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// SBUOpenChannelListModule.List.swift
// SendbirdUIKit
// Created by Tez Park on 2022/08/21.
// Copyright © 2022 Sendbird, Inc. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK
/// Event methods for the views updates and performing actions from the list component in the open channel list.
public protocol SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDelegate: SBUBaseChannelListModuleListDelegate {}
/// Methods to get data source for the list component in the open channel list.
public protocol SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDataSource: SBUBaseChannelListModuleListDataSource {}
extension SBUOpenChannelListModule {
/// A module component that represent the list of `SBUOpenChannelListModule`.
@objcMembers open class List: SBUBaseChannelListModule.List {
// MARK: - UI properties (Public)
/// The object that is used as the theme of the list component. The theme must adopt the `SBUOpenChannelListTheme` class.
public var theme: SBUOpenChannelListTheme?
// MARK: - Logic properties (Public)
/// The object that acts as the delegate of the list component. The delegate must adopt the `SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDelegate`.
public weak var delegate: SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDelegate? {
get { self.baseDelegate as? SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDelegate }
set { self.baseDelegate = newValue }
/// The object that acts as the data source of the list component. The data source must adopt the `SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDataSource`.
public weak var dataSource: SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDataSource? {
get { self.baseDataSource as? SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDataSource }
set { self.baseDataSource = newValue }
/// The current channel list object from `baseChannelListModule(_:channelsInTableView:)` data source method.
public var channelList: [OpenChannel]? {
self.baseChannelList as? [OpenChannel]
// MARK: - LifeCycle
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SBUOpenChannelListModule.List()")
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: coder) }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SBUOpenChannelListModule.List()")
public override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) }
deinit {
/// Configures component with parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - delegate: `SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDelegate` type listener
/// - dataSource: The data source that is type of `SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDataSource`
/// - theme: `SBUOpenChannelListTheme` object
open func configure(delegate: SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDelegate,
dataSource: SBUOpenChannelListModuleListDataSource,
theme: SBUOpenChannelListTheme) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.dataSource = dataSource
self.theme = theme
self.isPullToRefreshEnabled = true
/// Set values of the views in the list component when it needs.
open override func setupViews() {
// register cell
if self.channelCell == nil {
self.register(channelCell: SBUOpenChannelCell())
/// Sets up style with theme. If set theme parameter is nil value, using the stored theme.
/// - Parameter theme: `SBUOpenChannelListTheme` object
open func setupStyles(theme: SBUOpenChannelListTheme? = nil) {
if let theme = theme {
self.theme = theme
self.tableView.backgroundColor = self.theme?.backgroundColor
(self.emptyView as? SBUEmptyView)?.setupStyles()
if isPullToRefreshEnabled {
self.tableView.refreshControl?.backgroundColor = self.theme?.refreshBackgroundColor
self.tableView.refreshControl?.tintColor = self.theme?.refreshIndicatorColor
// MARK: - UITableView relations
extension SBUOpenChannelListModule.List {
open override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return super.numberOfSections(in: tableView)
open override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
self.delegate?.baseChannelListModule(self, didSelectRowAt: indexPath)
open override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard indexPath.row < self.channelList?.count ?? 0 else {
let error = SBError(domain: "The index is out of range.", code: -1, userInfo: nil)
self.delegate?.didReceiveError(error, isBlocker: false)
return UITableViewCell()
var cell: SBUBaseChannelCell?
if let channelCell = self.channelCell {
cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
withIdentifier: channelCell.sbu_className
) as? SBUBaseChannelCell
} else if let customCell = self.customCell {
cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
withIdentifier: customCell.sbu_className
) as? SBUBaseChannelCell
} else {
cell = SBUBaseChannelCell()
cell?.selectionStyle = .none
self.configureCell(cell, indexPath: indexPath)
return cell ?? UITableViewCell()
open override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell,
forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let rowForPreloading = Int(SBUOpenChannelListViewModel.channelLoadLimit)/2
let channelListCount = self.channelList?.count ?? 0
if channelListCount > 0,
indexPath.row == (channelListCount - rowForPreloading) {
self.delegate?.baseChannelListModule(self, didDetectPreloadingPosition: indexPath)
open override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
tableView.backgroundView?.isHidden = !(self.channelList?.isEmpty ?? true)
return self.channelList?.count ?? 0