessageAlert(on:oneTimeTheme:)` in `SBUBaseChannelModule.List`") // 3.1.2
public func showDeleteMessageMenu(message: BaseMessage,
oneTimetheme: SBUComponentTheme? = nil) {
self.baseListComponent?.showDeleteMessageAlert(on: message, oneTimeTheme: oneTimetheme)